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Java in a Nutshell

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The java.math Package

27.2 java.math.BigInteger (JDK 1.1)

This subclass of java.lang.Number represents integers that can be arbitrarily large--i.e., integers that are not limited to the 64 bits available with the long data type. BigInteger defines methods that duplicate the functionality of the standard Java arithmetic and bit-manipulation operators. The compareTo() method compares two BigInteger objects, and returns -1, 0, or 1 to indicate the result of the comparison.

The gcd(), modPow(), modInverse(), and isProbablePrime() methods perform advanced operations and are used primarily in cryptography and related algorithms.

public class BigInteger extends Number {
    // Public Constructors
            public BigInteger(byte[] val) throws NumberFormatException;
            public BigInteger(int signum, byte[] magnitude) throws NumberFormatException;
            public BigInteger(String val, int radix) throws NumberFormatException;
            public BigInteger(String val) throws NumberFormatException;
            public BigInteger(int numBits, Random rndSrc) throws IllegalArgumentException;
            public BigInteger(int bitLength, int certainty, Random rnd);
    // Class Methods
            public static BigInteger valueOf(long val);
    // Public Instance Methods
            public BigInteger abs();
            public BigInteger add(BigInteger val) throws ArithmeticException;
            public BigInteger and(BigInteger val);
            public BigInteger andNot(BigInteger val);
            public int bitCount();
            public int bitLength();
            public BigInteger clearBit(int n) throws ArithmeticException;
            public int compareTo(BigInteger val);
            public BigInteger divide(BigInteger val) throws ArithmeticException;
            public BigInteger[] divideAndRemainder(BigInteger val) throws ArithmeticException;
            public double doubleValue();  // Defines Number
            public boolean equals(Object x);  // Overrides Object
            public BigInteger flipBit(int n) throws ArithmeticException;
            public float floatValue();  // Defines Number
            public BigInteger gcd(BigInteger val);
            public int getLowestSetBit();
            public int hashCode();  // Overrides Object
            public int intValue();  // Defines Number
            public boolean isProbablePrime(int certainty);
            public long longValue();  // Defines Number
            public BigInteger max(BigInteger val);
            public BigInteger min(BigInteger val);
            public BigInteger mod(BigInteger m);
            public BigInteger modInverse(BigInteger m) throws ArithmeticException;
            public BigInteger modPow(BigInteger exponent, BigInteger m);
            public BigInteger multiply(BigInteger val);
            public BigInteger negate();
            public BigInteger not();
            public BigInteger or(BigInteger val);
            public BigInteger pow(int exponent) throws ArithmeticException;
            public BigInteger remainder(BigInteger val) throws ArithmeticException;
            public BigInteger setBit(int n) throws ArithmeticException;
            public BigInteger shiftLeft(int n);
            public BigInteger shiftRight(int n);
            public int signum();
            public BigInteger subtract(BigInteger val);
            public boolean testBit(int n) throws ArithmeticException;
            public byte[] toByteArray();
            public String toString(int radix);
            public String toString();  // Overrides Object
            public BigInteger xor(BigInteger val);



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