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Index: Symbols & Numbers

$1, $2, ... (backreferences): 6.0.3. Special Variables (Perl Cookbook)
finding duplicate words: 6.16.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
-- autodecrement operator: 10.6. Autoincrement and Autodecrement (Learning Perl)
` ` backquotes/backticks: 1.5. A Whirlwind Tour of Perl (Learning Perl)
14.4. Using Backquotes to Capture Output (Learning Perl)
{ } (braces)
(see also curly braces)
hash key, enclosing in: Hashes. (Programming Perl)
- hyphen: 6.2. Input from the Diamond Operator (Learning Perl)
8.1. Character Classes (Learning Perl)
in PYX notation: 4.5. XML::PYX (Perl & XML)
( ) parentheses (see also parentheses)
in PYX notation: 4.5. XML::PYX (Perl & XML)
' ' single quotes: 2.3.1. Single-Quoted String Literals (Learning Perl)
[ ] (square brackets): 2.5. Entities (Perl & XML)
< access mode: 7.0.3. I/O Operations (Perl Cookbook)
> access mode: 7.0.3. I/O Operations (Perl Cookbook)
<! (delimiters): 3.7.1. DTDs (Perl & XML)
< > (angle brackets): 2.2. Markup, Elements, and Structure (Perl & XML)
2.9. Free-Form XML and Well-Formed Documents (Perl & XML)
parsers and: 3.1. XML Parsers (Perl & XML)
well-formed documents, checking: 3.1.1. Example (of What Not to Do): A Well-Formedness Checker (Perl & XML)
< for left justification: 7.1. Format Variables (Programming Perl)
< > (diamond) operator: 7.0.3. I/O Operations (Perl Cookbook)
7.7.2. Solution (Perl Cookbook)
8.0. Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
17.0. Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
<&= and <& open modes: 7.19.2. Solution (Perl Cookbook)
-> (infix) notation: 11.0.1. References (Perl Cookbook)
- subtraction operator: 2.2.5. Numeric Operators (Learning Perl)
& (ampersand): 3.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators (Programming Perl)
4.3. Invoking a Subroutine (Learning Perl)
4.11.1. Omitting the Ampersand (Learning Perl)
2.5. Entities (Perl & XML)
3.8. XML::Writer (Perl & XML)
parsers and: 3.1. XML Parsers (Perl & XML)
well-formed documents, checking: 3.1.1. Example (of What Not to Do): A Well-Formedness Checker (Perl & XML)
address-of operator (in C): 3.21. C Operators Missing from Perl (Programming Perl)
&& operator used with tags: 9.9. Tags (Mastering Perl/Tk)
& (bitwise and) operator: 3.13. Bitwise Operators (Programming Perl)
&& (AND) operator: 3.14. C-Style Logical (Short-Circuit) Operators (Programming Perl)
AND bitwise operator: 4.5.10. Bitwise Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
attachments and: Widget-to-widget attachments (Mastering Perl/Tk)
calling subroutines: 4.7.1. Calling Subroutines (Perl in a Nutshell)
in encoded URLs: 9.2. URL Encoding (Perl in a Nutshell)
in filenames: 29.2.104. open (Programming Perl)
Perl version 5, changes in use: 1.2.2. Verbs (Programming Perl)
prototype character: 6.4. Prototypes (Programming Perl)
prototype symbol: 4.7.5. Prototypes (Perl in a Nutshell)
for subroutine names: 1.2.1. Variable Syntax (Programming Perl)
2.5. Names (Programming Perl)
2.5. Names (Programming Perl)
4.6. goto (Programming Perl)
6.1. Syntax (Programming Perl)
omitting in prototypes: 6.4. Prototypes (Programming Perl)
&&= (assignment) operator: 4.5.6. Assignment Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
3.17. Assignment Operators (Programming Perl)
&= (assignment) operator: 4.5.6. Assignment Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
< > (angle brackets)
<=> (comparison) operator: Equality operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
<...> (line-input) operator: 4.9. Filehandles (Perl in a Nutshell)
<<= (assignment) operator: 4.5.6. Assignment Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
<< debugger commands, and: 6.2. Debugger Commands (Perl in a Nutshell)
< (less-than) operator: Relational operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
<= (less-than-or-equal) operator: Relational operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
>>= (assignment) operator: 4.5.6. Assignment Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
> (greater-than) operator: Relational operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
>= (greater-than-or-equal) operator: Relational operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
>> (to open file for appending): 4.9. Filehandles (Perl in a Nutshell)
.= append operator: 2.5.3. Binary Assignment Operators (Learning Perl)
@+ array of ending positions: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
