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8.78. ExtUtils::Mksymlists

Produces option files used by some operating systems' linkers during creation of shared libraries for dynamic extensions. Normally called from a Makefile when a module is built; it exports one function.


Mksymlists (varlist)

Creates the linker option file. The varlist argument is a list of key/value pairs. For example:

use ExtUtils::Mksymlists;
Mksymlists({ NAME     => $name,
             DL_VARS  => [$var1, $var2, $var3],
             DL_FUNCS => [$pkg1 => [$func1, $func2],
                          $pkg2 => [$func3]});

Valid keys are:

The name by which the linker knows the module. If not specified, it is derived from the NAME attribute. Currently used only by OS/2.

Identical to the MakeMaker DL_FUNCS attribute and usually taken from it. Its value is a reference to a hash, in which each key is a package name, and each value is a reference to an array of function names to be exported by the module.

Identical to the MakeMaker DL_VARS attribute, and usually taken from it. Its value is a reference to an array of variable names to be exported by the extension.

The name of the linker option file (minus the OS-specific extension) if you don't want to use the default value (the last word of the NAME attribute).

An alternate way of specifying function names to be exported from the module. Its value is a reference to an array of function names to be exported, which are passed unaltered to the linker options file.

The name of the module for which the linker option file is to be produced. Should always be specified.

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