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5.8. Limits on Forms

The examples in this chapter use approaches to form-data submission that work well for almost all form systems that you'd run into, namely, systems where the form data is meant to be keyed into HTML forms that do not change. Some form systems can't be treated with that approach because they contain JavaScript code that can do just about anything, such as manipulate the form data in arbitrary ways before sending it to the server. The best one can do in such cases is write Perl code that replicates what the JavaScript code does, as needed.

Some form systems are problematic not because of JavaScript, but because the forms into which users are meant to key data are not always the same each time they're loaded. In most cases, the extent of change is merely a hidden form variable containing a session ID. These you can code around by using LWP to download the form, extracting the session ID or other hidden fields, and submitting those along with your other values.

In a few remaining cases where the form in question is predictable enough for a program to manipulate it, but unpredictable enough that your program needs to carefully scrutinize its contents each time before choosing what form data to submit, you may be able put to good use either of the two CPAN modules that provide an abstracted interface to forms and the fields in them, HTML::Form and HTTP::Request::Form.

HTML::Form is an LWP class for objects representing HTML forms. That is, it parses HTML source that you give it and builds an object for the form, each form containing an object for each input element in the form. HTML::Request::Form is quite similar, except it takes as input an HTML::TreeBuilder tree, not HTML source text. In practice, however, those modules are needed in very few cases, and the simpler strategies in this chapter will be enough for submitting just about any form on the Web and processing the result.

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