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5.2. Perl Functions in Alphabetical Order


abs value
Returns the absolute value of its argument (or $_ if omitted).


accept newsocket, genericsocket
Readies a server process to accept socket connections from clients. Execution is suspended until a connection is made, at which time the newsocket filehandle is opened and attached to the newly made connection. The function returns the connected address if the call succeeds or false otherwise (and it puts the error code into $!). genericsocket must be a filehandle already opened via the socket function and bound to one of the server's network addresses.


alarm n
Sends a SIGALRM signal to the executing Perl program after n seconds. On some older systems, alarms go off "at the top of the second," so, for instance, an alarm 1 may go off anywhere between 0 to 1 seconds from now, depending on when in the current second it is. An alarm 2 may go off anywhere from 1 to 2 seconds from now. And so on.

Each call disables the previous timer, and an argument of 0 may be supplied to cancel the previous timer without starting a new one. The return value is the number of seconds remaining on the previous timer.


atan2 y, x
Returns the arctangent of y/xin the range -Figure 5.4 to Figure 5.4. A quick way to get an approximate value of Figure 5.4 is to say:

$pi = atan2(1,1) * 4;

For the tangent operation, you may use the POSIX::tan( ) function, or use the familiar relation:

sub tan { sin($_[0]) / cos($_[0]) }

bind socket, address
Attaches an address to an already opened socket specified by the socket filehandle. The function returns true for success, false otherwise (and puts the error code into $!). address should be a packed address of the proper type for the socket.


binmode filehandle
Arranges for the file to be treated in binary mode on operating systems that distinguish between binary and text files. It should be called after open but before any I/O is done on the filehandle. The only way to reset binary mode on a filehandle is to reopen the file.

binmode has no effect under Unix, Plan9, or other systems that use a single \n (newline) character as a line delimiter. On systems such as Win32 or MS-DOS, binmode is needed to prevent the translation of the line delimiter characters to and from \n.


bless $ref, [classname]
Looks up the item pointed to by reference ref and tells the item that it is now an object in the classname package—or the current package if no class name is specified. It returns the reference for convenience, since a bless is often the last thing in a constructor function. (Always use the two-argument version if the constructor doing the blessing might be inherited by a derived class. In such cases, the class you want to bless your object into will normally be found as the first argument to the constructor in question.)


caller [n]
Returns information about the stack of current subroutine calls. Without an argument, it returns the package name in a scalar context; in a list context, it returns the package name, filename, and line number from which the currently executing subroutine was called:

($package, $filename, $line) = caller;

With an argument it evaluates n as the number of stack frames to go back before the current one. It also reports some additional information that the debugger uses to print a stack trace:

$i = 0;
while (($pack, $file, $line, $subname, $hasargs, 
        $wantarray, $evaltext, $is_require) = caller($i++)) {

Furthermore, when called from within the DB package, caller returns more detailed information: it sets the list variable @DB::args as the argument passed in the given stack frame.


chdir dirname
Changes the working directory to dirname, if possible. If dirname is omitted, it changes to the home directory. The function returns 1 upon success, 0 otherwise (and puts the error code into $!).


chmod mode, filelist
Changes the permissions of a list of files. The first argument must be the permissions mode given in its octal number representation. The function returns the number of files successfully changed. For example:

$cnt = chmod 0755, 'file1', 'file2';

will set $cnt to 0, 1, or 2, depending on how many files got changed (in the sense that the operation succeeded, not in the sense that the bits were different afterward).


chomp $var
chomp @list
Removes any line-ending characters of a string in $var, or each string in @list, that correspond to the current value of $/ (not just any last character, as chop does). chomp returns the number of characters deleted. If $/ is empty (in paragraph mode), chomp removes all newlines from the selected string (or strings, if chomping a list). If no argument is given, the function chomps the $_ variable.


chop $var
chop @list
Chops off the last character of a string contained in the variable $var (or strings in each element of a @list) and returns the character chopped. The chop operator is used primarily to remove the newline from the end of an input record but is more efficient than s/\n$//. If no argument is given, the function chops the $_ variable.


chown uid, gid, files
Changes the owner and group of a list of files. The first two arguments must be the numerical uid and gid, in that order. The function returns the number of files successfully changed.

On most systems, you are not allowed to change the ownership of the file unless you're the superuser, although you should be able to change the group to any of your secondary groups. On insecure systems, these restrictions may be relaxed, but this is not a portable assumption.


chr number
Returns the character represented by number in the character set. For example, chr(65) is "A" in ASCII.


chroot dirname
Changes the root directory for the current process to dirname—the starting point for pathnames beginning with /. This directory is inherited across exec calls and by all subprocesses. There is no way to undo a chroot. Only the superuser can use this function.


close filehandle
Closes the file, socket, or pipe associated with the given filehandle. You don't have to close filehandle if you are immediately going to do another open on it, since the next open will close it for you. However, an explicit close on an input file resets the line counter ($.), while the implicit close done by open does not. Closing a pipe will wait for the process executing on the pipe to complete and will prevent the script from exiting before the pipeline is finished. Also, closing a pipe explicitly puts the status value of the command executing on the pipe into $?.

filehandle may be an expression with a value that gives a real filehandle name. It may also be a reference to a filehandle object returned by some of the object-oriented I/O packages.


closedir dirhandle
Closes a directory associated with the given directory handle opened by opendir.


connect socket, address
Initiates a connection with another process that is waiting at an accept on the filehandle socket. The function returns true for success, false otherwise (and puts the error code into $!). address is a packed network address of the proper type for socket.

To disconnect a socket, use either close or shutdown.


cos num
Returns the cosine of num (expressed in radians). For the inverse cosine operation, you may use the POSIX::acos( ) function, or use this relation:

sub acos { atan2( sqrt(1 - $_[0] * $_[0]), $_[0] ) }

crypt string, salt
Used by the passwd function on Unix systems to produce a unique 13-character string (stored in the system's password file) from the first 8 characters of the given string and the 2-character salt. The Perl function operates the same way and returns a 13-character string with the first 2 characters as the salt. crypt uses a modified version of the Data Encryption Standard, which produces a one-way encryption; the resulting string cannot be decrypted to determine the original string. crypt can be used to check that a password is correct by comparing the string from the function to the string found in /etc/passwd (if you have permission to do this):

if (crypt ($guess, $pass) eq $pass) {
       # guess is correct

The variable $pass is the password string from the password file. crypt merely uses the first two characters from this string for the saltargument.


dbmclose %hash
Breaks the binding between a DBM file and a hash.

This function is actually just a call to untie with the proper arguments, but is provided for backward compatibility with older versions of Perl.


dbmopen %hash, dbname, mode
Binds a DBM file (dbname) to a hash (%hash). dbnameis the name of the database without the .dir or .pag extension. Note that while not deprecated, dbmopen has basically been superseded by tie( ). If the database does not exist, and a valid mode is specified, the database is created with the permissions specified by mode (as modified by the umask). To prevent creation of the database if it doesn't exist, you may specify a mode of undef, and the function will return a false value if it can't find an existing database. If your system supports only the older DBM functions, you may have only one dbmopen in your program.

Values assigned to the hash prior to the dbmopen are not accessible. If you don't have write access to the DBM file, you can only read the hash variables, not set them.

This function is actually just a call to tie with the proper arguments, but is provided for backward compatibility with older versions of Perl.


defined expr
Returns a Boolean value saying whether the scalar value resulting from expr has a real value. If no argument is given, defined checks $_.

A scalar that contains no valid string, numeric, or reference value is known as the undefined value, or undef. Many operations return the undefined value under exceptional conditions, such as end-of-file, uninitialized variable, system error, and so on. This function allows you to distinguish between an undefined null string and a defined null string when you're using operators that might return a real null string.

You can use defined to see if a subroutine exists, that is, if the subroutine definition has been successfully parsed. However, using defined on an array or a hash is not guaranteed to produce intuitive results and should be avoided.


delete $hash{key}
delete @hash{@keys}
Deletes the specified key or keys and associated values from the specified hash. (It doesn't delete a file. See unlink for that.) Deleting from $ENV{} modifies the environment. Deleting from a hash that is bound to a (writable) DBM file deletes the entry from the DBM file.

For normal hashes, the delete function returns the value (not the key) that was deleted, but this behavior is not guaranteed for tied hashes, such as those bound to DBM files. To test whether a hash element has been deleted, use exists.


die message
Prints message to the standard error output and exits the Perl program with a nonzero exit status. message can be a list value, like the arguments to print, from which the elements are concatenated into a single string for output. If message does not end with a newline (\n), the current script filename, line number, and input line number (if any) are appended to the message with a newline. With no argument, the function outputs the string Died as its default.

die exits the programs with the current value of the $! variable, which contains the text describing the most recent operating system error value. This value can be used in the message to describe what the problem may have been.

die behaves differently inside an eval statement. It places the error message in the $@ variable and aborts the eval, which returns an undefined value. This use of die can raise runtime exceptions that can be caught at a higher level of the program.


do {block}
Executes the sequence of commands in the block and returns the value of the last expression evaluated. When modified by a loop modifier, Perl executes the blockonce before testing the loop condition. (On other statements, the loop modifiers test the conditional first.)


dump label
During program execution, causes an immediate core dump after code previous to it has already been executed. Primarily, this is so that you can use the undump program to turn your core dump into an executable binary after having initialized all your variables at the beginning of the program. Please note that you shouldn't use dump( ) or undump( ) with the availability of the Perl Compiler (B modules) as part of your Perl distribution. In addition, you're unlikely to have success with dump or undump on most modern Unix systems (that support dynamic loading from libdl). dump arranges for the revived binary, when run, to begin by executing a goto label (with all the restrictions that goto suffers). Think of the operation as a goto with an intervening core dump and reincarnation. If label is omitted, the function arranges for the program to restart from the top. Note that any files opened at the time of the dump will no longer be open when the program is reincarnated. See also the -u command-line switch.

