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21.18. The Toplevel Widget
Create a toplevel widget, displayed
independently from the main window with the same decoration as the
window system, using the Toplevel method.
The standard configuration options that apply to
Toplevel are: -background,
-bg, -borderwidth,
-bw, -cursor,
-height, -highlightbackground,
-highlightthickness, -relief,
-takefocus, and -width.
Other options are:
- -class => name
class associated with the Toplevel widget.
- -colormap => \$window
Specifies another window to share the
colormap with. You can point to another window or use the value
new to specify a new colormap. Default is
- -screen => screen
The screen to place the toplevel
widget on.
- -visual => type n
the X Window System, changes the depth of colors.
21.18.1. Toplevel Methods
In addition to cget and
configure, the following methods are supported by
the Toplevel widget. Note that since the MainWindow is a Toplevel
widget, each of these methods applies to the MainWindow as well.
- aspect
Returns the constraints to the aspect of
the window. The four-item list returned corresponds to the minimum
width, the minimum height, the maximum width, and the maximum height.
- client
Assigns a name to the toplevel window.
- colormapwindows
For the X Window System, passes a
list of windows to the window manager that have private colormaps.
Controls the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property.
- command
For the X Window System, returns the
command used to start the application.
- deiconify
Displays an iconified window.
- focusmodel
Gives up the keyboard focus to another
- frame
Returns the ID of the parent widget as a
hexadecimal string.
- geometry
For the X Window System, gets the
geometry of the Toplevel widget.
- grid
Changes the size of the
Toplevel's grid.
- group
Makes the widget the group leader of a
set of related windows.
- iconbitmap
Identifies a bitmap to use as an icon
when the window is iconified.
- iconify
Iconifies the window.
- iconmask
Specifies a mask for the icon bitmap.
- iconname
Assigns text to be associated with the
- iconposition
Specifies a position for the icon on the
- iconwindow
Specifies a widget to use in place of an
icon when iconified.
- maxsize
Specifies the largest size for the
- minsize
Specifies the smallest size for the
- overrideredirect
Removes window decorations from
the window.
- positionfrom
Returns either
program or user to tell you
whether the user or window manager requested its current position.
- protocol
Given one of the window managers
define a callback to execute when an associated event is detected.
- resizable
Takes Boolean values representing
whether the window can be resized in width and height, respectively.
- sizefrom
Returns either
program or user to tell you
whether the user or window manager requested its current size.
- state
Returns normal,
iconic, or withdrawn,
indicating the current state of the window.
- title
Changes the title at the top of the
- transient
Indicates to the window manager that the
window is transient.
- withdraw
Makes the window nonvisible.
 |  |  |
21.17. The Frame Widget |  | X. Win32 |
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