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6.2. Regular Expression Techniques

Web pages are designed to be easy for humans to read, not for programs. Humans are very flexible in what they can read, and they can easily adapt to a new look and feel of the web page. But if the underlying HTML changes, a program written to extract information from the page will no longer work. Your challenge when writing a data-extraction program is to get a feel for the amount of natural variation between pages you'll want to download.

The following are a set of techniques for you to use when creating regular expressions to extract data from web pages. If you're an experienced Perl programmer, you probably know most or all of them and can skip ahead to Section 6.3, "Troubleshooting".

6.2.1. Anchor Your Match

An important decision is how much surrounding text you put into your regular expression. Put in too much of this context and you run the risk of being too specific—the natural variation from page to page causes your program to fail to extract some information it should have been able to get. Similarly, put in too little context and you run the risk of your regular expression erroneously matching elsewhere on the page.

6.2.2. Whitespace

Many HTML pages have whitespace added to make the source easier to read or as a side effect of how they were produced. For example, notice the spaces around the number in this line:

<b> Sales Rank: </b> 4,070 </font><br>

Without checking, it's hard to guess whether every page has that space. You could check, or you could simply be flexible in what you accept:

$html =~ m{Amazon\.com Sales Rank: </b>\s*([\d,]+)\s*</font><br>} || die;

Now we can match the number regardless of the amount of whitespace around it. The \s wildcard matches any whitespace character.

6.2.3. Embedded Newlines

Beware of using \s when you are matching across multiple lines, because \s matches newlines. You can construct a character class to represent "any whitespace but newlines":


As a further caveat, the regexp dot "." normally matches any character except a newline. To make the dot match newlines as well, use the /s option. Now you can say m{<b>.*?</b>}s and find the bold text even if it includes newlines. But this /s option doesn't change the meaning of ^ and $ from their usual "start of string" and "end of string, or right before the newline at the end of the string if present." To change that, use the /m option, which makes ^ and $ match the beginning and end of lines within the string. That is, with /m, a ^ matches the start of the string or right after any newline in the string; and a $ then matches the end of the string, or right before any newline in the string.

For example, to match the ISBN that starts out a line while ignoring any other occurrences of "ISBN" in the page, you might say:

m{^ISBN: ([-0-9A-Za-z]+)}m

Incidentally, you might expect that because an ISBN is called a number, we'd use \d+ to match it. However, ISBNs occasionally have letters in them and are sometimes shown with dashes; hence the [-0-9A-Za-z] range instead of the overly restrictive \d+ range, which would fail to match an ISBN such as 038079439X or 0-8248-1898-9.

6.2.4. Minimal and Greedy Matches

If you want to extract everything between two tags, there are two approaches:


The former uses minimal matching to match as little as possible between the <b> and the </b>. The latter uses greedy matching to match as much text that doesn't contain a greater-than sign as possible between <b> and </b>. The latter is marginally faster but won't successfully match text such as <b><i>hi</i></b>, whereas the former will.

6.2.5. Capture

To extract information from a regular expression match, surround part of the regular expression in parentheses. This causes the regular expression engine to set the $1, $2, etc. variables to contain the portions of the string that match those parts of the pattern. For example:

$string = '<a href="there.html">go here now!</a>';
$string =~ m{ href="(.*?)"}i;       # extract destination of link
$url = $1;

A match in scalar context returns true or false depending on whether the regular expression matched the string. A match in list context returns a list of $1, $2, ... captured text.

