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Chapter 25. W3C DOM Reference

This part of the book is a reference section that documents the interfaces, methods, and properties defined by the W3C Level 1 and Level 2 DOM standards. Intermediate and advanced programmers who are writing for the newest generation of standards-compliant web browsers will use this reference section, in conjunction with the core and client-side JavaScript references in Part III and Part IV. The introduction and sample reference page explain how to use and get the most out of this reference section. There are significant differences between this reference section and the other two, and you should read this introduction carefully so you can fully understand the reference information it contains.

Like the core and client-side references, this reference section is arranged alphabetically. The reference pages for the methods and properties of DOM interfaces are alphabetized by their full names, which include the names of the interfaces that define them. For example, if you want to read about the appendChild( ) method of the Node interface, you would look under "Node.appendChild," not just "appendChild."

To save space in this enlarged fourth edition of the book, properties in this reference section do not have reference pages of their own (all interfaces and methods do have their own reference pages, however). Instead, each property is completely documented in the reference page for the interface that defines it. For example, you can read about the tagName property of the Element interface in the "Element" reference page.

Sometimes you may find that you don't know the name of the interface that defines the method or property you want to look up, or you may not be sure which of the three reference sections to look up a class or interface in. Part VI of this book is a special index designed to help with these situations. Look up the name of a class, interface, method, or property, and it will tell you which reference section to look in and which class to look under in that section. For example, if you look up "Document," it will tell you that both the client-side and DOM reference sections have entries under that name. And if you look up the name "firstChild," it will tell you that firstChild is a property of Node, which you can read about in this DOM reference section.

Once you've found the reference page you're looking for, you shouldn't have much difficulty finding the information you need. Because the DOM standard is intended to work with languages other than JavaScript, however, it was written with typed languages (such as Java and C++) in mind. Although JavaScript is an untyped language, the property and method type information defined by the standard is still quite useful and is included in the reference pages in this section. This means that method and property synopses in this section use a syntax that is more like Java than like JavaScript. What follows is a sample reference page titled "Sample Entry" that demonstrates the structure of each reference page and explains how to interpret the information presented in each section. Even if you are already well familiar with the third edition of this book, take the time to read this page before diving into the DOM reference section.

Sample Entryhow to read DOM reference pages



Inherits from/Overrides

Inherits from

Title and Short Description

Every reference entry begins with a title block like that above. The entries are alphabetized by title. The short description, shown next to the title, gives you a quick summary of the item documented in the entry; it can help you quickly decide if you're interested in reading the rest of the page.


The information in the "Availability" section tells you what level and what module of the DOM standard defines the interface or method. Since properties do not have their own reference pages, they do not have availability information. If the availability of a property is different from the availability of the interface that defines it, this fact is noted in the description of the property.

Inherits from

DOM interfaces can inherit properties and methods from other interfaces. If a DOM interface inherits from another interface, the inheritance hierarchy is shown in the "Inherits from" section. For example, the "Inherits from" information for the HTMLElement interface looks like this:

Node Figure Element Figure HTMLElement

This indicates that HTMLElement inherits from the Element interface, which in turn inherits from the Node interface. When you see this section, you may also want to look up the other listed interfaces.


This section contains the opposite of the "Inherits from" information: it lists any interfaces that inherit from this one. For example, the "Subinterfaces" section of the reference page for the Element interface specifies that HTMLElement is a subinterface of Element and inherits Element's methods and properties.

Also Implements

The modular structure of the DOM standard means that some interfaces have been broken into multiple separate interfaces, so that implementations have to implement only the interfaces that are part of the modules they support. It is common for an object that implements one interface (such as Document) to also implement several other simple interfaces (such as DocumentCSS, DocumentEvent, and DocumentViews) that provide functionality specific to other modules. When an interface has minor interfaces that are intended to be implemented along with it, those minor interfaces are listed in this section.


Some DOM interfaces define a set of constants that serve as the values for a property or as the arguments to a method of that interface. The Node interface, for example, defines important constants to serve as the set of legal values for the nodeType property of all Document nodes. When an interface defines constants, they are listed and documented in this section. The listings include the type, the name, and the value (in that order) of each constant. See the Section section for a discussion of the syntax used in these listings. Note that constants are static properties of the interface itself, not of instances of that interface.


If the reference page documents an interface, this section lists and documents the properties defined by that interface. Each entry in the list specifies the name and type of the property and may also include other keywords that provide additional information about the property. Note that in this Java-style syntax, the name of the property comes last, and all the information that precedes the name provides type and other information about the property. For example, the HTMLTableElement and HTMLTableCellElement interfaces define properties that include the following:

HTMLTableCaptionElement caption
The caption property. It refers to an object of type HTMLTableCaptionElement.

readonly HTMLCollection rows
The rows property. It refers to an HTMLCollection object and is read-only: you can query the value of the property, but you cannot set it.

deprecated String align
The align property. It is a string, but it is deprecated and its use is discouraged.

readonly long cellIndex
The cellIndex property. It is a long integer value (see the Section section) and is read-only.


If the reference page documents an interface, this section lists the names of the interface's methods and provides a short description of each. Full documentation for each method is found in a separate reference page.


If the reference page documents a method, this section presents the method signature or synopsis. This section uses a Java-style syntax to specify (in order):

For example, the "Synopsis" section of the Node.insertBefore( ) method looks like this:

Node insertBefore(Node newChild, 
                  Node refChild)
    throws DOMException;

You can glean the following information from this synopsis: the name of the method is "insertBefore"; it returns a Node object; the first argument is a Node object and specifies the "newChild" (presumably the one to be inserted); the second argument is also a Node object and specifies the "refChild" (presumably the node before which the other is inserted); and the method may, in some circumstances, throw an exception of type DOMException.

The subsections that follow the synopsis provide additional information about the arguments, return value, and exceptions of the method. See also the Section section for more information about the Java-style syntax used here to specify the types of method arguments.


If a method has arguments, the "Synopsis" section is followed by an "Arguments" subsection that lists the names of the arguments and describes each one. Note that argument names are listed in italics, to indicate that they are not to be typed literally but instead represent some other value or JavaScript expression. To continue with the previous example, the "Arguments" section of Node.insertBefore( ) looks like this:

The node to be inserted into the tree. If it is a DocumentFragment, its children are inserted instead.

The child of this node before which newChild is to be inserted. If this argument is null, newChild is inserted as the last child of this node.


The "Synopsis" section specifies the data type of the method's return value, and the "Returns" subsection provides additional information. If the method has no return value (i.e., if it is listed in the "Synopsis" section as returning void), this section is omitted.


This section explains the kinds of exceptions the method can throw and under what circumstances it throws them.

DOM Types

DOM reference pages use a Java-style syntax for specifying the types of constants, properties, method return values, and method arguments. This section provides more information about that syntax. Note that the reference pages themselves do not have "DOM Types" sections!

The general syntax is:

modifiers type name

The name of the constant, property, method, or method argument always comes last and is preceded by type and other information. The modifiers used in this reference section (note that these are not actually legal Java modifiers) are:

Specifies that a property value can be queried but cannot be set.

Specifies that a property is deprecated and its use should be avoided.

Specifies that a numeric constant, property, return value, or method argument is unsigned; i.e., it may be zero or positive, but may not be negative.

The types of DOM constants, properties, method return values, and method arguments do not always correspond directly to the types supported by JavaScript. For example, some properties have a type of short which specifies a 16-bit integer. Although JavaScript only has a single numeric type, this reference section uses the DOM type simply because it provides more information about what range of numbers are legal. The DOM types you will encounter in this reference section are:

A core JavaScript String object.

A core JavaScript Date object (this is not commonly used).

A boolean value: true or false.

A short (16-bit) integer. This type may have the unsigned modifier applied to it.

A long (64-bit) integer. This type may have the unsigned modifier applied to it.

A floating-point number. This type may not have the unsigned modifier applied to it.

This type is used for method return values only; it indicates that the method does not return any value.

Any other type
Any other types you see in this reference section are names of other DOM interfaces (for example, Document, DOMImplementation, Element, HTMLTableElement, and Node).


Most reference pages contain a "Description" section, which is the basic description of the interface or method that is being documented. This is the heart of the reference page. If you are learning about an interface or method for the first time, you may want to skip directly to this section and then go back and look at previous sections such as "Synopsis," "Properties," and "Methods." If you are already familiar with an interface or method, you probably won't need to read this section and instead will just want to quickly look up some specific bit of information (such as the name of a property or the type of an argument from the "Properties" or "Arguments" sections).

In some pages, this section is no more than a short paragraph. In others, it may occupy a page or more. For some simple methods, the "Arguments," "Returns," and "Throws" sections document the method sufficiently by themselves, so the "Description" section is omitted.


Reference pages for some commonly used interfaces and methods include an example in this section to illustrate typical usage of the interface or method. Most pages do not contain examples, however -- you'll find those in first half of this book.

See Also

Most reference pages conclude with cross-references to related reference pages that may be of interest. Most of these cross-references are to other reference pages in this DOM reference section. Some are to individual property descriptions contained within an interface reference page, however, and others are to related reference pages in the client-side reference section or to chapters in the first two parts of the book.

Reference pages that document interfaces (but not those that document methods) may have additional paragraphs at the end of the "See Also" section. These are cross-references that show how the interface is used. A "Type of" paragraph lists properties whose values are objects that implement the interface. A "Passed to" paragraph lists methods that take an argument that implements the interface. A "Returned by" paragraph lists methods that return an object that implements the interface. These cross-references show how you can obtain an object of this interface and what you can do with it once you have obtained it.

AbstractViewa window displaying a document


DOM Level 2 Views

Also Implements

If the DOM implementation supports the CSS module, any object that implements the AbstractView interface also implements the ViewCSS interface. For convenience, the method defined by the ViewCSS interface is listed under "Methods."


readonly Document document
The Document object that is displayed by this View object. This Document object also implements the DocumentView interface.


getComputedStyle( ) [DOM Level 2 CSS]
This ViewCSS method returns a read-only CSSStyleDeclaration that represents the computed style information for a specific document element.


