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8.90. ExtUtils::Packlist

Manages .packlist files. Supports an extended .packlist format. The original format is a list of absolute pathnames, one pathname per line. In the extended format, each line can also contain a list of attributes as key/value pairs, which are used by the installperl script. For example:

/usr/local/bin/perl from=/usr/local/pbeta/bin/perl5.005 type=link
/usr/local/bin/perl5.005 type=file
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.005/ type=file

Also see ExtUtils::Installed.


$pl = ExtUtils::Packlist->new([plfile])

Constructor. Takes the name of a .packlist as the optional parameter and returns a reference to a hash that has an entry for each line in the .packlist. The value associated with each key is undef for oldstyle .packlists. For files in the extended format, the value for each key is a hash containing the key/value pairs on the line associated with that key.


$pl->packlist_file(  )

Returns the name of the associated .packlist file.



Reads the .packlist specified by the plfile parameter if given; otherwise, reads the file associated with $pl. Calls Carp::croak if the file doesn't exist.



Checks that each file in the .packlist exists. An optional argument can be specified; if the argument is present and evaluates to true, missing files are removed from the internal hash. Returns a list of missing files, or an empty list if the files all exist.



Writes to a .packlist. Optionally takes the name of the .packlist to be written; otherwise, overwrites the .packlist associated with $pl. If the value associated with a hash key is a scalar, the entry written to the .packlist is a simple filename. If the value is a hash, the entry written is the filename followed by the key/value pairs from the hash.

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