As of Perl 5.8, dump is now largely obsolete, partly because it's difficult to convert a core file into an executable, and because the real compiler backends for generating portable bytecode and compilable C code have superseded it. That's why you should now invoke it as "CORE::dump( )" if you don't want to be warned against a possible typo.

The undump program is not available on all systems and may not be compatible with specific ports of Perl.


each %hash
Returns a two-element list consisting of the key and value for the next element of a hash. With successive calls to each, you can iterate over the entire hash. Entries are returned in an indeterminate order. When the hash is entirely read, a null list is returned. The next call to each after that will start a new iteration. The iterator can be reset either by reading all the elements from the hash or by calling the keys function in scalar context. You must not add elements to the hash while iterating over it, although you are permitted to use delete. In a scalar context, each returns only the key.

There is a single iterator for each hash, shared by all each, keys, and values function calls in the program. This means that after a keys or values call, the next each call will start again from the beginning.


Closes the groups file (usually /etc/group on Unix systems) if open. Not implemented on Win32 systems.


Closes the hosts file (usually /etc/hosts on Unix systems) if open. Not implemented on Win32 systems.


Closes the networks file (usually /etc/networks on Unix systems) if open. Not implemented on Win32 systems.


Closes the prototypes file (usually /etc/prototypes on Unix systems) if open. Not implemented on Win32 systems.


Closes the password file (/etc/passwd or equivalent on Unix systems) if open. Not implemented on Win32 systems.


Closes the services file (usually /etc/services on Unix systems) if open. Not implemented on Win32 systems.


eof filehandle
eof( )
Returns true if the next read on filehandle will return end-of-file, or if filehandle is not open. filehandle may be an expression with a value that gives the real filehandle name. An eof without an argument returns the end-of-file status for the last file read. Empty parentheses ( ) may be used in connection with the combined files listed on the command line. That is, inside a while (<>) loop, eof( ) will detect the end of only the last of a group of files. Use eof(ARGV) or eof (without parentheses) to test each file in a while (<>) loop. For example, the following code inserts dashes just before the last line of the last file:

while (<>) {
    if (eof( )) {
        print "-" x 30, "\n";

eval string
eval {block}
Evaluates the expression or code in its argument at runtime as a separate Perl program within the context of the larger script. Any variable settings remain afterward, as do any subroutine or format definitions. The code of the eval is treated as a block, so any locally scoped variables declared within the eval last only until the eval is done. (See also local and my.) The value returned from an eval is the value of the last expression evaluated. Like subroutines, you may also use the return function to return a value and exit the eval.

With eval string, the contents of string are compiled and executed at runtime. For example:

$a = 3, $b = 4;
$c = '$a * $b';
print (eval "$c"); # Prints 12

The string form of eval is useful for executing strings produced at runtime from standard or other dynamic input sources. If the string produces an error, either from syntax or at runtime, the eval exits with the undefined value and places the error in $@. If string is omitted, the operator evaluates $_.

The block form of eval is used in Perl programs to handle runtime errors (exceptions). The code in block is compiled only once during the compilation of the main program. If there is a syntax error in the block, it will produce an error at compile time. If the code in block produces a runtime error (or if a die statement is encountered), the eval exits, and the error is placed in $@. For example, the following code can be used to trap a divide-by-zero error at runtime:

eval {
      $a = 10; $b = 0;
      $c = $a / $b;     # Causes runtime error
                        # Trapped by eval
print $@;               # Prints "Illegal division by 0 at
                        # line 3"

As with any code in a block, a final semicolon is not required.


exec command
Terminates the currently running Perl script and executes the program named in command. The Perl program does not resume after the exec unless the exec cannot be run and produces an error. Unlike system, the executed command is not forked off into a child process. An exec completely replaces the script in its current process.

command may be a scalar containing a string with the name of the program to run and any arguments. This string is checked for shell metacharacters, and if there are any, passes the string to /bin/sh/ -c for parsing. Otherwise, the string is read as a program command, bypassing any shell processing. The first word of the string is used as the program name, with any remaining words used as arguments.

command may also be a list value in which the first element is parsed as the program name and remaining elements as arguments. For example:

exec 'echo', 'Your arguments are: ', @ARGV;

The exec function is not implemented for Perl on Win32 platforms.


exists $hash{$key}
Returns true if the specified hash key exists, even if the corresponding value is undefined.


exit status
Exits the current Perl process immediately with that value given by status. This could be the entire Perl script you are running or only a child process created by fork. Here's a fragment that lets a user exit the program by typing x or X:

$ans = <STDIN>;
exit 0 if $ans =~ /^[Xx]/;

If status is omitted, the function exits with 0. You shouldn't use exit to abort a subroutine if there's any chance that someone might want to trap whatever error happened. Use die instead, which can be trapped by an eval.


exp num
Returns e to the power of num. If num is omitted, it gives exp($_). To do general exponentiation, use the ** operator.


fcntl filehandle, function, arg
Calls the file control function (with the function-specific arg) to use on the file or device opened with filehandle. fcntl calls Unix's fcntl function (not available on Win32 platforms). If the function is not implemented, the program exits with a fatal error. fcntl sets file descriptors for a filehandle. This built-in command is usable when you use the Fcntl module in the standard distribution:

use Fcntl;

This module imports the correct functiondefinitions. See the description of the Fcntl module in Chapter 8, "Standard Modules".

The return value of fcntl (and ioctl) is as follows:

System call returns

Perl returns


Undefined value


String "0 but true"

Anything else

That number

Thus Perl returns true on success and false on failure, yet you can still easily determine the actual value returned by the operating system.


fileno filehandle
Returns the file descriptor for a filehandle. (A file descriptor is a small integer, unlike the filehandle, which is a symbol.) It returns undef if the handle is not open. It's useful for constructing bitmaps for select and for passing to certain obscure system calls if syscall is implemented. It's also useful for double-checking that the open function gave you the file descriptor you wanted.


flock filehandle, operation
Establishes or removes a lock on a file opened with filehandle. This function calls one of the Unix functions flock, lockf, or the locking capabilities of fcntl, whichever your system supports. If none of these functions exist on your system, flock will produce a fatal error.

operation is the type of locking function to perform. The number by each operation name is the argument that Perl's flock takes by default. You may also use the operation names if you explicitly import them from the Fcntl module with use Fcntl ":flock".

LOCK_SH (1)">LOCK_SH (1)
Establishes a shared lock on the file (read lock).

LOCK_EX (2)">LOCK_EX (2)
Establishes an exclusive lock on the file (write lock).

LOCK_UN (8)">LOCK_UN (8)
Removes a lock from the file.

LOCK_NB (4)">LOCK_NB (4)
Prevents flock from blocking while trying to establish a lock with LOCK_SH or LOCK_EX and instructs it to return immediately. LOCK_NB must be ored with the other operation as an expression for the operation argument, i.e., (LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB).


Spawns a child process that executes the code immediately following the fork call until the process is terminated (usually with an exit). The child process runs parallel to the parent process and shares all the parent's variables and open filehandles. The function returns the child pid to the parent process and 0 to the child process on success. If it fails, it returns the undefined value to the parent process, and no child process is created. If you fork your child processes, you'll have to wait on their zombies when they die. The fork function is unlikely to be implemented on any operating system not resembling Unix, unless it purports POSIX compliance.


formline picture, variables
Internal function used by formats, although you may also call it. It formats a list of values (variables) according to the contents of picture, placing the output into the format output accumulator, $^A. When a write is done, the contents of $^A are written to a filehandle, but you can also read $^A yourself and set $^A back to "". Note that a format typically does one formline per line of form, but the formline function itself doesn't care how many newlines are embedded in the picture. This means that the ~ and ~~ tokens will treat the entire picture as a single line. Thus, you may need to use multiple formlines to implement a single-record format, such as the format compiler.

Be careful if you put double quotes around the picture, since an @ character may be taken to mean the beginning of an array name. formline always returns true. See Chapter 4, "The Perl Language" for more information.


getc filehandle
Returns the next byte from the input file attached to filehandle. At end-of-file, it returns a null string. If filehandle is omitted, the function reads from STDIN. This operator is very slow, but is occasionally useful for single-character input from the keyboard.


Returns the next entry from the systems group file (usually /etc/group on Unix systems) starting from the top. Returns null when end-of-file is reached. The return value from getgrent in list context is:

($name, $passwd, $gid, $members)

in which $members contains a space-separated list of the login names of the members of the group. In scalar context, getgrent returns only the group name.


getgrgid gid
Retrieves a group file (/etc/group) entry by group number gid. The return value in list context is:

($name, $passwd, $gid, $members)

in which $members contains a space-separated list of the login names of the members of the group. If you want to do this repeatedly, consider caching the data in a hash using getgrent. In scalar context, getgrgid returns only the group name.


getgrnam name
Retrieves a group file entry by the group name name. The return value in list context is:

($name, $passwd, $gid, $members)

in which $members contains a space-separated list of the login names of the members of the group. In scalar context, getgrnam returns only the numeric group ID.


gethostbyaddr address, [addrtype]
Retrieves the hostname (and alternate addresses) of a packed binary network address. (addrtype indicates the type of address given. Since gethostbyaddr is used almost solely for Internet IP addresses, addrtype is not needed.) The return value in list context is:

($name, $aliases, $addrtype, $length, @addrs)

in which @addrs is a list of packed binary addresses. In the Internet domain, each address is four bytes long and can be unpacked by something like:

($a, $b, $c, $d) = unpack('C4', $addrs[0]);

In scalar context, gethostbyaddr returns only the hostname.


gethostbyname name
Retrieves the address (and other names) of a network hostname. The return value in list context is:

($name, $aliases, $addrtype, $length, @addrs)

in which @addrs is a list of raw addresses. In scalar context, gethostbyname returns only the host address.