In the DOM, a view is an object that displays a document in some way. The Window object of client-side JavaScript is such a view. This AbstractView interface is a very preliminary step toward standardizing some of the properties and methods of the Window object. It simply specifies that all View objects have a property named document that refers to the document they display. In addition, if an implementation supports CSS style sheets, all View objects also implement the ViewCSS interface and define a getComputedStyle( ) method for determining how an element is actually rendered in the view.

The document property gives every view a reference to the document it displays. The reverse is true also: every document has a reference to the view that displays it. If a DOM implementation supports the View module, the object that implements the Document interface also implements the DocumentView interface. This DocumentView interface defines a defaultView property that refers to the window in which the document is displayed.

This interface has the word "Abstract" in its name to emphasize the fact that it is merely the beginning of a standardized window interface. In order to be useful, future levels of the DOM standard will have to introduce a new interface that extends AbstractView and adds other properties or methods.

See Also


Type of


AbstractView.getComputedStyle( )retrieve the CSS styles used to render an element


DOM Level 2 CSS


CSSStyleDeclaration getComputedStyle(Element elt, 
                                     String pseudoElt);


The document element whose style information is desired.

The CSS pseudoelement, or null if there is none.


A read-only CSSStyleDeclaration object (which typically also implements the CSS2Properties interface) that specifies the style information used to render the specified element in this view. Any length values queried from this object are always absolute or pixel values, not relative or percentage values.


An element in a document may obtain style information from an inline style attribute and from any number of style sheets in the style-sheet "cascade." Before the element can actually be displayed in a view, its style must be "computed" by extracting style information from the appropriate parts of the cascade.

This method allows access to those computed styles. By contrast, the style property of an element gives you access only to the inline styles of an element and tells you nothing about style-sheet attributes that apply to the element. Note that this method also provides a way to determine the actual pixel coordinates at which an element is rendered in this view.

getComputedStyle( ) is actually defined by the ViewCSS interface. In any DOM implementation that supports the View and CSS modules, any object that implements AbstractView always implements ViewCSS also. So, for simplicity, this method has been listed with AbstractView.

In Internet Explorer, similar functionality is available through the nonstandard currentStyle property of each HTMLElement object.

See Also

CSS2Properties, CSSStyleDeclaration, Reference

Attran attribute of a document element


DOM Level 1 Core

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Attr


readonly String name
The name of the attribute.

readonly Element ownerElement [DOM Level 2]
The Element object that contains this attribute, or null if the Attr object is not currently associated with any Element.

readonly boolean specified
true if the attribute was explicitly specified in the document source or set by a script. false if the attribute was not explicitly specified but a default value is specified in the document's DTD.

String value
The value of the attribute. When reading this property, the attribute value is returned as a string. When you set this property to a string, it automatically creates a Text node that contains the same text and makes that Text node the sole child of the Attr object.


An Attr object represents an attribute of an Element node. Attr objects are associated with Element nodes but are not directly part of the document tree (and have a null parentNode property). You can obtain an Attr object through the attributes property of the Node interface or by calling the getAttributeNode( ) method of the Element interface.

Attr objects are nodes, and the value of an Attr is represented by the child nodes of the Attr node. In HTML documents, this is simply a single Text node. In XML documents, however, Attr nodes may have both Text and EntityReference children. The value property provides a shortcut for reading and writing the value of an attribute as a String.

In most cases, the easiest way to work with element attributes is with the getAttribute( ) and setAttribute( ) methods of the Element interface. These methods use strings for attribute names and values and avoid the use of Attr nodes altogether.

See Also


Passed to

Element.removeAttributeNode( ), Element.setAttributeNode( ), Element.setAttributeNodeNS( )

Returned by

Document.createAttribute( ), Document.createAttributeNS( ), Element.getAttributeNode( ), Element.getAttributeNodeNS( ), Element.removeAttributeNode( ), Element.setAttributeNode( ), Element.setAttributeNodeNS( )

CDATASectiona CDATA section in an XML document


DOM Level 1 XML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure CharacterData Figure Text Figure CDATASection


This infrequently used interface represents a CDATA section in an XML document. Programmers working with HTML documents never encounter nodes of this type and do not need to use this interface.

CDATASection is a subinterface of Text and does not define any properties or methods of its own. The textual content of the CDATA section is available through the nodeValue property inherited from Node or through the data property inherited from CharacterData. Although CDATASection nodes can often be treated in the same way as Text nodes, note that the Node.normalize( ) method does not merge adjacent CDATA sections.

See Also

CharacterData, Text

Returned by

Document.createCDATASection( )

CharacterDatacommon functionality for Text and Comment nodes


DOM Level 1 Core

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure CharacterData


Comment, Text


String data
The text contained by this node.

readonly unsigned long length
The number of characters contained by this node.


appendData( )
Appends the specified string to the text contained by this node.

deleteData( )
Deletes text from this node, starting with the character at the specified offset and continuing for the specified number of characters.

insertData( )
Inserts the specified string into the text of this node at the specified character offset.

replaceData( )
Replaces the characters starting at the specified character offset and continuing for the specified number of characters with the specified string.

substringData( )
Returns a copy of the text starting at the specified character offset and continuing for the specified number of characters.


CharacterData is the superinterface for Text and Comment nodes. Documents never contain CharacterData nodes; they contain only Text and Comment nodes. Since both of these node types have similar functionality, however, that functionality has been defined here so that both Text and Comment can inherit it.

See Also

Comment, Text

CharacterData.appendData( )append a string to a Text or Comment node


DOM Level 1 Core


void appendData(String arg) 
    throws DOMException;


The string to be appended to the Text or Comment node.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if called on a node that is read-only.


This method appends the string arg to the end of the data property for this node.

CharacterData.deleteData( )delete characters from a Text or Comment node


DOM Level 1 Core


void deleteData(unsigned long offset, 
                unsigned long count) 
    throws DOMException;


The position of the first character to be deleted.

The number of characters to be deleted.


This method may throw a DOMException with one of the following code values:

The offset or count argument is negative, or offset is greater than the length of the Text or Comment node.

The node is read-only and may not be modified.


This method deletes characters from this Text or Comment node, starting with the character at the position offset and continuing for count characters. If offset plus count is greater than the number of characters in the Text or Comment node, all characters from offset to the end of the string are deleted.

CharacterData.insertData( )insert a string into a Text or Comment node


DOM Level 1 Core


void insertData(unsigned long offset,
                String arg) 
    throws DOMException;


The character position within the Text or Comment node at which the string is to be inserted.

The string to insert.


This method may throw a DOMException with one of the following code values in the following circumstances:

offset is negative or greater than the length of the Text or Comment node.

The node is read-only and may not be modified.


This method inserts the specified string arg into the text of a Text or Comment node at the specified position offset.

CharacterData.replaceData( )replace characters of a Text or Comment node with a string


DOM Level 1 Core


void replaceData(unsigned long offset,
                 unsigned long count, String arg) 
    throws DOMException;


The character position within the Text or Comment node at which the replacement is to begin.

The number of characters to be replaced.

The string that replaces the characters specified by offset and count.


This method may throw a DOMException with one of the following code values in the following circumstances:

offset is negative or greater than the length of the Text or Comment node, or count is negative.

The node is read-only and may not be modified.


This method replaces count characters starting at position offset with the contents of the string arg. If the sum of offset and count is greater than the length of the Text or Comment node, all characters from offset on are replaced.

CharacterData.substringData( )extract a substring from a Text or Comment node


DOM Level 1 Core


String substringData(unsigned long offset, 
                     unsigned long count) 
    throws DOMException;


The position of the first character to be returned.

The number of characters in the substring to be returned.


A string that consists of count characters of the Text or Comment node starting with the character at position offset.


This method may throw a DOMException with one of the following code values:

offset is negative or greater than the length of the Text or Comment node, or count is negative.

The specified range of text is too long to fit into a string in the browser's JavaScript implementation.


This method extracts the substring that starts at position offset and continues for count characters from the text of a Text or Comment node. This method is useful only when the amount of text contained by the node is larger than the maximum number of characters that can fit in a string in a browser's JavaScript implementation. In this case, a JavaScript program cannot use the data property of the Text or Comment node directly and must instead work with shorter substrings of the node's text. This situation is unlikely to arise in practice.

Commentan HTML or XML comment


DOM Level 1 Core

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure CharacterData Figure Comment


A Comment node represents a comment in an HTML or XML document. The content of the comment (i.e., the text between <!-- and -->) is available through the data property inherited from the CharacterData interface or through the nodeValue property inherited from the Node interface. This content may be manipulated using the various methods inherited from CharacterData.

See Also


Returned by

Document.createComment( )

Countera CSS counter( ) or counters( ) specification


DOM Level 2 CSS


readonly String identifier
The name of the counter.

readonly String listStyle
The list style for the counter.

readonly String separator
The separator string for nested counters.


This interface represents a CSS counter( ) or counters( ) value. Consult a CSS reference for more information.

See Also

Returned by

CSSPrimitiveValue.getCounterValue( )

CSS2Propertiesconvenience properties for all CSS2 attributes


DOM Level 2 CSS2


This interface defines a large number of properties: one property for each CSS attribute defined by the CSS2 specification. The property names correspond closely to the CSS attribute names, with minor changes required to avoid syntax errors in JavaScript. Multiword attributes that contain hyphens, such as "font-family," are written without hyphens in JavaScript, and each word after the first is capitalized: fontFamily. Also, the "float" attribute conflicts with the reserved word float, so it translates to the property cssFloat.