@_ array variable: 4.5. Arguments (Learning Perl)
= assignment operator: 2.5.2. Scalar Assignment (Learning Perl)
* (asterisk): 3.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators (Programming Perl)
as wildcard character: 16. User Customization (Mastering Perl/Tk)
** (exponentiation)operator: 3.4. Exponentiation (Programming Perl)
**= (exponentiation assignment) operator: 3.17. Assignment Operators (Programming Perl)
*= (multiplication assignment) operator: 3.17. Assignment Operators (Programming Perl)
*? quantifier: 5.3.1. Metasymbol Tables (Programming Perl)
metacharacter: 5.1. The Regular Expression Bestiary (Programming Perl)
5.3. Metacharacters and Metasymbols (Programming Perl)
multiplication operator: 4.5.3. Arithmetic Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
multiplicative operator: 3.7. Multiplicative Operators (Programming Perl)
pathname separators: 16.2. Using the Option Database (Mastering Perl/Tk)
prototype character: 6.4. Prototypes (Programming Perl)
prototype symbol (typeglob): 4.7.5. Prototypes (Perl in a Nutshell)
quantifier: 1.7.1. Quantifiers (Programming Perl)
5.3.1. Metasymbol Tables (Programming Perl)
in quantifiers: 5.5. Quantifiers (Programming Perl)
regular expression metacharacter: 4.6.2. Regular Expression Syntax (Perl in a Nutshell)
typeglob: 1.2.1. Variable Syntax (Programming Perl)
for typeglob names: 2.5. Names (Programming Perl)
2.10. Typeglobs and Filehandles (Programming Perl)
** (exponentiation) operator: 4.5.3. Arithmetic Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
*= (assignment) operator: 4.5.6. Assignment Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
@ (at sign)
@_ array: 4.7.2. Passing Arguments (Perl in a Nutshell)
4.7.2. Passing Arguments (Perl in a Nutshell)
6.2. Semantics (Programming Perl)
28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
6.2. Semantics (Programming Perl)
for array names: 1.2.1. Variable Syntax (Programming Perl)
2.4. Variables (Programming Perl)
@- array: 5.7.1. Capturing (Programming Perl)
@+ array of ending positions: 5.7.1. Capturing (Programming Perl)
changes in use, Perl versions: 24.1.5. Previous Perl Traps (Programming Perl)
in debugger: 20.1. Using the Debugger (Programming Perl)
dereferencing with: 4.8.2. Dereferencing (Perl in a Nutshell)
format fieldholders: 4.12. Formats (Perl in a Nutshell)
inside strings, escaping with backslash: 2.6.2. String Literals (Programming Perl)
in picture lines: 7. Formats (Programming Perl)
prototype character: 6.4. Prototypes (Programming Perl)
prototype symbol (list): 4.7.5. Prototypes (Perl in a Nutshell)
signifying arrays: Arrays (Perl in a Nutshell)
++ autoincrement operator: 10.6. Autoincrement and Autodecrement (Learning Perl)
! (bang)
! (logical negation) operator
overloading: 13.3. Overloadable Operators (Programming Perl)
!= (not equal to) operator: Equality operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
1.5.6. Some Numeric and String Comparison Operators (Programming Perl)
24.1.1. Universal Blunders (Programming Perl)
!! debugger command: 20.2.6. Actions and Command Execution (Programming Perl)
!~ (binding) operator: 3.6. Binding Operators (Programming Perl)
using with pattern matching operators: 5.2. Pattern-Matching Operators (Programming Perl)
complemented character sets, using for: Defining your own character properties (Programming Perl) eval command: 2.4.4. Installing Modules with the CPAN Module (Perl in a Nutshell)
in debugger commands: 20.2.6. Actions and Command Execution (Programming Perl)
logical negation operator: 4.5.2. Unary Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
3.5. Ideographic Unary Operators (Programming Perl)
Perl debugger command: 6.2. Debugger Commands (Perl in a Nutshell)
!! Perl debugger command: 6.2. Debugger Commands (Perl in a Nutshell)
=~ binding operator: 9.3. The Binding Operator, =~ (Learning Perl)
32-bit systems: 25.2. Endianness and Number Width (Programming Perl)
{ } (braces): 8.5. Braces, Brackets, and Quoting (Programming Perl)
24.3. Programming with Style (Programming Perl)
bare blocks, creating with: 4.5. Bare Blocks (Programming Perl)
{ metacharacter: 5.1. The Regular Expression Bestiary (Programming Perl)
5.3. Metacharacters and Metasymbols (Programming Perl)
delimiting statement blocks: 4.3. Statements (Perl in a Nutshell)
precedence of: 3.1. Terms and List Operators (Leftward) (Programming Perl)
quantifier: 1.7.1. Quantifiers (Programming Perl)
5.3.1. Metasymbol Tables (Programming Perl)
regular expression quantifiers: 4.6.6. Quantifiers (Perl in a Nutshell)
