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Java in a Nutshell

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JDK Tools



javah---Native Method C File Generator


JDK 1.0 and later.


javah [ options ] classnames


javah generates C header and source files (.h and .c files) that describe the specified classes. Note that classes are specified by classname, not filename. These generated C files provide the information necessary for implementing native methods for the specified classes in C. By default, javah produces output files suitable for the native interface used in JDK 1.0. If the -jni option is specified, it generates output files for use with the Java 1.1 Java Native Interface (JNI).

By default, javah generates a header file for the specified class or classes. This header file declares a C struct that contains fields that correspond to the instance fields of the Java class. The header also declares a procedure that you must implement for each of the native methods that the Java class contains. (A full description of how to implement Java native methods in C is beyond the scope of this reference page.)

If javah is run with the -stubs option, it generates a .c file that contains additional stub procedures necessary for linking the native method into the Java environment. Note that you should not put your native method implementation in this generated stub file.

With the -jni option specified, javah generates C header files that declare function prototypes each of the native methods of the specified classes. No structure definitions are required using this new native interface. The JNI does not require stub files, either, so -stubs should not be specified with -jni.

By default, javah creates C files in the current directory and bases their name on the name of the class. If the name of the class includes a package name, then the C files include all the components of the fully qualified class name, with periods replaced by underscores. You can override this default behavior with the -d and -o options.


-classpath path

The path that javah uses to look up the classes named on the command line. This option overrides the default path, and any path specified by the CLASSPATH environment variable. The path specified is an ordered list of directories and ZIP files, separated by colons on UNIX systems or semicolons on Windows systems.

To specify additional directories or ZIP files for javah to search without overriding the default system class path, use the CLASSPATH environment variable. See the java reference page for more information on specifying paths.

-d directory

Specifies a directory where javah should store the files it generates. By default it stores them in the current directory. This option does not work with -o; you must specify any desired directory within the -o filename.


Causes javah to display a simple usage message and exit.


Specifies that javah should output a header file for use with the new JNI (Java Native Interface), rather than using the old JDK 1.0 native interface. Available in JDK 1.1 and later.

-o outputfile

Combine all .h or .c file output into a single file, outputfile. This is a convenience when you want to implement native methods for a number of classes in a single package. It allows you to avoid having many short .h and .c files that must be manipulated separately.


Generate .c stub files for the class or classes, and do not generate the .h header files. Without this option, javah generates header files.

-td directory

The directory where javah should store temporary files. The default is /tmp.


Specifies that javah should include tracing output commands in the stub files it generates.


Verbose. Causes javah to print messages about what it is doing.


Causes javah to display its version number.



Specifies an ordered list (colon-separated on UNIX, semicolon-separated on Windows systems) of directories and ZIP files in which javah should look for class definitions. When a path is specified with this environment variable, javah always implicitly appends the location of the system classes to the end of the path. If this environment variable is not specified, the default path is the current directory and the system classes. This variable is overridden by the -classpath option.

See Also

java, javac

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