Retrieves the next entry from your system's network hosts file (usually /etc/hosts on Unix). The return value from gethostent is:

($name, $aliases, $addrtype, $length, @addrs)

in which @addrs is a list of raw addresses. Scripts that use this function should not be considered portable.


Returns the current login from /etc/utmp (Unix systems only), if any. If null, use getpwuid. For example:

$login = getlogin || getpwuid($<) || "Intruder!!";

getnetbyaddr address, [addrtype]
Retrieves the network name or names of the given network address. (addrtype indicates the type of address. Often, this function is used for IP addresses, in which the type is not needed.) The return value in list context is:

($name, $aliases, $addrtype, $net)

In scalar context, getnetbyaddr returns only the network name.


getnetbyname name
Retrieves the network address of a network name. The return value in list context is:

($name, $aliases, $addrtype, $net)

In scalar context, getnetbyname returns only the network address.


Retrieves the next line from your /etc/networks file, or system equivalent. The return value in list context is:

($name, $aliases, $addrtype, $net)

In scalar context, getnetent returns only the network name.


getpeername socket
Returns the packed socket address of the other end of the socket connection. For example:

use Socket;
$hersockaddr = getpeername SOCK;
($port, $heraddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($hersockaddr);
$herhostname = gethostbyaddr($heraddr, AF_INET);
$herstraddr = inet_ntoa($heraddr);

getpgrp pid
Returns the current process group for the specified process ID (pid). Use a pid of 0 for the current process. Invoking getpgrp will produce a fatal error if used on a machine that doesn't implement the getpgrp system call. If pid is omitted, the function returns the process group of the current process (the same as using a pid of 0). On systems implementing this operator with the POSIX getpgrp(2) system call, pid must be omitted or, if supplied, must be 0.


Returns the process ID of the parent process. On a typical Unix system, if your parent process ID changes to 1, your parent process has died, and you've been adopted by the init program.


getpriority type, id
Returns the current priority for a process, a process group, or a user. type indicates which of these three process types to return. (The type identifiers are system-specific. Consult the manpage for getpriority.) The id gives the specific ID of the corresponding process type in type: a process ID, a process-group ID, or a user ID. The value 0 in who gives the priority for the current process, process group, or user.

The priority will be an integer value. Lower values indicate higher priority (negative values may be returned on some systems). Invoking getpriority will produce a fatal error if used on a machine that doesn't implement the getpriority system call.


getprotobyname name
Translates a protocol name to its corresponding number. The return value in list context is:

($name, $aliases, $protocol_number)

In scalar context, getprotobyname returns only the protocol number.


getprotobynumber number
Translates a protocol number to its corresponding name. The return value in list context is:

($name, $aliases, $protocol_number)

In scalar context, getprotobynumber returns only the protocol name.


Retrieves the next line from the /etc/protocols file (on some Unix systems). Returns null at the end of the file. The return value from getprotoent is:

($name, $aliases, $protocol_number)

In scalar context, getprotoent returns only the protocol name.


Retrieves the next line from the /etc/passwd file (or its equivalent coming from another server). Returns null at the end of the file. The return value in list context is:


Some machines may use the quota and comment fields for other purposes, but the remaining fields will always be the same. To set up a hash for translating login names to uids, do this:

while (($name, $passwd, $uid) = getpwent) {
    $uid{$name} = $uid;

In scalar context, getpwent returns only the username.


getpwnam name
Retrieves the passwd file entry of a user name. The return value in list context is:


If you want to do this repeatedly, consider caching the data in a hash using getpwent.

In scalar context, getpwnam returns only the numeric user ID.


getpwuid uid
Retrieves the passwd file entry with the user ID uid. The return value in list context is:


If you want to do this repeatedly, consider slurping the data into a hash using getpwent.

In scalar context, getpwuid returns the username.


getservbyname name, proto
Translates a service (port) name to its corresponding port number. proto is a protocol name such as tcp. The return value in list context is:

($name, $aliases, $port_number, $protocol_name)

In scalar context, getservbyname returns only the service port number.


getservbyport port, proto
Translates a service (port) number to its corresponding names. proto is a protocol name such as tcp. The return value in list context is:

($name, $aliases, $port_number, $protocol_name)

In scalar context, getservbyport returns only the service port name.


Retrieves the next listing from the /etc/services file or its equivalent. Returns null at the end of the file. The return value in list context is:

($name, $aliases, $port_number, $protocol_name)

In scalar context, getservent returns only the service port name.


getsockname socket
Returns the packed socket address of this end of the socket connection.


getsockopt socket, level, optname
Returns the value of the socket option optname, or the undefined value if there is an error. level identifies the protocol level used by socket. Options vary for different protocols. See also setsockopt.


glob expr
Performs filename expansion (globbing) on expr, returning the next successive name on each call. If expr is omitted, $_ is globbed instead. This is the internal function implementing the <*> operator, except that it may be easier to type this way.

The glob function is not related to the Perl notion of typeglobs, other than that they both use a * to represent multiple items.


gmtime expr
Converts a time string as returned by the time function to a nine-element list with the time correct for Greenwich Mean Time zone (a.k.a. GMT, UTC, etc.). Typically used as follows:

($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =

All list elements are numeric and come straight out of a C language struct tm. In particular, this means that $mon has the range 0..11, $wday has the range 0..6, and the year has had 1,900 subtracted from it. (You can remember which elements are 0-based because you're always using these as subscripts into 0-based arrays containing month and day names.) If expr is omitted, it does gmtime(time). For example, to print the current month in London:

$london_month = (qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
        Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec))[(gmtime)[4]];

The Perl library module Time::Local contains a subroutine, timegm( ), that can convert in the opposite direction.

In scalar context, gmtime returns a ctime(3)-like string based on the GMT time value.


goto label
goto &name
Finds the statement labeled with label (or an expression that evaluates to a label) and resumes execution there. It may not be used to go into any construct that requires initialization, such as a subroutine or a foreach loop. It also can't be used to go into a construct that is optimized away. It can be used to go almost anywhere else within the dynamic scope, including out of subroutines, but for that purpose, it's usually better to use another construct, such as last or die.

goto &name substitutes a call to the named subroutine for the currently running subroutine. This is used by AUTOLOAD subroutines that wish to load another subroutine and pretend that this subroutine—and not the original one—had been called in the first place (except that any modifications to @_ in the original subroutine are propagated to the replacement subroutine). After the goto, not even caller will be able to tell that the original routine was called first.


grep expr, list
grep {block} list
Evaluates expr or blockin a Boolean context for each element of list, temporarily setting $_ to each element in turn. In list context, it returns a list of those elements for which the expression is true. Mostly used like Unix grep, in which expr is a search pattern, and list elements that match are returned. In scalar context, grep returns the number of times the expression was true.

For example, presuming @all_lines contains lines of code, this example weeds out comment lines:

@code_lines = grep !/^#/, @all_lines;

hex hexnum
Converts a hexadecimal string hexnum into its equivalent decimal value. If hexnum is omitted, it interprets $_. The following code sets $number to 4,294,906,560:

$number = hex("ffff12c0");

To do the inverse function, use:

sprintf "%lx", $number;   # That's a letter 'l', not a one

index string, substr, [start]
Returns the position of the first occurrence of substr in string. The start, if specified, specifies the position to start looking in the string. Positions are integer numbers based at 0. If the substring is not found, the index function returns -1.


int num
Returns the integer portion of num. If num is omitted, the function uses $_.


ioctl filehandle, function, arg
Calls the ioctl Unix system call to perform function (with the function-specific arg) on the file or device opened with filehandle. See fcntl for a description of return values.


join char, list
Joins the separate strings of list into a single string with fields separated by the value of char and returns the string. For example:

$_ = join ':', $login,$passwd,$uid,$gid,$gcos,$home,$shell;

To do the opposite, see split. To join things together into fixed-position fields, see pack.


keys %hash
Returns a list consisting of all the keys of the named hash. The keys are returned in an apparently random order, but it is the same order that either the values or each function produces (assuming that the hash has not been modified between calls).

In scalar context, keys returns the number of elements of the hash (and resets the each iterator).

keys can be used as an lvalue to increase the number of hash buckets allocated for the hash:

keys %hash = 200;

kill sig, processes
Sends a signal, sig, to a list of processes. You may use a signal name in quotes (without a SIG on the front). This function returns the number of processes successfully signaled. If the signal is negative, the function kills process groups instead of processes.


last label
Immediately exits the loop identified by label. If label is omitted, the command refers to the innermost enclosing loop.


lc string
Returns a lowercase version of string (or $_, if omitted). This is the internal function implementing the \L escape in double-quoted strings.


lcfirst string
Returns a version of string (or $_, if omitted) with the first character lowercased. This is the internal function implementing the \l escape in double-quoted strings.


length val
Returns the length in bytes of the scalar value val. If val is omitted, the function returns the length of $_.

Do not try to use length to find the size of an array or hash. Use scalar @array for the size of an array, and scalar keys %hashfor the size of a hash.


link oldfile, newfile
Creates a Unix hard link from a new filename, newfile, to an existing file, oldfile, on the same filesystem. The function returns 1 for success, 0 otherwise (and puts the error code into $!). This function is unlikely to be implemented on non-Unix systems. See also symlink.


listen socket, queuesize
Tells the operating system that you are ready to accept connections on socket and sets the number of waiting connections to queuesize. If the queue is full, clients trying to connect to the socket will be refused connection.


local vars
Declares one or more global variables vars to have temporary values within the innermost enclosing block, subroutine, eval, or file. The new value is initially undef for scalars and ( ) for arrays and hashes. If more than one variable is listed, the list must be placed in parentheses, because the operator binds more tightly than a comma. All the listed variables must be legal lvalues, that is, something you can assign to. This operator works by saving the current values of those variables on a hidden stack and restoring them upon exiting the block, subroutine, eval, or file.