The complete set of properties is listed in the following table. Since the properties correspond directly to CSS attributes, no individual documentation is given for each property. See a CSS reference, such as Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide, by Eric A. Meyer (O'Reilly), for the meaning and legal values of each. All of the properties are strings. Setting any of these properties may throw the same exceptions, for the same reasons as a call to CSSStyleDeclaration.setProperty( ).





























































































































This interface defines one property for each CSS attribute defined by the CSS2 specification. If the DOM implementation supports this interface (which is part of the "CSS2" feature), all CSSStyleDeclaration objects also implement CSS2Properties. Reading one of the properties defined by this interface is equivalent to calling getPropertyValue( ) for the corresponding CSS attribute, and setting the value of one of these properties is equivalent to calling setProperty( ) for the corresponding attribute. The properties defined by CSS2Properties include properties that correspond to CSS shortcut attributes, and CSS2Properties handles these shortcut properties correctly.

See Also


CSSCharsetRulean @charset rule in a CSS style sheet


DOM Level 2 CSS

Inherits from/Overrides

CSSRule Figure CSSCharsetRule


String encoding
The character encoding specified by the @charset rule. If you set this property to an illegal value, a DOMException with a code of SYNTAX_ERR is thrown. If the rule or style sheet is read-only, an attempt to set this property throws a DOMException with a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR.


This interface represents an @charset rule in a CSS style sheet. Consult a CSS reference for details.

CSSFontFaceRulean @font-face rule in a CSS style sheet


DOM Level 2 CSS

Inherits from/Overrides

CSSRule Figure CSSFontFaceRule


readonly CSSStyleDeclaration style
The set of styles for this rule.


This interface represents an @font-face rule in a CSS style sheet. Consult a CSS reference for details.

CSSImportRulean @import rule in a CSS style sheet


DOM Level 2 CSS

Inherits from/Overrides

CSSRule Figure CSSImportRule


readonly String href
The URL of the imported style sheet. The value of this property does not include the "url( )" delimiter around the URL value.

readonly MediaList media
A list of media types to which the imported style sheet applies.

readonly CSSStyleSheet styleSheet
The CSSStyleSheet object that represents the imported style sheet, or null if the style sheet has not yet been loaded or if the style sheet was not loaded because, for example, the media type did not apply.


This interface represents an @import rule in a CSS style sheet. The styleSheet property represents the imported style sheet.

CSSMediaRulean @media rule in a CSS style sheet


DOM Level 2 CSS

Inherits from/Overrides

CSSRule Figure CSSMediaRule


readonly CSSRuleList cssRules
An array (technically, a CSSRuleList) of all the rules nested within this @media rule block.

readonly MediaList media
The list of media types to which the nested rules apply.


deleteRule( )
Deletes the nested rule at the specified position.

insertRule( )
Inserts a new rule at the specified position within this @media rule block.


This interface represents an @media rule, and all of its nested rules, in a CSS style sheet. It defines methods that allow you to insert and delete nested rules. Consult a CSS reference for details.

CSSMediaRule.deleteRule( )delete a rule in an @media block


DOM Level 2 CSS


void deleteRule(unsigned long index)
    throws DOMException;


The position within the @media rule block of the rule to be deleted.


This method throws a DOMException with one of the following code values in the following circumstances:

index is negative or is greater than or equal to the number of rules in cssRules.

The rule is read-only.


This method deletes the rule at the specified position in the cssRules array.

CSSMediaRule.insertRule( )insert a new rule into an @media block


DOM Level 2 CSS


unsigned long insertRule(String rule, 
                         unsigned long index) 
    throws DOMException;


The complete, parseable CSS string representation of the rule to be added.

The position at which the new rule is to be inserted into the cssRules array, or the cssRules.length to append the new rule at the end of the array.


The value of the index argument.


This method throws a DOMException with one of the following code values in the following circumstances:

CSS syntax does not allow the specified rule at the specified position.

index is negative or greater than cssRules.length.

This @media rule and its cssRules array are read-only.

The specified rule contains a syntax error.


This method inserts the specified rule into the cssRules array at the specified index.

CSSPageRulean @page rule in a CSS style sheet


DOM Level 2 CSS

Inherits from/Overrides

CSSRule Figure CSSPageRule


String selectorText
The page selector text for this rule. Setting this property to an illegal value throws a DOMException with a code of SYNTAX_ERR. Setting this property when the rule is read-only throws a DOMException with a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR.

readonly CSSStyleDeclaration style
The set of styles for this rule.


This interface represents an @page rule in a CSS style sheet, which is typically used to specify the page layout for printing. Consult a CSS reference for details.

CSSPrimitiveValuea single CSS style value


DOM Level 2 CSS

Inherits from/Overrides

CSSValue Figure CSSPrimitiveValue


The following constants are the legal values for the primitiveType property. They specify the type of the value and, for numeric values, the units in which the value is represented.

unsigned short CSS_UNKNOWN = 0
The value is not recognized, and the implementation does not know how to parse it. The textual representation of the value is available through the cssText property.

unsigned short CSS_NUMBER = 1
A unitless number. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_PERCENTAGE = 2
A percentage. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_EMS = 3
A relative length measured in ems (the height of the current font). Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_EXS = 4
A relative length measured in exs (the "x-height" of the current font). Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_PX = 5
A length measured in pixels. Query with getFloatValue( ). Pixel lengths are relative measurements, in the sense that their size depends on the display resolution, and they cannot be converted to inches, millimeters, points, or other absolute lengths. However, pixels are also one of the most commonly used units, and they are treated as absolute values for the purposes of AbstractView.getComputedStyle( ), for example.

unsigned short CSS_CM = 6
An absolute length measured in centimeters. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_MM = 7
An absolute length measured in millimeters. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_IN = 8
An absolute length measured in inches. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_PT = 9
An absolute length measured in points (1/72 of an inch). Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_PC = 10
An absolute length measured in picas (12 points). Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_DEG = 11
An angle measured in degrees. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_RAD = 12
An angle measured in radians. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_GRAD = 13
An angle measured in grads. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_MS = 14
A time measured in milliseconds. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_S = 15
A time measured in seconds. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_HZ = 16
A frequency measured in hertz. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_KHZ = 17
A frequency measured in kilohertz. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_DIMENSION = 18
A unitless dimension. Query with getFloatValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_STRING = 19
A string. Query with getStringValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_URI = 20
A URI. Query with getStringValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_IDENT = 21
An identifier. Query with getStringValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_ATTR = 22
An attribute function. Query with getStringValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_COUNTER = 23
A counter. Query with getCounterValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_RECT = 24
A rectangle. Query with getRectValue( ).

unsigned short CSS_RGBCOLOR = 25
A color. Query with getRGBColorValue( ).


readonly unsigned short primitiveType
The type of this value. This property holds one of the constants defined in the previous section.


getCounterValue( )
For values of type CSS_COUNTER, returns the Counter object that represents the value.

getFloatValue( )
Returns a numeric value, converting it, if necessary, to the specified units.

getRectValue( )
For values of type CSS_RECT, returns the Rect object that represents the value.

getRGBColorValue( )
For values of type CSS_RGBCOLOR, returns the RGBColor object that represents the value.

getStringValue( )
Returns the value as a string.

setFloatValue( )
Sets a numeric value to the specified number of the specified units.

setStringValue( )
Sets a string value to the specified string of the specified type.


This subinterface of CSSValue represents a single CSS value. Contrast it with the CSSValueList interface, which represents a list of CSS values. The word "primitive" in the name of this interface is misleading; this interface can represent some complex types of CSS values, such as counters, rectangles, and colors.

The primitiveType property holds one of the previously defined constants and specifies the type of the value. The various methods defined by this interface allow you to query values of various types and also to set numeric and string values.

See Also

Counter, CSSValue, CSSValueList, Rect, RGBColor

Type of,,, Rect.bottom, Rect.left, Rect.right,

CSSPrimitiveValue.getCounterValue( )return a Counter value


DOM Level 2 CSS


Counter getCounterValue( )    
    throws DOMException;


The Counter object that represents the value of this CSSPrimitiveValue.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if the primitiveType property is not CSS_COUNTER.


This method returns a Counter object that represents a CSS counter. There is no corresponding setCounterValue( ), but you can modify the value by setting the properties of the returned Counter object.

CSSPrimitiveValue.getFloatValue( )get a numeric value, possibly converting units


DOM Level 2 CSS


float getFloatValue(unsigned short unitType) 
    throws DOMException;


One of the CSSPrimitiveValue type constants that specifies the desired units for the returned value.


The floating-point numeric value of this CSSPrimitiveValue, expressed in the specified units.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if this CSSPrimitiveValue holds a non-numeric value, or if the value cannot be converted to the requested type of units. (See the next section for more about unit conversion.)


For CSSPrimitiveValue objects that hold numeric values, this method converts those values to the specified units and returns the converted values.

Only certain types of unit conversions are allowed. Lengths may be converted to lengths, angles to angles, times to times, and frequencies to frequencies. Obviously, however, a length measured in millimeters cannot be converted to a frequency measured in kilohertz. Also, not all lengths can be converted. Relative lengths (lengths measured in ems, exs, or pixels) can be converted to other relative lengths but cannot be converted to absolute lengths. Similarly, absolute lengths cannot be converted to relative lengths. Finally, percentage values cannot be converted to any other unit type, except for color percentage values, which express a percentage of 255 and can be converted to the CSS_NUMBER type.

CSSPrimitiveValue.getRectValue( )return a Rect value


DOM Level 2 CSS


Rect getRectValue( )    
     throws DOMException;


The Rect object that represents the value of this CSSPrimitiveValue.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if the primitiveType property is not CSS_RECT.


This method returns a Rect object that represents a CSS rectangle. There is no corresponding setRectValue( ) method, but you can modify the value by setting the properties of the returned Rect object.

CSSPrimitiveValue.getRGBColorValue( )get the RGBColor value


DOM Level 2 CSS


RGBColor getRGBColorValue( )    
    throws DOMException;


The RGBColor object that represents the value of this CSSPrimitiveValue.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if the primitiveType property is not CSS_RGBCOLOR.


