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Java in a Nutshell

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The java.util Package

30.20 java.util.ResourceBundle (JDK 1.1)

This abstract class allows subclasses to define sets of localized resources which can then be dynamically loaded as needed by internationalized programs. Such resources may include user-visible text and images that appear in an application, and even more complex things such as Menu objects.

Use getBundle() to load a ResourceBundle subclass that is appropriate for the default or the specified locale. Use getObject(), getString(), and getStringArray() to look up a named resource in a bundle. To define a bundle, provide implementations of handleGetObject() and getKeys(). It is often easier, however, to subclass ListResourceBundle, or to provide a property file that is used by PropertyResourceBundle. The name of any localized ResourceBundle class you define should include the locale language code, and, optionally, the locale country code.

public abstract class ResourceBundle extends Object {
    // Default Constructor: public ResourceBundle()
    // Protected Instance Variables
            protected ResourceBundle parent;
    // Class Methods
            public static final ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName) throws MissingResourceException;
            public static final ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName, Locale locale);
    // Public Instance Methods
            public abstract Enumeration getKeys();
            public final Object getObject(String key) throws MissingResourceException;
            public final String getString(String key) throws MissingResourceException;
            public final String[] getStringArray(String key) throws MissingResourceException;
    // Protected Instance Methods
            protected abstract Object handleGetObject(String key) throws MissingResourceException;
            protected void setParent(ResourceBundle parent);

Extended By:

ListResourceBundle, PropertyResourceBundle

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