Subroutines called within the scope of a local variable will see the localized inner value of the variable. The technical term for this process is "dynamic scoping." Use my for true private variables.


localtime val
Converts the value returned by time to a nine-element list with the time corrected for the local time zone. It's typically used as follows:

($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =

All list elements are numeric. The element $mon (month) has the range 0..11, and $wday (weekday) has the range 0..6. The year has had 1,900 subtracted from it. (You can remember which elements are 0-based because you're always using them as subscripts into 0-based arrays containing month and day names.) If val is omitted, it does localtime(time). For example, to get the name of the current day of the week:

$thisday = (Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat)[(localtime)[6]];

The Perl library module Time::Local contains a subroutine, timelocal( ), that can convert in the opposite direction.

In scalar context, localtime returns a ctime(3)-like string based on the localtime value.


log num
Returns logarithm (base e) of num. If num is omitted, the function uses $_.


lstat file
Like stat, returns information on file, except that if file is a symbolic link, lstat returns information about the link; stat returns information about the file pointed to by the link. (If symbolic links are unimplemented on your system, a normal stat is done instead.)


map {block} list
map expr, list
Evaluates the block or exprfor each element of list (locally setting $_ to each element) and returns the list value composed of the results of each evaluation. It evaluates block or exprin a list context, so each element of listmay produce zero, one, or more elements in the returned value. These are all flattened into one list. For instance:

@words = map { split ' ' } @lines;

splits a list of lines into a list of words. Often, though, there is a one-to-one mapping between input values and output values:

@chars = map chr, @nums;

This statement translates a list of numbers to the corresponding characters.


mkdir filename, mode
Creates the directory specified by filename, with permissions specified by the numeric mode(as modified by the current umask). If it succeeds, it returns 1; otherwise, it returns 0 and sets $! (from the value of errno).


msgctl id, cmd, arg
Calls the msgctl system call, which is used to perform different control operations on IPC message queues. (See the msgctl documentation on your system for details.) If cmd is &IPC_STAT, then argmust be a variable that will hold the returned msqid_ds structure. The return values work like those of fnctl: the undefined value for error, 0 but true for zero, or the actual return value otherwise. On error, it puts the error code into $!. Before calling, you should say:

require "";
require "";

This function is available only on machines supporting System V IPC.


msgget key, flags
Calls the System V IPC msgget system call. See the msgget documentation on your system for details. The function returns the message queue ID, or the undefined value if there is an error. On error, it puts the error code into $!. Before calling, you should say:

require "";
require "";

This function is available only on machines supporting System V IPC.


msgrcv id, var, size, type, flags
Calls the System V IPC msgrcv system call to receive a message from message queue id into variable var with a maximum message size of size. When a message is received, the message type will be the first thing in var, and the maximum length of var is sizeplus the size of the message type. The function returns true if successful, or false if there is an error. On error, it puts the error code into $!. Before calling, you should say:

require "";
require "";

This function is available only on machines supporting System V IPC.


msgsnd id, msg, flags
Calls the System V IPC msgsnd system call to send the message msg to the message queue id. msg must begin with the long integer message type. You can create a message like this:

$msg = pack "L a*", $type, $text_of_message;

The function returns true if successful, or false if there is an error. On error, it puts the error code into $!. Before calling, you should say:

require "";
require "";

This function is available only on machines supporting System V IPC.


my vars
Declares one or more private variables to exist only within the innermost enclosing block, subroutine, eval, or file. The new value is initially undef for scalars and ( ) for arrays and hashes. If more than one variable is listed, the list must be placed in parentheses, because the operator binds more tightly than a comma. Only simple scalars or complete arrays and hashes may be declared this way. The variable name may not be package-qualified, because package variables are all global, and private variables are not related to any package.

Unlike local, this operator has nothing to do with global variables, other than hiding any other variable of the same name from view within its scope. (A global variable can always be accessed through its package-qualified form or a symbolic reference, however.) A private variable is not visible until the statement after its declaration. Subroutines called from within the scope of such a private variable cannot see the private variable unless the subroutine is also textually declared within the scope of the variable.


next label
Immediately jumps to the next iteration of the loop identified by label or the innermost enclosing loop, if there is no argument. If there is a continue block, it will be executed immediately after the next, before the loop is reiterated.


no Module list
Effectively "undoes" the use function. Used to deactivate pragmas (compiler directives) for sections of your program. For instance:

no strict 'refs'

allows soft references to the end of the block scope if:

use strict 'refs'

was previously invoked.


oct ostring
Interprets ostring as an octal string and returns the equivalent decimal value. (If ostringhappens to start with 0x, it is interpreted as a hex string instead.) The following will handle decimal, octal, and hex in the standard notation:

$val = oct $val if $val =~ /^0/;

If ostring is omitted, the function interprets $_. To perform the inverse function on octal numbers, use:

$oct_string = sprintf "%lo", $number;

open filehandle, filename

open filehandle, mode, filename

open filehandle, mode, expr, list (new in 5.8)

open filehandle, mode, reference (new in 5.8)
Opens the file given by filename and associates it with filehandle. If filehandle is omitted, the scalar variable of the same name as the filehandle must contain the filename. (And you must also be careful to use or die after the statement rather than || die, because the precedence of || is higher than list operators such as open.)

If filename is preceded by either < or nothing, the file is opened for input (read-only). If filename is preceded by >, the file is opened for output. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created; if the file exists, it will be overwritten with output using >. Preceding the filename with >> opens an output file for appending. For both read and write access, use a + before < or >.

If you choose to use the three-or-more-arguments form of open, you can use separate mode and filename arguments, such as open($fh, $mode, $filename), in which $moderepresents an open mode or pipe. For example:

my $mode = '+<';
my $filename = 'whatever.txt';
open(FH, $mode, $filename)
    or die("can't open $filename: $!");

As covered in Chapter 4, "The Perl Language", you can build Perl 5.8 and newer with PerlIO support, which offers additional features for your system's I/O (STDIO). This allows you to do neat things, such as specify utf-8 as your default encoding for all of your I/O, or set your default line endings with 'crlf'. In addition, you can select piping to or extracting information from an external program with '|-' and '-|', respectively. For example:

my $prog = "webster overworked";
open($fh, '-|', $prog)
    or die("can't open pipe to '$prog': $!");

or, similarly:

my @prog_info = qw(/usr/contrib/bin/webster overworked);
open($fh, '-|', @prog_info)
    or die(...);

A filehandle may also be attached to a process by using a piped command. If the filename begins with |, the filename is interpreted as a command to which output is to be piped. If the filename ends with a |, the filename is interpreted as a command that pipes input to you. You may not have an open command that pipes both in and out.

Any pipe command containing shell metacharacters is passed to the shell for execution; otherwise, it is executed directly by Perl. The filename - refers to STDIN, and > refers to STDOUT. open returns nonzero upon success, the undefined value otherwise. If the open involved a pipe, the return value happens to be the process ID of the subprocess.


opendir dirhandle, directory
Opens a directory for processing by readdir, telldir, seekdir, rewinddir, and closedir. The function returns true if successful. Directory handles have their own namespace separate from filehandles.


ord expr
Returns the numeric ASCII value of the first character of expr. If expr is omitted, it uses $_. The return value is always unsigned. If you want a signed value, use unpack('c', expr). If you want all the characters of the string converted to a list of numbers, use unpack('C*', expr) instead.


our vars
Declares the listed variables to be valid globals within the enclosing block, file, or eval. vars must be in parentheses if more than one value is used. our( ) has the same scoping rules as a "my" declaration but does not create a local variable. Variables that you create with our( ) will be visible across its lexical scope and may cross package boundaries. Unlike usevars, our( ) is not package scoped; the package in which the variable is entered is determined at the point of declaration, not at the time of use. This means the following behavior holds:

package Foo;
                our $bar;           # Declares $Foo::bar for rest of lexical scope
                $bar = 20;

                package Bar;
                print $bar;         # Prints 20

You my use multiple our declarations in the same lexical scope if they are in different packages. If they are in the same package, Perl will emit warnings if you have asked for them:

use warnings;
                package Foo;
                our $bar;           # Declares $Foo::bar for rest of lexical scope
                $bar = 20;

                package Bar;
                our $bar = 30;      # Declares $Bar::bar for rest of lexical scope
                print $bar;         # Prints 30
                our $bar;           # Emits warning

pack template, list
Takes a list of values and packs it into a binary structure, returning the string containing the structure. templateis a sequence of characters that give the order and type of values, as follows:




Null-fill to absolute position.


Start of a ( ) group.


An ASCII string, will be null padded.


An ASCII string, will be space padded.


A bit string, low-to-high order (such as vec( )).


A bit string, high-to-low order.


A signed char value.


An unsigned char value.


A double-precision float in the native format.


A long double-precision float in the native format. Long doubles are avai able only if your system supports long double values and if Perl has been compiled to support these values. Causes a fatal error otherwise. New in 5.8.


A single-precision float in the native format.


A floating-point value in the native format, i.e., a Perl internal floating-point value (NV). New in 5.8.


A hexadecimal string, low nybble first.


A hexadecimal string, high nybble first.


A signed integer value.


An unsigned integer value.


A signed long value.


A signed integer value, i.e., a Perl internal integer (IV). New in 5.8.