This method returns an RGBColor object that represents a color. There is no corresponding setRGBColorValue( ) method, but you can modify the value by setting the properties of the returned RGBColor object.

CSSPrimitiveValue.getStringValue( )query a CSS string value


DOM Level 2 CSS


String getStringValue( )    
    throws DOMException;


The string value of this CSSPrimitiveValue.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if the primitiveType property is not CSS_STRING, CSS_URI, CSS_IDENT, or CSS_ATTR.

CSSPrimitiveValue.setFloatValue( )set the numeric value


DOM Level 2 CSS


void setFloatValue(unsigned short unitType, 
                   float floatValue)
    throws DOMException;


One of the CSSPrimitiveValue constants that specifies the numeric type units for this value.

The new value (measured in unitType units).


This method throws a DOMException with a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if the CSS attribute with which this value is associated is read-only. It throws a DOMException with a code of INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if that CSS attribute does not allow numeric values or does not allow values with the specified unitType.


This method specifies the unit type and numeric value for this CSSPrimitiveValue.

CSSPrimitiveValue.setStringValue( )set the string value


DOM Level 2 CSS


void setStringValue(unsigned short stringType, 
                    String stringValue) 
    throws DOMException;


The type of the string being set. This must be one of the CSSPrimitiveValue constants CSS_STRING, CSS_URI, CSS_IDENT, or CSS_ATTR.

The new string value to be set.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if the CSS attribute with which this value is associated is read-only. It throws a DOMException with a code of INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if that CSS attribute does not allow string values or does not allow values with the specified stringType.


This method sets the string value and string type for this CSSPrimitiveValue.

CSSRulea rule in a CSS style sheet


DOM Level 2 CSS


CSSCharsetRule, CSSFontFaceRule, CSSImportRule, CSSMediaRule, CSSPageRule, CSSStyleRule, CSSUnknownRule


These constants represent the various types of rules that may appear in a CSS style sheet. They are the legal values of the type property, and they specify which of the above subinterfaces this object implements.

unsigned short UNKNOWN_RULE = 0;    // CSSUnknownRule
unsigned short STYLE_RULE = 1;      // CSSStyleRule
unsigned short CHARSET_RULE = 2;    // CSSCharsetRule
unsigned short IMPORT_RULE = 3;     // CSSImportRule
unsigned short MEDIA_RULE = 4;      // CSSMediaRule
unsigned short FONT_FACE_RULE = 5;  // CSSFontFaceRule
unsigned short PAGE_RULE = 6;       // CSSPageRule


String cssText
The textual representation of the rule. If you set this property, it may throw a DOMException with one of the following code values for one of the following reasons:

The specified rule is not legal at this location in the style sheet.

The new value of the property is a rule of a different type than the original value.

The rule or the style sheet that contains it is read-only.

The specified string is not legal CSS syntax.

readonly CSSRule parentRule
The containing rule of this rule, or null if this rule does not have a parent. An example of a CSS rule with a parent is a style rule within an @media rule.

readonly CSSStyleSheet parentStyleSheet
The CSSStyleSheet object that contains this rule.

readonly unsigned short type
The type of CSS rule this object represents. The legal values for this property are the previously listed constants. This CSSRule interface is never implemented directly, and the value of this property specifies which more specific subinterface is implemented by this object.


This interface defines properties that are common to all types of rules in CSS style sheets. No object directly implements this interface; instead, they implement one of the more specific subinterfaces listed earlier. The most important subinterface is probably CSSStyleRule, which describes a CSS rule that defines a document style.

See Also


Type of

CSSRule.parentRule, CSSStyleDeclaration.parentRule, CSSStyleSheet.ownerRule

Returned by

CSSRuleList.item( )

CSSRuleListan array of CSSRule objects


DOM Level 2 CSS


readonly unsigned long length
The number of CSSRule objects in this CSSRuleList array.


item( )
Returns the CSSRule object at the specified position. Instead of explicitly calling this method, JavaScript allows you to simply treat the CSSRuleList object as an array and to index it using standard square-bracket array notation. If the specified index is too large, this method returns null.


This interface defines a read-only ordered list (i.e., an array) of CSSRule objects. The length property specifies the number of rules in the list, and the item( ) method allows you to retrieve the rule at a specified position. In JavaScript, CSSRuleList objects behave like JavaScript arrays, and you can query an element from the list using square-bracket array notation instead of calling the item( ) method. (Note, however, that you cannot assign new nodes into a CSSRuleList using square brackets.)

See Also

Type of

CSSMediaRule.cssRules, CSSStyleSheet.cssRules

CSSRuleList.item( )get the CSSRule at the specified position


DOM Level 2 CSS


CSSRule item(unsigned long index);


The position of the rule to retrieve.


The CSSRule object at the specified position, or null if index is not a valid position.

CSSStyleDeclarationa set of CSS style attributes and their values


DOM Level 2 CSS

Also Implements

If the implementation supports the "CSS2" feature in addition to the "CSS" feature (as most web browsers do), all objects that implement this interface also implement the CSS2Properties interface. CSS2Properties provides commonly used shortcut properties for setting and querying the values of CSS attributes. See CSS2Properties for details.


String cssText
The textual representation of the style attributes and their values. This property consists of the complete text of the style rule, minus the element selector and the curly braces that surround the attributes and values. Setting this property to an illegal value throws a DOMException with a code of SYNTAX_ERR. Setting it for a read-only style sheet or rule throws a DOMException with a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR.

readonly unsigned long length
The number of style attributes in this style declaration.

readonly CSSRule parentRule
The CSSRule object that contains this CSSStyleDeclaration, or null if this style declaration is not part of a CSS rule (such as for CSSStyleDeclaration objects that represent inline HTML style attributes).


getPropertyCSSValue( )
Returns a CSSValue object that represents the value of the named CSS attribute, or null if that attribute is not explicitly set in this style declaration block or if the named style is a "shortcut" attribute.

getPropertyPriority( )
Returns the string "important" if the named CSS attribute is explicitly set in this declaration block and has the !important priority qualifier specified. If the attribute is not specified, or has no priority, returns the empty string.

getPropertyValue( )
Returns the value of the named CSS attribute as a string. Returns the empty string if the attribute is not specified in this declaration block.

item( )
Returns the name of the CSS attribute at the specified position in this style declaration block. In JavaScript, the CSSStyleDeclaration object can be treated as an array and indexed using square brackets instead. See also the length property.

removeProperty( )
Deletes a named CSS attribute from this declaration block.

setProperty( )
Sets a named CSS attribute to the specified string value and priority for this declaration block.


This attribute represents a CSS style declaration block: a set of CSS attributes and their values, separated from each other by semicolons. The style declaration block is the portion of a style rule within curly braces in a CSS style sheet. The value of the HTML style attribute also constitutes a style declaration block.

The item( ) method and the length property allow you to loop through the names of all CSS attributes specified in this declaration block. In JavaScript, you can also simply treat the CSSStyleDeclaration object as an array and index it using square-bracket notation instead of calling the item( ) method explicitly. Once you have the names of the CSS attributes specified in this declaration, you can use other methods of this interface to query the values of those attributes. getPropertyValue( ) returns the value as a string, and getPropertyCSSValue( ) returns the attribute value as a CSSValue object. (Note that the DOM API refers to CSS style attributes as "properties." I use the term "attributes" here to avoid confusing them with JavaScript object properties.)

In most web browsers, every object that implements CSSStyleDeclaration also implements the CSS2Properties interface, which defines an object property for each CSS attribute defined by the CSS2 specification. You can read and write the values of these convenience properties instead of calling getPropertyValue( ) and setProperty( ).

See Also


Type of,,,

Returned by

Document.getOverrideStyle( ), AbstractView.getComputedStyle( )

CSSStyleDeclaration.getPropertyCSSValue( )return a CSS attribute value as an object


DOM Level 2 CSS


CSSValue getPropertyCSSValue(String propertyName);


The name of the desired CSS attribute.


A CSSValue object that represents the value of the named attribute if it is explicitly specified in this style declaration, or null if the named attribute is not specified. This method also returns null if propertyName specifies a CSS shorthand attribute, since shorthand attributes specify more than one value and cannot be represented with CSSValue objects.

CSSStyleDeclaration.getPropertyPriority( )get the priority of a CSS attribute


DOM Level 2 CSS


String getPropertyPriority(String propertyName);


The name of the CSS attribute.


The string "important" if the named CSS attribute is explicitly specified in this declaration block and has the !important priority modifier. Returns the empty string otherwise.

CSSStyleDeclaration.getPropertyValue( )get the value of a CSS attribute as a string


DOM Level 2 CSS


String getPropertyValue(String propertyName);


The name of the CSS attribute whose value is desired.


The string value of the named CSS attribute, or the empty string if that attribute is not explicitly set in this declaration block.


This method returns the value of the named CSS attribute as a string. Unlike getPropertyCSSValue( ), this method works with shortcut attributes as well as regular attributes. See also the various convenience properties of the CSS2Properties interface.

CSSStyleDeclaration.item( )get the CSS attribute name at the specified position


DOM Level 2 CSS


String item(unsigned long index);


The position of the desired CSS attribute name.


The name of the CSS attribute at index, or the empty string if index is negative or greater than or equal to the length property.


The CSSStyleDeclaration interface represents a collection of CSS style attributes and their values. This method allows you to query the name of the CSS attribute by position and, in conjunction with the length property, allows you to iterate through the set of CSS attributes specified in this style declaration. Note that the order of CSS attributes as returned by this method does not necessarily correspond to the order in which they appear in the document or style sheet source.

As an alternative to this item( ) method, JavaScript allows you to simply treat a CSSStyleDeclaration object as an array of CSS attribute names and use standard square-bracket array syntax to obtain the attribute name at a specified position.