search patterns, clarifying with use: 2.6.5. Interpolating Array Values (Programming Perl)
for statement blocks: The if and unless statements (Programming Perl)
{{ Perl debugger command: 6.2. Debugger Commands (Perl in a Nutshell)
{ Perl debugger command: 6.2. Debugger Commands (Perl in a Nutshell)
[ ] (brackets)
[ metacharacter: 5.1. The Regular Expression Bestiary (Programming Perl)
5.3. Metacharacters and Metasymbols (Programming Perl)
[...] character class: 5.3.1. Metasymbol Tables (Programming Perl)
character classes: 5.3.1. Metasymbol Tables (Programming Perl)
5.4.1. Custom Character Classes (Programming Perl)
insert method and: 8.6. Inserting Text (Mastering Perl/Tk)
to match characters: 5.9.4. The Little Engine That /Could(n't)?/ (Programming Perl)
Perl debugger command: 6.2. Debugger Commands (Perl in a Nutshell)
precedence of: 3.1. Terms and List Operators (Leftward) (Programming Perl)
regular expression metacharacter: 4.6.4. Character Classes (Perl in a Nutshell)
in Tcl: 20.2.2. Tcl/Tk Slave Processor Code (Mastering Perl/Tk)
Tk::Pretty and: 13.1.1. The configure Method (Mastering Perl/Tk)
^ (caret)
in [...] construct: 4.6.4. Character Classes (Perl in a Nutshell)
assertion: 1.7.1. Quantifiers (Programming Perl)
bitwise xor operator: 3.13. Bitwise Operators (Programming Perl)
grid method and: 2.2.1. Special Characters (Mastering Perl/Tk)
2.2.2. grid Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
grid geometry manager placeholder: 21.2.2. The grid Geometry Manager (Perl in a Nutshell)
inverting character class
character class, inverting: 5.4.1. Custom Character Classes (Programming Perl)
line boundary: 1.7.3. Nailing Things Down (Programming Perl)
marks as: 8.16. Marks (Mastering Perl/Tk)
matching: 5.9.4. The Little Engine That /Could(n't)?/ (Programming Perl)
metacharacter: 5.1. The Regular Expression Bestiary (Programming Perl)
5.3. Metacharacters and Metasymbols (Programming Perl)
operator used with tags: 9.9. Tags (Mastering Perl/Tk)
in picture lines: 7. Formats (Programming Perl)
regular expression metacharacter: 4.6.2. Regular Expression Syntax (Perl in a Nutshell)
XOR bitwise operator: 4.5.10. Bitwise Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
^= (assignment) operator: 4.5.6. Assignment Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
3.17. Assignment Operators (Programming Perl)
^ caret anchor: 8.3. Anchors (Learning Perl)
: (colon)
in package names: 7.1. Namespaces and Packages (Perl in a Nutshell)
-0 command-line switch: 19.1. Command Processing (Programming Perl)
-0 command-line option: 8.0. Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
/ division operator: 2.2.5. Numeric Operators (Learning Perl)
$ (dollar sign): Hashes. (Programming Perl)
$| as special variable: 1.6. Debugging and PrototypingPerl/Tk Programs (Mastering Perl/Tk)
in debugger: 20.1. Using the Debugger (Programming Perl)
dereferencing with: 4.8.2. Dereferencing (Perl in a Nutshell)
$# prefix: 2.8.2. Array Length (Programming Perl)
$$ (current process ID): 2.5. Names (Programming Perl)
$? (exit status, last child process): 2.5. Names (Programming Perl)
$ variables
$^O variable: 25. Portable Perl (Programming Perl)
line boundary: 5.6.2. Endings: The \z, \Z, and $ Assertions (Programming Perl)
in matching: 5.2.2. The m// Operator (Matching) (Programming Perl)
metacharacter: 5.1. The Regular Expression Bestiary (Programming Perl)
5.3. Metacharacters and Metasymbols (Programming Perl)
$^O as operating system identifier: 12.3. The Win32 System Menu Item (Mastering Perl/Tk)
prototype symbol (scalar): 4.7.5. Prototypes (Perl in a Nutshell)
regular expression metacharacter: 4.6.2. Regular Expression Syntax (Perl in a Nutshell)
for scalar variable names: Arrays. (Programming Perl)
2.4. Variables (Programming Perl)
scalar variable interpolation and: 2.6.2. String Literals (Programming Perl)
signifying scalar variables: 4.2.5. Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
1.2.1. Variable Syntax (Programming Perl)
in Tcl: 20.2.2. Tcl/Tk Slave Processor Code (Mastering Perl/Tk)
word boundary: 1.7.3. Nailing Things Down (Programming Perl)
$ variables
$' variable: 4.4.5. Regular Expression Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$0 ($PROGRAM_NAME): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$a and $b (sort variables): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
@': 5.7.1. Capturing (Programming Perl)
@&: 5.7.1. Capturing (Programming Perl)
$' ($POSTMATCH): 24.2.1. Time Efficiency (Programming Perl)
