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Learning the Unix Operating System

Learning the Unix Operating SystemSearch this book

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Index: S

Sawfish window menus: 2.5.5. The Window Menu
scp program: 6.4.1. scp and rcp
scrolling, turning off: 1.4. The Unresponsive Terminal
files: 4.4.4. Finding Files
within files: 5.2.1. grep
security: 1.1. Working in the Unix Environment
of passwords: 3.6. Changing Your Password
semicolon (;)
background commands, running: 7.1. Running a Command in the Background
command lines and: 1.2. Syntax of Unix Command Lines
Send window to (Sawfish window menu): 2.5.5. The Window Menu
session, unresponsive (hung): 1.4. The Unresponsive Terminal
2.7. Unresponsive Windows
Setup command (Pine): 6.5.5. Configuring Pine
sh (Bourne) shell: 1.1.3. The Unix Shell
sharing files: 3.3. Protecting and Sharing Files
shells: 1. Getting Started
aliases: 8.2. Shell Aliases and Functions
programming shell scripts: 8.3. Programming
prompt: 1.1.2. Logging in Nongraphically
1.1.5. The Shell Prompt
sending mail from: 6.5.2. Sending Mail from a Shell Prompt
setup files: 3.7. Customizing Your Account
Unix: 1.1.3. The Unix Shell
Window systems: 1.1.4. Shells in a Window System
shortcuts, keyboard: 2.5.5. The Window Menu
single-user operating systems: 0.1. The Unix Family of Operating Systems
size in long formats (ls): 3.1.8. Listing Files with ls
slash (/)
IRC, using: Introducing IRC
ls command and: 3.1.8. Listing Files with ls
pathnames and: 3.1.4. Absolute Pathnames
root directories and: 3.1.3. The Directory Tree
3.1.4. Absolute Pathnames
sort command: 5.2.2. sort
-o option: 1.2. Syntax of Unix Command Lines
SSH connections: 6.1.1. About Security
ssh program: 1.1.1. Connecting to the Unix Computer
6.1. Remote Logins
6.1. Remote Logins
Stacking (Sawfish window menu): 2.5.5. The Window Menu
stacking windows: 2.5.4. Stacking Windows
standard input/output: 5.1. Standard Input and Standard Output
stopped jobs: Problem checklist
subdirectories (child directories): 3.1.3. The Directory Tree
superusers, logging in as: 1.1.5. The Shell Prompt
suspend character: 7.1. Running a Command in the Background
suspending jobs: 1.4. The Unresponsive Terminal
syntax of command lines: 1.2. Syntax of Unix Command Lines

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