CSSStyleDeclaration.removeProperty( )delete a CSS attribute specification


DOM Level 2 CSS


String removeProperty(String propertyName) 
    throws DOMException;


The name of the CSS attribute to be deleted.


The value of the named CSS attribute as a string, or the empty string if the named attribute is not explicitly specified in this style declaration.


If this style declaration is read-only, this method throws a DOMException with a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR.


This method deletes a named attribute from this style declaration block and returns the value of the attribute.

CSSStyleDeclaration.setProperty( )set a CSS style attribute


DOM Level 2 CSS


void setProperty(String propertyName,
                 String value, 
                 String  priority) 
    throws DOMException;


The name of the CSS attribute to set.

The new value of the attribute, as a string.

The new priority of the attribute. This argument should be "important" if the attribute specification is !important; otherwise, it should be the empty string.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of SYNTAX_ERR if the specified value argument is malformed. It throws a DOMException with a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if the style declaration or the attribute being set is read-only.


This method adds the named CSS attribute with its value and priority to this style declaration, or, if the declaration already contains a value for the named attribute, it simply sets the value and priority for that existing attribute.

Using setProperty( ) to add a new CSS attribute to a style declaration may insert the new attribute at any position and may, in fact, totally shuffle the order of all existing attributes. Therefore, you should not use setProperty( ) while you are iterating through the set of attribute names with the item( ) method.

CSSStyleRulea style rule in a CSS style sheet


DOM Level 2 CSS

Inherits from/Overrides

CSSRule Figure CSSStyleRule


String selectorText
The selector text that specifies the document elements this style rule applies to. Setting this property raises a DOMException with a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if the rule is read-only, or a code of SYNTAX_ERR if the new value does not follow CSS syntax rules.

readonly CSSStyleDeclaration style
The style values that should be applied to elements specified by selectorText.


This interface represents a style rule in a CSS style sheet. Style rules are the most common and important kinds of rules in style sheets: they specify style information that is to be applied to a specific set of document elements. selectorText is the string representation of the element selector for this rule, and style is a CSSStyleDeclaration object that represents the set of style names and values to apply to the selected elements.

See Also


CSSStyleSheeta CSS style sheet


DOM Level 2

Inherits from/Overrides

CSS StyleSheet Figure CSSStyleSheet


readonly CSSRuleList cssRules
An array (technically, a CSSRuleList) of the CSSRule objects that comprise the style sheet. This includes all at-rules in addition to the actual style rules.

readonly CSSRule ownerRule
If this style sheet was imported by an @import rule in another style sheet, this property holds the CSSImportRule object that represents that @import rule. Otherwise, it is null. When this property is non-null, the inherited ownerNode property is null.


deleteRule( )
Deletes the rule at the specified position.

insertRule( )
Inserts a new rule at the specified position.


This interface represents a CSS style sheet. The cssRules property lists the rules contained in the style sheet, and the insertRule( ) and deleteRule( ) methods allow you to add and delete rules from that list.

See Also


Type of

CSSImportRule.styleSheet, CSSRule.parentStyleSheet

Returned by

DOMImplementation.createCSSStyleSheet( )

CSSStyleSheet.deleteRule( )delete a rule from a style sheet


DOM Level 2 CSS


void deleteRule(unsigned long index)
    throws DOMException;


The index within the cssRules array of the rule to be deleted.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of INDEX_SIZE_ERR if index is negative or greater than or equal to cssRules.length. It throws a DOMException with a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if this style sheet is read-only.


This method deletes the rule at the specified index from the cssRules array.

CSSStyleSheet.insertRule( )insert a rule into a style sheet


DOM Level 2 CSS


unsigned long insertRule(String rule,
                         unsigned long index) 
    throws DOMException;


The complete, parseable text representation of the rule to be added to the style sheet. For style rules, this includes both the element selector and the style information.

The position in the cssRules array at which the rule is to be inserted or appended.


The value of the index argument.


This method throws a DOMException with one of the following code values in the following circumstances:

CSS syntax does not allow the specified rule at the specified location.

index is negative or greater then cssRules.length.

The style sheet is read-only.

The specified rule text contains a syntax error.


This method inserts (or appends) a new CSS rule at the specified index of the cssRules array of this style sheet.

CSSUnknownRulean unrecognized rule in a CSS style sheet


DOM Level 2

Inherits from/Overrides

CSS CSSRule Figure CSSUnknownRule


This interface represents a rule in a CSS style sheet that the browser did not recognize and could not parse (typically because it is defined by a version of the CSS standard that the browser does not support). Note that this interface does not define any properties or methods of its own. The text of the unrecognized rule is available through the inherited cssText property.

CSSValuethe value of a CSS style attribute


DOM Level 2 CSS


CSSPrimitiveValue, CSSValueList


The following constants specify the valid values for the cssValueType property:

unsigned short CSS_INHERIT = 0
This constant represents the special value "inherit", which means that the actual value of the CSS style attribute is inherited. The cssText property is "inherit" in this case.

unsigned short CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE = 1
The value is a primitive value. This CSSValue object also implements the more specific CSSPrimitiveValue subinterface.

unsigned short CSS_VALUE_LIST = 2
The value is a compound value consisting of a list of values. This CSSValue object also implements the more specific CSSValueList subinterface and behaves as an array of CSSValue objects.

unsigned short CSS_CUSTOM = 3
This constant is defined to allow extensions to the CSS object model. It specifies that this CSSValue represents a value of some type that is not defined by the CSS or DOM standards. If you are working with an implementation that supports such extensions, the CSSValue object may also implement some other interface (such as the SVGColor interface defined by the Scalable Vector Graphics standard) that you can use.


String cssText
The textual representation of the value. Setting this property may throw a DOMException. A code of SYNTAX_ERR indicates that the new value does not follow legal CSS syntax. A code of INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR specifies that you tried to set a value of a different type than the original value. A code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR indicates that the value is read-only.

readonly unsigned short cssValueType
The kind of value this object represents. The four legal values of this property are defined by the previously listed constants.


This interface represents the value of a CSS attribute. The cssText property gives the value in textual form. If the cssValueType property is CSSValue.CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE, this CSSValue object also implements the more specific CSSPrimitiveValue interface. If cssValueType is CSSValue.CSS_VALUE_LIST, this CSSValue represents a list of values and also implements the CSSValueList interface.

See Also

CSSPrimitiveValue, CSSValueList

Returned by

CSSStyleDeclaration.getPropertyCSSValue( ), CSSValueList.item( )

CSSValueLista CSSValue that holds an array of CSSValue objects


DOM Level 2 CSS

Inherits from/Overrides

CSSValue Figure CSSValueList


readonly unsigned long length
The number of CSSValue objects in this array.


item( )
Returns the CSSValue object at the specified position in the array, or null if the specified position is negative or if it is greater than or equal to length.


This interface represents an array of CSSValue objects and is itself a type of CSSValue. The item( ) method can be used to retrieve the CSSValue object at a specified position, but in JavaScript, it is easier to simply index the array using standard square-bracket notation.

The order of CSSValue objects in a CSSValueList array is the order in which they appear in the CSS style declaration. Some CSS attributes whose value is a CSSValueList may also have the value none. This special value translates into a CSSValueList object with a length of 0.

CSSValueList.item( )get the CSSValue at the specified position


DOM Level 2 CSS


CSSValue item(unsigned long index);


The position of the desired CSSValue.


The CSSValue object at the specified position in this CSSValueList, or null if index is negative or is greater than or equal to length.

Documentan HTML or XML document


DOM Level 1 Core

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Document



Also Implements

If the implementation supports the CSS module, the object that implements this Document interface also implements the DocumentCSS interface and its getOverrideStyle( ) method.

If the implementation supports the Events module, the object that implements this Document interface also implements the DocumentEvent interface and its createEvent( ) method.

If the implementation supports the Range module, the object that implements this Document interface also implements the DocumentRange interface and its createRange( ) method.

If the implementation supports the StyleSheets module, the object that implements this Document interface also implements the DocumentStyle interface and its styleSheets property.

If the implementation supports the Traversal module, the object that implements this Document interface also implements the DocumentTraversal interface and its createNodeIterator( ) and createTreeWalker( ) methods.

If the implementation supports the Views module, the object that implements this Document interface also implements the DocumentView interface and its defaultView property.

Because these interfaces define commonly implemented additions to the Document interface, their properties and methods are listed and documented here, as if they were directly part of the Document interface.


readonly AbstractView defaultView [DOM Level 2 Views]
The default view of this document. In a web-browser environment, this property specifies the Window object (which implements the AbstractView interface) in which the document is displayed.

Note that this property is technically part of the DocumentView interface; it is defined by the Document object only in implementations that support the Views module.

readonly DocumentType doctype
For XML documents with a <!DOCTYPE> declaration, specifies a DocumentType node that represents the document's DTD. For HTML documents and for XML documents with no <!DOCTYPE>, this property is null. Note that the property is read-only, and the node to which it refers is also read-only.

readonly Element documentElement
A reference to the root element of the document. For HTML documents, this property is always the Element object representing the <html> tag. This root element is also available through the childNodes[] array inherited from Node.

readonly DOMImplementation implementation
The DOMImplementation object that represents the implementation that created this document.

readonly StyleSheetList styleSheets [DOM Level 2 StyleSheets]
A collection of objects representing all style sheets embedded in or linked into a document. In HTML documents, this includes style sheets defined with <link> and <style> tags.

