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Java in a Nutshell

Previous Chapter 20
The java.awt.event Package

20.24 java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener (JDK 1.1)

This interface defines the methods that an object must implement to "listen" for mouse motion events on AWT components. When a MouseEvent occurs involving a mouse drag or mouse motion with no buttons down, an AWT component notifies its registered MouseMotionListener objects by invoking one of their methods.

An easy way to implement this is by subclassing the MouseMotionAdapter class.

public abstract interface MouseMotionListener extends EventListener {
    // Public Instance Methods
            public abstract void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e);
            public abstract void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e);

Implemented By:

AWTEventMulticaster, MouseMotionAdapter

Passed To:

AWTEventMulticaster.add(), AWTEventMulticaster.remove(), Component.addMouseMotionListener(), Component.removeMouseMotionListener()

Returned By:

AWTEventMulticaster.add(), AWTEventMulticaster.remove()

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java.awt.event.MouseMotionAdapter (JDK 1.1) Book Index java.awt.event.PaintEvent (JDK 1.1)

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