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Java in a Nutshell

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The java.util Package

30.11 java.util.ListResourceBundle (JDK 1.1)

This abstract class provides a simple way to define a ResourceBundle. You may find it easier to subclass ListResourceBundle than to subclass ResourceBundle directly.

ListResourceBundle provides implementations for the abstract handleGetObject() and getKeys() methods defined by ResourceBundle, and it adds its own abstract getContents() method that your subclasses must override. getContents() returns an Object[][]--an array of arrays of objects. This array can have any number of elements. Each element of this array must itself be an array with two elements: the first element of each subarray should be a String that specifies the name of a resource, and the corresponding second element should be the value of that resource--this value can be an Object of any desired type.

See also ResourceBundle and PropertyResourceBundle.

public abstract class ListResourceBundle extends ResourceBundle {
    // Default Constructor: public ListResourceBundle()
    // Public Instance Methods
            public Enumeration getKeys();  // Defines ResourceBundle
            public final Object handleGetObject(String key);  // Defines ResourceBundle
    // Protected Instance Methods
            protected abstract Object[][] getContents();



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