An unsigned integer value, i.e., a Perl internal unsigned integer (UV). New in 5.8.


An unsigned long value.


A short in "network" (big-endian) order.


A long in "network" (big-endian) order.


A pointer to a string.


A pointer to a structure (fixed-length string).


A signed quad (64-bit) value. New in 5.8.


An unsigned quad value. Quads are available only if your system supports 64-bit integer values and if Perl has been compiled to support these values. Causes a fatal error otherwise. New in 5.8.


A signed short value.


An unsigned short value.


A short in "VAX" (little-endian) order.


A long in "VAX" (little-endian) order.


A uuencoded string.


A Unicode character number. Encodes to UTF-8 internally (or UTF-EBCDIC in EBCDIC platforms). New in 5.8.


A BER compressed integer.


A null byte.


Back up a byte.


A null terminated (ASCII) string. Will be null padded. New in 5.8.

Each character may optionally be followed by a number that gives a repeat count. Together the character and the repeat count make a field specifier. Field specifiers may be separated by whitespace, which will be ignored. With all types except a and A, the pack function will gobble up that many values from the list. Specifying * for the repeat count means to use however many items are left. The a and A types gobble just one value, but pack it as a string of length count, padding with nulls or spaces as necessary. (When unpacking, A strips trailing spaces and nulls, but a does not.) Real numbers (floats and doubles) are in the native machine format only; due to the multiplicity of floating formats, and the lack of a standard network representation, no facility for interchange has been made.

Generally, the same template may also be used in the unpack function. If you want to join variable length fields with a delimiter, use the join function.


package namespace
Declares that the rest of the innermost enclosing block, subroutine, eval, or file belongs to the indicated namespace. (The scope of a package declaration is thus the same as the scope of a local or my declaration.) All subsequent references to unqualified global identifiers will be resolved by looking them up in the declared packages symbol table. A package declaration affects only global variables—including those you've used local on—but not lexical variables created with my.

Using package without an argument is possible, but since its semantics are unclear, package; has been depracated in Perl 5.8. If you intend to disallow variables that aren't fully qualified, use strict; instead.

Typically, you put a package declaration as the first thing in a file that will be included by the require or use operator, but you can put one anywhere that a statement would be legal. When defining a class or a module file, it is customary to name the package the same name as the file, to avoid confusion. (It's also customary to name such packages beginning with a capital letter, because lowercase modules are, by convention, interpreted as pragmas.)


pipe readhandle, writehandle
Opens a pair of connected pipes. This call is almost always used right before a fork, after which the pipes reader should close writehandle, and the writer should close readhandle. (Otherwise, the pipe won't indicate end-of-file to the reader when the writer closes it.) Note that if you set up a loop of piped processes, deadlock can occur unless you are very careful. In addition, note that Perl's pipes use standard I/O buffering, so you may need to set $| on your writehandle to flush after each output command, depending on the application. See select filehandle.


pop @array
Treats an array like a stack, popping and returning the last value of the array and shortening the array by one element. If array is omitted, the function pops @ARGV (in the main program) or @_ (in subroutines).

If there are no elements in the array, pop returns the undefined value. See also push and shift. If you want to pop more than one element, use splice.


pos $scalar
Returns the location in scalar where the last m//g search over scalarleft off. It returns the offset of the character after the last one matched. This is the offset where the next m//g search on that string will start. Remember that the offset of the beginning of the string is 0. For example:

$grafitto = "fee fie foe foo";
while ($grafitto =~ m/e/g) {
    print pos $grafitto, "\n";

prints 2, 3, 7, and 11, the offsets of each of the characters following an "e". The pos function may be assigned a value to tell the next m//g where to start.


print [filehandle] list
Prints a string or a comma-separated list of strings to the specified filehandle. If no filehandle is given, the function prints to the currently open filehandle (STDOUT initially). The function returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. filehandlemay be a scalar variable name (unsubscripted), in which case the variable contains either the name of the actual filehandle or a reference to a filehandle object from one of the object-oriented filehandle packages. filehandle may also be a block that returns either kind of value:

print { $OK ? "STDOUT" : "STDERR" } "stuff\n";
print { $iohandle[$i] } "stuff\n";

If list is also omitted, $_ is printed. Note that because print takes a list, anything in the list is evaluated in list context.


printf [filehandle] format, list
Prints a formatted string of the elements in list to filehandle or, if omitted, the currently selected output filehandle. This is similar to the C library's printf and fprintf functions, except that the * field width specifier is not supported. The function is exactly equivalent to:

print filehandle sprintf(format, list);

printf and sprintf use the same format syntax, but sprintf returns only a string; it doesn't print to a filehandle. The format string contains text with embedded field specifiers into which the elements of list are substituted in order, one per field. Field specifiers follow the form:


A percent sign begins each field, and x is the type of field. The optional m gives the minimum field width for appropriate field types (negative m left-justifies). The .n gives the precision for a specific field type, such as the number of digits after a decimal point for floating-point numbers, the maximum length for a string, and the minimum length for an integer.

Field specifiers (x) may be the following:




Percent sign




Decimal integer


Exponential format floating-point number


Exponential format floating-point number with uppercase E


Fixed-point format floating-point number


Floating-point number, in either exponential or fixed decimal notation


Like g with uppercase E (if applicable)


Long decimal integer


Long octal integer


Long unsigned decimal integer


Long hexadecimal integer


Octal integer




Unsigned decimal integer


Hexadecimal integer


Hexadecimal integer with uppercase letters


The Perl value's address in hexadecimal


Special value that stores the number of characters output so far into the next variable in the parameter list


prototype function
Returns the prototype of a function as a string, or undef if the function has no prototype. function is the name of the function or a reference to it.


push @array, list
Pushes the elements of list onto the end of array. The length of array increases by the length of list. The function returns this new length. See also pop and unshift.


Generalized forms of quoting. q// is equivalent to using single quotes (literal, no variable interpolation). qq// is equivalent to double quotes (literal, interpolated). qx// is equivalent to using backticks for commands (interpolated). And qw// is equivalent to splitting a single-quoted string on whitespace.


quotemeta expr
Returns the value of expr (or $_ if not specified) with all non-alphanumeric characters backslashed. This is the internal function implementing the \Q escape in interpolative contexts (including double-quoted strings, backticks, and patterns).


rand num
Returns a random fractional number between 0 and the value of num. (numshould be positive.) If num is omitted, the function returns a value between 0 and 1 (including 0, but excluding 1). See also srand.

To get an integral value, combine this with int, as in:

$roll = int(rand 6) + 1;       # $roll is now an integer between 1 and 6

read filehandle, $var, length, [offset]
Attempts to read length bytes of data into variable var from the specified filehandle. The function returns the number of bytes actually read, or 0 at end-of-file. It returns the undefined value on error. var will grow or shrink to the length actually read. The offset, if specified, says where in the variable to start putting bytes, so that you can do a read into the middle of a string.

To copy data from the filehandle FROM into the filehandle TO, you could say:

while (read FROM, $buf, 16384) {
    print TO $buf;

Note that the opposite of read is simply print, which already knows the length of the string you want to write and can write a string of any length.

Perl's read function is actually implemented in terms of standard I/O's fread function, so the actual read system call may read more than length bytes to fill the input buffer, and fread may do more than one system read to fill the buffer. To gain greater control, specify the real system call using sysread.


readdir dirhandle
Reads directory entries from a directory handle opened by opendir. In scalar context, this function returns the next directory entry, if any; otherwise, it returns an undefined value. In list context, it returns all the rest of the entries in the directory, which will of course be a null list if there are none.


readline *filehandle
Reads a line or lines from the specified filehandle. (A typeglob of the filehandle name should be supplied.) Returns one line per call in a scalar context. Returns a list of all lines until the end-of-file in list context.


readlink name
Returns the name of a file pointed to by the symbolic link name. nameshould evaluate to a filename, the last component of which is a symbolic link. If it is not a symbolic link, or if symbolic links are not implemented, or if a system error occurs, the undefined value is returned, and you should check the error code in $!. If name is omitted, the function uses $_.


readpipe cmd
Executes cmd as a system command and returns the collected standard output of the command. In a scalar context, the output is returned as a single, possibly multiline, string. In list context, a list of output lines is returned.


recv socket, $var, len, flags
Receives a message on a socket. It attempts to receive len bytes of data into variable var from the specified socket filehandle. The function returns the address of the sender, or the undefined value if there's an error. varwill grow or shrink to the length actually read. The function takes the same flags as the recv(2) system call.


redo [label]
Restarts a loop block identified by label without reevaluating the conditional. The continue block, if any, is not executed. If the label is omitted, the command refers to the innermost enclosing loop.


ref $var
Returns a string indicating the type of the object referenced if var is a reference; returns the null string otherwise. Built-in types include:


If the referenced object has been blessed into a package, that package name is returned instead. You can think of ref as a "typeof" operator.


rename oldname, newname
Changes the name of a file from oldname to newname. It returns 1 for success, 0 otherwise (and puts the error code into $!). It will not work across filesystem boundaries. If there is already a file named newname, it will be destroyed.


require filename
require num
require package
Asserts a dependency of some kind depending on its argument. (If an argument is not supplied, $_ is used.)

If the argument is a string filename, this function includes and executes the Perl code found in the separate file of that name. This is similar to performing an eval on the contents of the file, except that require checks to see that the library file has not been included already. The function also knows how to search the include path stored in the @INC array.

If requires argument is a number num, the version number of the currently executing Perl binary (as known by $]) is compared to num. If it is smaller, execution is immediately aborted. Thus, a script that requires Perl version 5.003 can have as its first line:

require 5.003;

and earlier versions of Perl will abort.