28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$*: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$@ ($EVAL_ERROR): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$\ ($OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$` ($PREMATCH): 24.2.1. Time Efficiency (Programming Perl)
28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$! ($OS_ERROR): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
${^WARNING_BITS}: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$] ($PERL_VERSION): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$^ ($FORMAT_TOP_NAME): 7.1. Format Variables (Programming Perl)
7.2. Footers (Programming Perl)
24.1.1. Universal Blunders (Programming Perl)
28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$^A ($ACCUMULATOR): 7.2.1. Accessing Formatting Internals (Programming Perl)
28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
formline function output: 29.2.42. formline (Programming Perl)
$^C ($COMPILING): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$^D ($DEBUGGING): 19.1.3. Switches (Programming Perl)
28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$^E ($EXTENDED_OS_ERROR): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$^F ($SYSTEM_FD_MAX): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$^H: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$^I ($INPLACE_EDIT): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$^L ($FORMAT_LINEFEED): 7.1. Format Variables (Programming Perl)
$^M: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$^O ($OSNAME): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$^P ($PERLDB): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$^S ($EXCEPTIONS_BEING_CAUGHT): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$^T ($BASETIME): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$^V ($PERL_VERSION): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$^W ($WARNING): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$^X ($EXECUTABLE_NAME): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$: ($FORMAT_LINE_BREAK_CHARACTERS): 7. Formats (Programming Perl)
28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$, ($LIST_SEPARATOR): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$$ ($PROCESS_ID): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$. ($INPUT_LINE_NUMBER): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
resetting with close function: 29.2.16. close (Programming Perl)
$= ($FORMAT_LINES_PER_PAGE): 7.1. Format Variables (Programming Perl)
28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
@`: 5.7.1. Capturing (Programming Perl)
$< ($REAL_USER_ID): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$line: The while and until statements (Programming Perl)
$- ($FORMAT_LINES_LEFT): 7. Formats (Programming Perl)
7.2. Footers (Programming Perl)
28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$) ($EFFECTIVE_GROUP_ID): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$( ($REAL_GROUP_ID): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$% ($FORMAT_PAGE_NUMBER): 7.1. Format Variables (Programming Perl)
28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
@+: 5.7.1. Capturing (Programming Perl)
$? ($CHILD_ERROR): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
backtick operator and: 2.11.1. Command Input (Backtick) Operator (Programming Perl)
close function and: 29.2.16. close (Programming Perl)
$> ($EFFECTIVE_USER_ID): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$[semi] ($SUBSCRIPT_SEPARATOR): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$#, obsolete variable for numeric output: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$&: 5.2. Pattern-Matching Operators (Programming Perl)
$`: 5.2. Pattern-Matching Operators (Programming Perl)
${^ (internal variable names): 2.5. Names (Programming Perl)
$^W: 4.9.1. Controlling Warnings (Programming Perl)
$; (SUBSCRIPT_SEPARATOR): 2.9. Hashes (Programming Perl)
$': 5.2. Pattern-Matching Operators (Programming Perl)
$/ ($INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR): 19.1.3. Switches (Programming Perl)
28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$~ ($FORMAT_NAME): 7.1. Format Variables (Programming Perl)
28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$_ ($ARG) ;glob function with: 2.11.3. Filename Globbing Operator (Programming Perl)
$_ variable: 1.7. Regular Expressions (Programming Perl)
1.7.1. Quantifiers (Programming Perl)
$| ($OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH): 7.1. Format Variables (Programming Perl)