Note that this property is technically part of the DocumentStyle interface; it is defined by the Document object only in implementations that support the StyleSheets module.


createAttribute( )
Creates a new Attr node with the specified name.

createAttributeNS( ) [DOM Level 2]
Creates a new Attr node with the specified name and namespace.

createCDATASection( )
Creates a new CDATASection node containing the specified text.

createComment( )
Creates a new Comment node containing the specified string.

createDocumentFragment( )
Creates a new, empty DocumentFragment node.

createElement( )
Creates a new Element node with the specified tag name.

createElementNS( ) [DOM Level 2]
Creates a new Element node with the specified tag name and namespace.

createEntityReference( )
Creates a new EntityReference node that refers to an entity with the specified name. If the DocumentType object for this document defines an Entity with that name, the newly created EntityReference node is given the same read-only children that the Entity node has.

createEvent( ) [DOM Level 2 Events]
Creates a new synthetic Event object of the named type. Technically, this method is defined by the DocumentEvent interface; it is implemented by the Document object only in implementations that support the Events module.

createNodeIterator( ) [DOM Level 2 Traversal]
Creates a NodeIterator object. This method is technically part of the DocumentTraversal interface; it is implemented by the Document object only in implementations that support the Traversal module.

createProcessingInstruction( )
Creates a new ProcessingInstruction node with the specified target and data string.

createRange( ) [DOM Level 2 Range]
Creates a new Range object. This method is technically part of the DocumentRange interface; it is implemented by the Document object only in implementations that support the Range module.

createTextNode( )
Creates a new Text node to represent the specified text.

createTreeWalker( ) [DOM Level 2 Traversal]
Creates a TreeWalker object. This method is technically part of the DocumentTraversal interface; it is implemented by the Document object only in implementations that support the Traversal module.

getElementById( ) [DOM Level 2]
Returns a descendant Element of this document that has the specified value for its id attribute, or null if no such Element exists in the document.

getElementsByTagName( )
Returns an array (technically a NodeList) of all Element nodes in this document that have the specified tag name. The Element nodes appear in the returned array in the order in which they appear in the document source.

getElementsByTagNameNS( ) [DOM Level 2]
Returns an array of all Element nodes that have the specified tag name and namespace.

getOverrideStyle( ) [DOM Level 2 CSS]
Gets the CSS override style information for the specified Element (and an optional named pseudoelement). This method is technically part of the DocumentCSS interface; it is implemented by the Document object only in implementations that support the CSS module.

importNode( ) [DOM Level 2]
Makes a copy of a node from some other document that is suitable for insertion into this document.


The Document interface is the root node of a document tree. A Document node may have multiple children, but only one of those children may be an Element node: it is the root element of the document. The root element is most easily accessed through the documentElement property. The doctype and implementation properties provide access to the DocumentType object (if any) and the DOMImplementation object for this document.

Most of the methods defined by the Document interface are "factory methods" that are used to create various types of nodes that can be inserted into this document. The notable exceptions are getElementById( ) and getElementsByTagName( ), which are quite useful for finding a specific Element or a set of related Element nodes within the document tree.

Contrast this Document object to the Document object documented in the client-side reference section of this book. The Level 0 properties and methods of that client-side Document object are formally defined by the DOM standard in the HTMLDocument interface. See HTMLDocument in this reference section for the DOM equivalent of the traditional client-side JavaScript Document object.

The Document interface is defined by the Core module of the DOM Level 2 specification. A number of the other modules define "add-on" interfaces that are intended to be implemented by the same object that implements the Document interface. For example, if an implementation supports the CSS module, the object that implements this interface also implements the DocumentCSS interface. In JavaScript, the properties and methods of these add-on interfaces can be used as if they were defined by Document, and for that reason, those methods and properties are listed here. See the earlier Section section for a full list of the add-on interfaces for Document.

See Also


Type of

AbstractView.document, HTMLFrameElement.contentDocument, HTMLIFrameElement.contentDocument, HTMLObjectElement.contentDocument, Node.ownerDocument

Returned by

DOMImplementation.createDocument( )

Document.createAttribute( )create a new Attr node


DOM Level 1 Core


Attr createAttribute(String name) 
    throws DOMException;


The name for the newly created attribute.


A newly created Attr node with its nodeName property set to name.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR if name contains an illegal character.

See Also

Attr, Element.setAttribute( ), Element.setAttributeNode( )

Document.createAttributeNS( )create an Attr with a name and namespace


DOM Level 2 Core


Attr createAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, 
                       String qualifiedName) 
    throws DOMException;


The unique identifier of the namespace for the Attr, or null for no namespace.

The qualified name of the attribute, which should include a namespace prefix, a colon, and a local name.


A newly created Attr node with the specified name and namespace.


This method may throw a DOMException with one of the following code values in the following circumstances:

qualifiedName contains an illegal character.

qualifiedName is malformed, or there is a mismatch between qualifiedName and namespaceURI.

The implementation does not support XML documents and therefore does not implement this method.


createAttributeNS( ) is just like createAttribute( ) except that the created Attr node has a name and namespace instead of just a name. This method is useful only with XML documents that use namespaces.

Document.createCDATASection( )create a new CDATASection node


DOM Level 1 Core


CDATASection createCDATASection(Stringdata) 
    throws DOMException;


The text of the CDATASection to create.


A newly created CDATASection node, with the specified data as its contents.


If the document is an HTML document, this method throws a DOMException with a code of NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR because HTML documents do not allow CDATASection nodes.

Document.createComment( )create a new Comment node DOM Level 1 Core



Comment createComment(String data);


The text of the Comment node to create.


A newly created Comment node, with the specified data as its text.

Document.createDocumentFragment( )create a new, empty DocumentFragment node


DOM Level 1 Core


DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment( );


A newly created DocumentFragment node with no children.

Document.createElement( )create a new Element node


DOM Level 1 Core


Element createElement(String tagName)
    throws DOMException;


The tag name of the Element to be created. Since HTML tags are case-insensitive, you may use any capitalization for HTML tag names. XML tag names are case-sensitive.


A newly created Element node with the specified tag name.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR if tagName contains an illegal character.

Document.createElementNS( )create a new Element node using a namespace


DOM Level 2 Core


Element createElementNS(String namespaceURI, 
                        String qualifiedName) 
      throws DOMException;


The unique identifier for the namespace of the new Element, or null for no namespace.

The qualified name of the new Element. This should include a namespace prefix, a colon, and a local name.


A newly created Element node, with the specified tag name and namespace.


This method may throw a DOMException with one of the following code values in the following circumstances:

qualifiedName contains an illegal character.

qualifiedName is malformed, or there is a mismatch between qualifiedName and namespaceURI.

The implementation does not support XML documents and therefore does not implement this method.


createElementNS( ) is just like createElement( ) except that the created Element node has a name and namespace instead of just a name. This method is useful only with XML documents that use namespaces.

Document.createEntityReference( )create a new EntityReference node


DOM Level 1 Core


EntityReference createEntityReference(String name) 
     throws DOMException;


The name of the referenced entity.


A new EntityReference node that references an entity with the specified name.


This method may throw a DOMException with one of the following code values:

The specified entity name contains an illegal character.

This is an HTML document and does not support entity references.


This method creates and returns an EntityReference node that refers to an entity with the specified name. Note that it always throws an exception if this is an HTML document, because HTML does not allow entity references. If this document has a DocumentType node, and if that DocumentType defines an Entity object with the specified name, the returned EntityReference has the same children as the referenced Entity node.

Document.createEvent( )create an Event object


DOM Level 2 Events


Event createEvent(String eventType)
    throws DOMException;


The name of the event module for which an Event object is desired. See the Section section for a list of valid event types.


A newly created Event object of the specified type.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if the implementation does not support events of the requested type.


This method creates a new event type of the type specified by the eventType argument. Note that the value of this argument should not be the (singular) name of the event interface to be created, but instead should be the (plural) name of the DOM module that defines that interface. The following table shows the legal values for eventType and the event interface each value creates.

eventType argument

Event interface

Initialization method



initEvent( )



initMouseEvent( )



initUIEvent( )



initMutationEvent( )

After creating an Event object with this method, you must initialize the object with the initialization method shown in the table. See the appropriate Event interface reference page for details about the initialization method.

This method is actually defined not by the Document interface but by the DocumentEvent interface. If an implementation supports the Events module, the Document object always implements the DocumentEvent interface and supports this method.

See Also

Event, MouseEvent, MutationEvent, UIEvent

Document.createNodeIterator( )create a NodeIterator for this document


DOM Level 2 Traversal


NodeIterator createNodeIterator(Node root, 
                                unsigned long whatToShow, 
                                NodeFilter filter, 
                                boolean entityReferenceExpansion) 
    throws DOMException;


The root of the subtree over which the NodeIterator is to iterate.

A bitmask of one or more NodeFilter flags that specify which types of nodes should be returned by this NodeIterator.

An optional node filter function for the NodeIterator, or null for no node filter.

true if the NodeIterator should expand entity references in XML documents, or false otherwise.


A newly created NodeIterator object.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if the root argument is null.


This method creates and returns a new NodeIterator object to iterate over the subtree rooted at the root node, using the specified filters.

This method is not actually part of the Document interface but is instead defined by the DocumentTraversal interface. If an implementation supports the Traversal module, the Document object always implements DocumentTraversal and defines this method.

See Also

Document.createTreeWalker( ), NodeFilter, NodeIterator

Document.createProcessingInstruction( )create a ProcessingInstruction node


DOM Level 1 Core


ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction(String target, 
                                                  String data) 
     throws DOMException;


The target of the processing instruction.

The content text of the processing instruction.


A newly created ProcessingInstruction node.


This method may throw a DOMException with one of the following code values in the following circumstances:

The specified target contains an illegal character.

This is an HTML document and does not support processing instructions.

Document.createRange( )create a Range object


DOM Level 2 Range


Range createRange( );


A newly created Range object with both boundary points set to the beginning of the document.


This method creates a Range object that can be used to represent a region of this document or of a DocumentFragment associated with this document.

Note that this method is actually defined not by the Document interface but by the DocumentRange interface. If an implementation supports the Range module, the Document object always implements DocumentRange and defines this method.

Document.createTextNode( )create a new Text node


DOM Level 1 Core


Text createTextNode(String data);


The content of the Text node.


A newly created Text node that represents the specified data string.