If require's argument is a package name, require assumes an automatic .pm suffix, making it easy to load standard modules. This is like use, except that it happens at runtime, not compile time, and the import routine is not called.


reset expr
Used at the top of a loop or in a continue block at the end of a loop to clear global variables or reset ?? searches so they work again. expr is a list of single characters (hyphens are allowed for ranges). All scalar variables, arrays, and hashes beginning with one of those letters are reset to their pristine state. If expr is omitted, one-match searches (?PATTERN?) are reset to match again. The function resets variables or searches for the current package only. It always returns 1.

Lexical variables (created by my) are not affected. Use of reset is vaguely deprecated.


return expr
Returns from a subroutine (or eval) with the value of expr. (In the absence of an explicit return, the value of the last expression evaluated is returned.) Use of return outside of a subroutine or eval will result in a fatal error.

The supplied expression will be evaluated in the context of the subroutine invocation. That is, if the subroutine was called in a scalar context, expr is also evaluated in scalar context. If the subroutine was invoked in a list context, then expr is also evaluated in list context and can return a list value. A return with no argument returns the undefined value in scalar context and a null list in list context. The context of the subroutine call can be determined from within the subroutine by using the (misnamed) wantarray function.


reverse list
Returns a list value consisting of the elements of listin the opposite order. This is fairly efficient because it just swaps the pointers around. In scalar context, the function concatenates all the elements of list together and returns the reverse of this character by character.


rewinddir dirhandle
Sets the current position to the beginning of the directory for the readdir routine on dirhandle. The function may not be available on all machines that support readdir.


rindex str, substr, [position]
Works just like index except that it returns the position of the last occurrence of substr in str (a reverse index). The function returns -1 if not found. position, if specified, is the rightmost position that may be returned, i.e., how far in the string the function can search.


rmdir name
Deletes the directory specified by name if it is empty. If it succeeds, it returns 1; otherwise, it returns 0 and puts the error code into $!. If name is omitted, the function uses $_.


scalar expr
Forces an expression expr to be evaluated in scalar context.


seek filehandle, offset, whence
Positions the file pointer for filehandle, just like the fseek(3) call of standard I/O. The first position in a file is at offset 0, not offset 1, and offsets refer to byte positions, not line numbers. The function returns 1 upon success, 0 otherwise. For handiness, the function can calculate offsets from various file positions for you. The value of whence specifies which of three file positions your offset is relative to: 0, the beginning of the file; 1, the current position in the file; or 2, the end of the file. offset may be negative for a whence of 1 or 2.


seekdir dirhandle, pos
Sets the current position for the readdir routine on dirhandle. posmust be a value returned by telldir. This function has the same caveats about possible directory compaction as the corresponding system library routine.


select filehandle
Returns the currently selected output filehandle, and if filehandle is supplied, sets that as the current default filehandle for output. This has two effects. First, a write or a print without a filehandle argument will default to this filehandle. Second, special variables related to output will refer to this output filehandle.


select rbits, wbits, ebits, timeout
The four-argument select operator is totally unrelated to the previously described select operator. This operator is for discovering which (if any) of your file descriptors are ready to do input or output, or to report an exceptional condition. It calls the select(2) system call with the bitmasks you've specified, which you can construct using fileno and vec, like this:

$rbits = $wbits = $ebits = "";
vec($rbits, fileno(STDIN), 1) = 1;
vec($wbits, fileno(STDOUT), 1) = 1;
$ein = $rin | $win;

The select call blocks until one or more file descriptors is ready for reading, writing, or reporting an error condition. timeout is given in seconds and tells select how long to wait.


semctl id, semnum, cmd, arg
Calls the System V IPC system call semctl(2). If cmd is &IPC_STAT or &GETALL, then argmust be a variable which will hold the returned semid_ds structure or semaphore value array. The function returns like ioctl: the undefined value for error, 0 but true for zero, or the actual return value otherwise. On error, it puts the error code into $!. Before calling, you should say:

require "";
require "";

This function is available only on machines supporting System V IPC.


semget key, nsems, size, flags
Calls the System V IPC system call semget(2). The function returns the semaphore ID, or the undefined value if there is an error. On error, it puts the error code into $!. Before calling, you should say:

require "";
require "";

This function is available only on machines supporting System V IPC.


semop key, opstring
Calls the System V IPC system call semop(2) to perform semaphore operations such as signaling and waiting. opstring must be a packed array of semop structures. You can make each semop structure by saying pack('s*', $semnum, $semop, $semflag). The number of semaphore operations is implied by the length of opstring. The function returns true if successful or false if there is an error. On error, it puts the error code into $!. Before calling, you should say:

require "";
require "";

This function is available only on machines supporting System V IPC.


send socket, msg, flags, [dest]
Sends a message msg on a socket. It takes the same flags as the system call of the same name (see send(2)). On unconnected sockets, you must specify a destination dest to send to, in which case send works like sendto(2). The function returns the number of bytes sent, or the undefined value if there is an error. On error, it puts the error code into $!.

Some non-Unix systems improperly treat sockets as different objects than ordinary file descriptors, which means that you must always use send and recv on sockets rather than the standard I/O operators.


sethostent stayopen
Opens the hosts file (usually /etc/hosts on Unix systems) and resets the "current" selection to the top of the file. stayopen, if nonzero, keeps the file open across calls to other functions. Not implemented on Win32 systems.


Opens the groups file (usually /etc/group on Unix systems) and resets the top of the file as the starting point for any read and/or write functions on the file (with the proper permissions). This function will reset the getgrent function back to retrieve group entries from the start of the group file. Not implemented on Win32 systems.


setnetent stayopen
Opens the networks file (usually /etc/group) and resets the "current" selection to the top of the file. stayopen, if nonzero, keeps the file open across calls to other functions. Not implemented on Win32 systems.


setpgrp pid, pgrp
Sets the current process group pgrp for the specified pid (use a pidof 0 for the current process). Invoking setpgrp will produce a fatal error if used on a machine that doesn't implement setpgrp(2). Some systems will ignore the arguments you provide and always do setpgrp(0, $$). Fortunately, those are the arguments you usually provide. (For better portability, use the setpgid( ) function in the POSIX module, or if you're really just trying to daemonize your script, consider the POSIX::setsid( ) function as well.)


setpriority which, who, priority
Sets the current priority for a process, a process group, or a user. which must indicate one of these types: PRIO_PROCESS, PRIO_PGRP, or PRIO_USER. who, therefore, identifies the specific process, process group, or user with its ID. priority is an integer number that will be added to or subtracted from the current priority; the lower the number, the higher the priority. The interpretation of a given priority may vary from one operating system to the next. See setpriority on your system. Invoking setpriority will produce a fatal error if used on a machine that doesn't implement setpriority.


setprotoent stayopen
Opens the prototypes file (usually /etc/prototypes) and resets the "current" selection to the top of the file. stayopen, if nonzero, keeps the file open across calls to other functions. Not implemented on Win32 systems.


Opens the password file (usually /etc/passwd) and resets the top of the file as the starting point for any read and/or write functions on the file (with the proper permissions). This function will reset the getpwent function back to retrieve group entries from the start of the group file. Not implemented on Win32 systems.


setservent stayopen
Opens the services file (usually /etc/services) and resets the "current" selection to the top of the file. stayopen, if nonzero, keeps the file open across calls to other functions. Not implemented on Win32 systems.


setsockopt socket, level, optname, optval
Sets the socket option requested (optname) to the value optval. The function returns undefined if there is an error. optval may be specified as undef if you don't want to pass an argument. level specifies the protocol type used on the socket.


shift @array
Removes the first value of @array and returns it, shortening the array by 1 and moving everything down. If there are no elements in the array, the function returns the undefined value. If @array is omitted, the function shifts @ARGV (in the main program), or @_ (in subroutines). See also unshift, push, and pop. shift and unshift functions do the same thing to the left end of an array that pop and push do to the right end.


shmctl id, cmd, arg
Calls the System V IPC system call, shmctl(2), for performing operations on shared memory segments. If cmd is &IPC_STAT, then arg must be a variable that will hold the returned shmid_ds structure. The function returns like ioctl: the undefined value for error, "0 but true" for 0, or the actual return value otherwise. On error, it puts the error code into $!. Before calling, you should say:

require "";
require "";

This function is available only on machines supporting System V IPC.


shmget key, size, flags
Calls the System V IPC system call, shmget(2). The function returns the shared memory segment ID, or the undefined value if there is an error. On error, it puts the error code into $!. Before calling, you should say:

require "";
require "";

This function is available only on machines supporting System V IPC.


shmread id, var, pos, size
Reads from the shared memory segment id starting at position pos for size size (by attaching to it, copying out, and detaching from it). var must be a variable that will hold the data read. The function returns true if successful or false if there is an error. On error, it puts the error code into $!. This function is available only on machines supporting System V IPC.


shmwrite id, string, pos, size
Writes to the shared memory segment ID starting at position pos for size size (by attaching to it, copying in, and detaching from it). If string is too long, only size bytes are used; if string is too short, nulls are written to fill out size bytes. The function returns true if successful or false if there is an error. On error, it puts the error code into $!. This function is available only on machines supporting System V IPC.


shutdown socket, how
Shuts down a socket connection in the manner indicated by how. If how is 0, further receives are disallowed. If how is 1, further sends are disallowed. If how is 2, everything is disallowed.