28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
${^WIDE_SYSTEM_CALLS}: 15.1. Building Character (Programming Perl)
28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
$1, $2, $3, ...: 4.4.5. Regular Expression Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
4.6.7. Pattern Match Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$& variable: 4.4.5. Regular Expression Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$< variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$> variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$@ variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$\ variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$` variable: 4.4.5. Regular Expression Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$! variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$[ variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$] variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$^ variable: 4.4.6. Filehandle Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$^A variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$^D variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$^E variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$^F variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$^H variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$^I variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$^L variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$^M variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$^N variable: 4.4.5. Regular Expression Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$^O variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$^P variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$: variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$, variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$$ variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$. variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$= variable: 4.4.6. Filehandle Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$# variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$- variable: 4.4.6. Filehandle Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$( variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$) variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$% variable: 4.4.6. Filehandle Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$+ variable: 4.4.5. Regular Expression Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$? variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$" variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$; variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$/ variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$~ variable: 4.4.6. Filehandle Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$_ ($ARG) variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
angle operator and: 2.11.2. Line Input (Angle) Operator (Programming Perl)
$0 variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$| variable: 4.4.6. Filehandle Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$^T variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$^W variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
$^X variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
. (dot): 3.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators (Programming Perl)
... (range operator): 3.15. Range Operator (Programming Perl)
character wildcard: 1.7. Regular Expressions (Programming Perl)
5.2.1. Pattern Modifiers (Programming Perl)
5.3.3. Wildcard Metasymbols (Programming Perl)
(concatenation) operator: 1.5.2. String Operators (Programming Perl)
3.8. Additive Operators (Programming Perl)
autogeneration via stringification handler: 13.3. Overloadable Operators (Programming Perl)
in debugger command: 20.1. Using the Debugger (Programming Perl)
20.2.1. Stepping and Running (Programming Perl)
metacharacter: 5.1. The Regular Expression Bestiary (Programming Perl)
5.3. Metacharacters and Metasymbols (Programming Perl)
Perl debugger command: 6.2. Debugger Commands (Perl in a Nutshell)
quantifiers, use in: 1.7.1. Quantifiers (Programming Perl)
regular expression metacharacter: 4.6.2. Regular Expression Syntax (Perl in a Nutshell)
separating integers in v-strings: 2.6.7. V-String Literals (Programming Perl)
.. (range) operator: Range operator (Perl in a Nutshell)
3.15. Range Operator (Programming Perl)
... (range) operator: Range operator (Perl in a Nutshell)
.= (assignment) operator: 4.5.6. Assignment Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
