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21.14. The Menubutton Widget
Create a menubutton with the
Menubutton method. For example:
$mainwindow->Menubutton(-text => "File",
-menuitems => [ [ command => "New",
-command => \&newfile,
-underline => 0 ],
[ command => "Open",
-command => \&openfile,
-underline => 0 ],
[ command => "Save",
-command => \&savefile,
-underline => 0 ],
[ command => "SaveAs",
-command => \&saveasfile,
-underline => 4 ] ] );
The -menuitems
option takes a list of lists describing the menu items. For each menu
item, an embedded anonymous list describes the type of menu item, the
label to use, and the action to take when it is selected along with
any other options desired to configure the menu item. In this
example, each of the menu items is the command
type, and we use the -command option for each item
to point to the callback to execute when the menu item is selected.
We also use the -underline option to enable the
user to select a menu item using keystrokes.
represents a separator between menu items.)
In addition to command, other types of menus are:
- cascade
Embeds a cascade menu
- checkbutton
Treats the menu item as a checkbutton
- radiobutton
Treats the menu item as a radiobutton
You can configure both the menu itself and the individual menu items.
The configuration options that apply to Menubutton
are: -activebackground,
-anchor, -background,
-bg, -bitmap,
-borderwidth, -bw,
-font, -foreground,
-fg, -height,
-highlightthickness, -image,
-justify, -padx,
-pady, -relief,
-state, -takefocus,
-underline, -width, and
Other Menubutton options are:
- -indicatoron => boolean
Determines whether to display an
- -menu => $menu
Displays the menu associated with
- -menuitems => list
Specifies items to create in the menu
as a list of lists. See the description at the beginning of this
- -tearoff => boolean
Whether to allow the menu to be
"torn off." Default is
- -text => string
Specifies the text to display as a
label for the button.
- -textvariable => \$variable
Points to the variable containing text
to be displayed in the menubutton. Button text will change as
$variable does.
21.14.1. Menu Item Options
In addition to the menu itself, each individual menu item can be
configured. The widget configuration options that apply to menu items
are: -activebackground,
-background, -bg,
-bitmap, -font,
-foreground, -fg,
-image, -state, and
-underline. Other options are:
- -accelerator
Displays an accelerator key
sequence for the menu item. The key sequence must be independently
defined with a bind.
- -command => callback
Pointer to a function that will be
called when the menu item is selected.
- -indicatoron => boolean
Determines whether to display an
- -label => string
The string to use as a label for the
menu item.
- -menu => $submenu
For a cascade menu, points to the menu
to embed.
- -offvalue => newvalue
For a checkbutton, specifies the value
used when the checkbutton is off.
- -onvalue => newvalue
For a checkbutton, specifies the value
used when the checkbutton is on.
- -selectcolor => color
For a checkbutton or radiobutton, color
of the indicator when on.
- -selectimage => imgptr
For a checkbutton or radiobutton,
defines the image to be displayed instead of text when the
radiobutton is on. Ignored if -image is not used.
- -value => value
For a radiobutton, sets
$variable to the
specified value when the radiobutton is selected (default is
- -variable => \$variable
Associates the value of the menu item
to the specified variable.
21.14.2. Menubutton Methods
In addition to configure and
cget, the following methods are defined for
Menubutton widgets:
- AddItems
Adds menu items to the end of the
menu. The arguments to AddItems are lists
configuring each menu item, similar to the lists defined with the
-menuitem option.
$menubutton->AddItems([command => "Print",
-command => \&printscreen ],
[command => "Exit",
-command => \&exitclean ]);
- command
Adds a command item to the end of the
menu. The above example could have read:
$menubutton->command(-label => "Print", -command => \&printscreen);
$menubutton->command(-label => "Exit", -command => \&exitclean);
- checkbutton
Adds a checkbutton item to the end
of the menu:
$menubutton->checkbutton(-label => "Show Toolbar",
-variable => \$toolbar);
- radiobutton
Adds a radiobutton item to the end
of the menu:
$menubutton->radiobutton(-label => "Red", -variable => \$color);
$menubutton->radiobutton(-label => "Blue", -variable => \$color);
- separator
Adds a separator line to the end of
a menu.
- cascade
Adds a cascade item to the end of
the menu.
- menu
Returns a reference to the menu.
- entrycget
Gets information on a menu entry given
an index and option to query.
- entryconfigure
Changes information on a specific menu
item given an index.
 |  |  |
21.13. The Scale Widget |  | 21.15. The Menu Widget |
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