This function will not shut down your system; you'll have to execute an external program to do that. See system.


sin num
Returns the sine of num (expressed in radians). If num is omitted, it returns the sine of $_.


sleep n
Causes the script to sleep for n seconds, or forever if no argument is given. It may be interrupted by sending the process a SIGALRM. The function returns the number of seconds actually slept. On some systems, the function sleeps till the "top of the second." So, for instance, a sleep 1 may sleep anywhere from 0 to 1 second, depending on when in the current second you started sleeping.


socket socket, domain, type, protocol
Opens a socket of the specified kind and attaches it to filehandle socket. domain, type, and protocol are specified the same as for socket(2). Before using this function, your program should contain the line:

use Socket;

This setting gives you the proper constants. The function returns true if successful.


socketpair sock1, sock2, domain, type, prtcl
Creates an unnamed pair of sockets in the specified domain and of the specified type. domain, type, and protocol are specified the same as for socketpair(2). If socketpair is unimplemented, invoking this function yields a fatal error. The function returns true if successful.

This function is typically used just before a fork. One of the resulting processes should close sock1, and the other should close sock2. You can use these sockets bidirectionally, unlike the filehandles created by the pipe function.


sort [code] list
Sorts a list and returns the sorted list value. By default (without a code argument), it sorts in standard string comparison order (undefined values sorting before defined null strings, which sort before everything else). code, if given, may be the name of a subroutine or a code block (anonymous subroutine) that defines its own comparison mechanism for sorting elements of list. The routine must return to the sort function an integer less than, equal to, or greater than 0, depending on how the elements of the list will be ordered. (The handy <=> and cmp operators can be used to perform three-way numeric and string comparisons.)

The normal calling code for subroutines is bypassed, with the following effects: the subroutine may not be a recursive subroutine, and the two elements to be compared are passed into the subroutine as $a and $b, not via @_. The variables $a and $b are passed by reference, so don't modify them in the subroutine.

Do not declare $a and $b as lexical variables (with my). They are package globals (though they're exempt from the usual restrictions on globals when you're using use strict). However, you do need to make sure your sort routine is in the same package, or else you must qualify $a and $b with the package name of the caller.

In versions preceding 5.005, Perl's sort is implemented in terms of C's qsort(3) function. Some qsort(3) versions will dump core if your sort subroutine provides inconsistent ordering of values. As of 5.005, however, this is no longer true.


splice @array, pos, [n], [list]
Removes n number of elements from @array starting at position pos, replacing them with the elements of list, if provided. The function returns the elements removed from the array. The array grows or shrinks as necessary. If n is omitted, the function removes everything from posonward.


split /pattern/, string, [limit]
Scans a string for delimiters that match pattern and splits the string into a list of substrings, returning the resulting list value in list context, or the count of substrings in scalar context. The delimiters are determined by repeated pattern matching, using the regular expression given in pattern, so the delimiters may be of any size and need not be the same string on every match. If the pattern doesn't match at all, split returns the original string as a single substring. If it matches once, you get two substrings, and so on.

If limit is specified and is not negative, the function splits into no more than that many fields. If limit is negative, it is treated as if an arbitrarily large limit has been specified. If limit is omitted, trailing null fields are stripped from the result (which potential users of pop would do well to remember). If string is omitted, the function splits the $_ string. If patternis also omitted, the function splits on whitespace, /\s+/, after skipping any leading whitespace.

If the pattern contains parentheses, then the substring matched by each pair of parentheses is included in the resulting list, interspersed with the fields that are ordinarily returned. Here's a simple case:

split /([-,])/, "1-10,20";

This produces the list value:

(1, '-', 10, ',', 20)

sprintf format, list
Returns a string formatted by the printf conventions. The format string contains text with embedded field specifiers into which the elements of list are substituted, one per field. Field specifiers are roughly of the form:


in which m and n are optional sizes with interpretation that depends on the type of field, and xis one of the following:




Percent sign




Decimal integer


Exponential format floating-point number


Exponential format floating-point number with uppercase E


Fixed-point format floating-point number


Floating-point number, in either exponential or fixed decimal notation


Like g with uppercase E (if applicable)


Long decimal integer


Long octal integer


Long unsigned decimal integer


Long hexadecimal integer


Octal integer




Unsigned decimal integer


Hexadecimal integer


Hexadecimal integer with uppercase letters


The Perl value's address in hexadecimal


Special value that stores the number of characters output so far into the next variable in the parameter list.

m is typically the minimum length of the field (negative for left-justified), and nis precision for exponential formats and the maximum length for other formats. Padding is typically done with spaces for strings and zeroes for numbers. The * character as a length specifier is not supported.


sqrt num
Returns the square root of num, or $_ if omitted. For other roots such as cube roots, you can use the ** operator to raise something to a fractional power.


srand expr
Sets the random number seed for the rand operator so that rand can produce a different sequence each time you run your program. If expr is omitted, a default seed is used that is a mix of difficult-to-predict, system-dependent values. If you call rand and haven't called srand, rand calls srand with the default seed.


stat file
Returns a 13-element list giving the statistics for a file, indicated by either a filehandle or an expression that gives its name. It's typically used as follows:

            = stat $filename;

Not all fields are supported on all filesystem types. Here are the meanings of the fields:




Device number of filesystem


Inode number


File mode (type and permissions)


Number of (hard) links to the file


Numeric user ID of file's owner


Numeric group ID of file's owner


The device identifier (special files only)


Total size of file, in bytes


Last access time since the epoch


Last modification time since the epoch


Inode change time (not creation time!) since the epoch


Preferred blocksize for file system I/O


Actual number of blocks allocated

$dev and $ino, taken together, uniquely identify a file. The $blksize and $blocks are likely defined only on BSD-derived filesystems. The $blocks field (if defined) is reported in 512-byte blocks. Note that $blocks*512 can differ greatly from $size for files containing unallocated blocks, or "holes," which aren't counted in $blocks.

If stat is passed the special filehandle consisting of an underline, no actual stat is done, but the current contents of the stat structure from the last stat or stat-based file test (the -x operators) is returned.


study scalar
This function takes extra time to study scalar($_ if unspecified) in anticipation of doing many pattern matches on the string before it is next modified. You may have only one study active at a time—if you study a different scalar, the first is "unstudied."


sub name [proto] {block}
sub [proto] name
Declares and defines a subroutine. name is the name given to the subroutine; block is the code that will be executed when the subroutine is called. Without block, this statement declares only a subroutine, which must be defined at a later point in your program. proto is a sequence of symbols that places constraints on the arguments that the subroutine will receive. See Section 4.7, "Subroutines".


substr string, pos, [n, replacement]
Extracts and returns a substring n characters long, starting at character position pos, from a given string. If pos is negative, the substring starts that far from the end of the string instead. If n is omitted, everything to the end of the string is returned. If n is negative, the length is calculated to leave that many characters off the end of the string.

You can use substr( ) as an lvalue—replacing the delimited substring with a new string—if string is given as an lvalue. You can also specify a replacement string in the fourth parameter to replace the substring. The original extracted substring is still returned.


symlink oldfile, newfile
Creates a new filename symbolically linked to the old filename. The function returns 1 for success, 0 otherwise. On systems that don't support symbolic links, it produces a fatal error at runtime. Be careful if you supply a relative symbolic link, since it will be interpreted relative to the location of the symbolic link itself, not your current working directory. See also link and readlink.


syscall list
Calls the system call specified as the first element of the list, passing the remaining elements as arguments to the system call. The function produces a fatal error if syscall(2) is unimplemented. The arguments are interpreted as follows: if a given argument is numeric, the argument is passed as a C integer. If not, a pointer to the string value is passed.


sysopen filehandle, filename, mode, [perms]
Opens the file given by filename and associates it with filehandle. This function calls open(2) with the parameters filename, mode, and perms.

The possible values and flag bits of the mode parameter are system-dependent; they are available via the Fcntl library module. However, for historical reasons, some values are universal: 0 means read-only, 1 means write-only, and 2 means read/write.

If the file named by filename does not exist, and sysopen creates it (typically because mode includes the O_CREAT flag), then the value of perms specifies the permissions of the newly created file. If perms is omitted, the default value is 0666, which allows read and write for all. This default is reasonable. See umask.

The FileHandle module provides a more object-oriented approach to sysopen. See also open.


sysread filehandle, scalar, length, [offset]
Reads length bytes of data into variable scalar from the specified filehandle. The function returns the number of bytes actually read, or 0 at end-of-file. It returns the undefined value on error. scalar will grow or shrink to the length actually read. The offset, if specified, says where in the string to start putting the bytes so you can read into the middle of a string that's being used as a buffer. You should be prepared to handle the problems (such as interrupted system calls) that standard I/O normally handles for you.


sysseek filehandle, offset, whence
A variant of seek( ) that sets and gets the file's system read/write position using the lseek(2) system call. It's the only reliable way to seek before a sysread( ) or syswrite( ). Returns the new position, or undef on failure. Arguments are the same as for seek.


system list
Executes any program on the system for you. It does exactly the same thing as exec list except that it does a fork first, and then, after the exec, it waits for the execed program to complete. That is, it runs the program for you and returns when it's done, unlike exec, which never returns (if it succeeds). Note that argument processing varies depending on the number of arguments, as described for exec. The return value is the exit status of the program as returned by the wait(2) call. To get the actual exit value, divide by 256. (The lower eight bits are set if the process died from a signal.) See exec.


syswrite filehandle, scalar, length, [offset]
Writes length bytes of data from variable scalar to the specified filehandle. The function returns the number of bytes actually written, or the undefined value on error. You should be prepared to handle the problems that standard I/O normally handles for you, such as partial writes. The offset, if specified, says where in the string to start writing from, in case you're using the string as a buffer, for instance, or need to recover from a partial write.

