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0.5. What's New in the Fifth Edition

Unix keeps evolving, and this book changes with it. Although most tips in this book work on all Unix systems, old and new, there have been changes since 1997 that justify a fifth edition. Over the years, readers have asked us to include topics that couldn't be covered in just a few paragraphs--a text editor, for instance. We've decided to let this little book grow just a bit by adding several-page overviews of popular Unix tools: the Pico text editor, the Pine email program, the Lynx web browser, and two interactive chat programs. Networking is much more common, so we've added a new chapter about it. Our windowing examples show newer window systems and you'll find sections about command-line editing. There's a new Glossary with definitions of common terms, and the Index has also been expanded. Finally, we've made changes suggested by our readers.

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