$matched = $string =~ m{RE};
@matches = $string =~ m{RE};

To group parts of a regular expression together without capturing, use the (?:RE) construct:

$string = '<a href="jumbo.html"><img src="big.gif"></a>';
@links = $string =~ m{(?:href|src)="(.*?)"}g;
print "Found @links\n";
Found jumbo.html big.gif

6.2.6. Repeated Matches

The /g modifier causes the match to be repeated. In scalar context, the match continues from where the last match left off. Use this to extract information one match at a time. For example:

$string = '<img src="big.gif"><img src="small.gif">';
while ($string =~ m{src="(.*?)"}g) {
  print "Found: $1\n";
Found: big.gif
Found: small.gif

In list context, /g causes all matching captured strings to be returned. Use this to extract all matches at once. For example:

$string = '<img src="big.gif"><img src="small.gif">';
@pix = $string =~ m{src="(.*?)"}g;
print "Found @pix\n";
Found big.gif small.gif

If your regular expression doesn't use capturing parentheses, the entire text that matches is returned:

$string = '<img src="big.gif"><img src="small.gif">';
@gifs = $string =~ m{\w+\.gif}g;
print "Found @gifs\n";
Found big.gif small.gif

6.2.7. Develop from Components

There are many reasons to break regular expressions into components—it makes them easier to develop, debug, and maintain. Use the qr// operator to compile a chunk of a regular expression, then interpolate it into a larger regular expression without sacrificing performance:

$string = '<a href="jumbo.html"><img src="big.gif"></a>';
$ATTRIBUTE = qr/href|src/;
$INSIDE_QUOTES = qr/.*?/;
@files = $string =~ m{(?:$ATTRIBUTE)="($INSIDE_QUOTES)"}g;
print "Found @files\n";
Found jumbo.html big.gif

6.2.8. Use Multiple Steps

A common conceit in programmers is to try to do everything with one regular expression. Don't be afraid to use two or more. This has the same advantages as building your regular expression from components: by only attempting to solve one part of the problem at each step, the final solution can be easier to read, debug, and maintain.

For example, the front page of has several articles on it. Inspecting the HTML with View Source on the browser shows that each story looks like this:

<!-- itemtemplate -->
<p class="medlist"><b><a href="
/rotor.html">Uncovering Rotor -- A Shared Source CLI</a></b>&nbsp;^M
 Recently, David Stutz and Stephen Walli hosted an informal, unannounced BOF at 
BSDCon 2002 about Microsoft's Shared Source implementation of the ECMA CLI, also 
known as Rotor. Although the source code for the Shared Source CLI wasn't yet 
available, the BOF offered a preview of what's to come, as well as details about its 
implementation and the motivation behind it. &nbsp;[<a href="http://www.oreillynet.
com/dotnet/">.NET DevCenter</a>]</p>

That is, the article starts with the itemtemplate comment and ends with the </p> tag. This suggests a main loop of:

while ($html =~ m{<!-- itemtemplate -->(.*?)</p>}gs) {
  $chunk = $1;
  # extract URL, title, and summary from $chunk

It's surprisingly common to see HTML comments indicating the structure of the HTML. Most dynamic web sites are generated from templates, the comments help the people who maintain the templates keep track of the various sections.

Extracting the URL, title, and summary is straightforward. It's even a simple matter to use the standard Text::Wrap module to reformat the summary to make it easy to read:

use Text::Wrap;

while ($html =~ m{<!-- itemtemplate -->(.*?)</p>}gs) {
  $chunk = $1;
  ($URL, $title, $summary) =
     $chunk =~ m{href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a></b>\s*&nbsp;\s*(.*?)\[}i
     or next;
  $summary =~ s{&nbsp;}{ }g;
  print "$URL\n$title\n", wrap("  ", "  ", $summary), "\n\n";

Running this, however, shows HTML still in the summary. Remove the tags with:

$summary =~ s{<.*?>}{}sg;

The complete program is shown in Example 6-3.

Example 6-3. orn-summary

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use LWP::Simple;
use Text::Wrap;

$html = get("") || die;

while ($html =~ m{<!-- itemtemplate -->(.*?)</p>}gs) {
  $chunk = $1;
  ($URL, $title, $summary) =
     $chunk =~ m{href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a></b>\s*&nbsp;\s*(.*?)\[}i
     or next;
  $summary =~ s{&nbsp;}{ }g;
  $summary =~ s{<.*?>}{}sg;
  print "$URL\n$title\n", wrap("  ", "  ", $summary), "\n\n";

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