3.17. Assignment Operators (Programming Perl)
./ dot and slash: 1.4.1. A Simple Program (Learning Perl)
.. dot-dot: 13.3. Links and Files (Learning Perl)
:: (double colon), using boolean tests in XPath: 8.2. XPath (Perl & XML)
-drawbranch option: 18.4.1. Using Indicators with HList (Mastering Perl/Tk)
= (equal sign)
== (equal to) operator: Equality operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
1.5.3. Assignment Operators (Programming Perl)
1.5.6. Some Numeric and String Comparison Operators (Programming Perl)
3.12. Equality Operators (Programming Perl)
assignment operator: 4.2.5. Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
4.5.6. Assignment Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
debugger command: 20.2.7. Miscellaneous Commands (Programming Perl)
for embedded documentation (pod): 4.1. Program Structure (Perl in a Nutshell)
= (assignment) operator: Singularities (Programming Perl)
3.17. Assignment Operators (Programming Perl)
==> current line marker: 20.1. Using the Debugger (Programming Perl)
=> (corresponds to) operator: Hashes. (Programming Perl)
2.9. Hashes (Programming Perl)
=~ (pattern binding) operator: 1.7. Regular Expressions (Programming Perl)
3.6. Binding Operators (Programming Perl)
using with pattern matching operators: 5.2. Pattern-Matching Operators (Programming Perl)
in hash name/value pairs: Hashes (Perl in a Nutshell)
for pod commands: 4.13. Pod (Perl in a Nutshell)
=> operator, defining key/value pairs: Hashes (Perl in a Nutshell) Comma operator (Perl in a Nutshell)
** exponentiation operator: 2.2.5. Numeric Operators (Learning Perl)
_ (file stat cache): 9.0. Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
9.0. Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
_ filehandle: 11.6.5. Using the Special Underscore Filehandle (Learning Perl)
/ (forward slash): 2.4.4. Installing Modules with the CPAN Module (Perl in a Nutshell)
(see also slash)
as string delimiters: 1.3.3. Specifying Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
Unix pathname separator: 16.2. Using the Option Database (Mastering Perl/Tk)
-> little arrow: 5.2.3. The Big Arrow (Learning Perl)
13.8.3. The File::Spec Module (Learning Perl)
# (hash mark)
#!perl: 1.4.2. What's Inside That Program? (Learning Perl)
#! (shebang) line: 3. The Perl Executable (Perl in a Nutshell)
for comments: 4.1. Program Structure (Perl in a Nutshell)
format fieldholder: 4.12. Formats (Perl in a Nutshell)
- (hyphen): 3.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators (Programming Perl)
5.9.4. The Little Engine That /Could(n't)?/ (Programming Perl)
as index modifier: 8.4.2. Index Modifiers (Mastering Perl/Tk)
arithmetic negation operator: 4.5.2. Unary Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
3.5. Ideographic Unary Operators (Programming Perl)
in character ranges: 5.4.1. Custom Character Classes (Programming Perl)
character set subtraction: Defining your own character properties (Programming Perl)
configuration parameters and: 1.3.3. Specifying Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
in debugger commands: 20.2.5. Locating Code (Programming Perl)
grid method and: 2.1.1. Options for pack (Mastering Perl/Tk)
2.2.1. Special Characters (Mastering Perl/Tk)
grid geometry manager placeholder: 21.2.2. The grid Geometry Manager (Perl in a Nutshell)
-*- for emacs: 19.1. Command Processing (Programming Perl)
-= (assignment) operator: 3.17. Assignment Operators (Programming Perl)
-- command-line switch: 19.1.3. Switches (Programming Perl)
->(arrow) operator: 8.3.3. Using the Arrow Operator (Programming Perl)
Perl debugger command: 6.2. Debugger Commands (Perl in a Nutshell)
setPalette method and: 13.4.5. Setting Colors (Mastering Perl/Tk)
13.4.5. Setting Colors (Mastering Perl/Tk)
subtractive operator: 3.8. Additive Operators (Programming Perl)
Text widgets and -- option: 8.16. Marks (Mastering Perl/Tk)
in [...] construct: 4.6.4. Character Classes (Perl in a Nutshell)
-> (arrow) operator: 4.5.1. The Arrow Operator (Perl in a Nutshell)
3.2. The Arrow Operator (Programming Perl)
8.3.3. Using the Arrow Operator (Programming Perl)
dereferencing with: Arrow dereferencing (Perl in a Nutshell)
method invocation with: 12.3.1. Method Invocation Using the Arrow Operator (Programming Perl)
-- (autodecrement) operator: 4.5.5. Autoincrement and Autodecrement (Perl in a Nutshell)
1.5.4. Unary Arithmetic Operators (Programming Perl)
3.3. Autoincrement and Autodecrement (Programming Perl)
