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Java in a Nutshell

Previous Chapter 25
The java.lang Package

25.49 java.lang.Process (JDK 1.0)

This class describes a process that is running externally to the Java interpreter. Note that a Process is a very different thing than a Thread. The Process class is abstract and may not be instantiated. Call one of the Runtime.exec() methods to start a process and return a corresponding Process object.

waitFor() blocks until the Process exits. exitValue() returns the exit code of the process. destroy() kills the process. getInputStream() returns an InputStream from which you can read any bytes the process sends to its standard error stream. getErrorStream() returns an InputStream from which you can read any bytes the process sends to its standard output stream. getOutputStream() returns an OutputStream that you can use to send bytes to the standard input stream of the process.

public abstract class Process extends Object {
    // Default Constructor: public Process()
    // Public Instance Methods
            public abstract void destroy();
            public abstract int exitValue();
            public abstract InputStream getErrorStream();
            public abstract InputStream getInputStream();
            public abstract OutputStream getOutputStream();
            public abstract int waitFor() throws InterruptedException;

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