Do not mix calls to print (or write) and syswrite on the same filehandle unless you really know what you're doing.


tell filehandle
Returns the current file position (in bytes, 0-based) for filehandle. This value is typically fed to the seek function at a future time to get back to the current position. If filehandle is omitted, the function returns the position of the last file read. File positions are only meaningful on regular files. Devices, pipes, and sockets have no file position.


telldir dirhandle
Returns the current position of the readdir routines on a directory handle (dirhandle). This value may be given to seekdir to access a particular location in a directory. The function has the same caveats about possible directory compaction as the corresponding system library routine. This function may not be implemented everywhere that readdir is. Even if it is, no calculation may be done with the return value. It's just an opaque value, meaningful only to seekdir.


tie variable, classname, list
Binds a variable to a package class, classname, that will provide the implementation for the variable. Any additional arguments (list) are passed to the "new" method of the class (meaning TIESCALAR, TIEARRAY, or TIEHASH). Typically, these are arguments that might be passed to the dbm_open(3) function of C, but this is package-dependent. The object returned by the "new" method is also returned by the tie function, which can be useful if you want to access other methods in classname. (The object can also be accessed through the tied function.)

A class implementing a hash should provide the following methods:

FETCH $self, $key
STORE $self, $key, $value
DELETE $self, $key
EXISTS $self, $key
NEXTKEY $self, $lastkey

A class implementing an ordinary array should provide the following methods:

TIEARRAY $classname, LIST
FETCH $self, $subscript
STORE $self, $subscript, $value

A class implementing a scalar should provide the following methods:

TIESCALAR $classname, LIST
FETCH $self, 
STORE $self, $value

Unlike dbmopen, the tie function will not use or require a module for you—you need to do that explicitly yourself.


tied variable
Returns a reference to the object underlying variable (the same value that was originally returned by the tie call that bound the variable to a package). It returns the undefined value if variable isn't tied to a package. So, for example, you can use:

ref tied %hash

to find out which package your hash is currently tied to.


Returns the number of non-leap seconds since January 1, 1970, UTC. The returned value is suitable for feeding to gmtime and localtime, for comparison with file modification and access times returned by stat, and for feeding to utime.


Returns a four-element list giving the user and system CPU times, in seconds (possibly fractional), for this process and for the children of this process:

($user, $system, $cuser, $csystem) = times;

For example, to time the execution speed of a section of Perl code:

$start = (times)[0];
$end = (times)[0];
printf "that took %.2f CPU seconds\n", $end - $start;

truncate file, length
Truncates a file (given as a filehandle or by name) to the specified length. The function produces a fatal error if truncate(2) or an equivalent isn't implemented on your system.


uc string
Returns an uppercased version of string (or $_ if string is omitted). This is the internal function implementing the \U escape in double-quoted strings. POSIX setlocale(3) settings are respected.


ucfirst string
Returns a version of string (or $_ if string is omitted) with the first character uppercased. This is the internal function that implements the \u escape in double-quoted strings. POSIX setlocale(3) settings are respected.


umask expr
Sets the umask for the process to expr and returns the old one. (The umask tells Unix which permission bits to disallow when creating a file.) If expr is omitted, the function merely returns the current umask. For example, to ensure that the "other" bits are turned on and that the "user" bits are turned off, try something like:

umask((umask( ) & 077) | 7);

undef expr
Undefines the value of expr, which must be an lvalue. Use only on a scalar value, an entire array or hash, or a subroutine name (using the & prefix). Any storage associated with the object will be recovered for reuse (though not returned to the system, for most versions of Unix). The undef function will probably not do what you expect on most special variables. The function always returns the undefined value. This is useful because you can omit the expr, in which case nothing gets undefined, but you still get an undefined value that you could, for instance, return from a subroutine to indicate an error.

You may use undef as a placeholder on the left side of a list assignment, in which case the corresponding value from the right side is simply discarded. Apart from that, you may not use undef as an lvalue.


unlink list
Deletes a list of files. (Under Unix, it will remove a link to a file, but the file may still exist if another link references it.) If list is omitted, it unlinks the file given in $_. The function returns the number of files successfully deleted. Note that unlink will not delete directories unless you are the superuser and the -U flag is supplied to Perl. Even if these conditions are met, be warned that unlinking a directory can inflict serious damage on your filesystem. Use rmdir instead.


unpack template, string
Takes a string (string) representing a data structure and expands it into a list value, returning the list value. (unpack does the reverse of pack.) In a scalar context, it can be used to unpack a single value. The template has much the same format as the pack function—it specifies the order and type of the values to be unpacked. See pack for a more detailed description of template.


unshift @array, list
Prepends the elements of list to the front of the array and returns the new number of elements in the array.


untie variable
Breaks the binding between a variable and a package. See tie.


use Module list
use version
use Module version list
If the first argument is a number, it is treated as a version number. If the version of Perl is less than version, an error message is printed and Perl exits. This provides a way to check the Perl version at compilation time instead of waiting for runtime.

If version appears between Module and list, then use calls the version method in class Module with version as an argument.

Otherwise, use imports some semantics into the current package from the named Module, generally by aliasing certain subroutine or variable names into your package. It is exactly equivalent to the following:

BEGIN { require Module; import Module list; }

The BEGIN forces the require and import to happen at compile time. The require makes sure that the module is loaded into memory if it hasn't been yet. The import is not a built-in function—it's just an ordinary static method call into the package named by Module that tells the module to import the list of features back into the current package. The module can implement its import method any way it likes, though most modules just choose to derive their import method via inheritance from the Exporter class defined in the Exporter module.

If you don't want your namespace altered, explicitly supply an empty list:

use Module ( );

This is exactly equivalent to the following:

BEGIN { require Module; }

Because this is a wide-open interface, pragmas (compiler directives) are also implemented this way. (See Chapter 8, "Standard Modules" for descriptions of the currently implemented pragmas.) These pseudomodules typically import semantics into the current block scope, unlike ordinary modules, which import symbols into the current package. (The latter are effective through the end of the file.)

There's a corresponding declaration, no, that "unimports" any meanings originally imported by use but have since become less important:

no integer;
no strict 'refs';

utime atime, mtime, files
Changes the access time (atime) and modification time (mtime) on each file in a list of files. The first two elements must be the numerical access and modification times, in that order. The function returns the number of files successfully changed. The inode change time of each file is set to the current time. Here's an example of a utime command:

$now = time;
utime $now, $now, @ARGV;

To read the times from existing files, use stat.


values %hash
Returns a list consisting of all the values of the named hash. The values are returned in an apparently random order, but it is the same order that the keys or each function would produce on the same hash. To sort the hash by its values, see the example under keys. Note that using values on a hash bound to a very large DBM file will produce a very large list, causing you to have a very large process, and leaving you in a bind. You might prefer to use the each function, which will iterate over the hash entries one by one without reading them all into a single list.


vec string, offset, bits
Treats a string as a vector of unsigned integers and returns the value of the element specified by offset and bits. The function may also be assigned to, which causes the element to be modified. The purpose of the function is to provide compact storage of lists of small integers. The integers may be very small—vectors can hold numbers that are as small as one bit, resulting in a bitstring.

The offset specifies the number of elements to skip over to find the one you want. bits is the number of bits per element in the vector, so each element can contain an unsigned integer in the range 0..(2**bits)-1. bits must be one of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32. As many elements as possible are packed into each byte, and the ordering is such that vec($vectorstring,0,1) is guaranteed to go into the lowest bit of the first byte of the string. To find the position of the byte in which an element will be placed, you have to multiply the offset by the number of elements per byte. When bits is 1, there are eight elements per byte. When bits is 2, there are four elements per byte. When bits is 4, there are two elements (called nybbles) per byte. And so on.

Regardless of whether your system is big-endian or little-endian, vec($foo, 0, 8) always refers to the first byte of string $foo. See select for examples of bitmaps generated with vec.

Vectors created with vec can also be manipulated with the logical operators |, &, ^, and ~, which will assume a bit vector operation is desired when the operands are strings. A bit vector (bits == 1) can be translated to or from a string of 1s and 0s by supplying a b* template to unpack or pack. Similarly, a vector of nybbles (bits == 4) can be translated with an h* template.


Waits for a child process to terminate and returns the pid of the deceased process, or -1 if there are no child processes. The status is returned in $?. If you get zombie child processes, you are probably calling either this function or waitpid. A common strategy to avoid such zombies is:

$SIG{CHLD} = sub { wait };

If you expected a child and didn't find it, you probably had a call to system, a close on a pipe, or backticks between the fork and the wait. These constructs also do a wait(2) and may have harvested your child process. Use waitpid to avoid this problem.


waitpid pid, flags
Waits for a particular child process pid to terminate and returns the pid when the process is dead, or -1 if there are no child processes or if the flags specify nonblocking and the process isn't dead yet. The status of the dead process is returned in $?. To get valid flag values, do the following:

use POSIX "sys_wait_h";

On systems that implement neither the waitpid(2) nor the wait4(2) system call, flags may be specified only as 0. In other words, you can wait for a specific pid, but you can't do it in nonblocking mode.


Returns true if the context of the currently executing subroutine is looking for a list value. The function returns false if the context is looking for a scalar. May also return undef if a subroutine's return value will not be used at all.


warn msg
Produces a message on STDERR just like die, but doesn't try to exit or throw an exception. For example:

warn "Debug enabled" if $debug;

If the message supplied is null, the message "Something's wrong" is used. As with die, a message not ending with a newline will have file and line number information automatically appended. The warn operator is unrelated to the -w switch.


write filehandle
Writes a formatted record (possibly multiline) to the specified filehandle, using the format associated with that filehandle (see Section 4.11, "Unicode"). By default, the format for a filehandle is the one having the same name as the filehandle.

If filehandle is unspecified, output goes to the current default output filehandle, which starts as STDOUT but may be changed by the select operator. If the filehandle is an expression, then the expression is evaluated to determine the actual filehandle at runtime.

Note that write is not the opposite of read. Use print for simple string output. If you want to bypass standard I/O, see syswrite.

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