Document.createTreeWalker( )create a TreeWalker for this document


DOM Level 2 Traversal


TreeWalker createTreeWalker(Node root, 
                            unsigned long whatToShow, 
                            NodeFilter filter, 
                            boolean entityReferenceExpansion) 
    throws DOMException;


The root of the subtree over which this TreeWalker is to walk.

A bitmask of one or more NodeFilter flags that specify which types of nodes should be returned by this TreeWalker.

An optional node filter function for the TreeWalker, or null for no node filter.

true if the TreeWalker should expand entity references in XML documents, or false otherwise.


A newly created TreeWalker object.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if the root argument is null.


This method creates and returns a new TreeWalker object to traverse the subtree rooted at the root node, using the specified filters.

This method is not actually part of the Document interface but is instead defined by the DocumentTraversal interface. If an implementation supports the Traversal module, the Document object always implements DocumentTraversal and defines this method.

See Also

Document.createNodeIterator( ), NodeFilter, TreeWalker

Document.getElementById( )find an element with the specified unique ID


DOM Level 2 Core; in DOM Level 1, defined by HTMLDocument


Element getElementById(String elementId);


The value of the id attribute of the desired element.


The Element node that represents the document element with the specified id attribute, or null if no such element is found.


This method searches the document for an Element node with an id attribute whose value is elementId, and returns that Element. If no such Element is found, it returns null. The value of the id attribute is intended to be unique within a document, and if this method finds more than one Element with the specified elementId, it may return one at random or it may return null.

In HTML documents, this method always searches for attributes named id. In XML documents, however, it searches for any attribute whose type is id, regardless of what the attribute name is. If XML attribute types are not known (because, for example, the XML parser could not locate the document's DTD), this method always returns null.

This is an important and commonly used method since it provides a simple way to obtain the Element object that represents a specific document element. Note that it provides functionality similar to the nonstandard document.all[] array defined by Internet Explorer 4 and later. Finally, note that the name of this method ends with "Id", not with "ID"; be careful not to misspell it.

See Also

Document.getElementsByTagName( ), Element.getElementsByTagName( ), HTMLDocument.getElementsByName( )

Document.getElementsByTagName( )return all Element nodes with the specified name


DOM Level 1 Core


Node[] getElementsByTagName(String tagname);


The tag name of the Element nodes to be returned, or the wildcard string "*" to return all Element nodes in the document regardless of tag name. For HTML documents, tag names are compared in a case-insensitive fashion.


A read-only array (technically, a NodeList) of all Element nodes in the document tree with the specified tag name. The returned Element nodes are in the same order in which they appear in the document source.


This method returns a NodeList (which you can treat as a read-only array) that contains all Element nodes from the document that have the specified tag name, in the order in which they appear in the document source. The NodeList is "live"; i.e., its contents are automatically updated as necessary if elements with the specified tag name are added to or removed from the document.

HTML documents are case-insensitive, and you can specify tagname using any capitalization; it matches all tags with the same name in the document, regardless of how those tags are capitalized in the document source. XML documents, on the other hand, are case-sensitive, and tagname matches only tags with the same name and exactly the same capitalization in the document source.

Note that the Element interface defines a method by the same name that searches only a subtree of the document. Also, the HTMLDocument interface defines getElementsByName( ), which searches for elements based on the value of their name attributes rather than their tag names.


You can find and iterate through all <h1> tags in a document with code like the following:

var headings = document.getElementsByTagName("h1");
for(var i = 0; i < headings.length; i++) {  // Loop through the returned tags
    var h = headings[i];
    // Now do something with the <h1> element in the h variable

See Also

Document.getElementById( ), Element.getElementsByTagName( ), HTMLDocument.getElementsByName( )

Document.getElementsByTagNameNS( )return all Element nodes with a specified name and namespace


DOM Level 2 Core


Node[] getElementsByTagNameNS(String namespaceURI, 
                              String localName);


The unique identifier of the namespace of the desired elements, or "*" to match all namespaces.

The local name of the desired elements, or "*" to match any local name.


A read-only array (technically, a NodeList) of all Element nodes in the document tree that have the specified namespace and local name.


This method works just like getElementsByTagName( ) except that it searches for elements by namespace and name. It is useful only with XML documents that use namespaces.

Document.getOverrideStyle( )get the override style for a specified element


DOM Level 2 CSS


CSSStyleDeclaration getOverrideStyle(Element elt, 
                                     String pseudoElt);


The element for which the override style is desired.

The pseudoelement of elt, or null if there is none.


A CSSStyleDeclaration object that represents the override style information for the specified element and pseudoelement. The returned object typically also implements the more commonly used CSS2Properties interfaces.


This method returns a CSSStyleDeclaration object (which typically also implements CSS2Properties) for a specified element and optional pseudoelement. You may make use of this returned object to make changes to the displayed style of the specified element without disturbing the inline style of that element and without modifying the style sheets of the document. Conceptually, the returned value represents a style declaration within an "override" style sheet that takes precedence over all other style sheets and inline styles (except for !important declarations in the user style sheet).

Note that this method is defined not by the Document interface but by the DocumentCSS interface. If an implementation supports the CSS module, the Document object always implements DocumentCSS and defines this method.

See Also

CSSStyleDeclaration, CSS2Properties, AbstractView.getComputedStyle( ), Reference

Document.importNode( )copy a node from another document for use in this document


DOM Level 2 Core


Node importNode(Node importedNode,
                boolean deep) 
    throws DOMException;


The node to be imported.

If true, recursively copy all descendants of importedNode as well.


A copy of importedNode (and possibly all of its descendants) with its ownerDocument set to this document.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if importedNode is a Document or DocumentType node, since those types of nodes cannot be imported.


This method is passed a node defined in another document and returns a copy of the node that is suitable for insertion into this document. If deep is true, all descendants of the node are also copied. The original node and its descendants are not modified in any way. The returned copy has its ownerDocument property set to this document but has a parentNode of null since it has not yet been inserted into the document. EventListener functions registered on the original node or tree are not copied.

When an Element node is imported, only the attributes that are explicitly specified in the source document are imported with it. When an Attr node is imported, its specified property is automatically set to true.

See Also

Node.cloneNode( )

DocumentCSSsee Document

DocumentEventsee Document

DocumentFragmentadjacent nodes and their subtrees


DOM Level 1 Core

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure DocumentFragment


The DocumentFragment interface represents a portion -- or fragment -- of a document. More specifically, it represents one or more adjacent Document nodes and all of the descendants of each. DocumentFragment nodes are never part of a document tree, and the inherited parentNode property is always null. DocumentFragment nodes exhibit a special behavior that makes them quite useful, however: when a request is made to insert a DocumentFragment into a document tree, it is not the DocumentFragment node itself that is inserted but each of the children of the DocumentFragment instead. This makes DocumentFragment useful as a temporary placeholder for nodes that you wish to insert, all at once, into a document. DocumentFragment is also particularly useful for implementing document cut, copy, and paste operations, particularly when combined with the Range interface.

You can create a new, empty DocumentFragment with Document.createDocumentFragment( ), or you can use Range.extractContents( ) or Range.cloneContents( ) to obtain a DocumentFragment that contains a fragment of an existing document.

See Also


Returned by

Document.createDocumentFragment( ), Range.cloneContents( ), Range.extractContents( )

DocumentRangesee Document

DocumentStylesee Document

DocumentTraversalsee Document

DocumentTypethe DTD of an XML document


DOM Level 1 XML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure DocumentType


readonly NamedNodeMap entities
This NamedNodeMap is a list of Entity objects declared in the DTD and allows Entity objects to be queried by name. Note that XML parameter entities are not included. This NamedNodeMap is immutable -- its contents may not be altered.

readonly String internalSubset [DOM Level 2]
The internal subset of the DTD (i.e., the portion of the DTD that appears in the document itself rather than in an external file). The delimiting square brackets of the internal subset are not part of the returned value. If there is no internal subset, this property is null.

readonly String name
The name of the document type. This is the identifier that immediately follows <!DOCTYPE> at the start of an XML document, and it is the same as the tag name of the document's root element.

readonly NamedNodeMap notations
A NamedNodeMap that contains Notation objects representing all notations declared in the DTD. It also allows Notation objects to be looked up by notation name. This NamedNodeMap is immutable -- its contents may not be altered.

readonly String publicId [DOM Level 2]
The public identifier of the external subset of the DTD, or null if none was specified.

readonly String systemId [DOM Level 2]
The system identifier of the external subset of the DTD, or null if none was specified.


This infrequently used interface represents the DTD of an XML document. Programmers working exclusively with HTML documents never need to use this interface.

Because a DTD is not part of a document's content, DocumentType nodes never appear in the document tree. If an XML document has a DTD, the DocumentType node for that DTD is available through the doctype property of the Document node.

DocumentType nodes are immutable and may not be modified in any way.

See Also

Document, Entity, Notation

Type of


Passed to

DOMImplementation.createDocument( )

Returned by

DOMImplementation.createDocumentType( )

DocumentViewsee Document

DOMExceptionsignals exceptions or errors for core DOM objects


DOM Level 1 Core


The following constants define the legal values for the code property of a DOMException object. Note that these constants are static properties of DOMException, not properties of individual exception objects.

unsigned short INDEX_SIZE_ERR = 1
Indicates an out-of-bounds error for an array or string index.

unsigned short DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR = 2
Indicates that a requested text is too big to fit into a string in the current JavaScript implementation.

unsigned short HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR = 3
Indicates that an attempt was made to place a node somewhere illegal in the document tree hierarchy.

unsigned short WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR = 4
Indicates an attempt to use a node with a document that is different from the document that created the node.

unsigned short INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR = 5
Indicates that an illegal character is used (in an element name, for example).

unsigned short NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR = 6
Not currently used.

