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Java in a Nutshell

Previous Chapter 5
Inner Classes and Other New Language Features

5.2 Nested Top-Level Classes and Interfaces

As explained above, a nested top-level class or interface is just like a regular package-member class or interface, except that, for convenience, it has been nested within another class or interface. Note that nested top-level classes and interfaces must be declared static. They can only be nested within other top-level classes and interfaces (i.e., they cannot be declared within inner classes), but they can be nested to any depth.

Example 5.1 shows how you might define a nested top-level "helper" interface. Note the use of the static keyword in the declaration of the interface. The example also shows how this interface is used both within the class that contains it and by external classes. Note the use of its hierarchical name in the external class.

Example 5.1: Defining and Using a Nested Top-Level Interface

public class LinkedList {
  // This nested top-level helper interface is defined as a static member.
  public interface Linkable {
    public Linkable getNext();
    public void setNext(Linkable node);
  // The head of the list is a Linkable object.
  Linkable head;  
  // Method bodies omitted.
  public void insert(Linkable node) { ... } 
  public remove(Linkable node) { ... } 
// This class defines a type of node that we'd like to use in
// a linked list.  Note the nested interface name in the implements clause.
class LinkableInteger implements LinkedList.Linkable
  // Here's the node's data and constructor.
  int i;
  public LinkableInteger(int i) { this.i = i; }
  // Here are the data and methods required to implement the interface.
  LinkedList.Linkable next;
  public LinkedList.Linkable getNext() { return next; }
  public void setNext(LinkedList.Linkable node) { next = node; }

The import statement can be used to import nested top-level classes and interfaces from the class that defines them, just as it can be used to import package member top-level classes and interfaces from the package that defines them. Example 5.2 shows a new definition of the LinkableInteger class from Example 5.1 that uses an import statement to allow it to refer to the Linkable interface by its simple, unqualified name (i.e., the name of the enclosing class is no longer needed).

Example 5.2: Importing a Static Member Class

import LinkedList.*;     // Or use import LinkedList.Linkable;
// Since we use an import statement, we can just type
// "Linkable" instead of "LinkedList.Linkable".
class LinkableInteger2 implements Linkable
  int i;
  public LinkableInteger2(int i) { this.i = i; }
  Linkable next;
  public Linkable getNext() { return next; }
  public void setNext(Linkable node) { next = node; }

Nested Top-Level Classes and .class Files

When you compile the file shown in Example 5.1, you'll find that two class files are generated. The first is named LinkedList.class, as expected. The second, however, is named LinkedList$Linkable.class. The $ in this name is automatically inserted by the Java 1.1 compiler.

The Java Virtual Machine knows nothing about nested top-level classes and interfaces or the various types of inner classes. Therefore, the Java compiler must convert these new types into standard, non-nested class files that the Java interpreter can understand. This is done through source-code transformations that insert $ characters into nested class names. These source-code transformations may also insert hidden fields, methods, and constructor arguments into the affected classes. Unless you are writing a Java 1.1 compiler, however, you do not need to know the details of these source-code transformations, and you will typically not even notice them, except in the names of class files. [2]

[2] See the Java Language Specification if you want complete details on the source-code transformations performed by the Java 1.1 compiler to support inner classes.

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