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Java in a Nutshell

Previous Chapter 20
The java.awt.event Package

20.29 java.awt.event.WindowEvent (JDK 1.1)

An event of this type indicates that an important action has occurred for a Window object.

Call getWindow() to determine the Window object that is the source of this event. Call getID() to determine the specific type of event that has occurred. Each of the following seven constants corresponds to one of the methods of the WindowListener interface:


This type indicates that the window has been created and opened; it is only delivered the first time that a window is opened.


This type indicates that the user has requested that the window be closed through the system menu, or through a close button on the window's border, or by invoking a platform-defined keystroke, such as Alt-F4 in Windows. The application should respond to this event by calling hide() or destroy() on the Window object.


This event type is delivered after a window is closed by a call to hide() or destroy().


This event type is delivered when the user iconifies the window.


This event type is delivered when the user de-iconifies the window.


This event type is delivered when the window is activated--that is, when it is given the keyboard focus and becomes the "active" window.


This event type is delivered when the window ceases to be the active window, typically when the user activates some other window.

public class WindowEvent extends ComponentEvent {
    // Public Constructor
            public WindowEvent(Window source, int id);
    // Constants
            public static final int WINDOW_ACTIVATED;
            public static final int WINDOW_CLOSED;
            public static final int WINDOW_CLOSING;
            public static final int WINDOW_DEACTIVATED;
            public static final int WINDOW_DEICONIFIED;
            public static final int WINDOW_FIRST;
            public static final int WINDOW_ICONIFIED;
            public static final int WINDOW_LAST;
            public static final int WINDOW_OPENED;
    // Public Instance Methods
            public Window getWindow();
            public String paramString();  // Overrides ComponentEvent



Passed To:

AWTEventMulticaster.windowActivated(), AWTEventMulticaster.windowClosed(), AWTEventMulticaster.windowClosing(), AWTEventMulticaster.windowDeactivated(), AWTEventMulticaster.windowDeiconified(), AWTEventMulticaster.windowIconified(), AWTEventMulticaster.windowOpened(), Window.processWindowEvent(), WindowAdapter.windowActivated(), WindowAdapter.windowClosed(), WindowAdapter.windowClosing(), WindowAdapter.windowDeactivated(), WindowAdapter.windowDeiconified(), WindowAdapter.windowIconified(), WindowAdapter.windowOpened(), WindowListener.windowActivated(), WindowListener.windowClosed(), WindowListener.windowClosing(), WindowListener.windowDeactivated(), WindowListener.windowDeiconified(), WindowListener.windowIconified(), WindowListener.windowOpened()

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java.awt.event.WindowAdapter (JDK 1.1) Book Index java.awt.event.WindowListener (JDK 1.1)

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