The Weather Underground web site ( is a great source of meteorological information. Let's write a program to tell us which of the two O'Reilly offices, Cambridge and Sebastopol, is warmer and by how many degrees.
First, we fetch the pages with the temperatures. A quick look around the Weather Underground site indicates that the best way to get the temperature for a place is to fetch a URL like:
95472 is the Zip Code for the Sebastopol office, while 02140 is the Zip Code for the Cambridge office. The program begins by fetching those pages:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use LWP::Simple; my $url = ""; my $ca = get("${url}95472"); # Sebastopol, California my $ma = get("${url}02140"); # Cambridge, Massachusetts
Next, we need to extract the temperature from the HTML. Viewing the source to one of the pages reveals the relevant portion as:
<tr ><td>Temperature</td> <td><b>52°</b> F</td></tr>
Because we need to extract the temperature from multiple pages, we define a subroutine that takes the HTML string and returns the temperature:
sub current_temp { local $_ = shift; m{<tr ><td>Temperature</td>\s+<td><b>(\d+)} || die "No temp data?"; return $1; }
Now all that's left to do is extract the temperatures and display the message:
my $ca_temp = current_temp($ca); my $ma_temp = current_temp($ma); my $diff = $ca_temp - $ma_temp; print $diff > 0 ? "California" : "Massachusetts"; print " is warmer by ", abs($diff), " degrees F.\n";
When you run the program, you see something like:
% ora-temps California is warmer by 21 degrees F.
The complete program is shown in Example 6-6.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use LWP::Simple; my $url = "" . "query="; my $ca = get("${url}95472"); # Sebastopol, California my $ma = get("${url}02140"); # Cambridge, Massachusetts my $ca_temp = current_temp($ca); my $ma_temp = current_temp($ma); my $diff = $ca_temp - $ma_temp; print $diff > 0 ? "California" : "Massachusetts"; print " is warmer by ", abs($diff), " degrees F.\n"; sub current_temp { local $_ = shift; m{<tr ><td>Temperature</td>\s+<td><b>(\d+)} || die "No temp data?"; return $1; }
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