#! line: 1.4.2. What's Inside That Program? (Learning Perl)
1.5. A Whirlwind Tour of Perl (Learning Perl)
% modulus operator: 2.2.5. Numeric Operators (Learning Perl)
17.2. Picking Items from a List with grep (Learning Perl)
* multiplication operator: 2.2.5. Numeric Operators (Learning Perl)
! negation operator (see negation operator)
( ) (parentheses): 3. Unary and Binary Operators (Programming Perl)
3.1. Terms and List Operators (Leftward) (Programming Perl)
24.1.1. Universal Blunders (Programming Perl)
24.3. Programming with Style (Programming Perl)
around function arguments: 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
for backreferences: 1.7.4. Backreferences (Programming Perl)
5.7.1. Capturing (Programming Perl)
5.7.1. Capturing (Programming Perl)
conditional operator, use with: 3.16. Conditional Operator (Programming Perl)
in functions: 29. Functions (Programming Perl)
grouping operator: 5.1. The Regular Expression Bestiary (Programming Perl)
null lists, representing: 2.8. List Values and Arrays (Programming Perl)
metacharacter: 5.1. The Regular Expression Bestiary (Programming Perl)
5.3. Metacharacters and Metasymbols (Programming Perl)
operator precedence and: 4.5. Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
(...) grouping: 5.3.1. Metasymbol Tables (Programming Perl)
(?:PATTERN) notation, clustering without capturing: 5.7.2. Clustering (Programming Perl)
5.7.2. Clustering (Programming Perl)
as quote characters: 2.8. List Values and Arrays (Programming Perl)
regular expression metacharacter: 4.6.2. Regular Expression Syntax (Perl in a Nutshell)
(?...) extended regular expression syntax: 4.6.8. Extended Regular Expressions (Perl in a Nutshell)
% (percent sign): 3.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators (Programming Perl)
%SIG: 4.10. Signals (Perl in a Nutshell)
for checksums: 29.2.189. unpack (Programming Perl)
dereferencing with: 4.8.2. Dereferencing (Perl in a Nutshell)
for hash names: Hashes. (Programming Perl)
2.4. Variables (Programming Perl)
modulus operator: 4.5.3. Arithmetic Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
3.7. Multiplicative Operators (Programming Perl)
%= (modulus assignment) operator: 3.17. Assignment Operators (Programming Perl)
prototype character: 6.4. Prototypes (Programming Perl)
prototype symbol (hash): 4.7.5. Prototypes (Perl in a Nutshell)
signifying variable type: Hashes (Perl in a Nutshell)
1.2.1. Variable Syntax (Programming Perl)
%= (assignment) operator: 4.5.6. Assignment Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
| pipe: 11.1. What Is a Filehandle? (Learning Perl)
14.5. Processes as Filehandles (Learning Perl)
+ (plus): 3.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators (Programming Perl)
7.2.2. Simple Quantifiers (Learning Perl)
4.5.5. Autoincrement and Autodecrement (Perl in a Nutshell)
additive operator: 3.8. Additive Operators (Programming Perl)
in filenames: 29.2.104. open (Programming Perl)
++ (autoincrement) operator: 1.5.4. Unary Arithmetic Operators (Programming Perl)
3.3. Autoincrement and Autodecrement (Programming Perl)
quantifier: 1.7. Regular Expressions (Programming Perl)
regular expression metacharacter: 4.6.2. Regular Expression Syntax (Perl in a Nutshell)
unary operator: 4.5.2. Unary Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
+= (assignment) operator: 4.5.6. Assignment Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
$!, portability of: 25.4. System Interaction (Programming Perl)
# pound sign: 1.4.2. What's Inside That Program? (Learning Perl)
? (question mark)
metacharacter: 5.1. The Regular Expression Bestiary (Programming Perl)
5.3. Metacharacters and Metasymbols (Programming Perl)
quantifier: 1.7.1. Quantifiers (Programming Perl)
5.3.1. Metasymbol Tables (Programming Perl)
in quantifiers: 5.5. Quantifiers (Programming Perl)
?: (conditional) operator: 3.16. Conditional Operator (Programming Perl)
4.5.1. Case Structures (Programming Perl)
?? quantifier: 5.3.1. Metasymbol Tables (Programming Perl)
regular expression metacharacter: 4.6.2. Regular Expression Syntax (Perl in a Nutshell)
?: (conditional) operator: Conditional operator (Perl in a Nutshell)
?...? pattern match operator: 4.6.1. Pattern-Matching Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
?...? Perl debugger command: 6.2. Debugger Commands (Perl in a Nutshell)
**= raise to the power of operator: 2.5.3. Binary Assignment Operators (Learning Perl)
.. range operator: 3.3. List Literals (Learning Perl)
; (semicolon)
3.1. XML Parsers (Perl & XML)
ending Perl statements: 4.1. Program Structure (Perl in a Nutshell)
in filenames, security risks of: 23.1.2. Cleaning Up Your Environment (Programming Perl)
Perl statements, terminating with: 2.2. Molecules (Programming Perl)
in prototype declarations: 4.7.5. Prototypes (Perl in a Nutshell)
simple statements, ending in: 4.1. Simple Statements (Programming Perl)
\038 (octal value) sequence: 4.6.3. Escaped Sequences (Perl in a Nutshell)
/ (slash): 3.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators (Programming Perl)
debugger command: 20.2.5. Locating Code (Programming Perl)
delimiters, replacing as: 2.6.3. Pick Your Own Quotes (Programming Perl)
division operator: 4.5.3. Arithmetic Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
3.7. Multiplicative Operators (Programming Perl)
encoding in URLs: 9.2. URL Encoding (Perl in a Nutshell)
/ (root directory): 9.0. Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
root directory: 29.2.15. chroot (Programming Perl)
/=; (assignment) operator: 3.17. Assignment Operators (Programming Perl)
// (see m// operator)
/= (assignment) operator: 4.5.6. Assignment Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
/.../ pattern match operator: 4.6. Regular Expressions (Perl in a Nutshell)
/.../ Perl debugger command: 6.2. Debugger Commands (Perl in a Nutshell)
2.9. Free-Form XML and Well-Formed Documents (Perl & XML)
well-formed documents and: 3.1.1. Example (of What Not to Do): A Well-Formedness Checker (Perl & XML)
XPath expressions: 8.2. XPath (Perl & XML)
* star: 7.2.2. Simple Quantifiers (Learning Perl)
?: ternary operator: 10.9.2. The Ternary Operator, ?: (Learning Perl)
~ (tilde)
bitwise negation operator: 4.5.2. Unary Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
3.5. Ideographic Unary Operators (Programming Perl)
to suppress blank lines: 7. Formats (Programming Perl)
suppressing output whitespace: 4.12. Formats (Perl in a Nutshell)
~~ to print strings in fields: 4.12. Formats (Perl in a Nutshell)
12.1. Moving Around the Directory Tree (Learning Perl)
_ underscore: 2.2.3. Integer Literals (Learning Perl)
4.10. The use strict Pragma (Learning Perl)
$0 variable: 6.3. The Invocation Arguments (Learning Perl)
11.3. Fatal Errors with die (Learning Perl)
| (vertical bar)
7.2.4. Alternatives (Learning Perl)
for alternation: 5.1. The Regular Expression Bestiary (Programming Perl)
bitwise or operator: 3.13. Bitwise Operators (Programming Perl)
for centering: 7.1. Format Variables (Programming Perl)
debugger command: 20.2.6. Actions and Command Execution (Programming Perl)
...|... alternation: 5.3.1. Metasymbol Tables (Programming Perl)
in filenames: 29.2.104. open (Programming Perl)
format fieldholders: 4.12. Formats (Perl in a Nutshell)
-| piping pseudocommand: 16.3.2. Talking to Yourself (Programming Perl)
metacharacter: 5.1. The Regular Expression Bestiary (Programming Perl)
5.3. Metacharacters and Metasymbols (Programming Perl)
OR bitwise operator: 4.5.10. Bitwise Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
Perl debugger command: 6.2. Debugger Commands (Perl in a Nutshell)
regular expression metacharacter: 4.6.2. Regular Expression Syntax (Perl in a Nutshell)
|| (logical or) operator: 5.9.1. Letting Perl Do the Work (Programming Perl)
12.3.3. Syntactic Snafus with Indirect Objects (Programming Perl)
|| (OR logical operator): 1.5.5. Logical Operators (Programming Perl)
|- piping pseudocommand: 16.3.2. Talking to Yourself (Programming Perl)
|| debugger command: 20.2.6. Actions and Command Execution (Programming Perl)
|= (assignment) operator: 4.5.6. Assignment Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
3.17. Assignment Operators (Programming Perl)
|| (logical OR) operator: 4.5.9. Logical Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
||= (assignment) operator: 4.5.6. Assignment Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
3.17. Assignment Operators (Programming Perl)


0+ (numification) operator: 13.3. Overloadable Operators (Programming Perl)
"0 but not true": 10.10.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
17.2.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
17.2.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
0 but true: 29.2.37. fcntl (Programming Perl)
-w exemption: 29.2.37. fcntl (Programming Perl)
\038 (octal value) sequence: 4.6.3. Escaped Sequences (Perl in a Nutshell)
"500 Server Error", fixing: 19.3.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)

Symbols | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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