Indicates that an attempt was made to modify a node that is read-only and does not allow modifications. Entity, EntityReference, and Notation nodes, and all of their descendants, are read-only.

unsigned short NOT_FOUND_ERR = 8
Indicates that a node was not found where it was expected.

unsigned short NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR = 9
Indicates that a method or property is not supported in the current DOM implementation.

unsigned short INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR = 10
Indicates that an attempt was made to associate an Attr with an Element when that Attr node was already associated with a different Element node.

unsigned short INVALID_STATE_ERR = 11 [DOM Level 2]
Indicates an attempt to use an object that is not yet, or is no longer, in a state that allows such use.

unsigned short SYNTAX_ERR = 12 [DOM Level 2]
Indicates that a specified string contains a syntax error. Commonly used with CSS property specifications.

unsigned short INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR = 13 [DOM Level 2]
Indicates an attempt to modify the type of a CSSRule or CSSValue object.

unsigned short NAMESPACE_ERR = 14 [DOM Level 2]
Indicates an error involving element or attribute namespaces.

unsigned short INVALID_ACCESS_ERR = 15 [DOM Level 2]
Indicates an attempt to access an object in a way that is not supported by the implementation.


unsigned short code
An error code that provides some detail about what caused the exception. The legal values (and their meanings) for this property are defined by the constants just listed.


A DOMException object is thrown when a DOM method or property is used incorrectly or in an inappropriate context. The value of the code property indicates the general type of exception that occurred. Note that a DOMException may be thrown when reading or writing a property of an object as well as when calling a method of an object.

The descriptions of object properties and methods in this reference include a list of exception types they may throw. Note, however, that certain commonly thrown exceptions are omitted from these lists. A DOMException with a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is thrown any time an attempt is made to modify a read-only node, such as an Entity node or one of its descendants. Thus, most methods and read/write properties of the Node interface (and of its subinterfaces) may throw this exception. Because read-only nodes appear only in XML documents and not in HTML documents, and because it applies so universally to the methods and writable properties of Node objects, the NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR exception is omitted from the descriptions of those methods and properties.

Similarly, many DOM methods and properties that return strings may throw a DOMException with a code of DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR, which indicates that the text to be returned is too long to be represented as a string value in the underlying JavaScript implementation. Although this type of exception may theoretically be thrown by many properties and methods, it is very rare in practice and is omitted from the descriptions of those methods and properties.

Note that not all exceptions in the DOM are signaled with a DOMException. Exceptions having to do with events and event handling cause an EventException object to be thrown, and exceptions involving the DOM Range module cause a RangeException to be thrown.

See Also

EventException, RangeException

DOMImplementationmethods independent of any particular document


DOM Level 1 Core

Also Implements

DOMImplementationCSS, HTMLDOMImplementation
If a DOM implementation supports the HTML and CSS modules, the DOMImplementation object also implements the DOMImplementationCSS and HTMLDOMImplementation interfaces. For convenience, the methods of these trivial interfaces are listed here along with the core DOMImplementation methods.


createCSSStyleSheet( ) [DOM Level 2 CSS]
This DOMImplementationCSS method creates a new CSSStyleSheet object.

createDocument( ) [DOM Level 2]
Creates a new Document object with a root element (the documentElement property of the returned Document object) of the specified type.

createDocumentType( ) [DOM Level 2]
Creates a new DocumentType node.

createHTMLDocument( ) [DOM Level 2 HTML]
This HTMLDOMImplementation method creates a new HTMLDocument object and populates it with <html>, <head>, <title>, and <body> elements.

hasFeature( )
Checks whether the current implementation supports a specified version of a named feature.


The DOMImplementation interface and its HTMLDOMImplementation and DOMImplementationCSS subinterfaces are placeholders for methods that are not specific to any particular Document object but rather are "global" to an implementation of the DOM. You can obtain a reference to the DOMImplementation object through the implementation property of any Document object.

See Also

Type of


DOMImplementation.createCSSStyleSheet( )create a CSSStyleSheet object


DOM Level 2 CSS


CSSStyleSheet createCSSStyleSheet(String title, 
                                  String media) 
    throws DOMException;


The title of the style sheet.

A comma-separated list of media types to which the style sheet should apply.


A CSSStyleSheet object.


A DOMException with a code of SYNTAX_ERR if the media argument is malformed.


This method creates a new CSSStyleSheet object. Note, however, that as of Level 2, the DOM standard does not yet define any way to associate a newly created CSSStyleSheet object with a document.

createCSSStyleSheet( ) is defined not by the DOMImplementation interface but by its DOMImplementationCSS subinterface. If an implementation supports the "CSS" feature, its DOMImplementation object implements this method.

DOMImplementation.createDocument( )create a new Document and the specified root element


DOM Level 2 Core


Document createDocument(String namespaceURI, 
                        String qualifiedName, 
                        DocumentType doctype) 
    throws DOMException;


The unique identifier of the namespace of the root element to be created for the document, or null for no namespace.

The name of the root element to be created for this document. If namespaceURI is not null, this name should include a namespace prefix and a colon.

The DocumentType object for the newly created Document, or null if none is desired.


A Document object with its documentElement property set to a root Element node of the specified type.


This method may throw a DOMException with the following code values in the following circumstances:

qualifiedName contains an illegal character.

qualifiedName is malformed, or there is a mismatch between qualifiedName and namespaceURI.

The current implementation does not support XML documents and has not implemented this method.

doctype is already in use for another document or was created by a different DOMImplementation object.


This method creates a new Document object and the specified root documentElement object for that document. If the doctype argument is non-null, the ownerDocument property of this DocumentType object is set to the newly created document.

This method is used to create XML documents and may not be supported by HTML-only implementations. Use createHTMLDocument( ) to create a new HTML document.

See Also

DOMImplementation.createDocumentType( ), DOMImplementation.createHTMLDocument( )

DOMImplementation.createDocumentType( )create a DocumentType node


DOM Level 2 Core


DocumentType createDocumentType(String qualifiedName, 
                                String publicId, 
                                String systemId)
    throws DOMException;


The name of the document type. If you are using XML namespaces, this may be a qualified name that specifies a namespace prefix and a local name separated by a colon.

The public identifier of the document type, or null.

The system identifier of the document type, or null. This argument typically specifies the local filename of a DTD file.


A new DocumentType object with an ownerDocument property of null.


This method may throw a DOMException with one of the following code values:

qualifiedName contains an illegal character.

qualifiedName is malformed.

The current implementation does not support XML documents and has not implemented this method.


This method creates a new DocumentType node. This method specifies only an external subset of the document type. As of Level 2, the DOM standard does not provide any way for specifying an internal subset, and the returned DocumentType does not define any Entity or Notation nodes. This method is useful only with XML documents and may not be supported by HTML-only implementations.

DOMImplementation.createHTMLDocument( )create a skeletal HTML document


DOM Level 2 HTML


HTMLDocument createHTMLDocument(String title);


The title of the document. This text is used as the content of the <title> element of the newly created document.


The new HTMLDocument object.


This method creates a new HTMLDocument object with a skeletal document tree that includes the specified title. The documentElement property of the returned object is an <html> element, and this root element has <head> and <body> tags as its children. The <head> element in turn has a <title> child, which has the specified title string as its child.

createHTMLDocument( ) is defined not by the DOMImplementation interface but by its HTMLDOMImplementation subinterface. If an implementation supports the "HTML" feature, its DOMImplementation object implements this method.

See Also

DOMImplementation.createDocument( )

DOMImplementation.hasFeature( )determine whether the implementation supports a feature


DOM Level 1 Core


boolean hasFeature(String feature, 
                   String version);


The name of the feature for which support is being tested. The set of valid feature names for the DOM Level 2 standard is listed in the upcoming table. Feature names are case-insensitive.

The feature version number for which support is being tested, or null or the empty string "" if support for any version of the feature is sufficient. In the Level 2 DOM specification, supported version numbers are 1.0 and 2.0.


true if the implementation completely supports the specified version of the specified feature, or false otherwise. If no version number is specified, the method returns true if the implementation completely supports any version of the specified feature.


The W3C DOM standard is modular, and implementations are not required to implement all modules or features of the standard. This method is used to test whether a DOM implementation supports a named module of the DOM specification. The availability information for each entry in this DOM reference includes the name of the module. Note that although Internet Explorer 5 and 5.5 include partial support for the DOM Level 1 specification, this important method is not supported before IE 6.

The complete set of module names that may be used as the feature argument are shown in the following table.




Node, Element, Document, Text, and the other fundamental interfaces required by all DOM implementations are implemented. All conforming implementations must support this module.


HTMLElement, HTMLDocument, and the other HTML-specific interfaces are implemented.


Entity, EntityReference, ProcessingInstruction, Notation, and the other node types that are useful only with XML documents are implemented.


Simple interfaces describing generic style sheets are implemented.


Interfaces that are specific to CSS style sheets are implemented.


The CSS2Properties interface is implemented.


The basic event-handling interfaces are implemented.


The interfaces for user-interface events are implemented.


The interfaces for mouse events are implemented.


The interfaces for HTML events are implemented.


The interfaces for document mutation events are implemented.


The interfaces for manipulating ranges of a document are implemented.


The interfaces for advanced document traversal are implemented.


The interfaces for document views are implemented.


You might use this method in code like the following:

// Check whether the browser supports the DOM Level 2 Traversal API
if (document.implementation &&
    document.implementation.hasFeature &&
    document.implementation.hasFeature("Traversal", "2.0")) {
  // If so, use it here...
else {
  // If not, traverse the document some other way

See Also

Node.isSupported( )

DOMImplementationCSSsee DOMImplementation

Elementan HTML or XML element


DOM Level 1 Core

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Element




readonly String tagName
The tag name of the element. This is the string "P" for an HTML <p> element, for example. For HTML documents, the tag name is returned in uppercase, regardless of its capitalization in the document source. XML documents are case-sensitive, and the tag name is returned exactly as it is written in the document source. This property has the same value as the nodeName property of the Node interface.


getAttribute( )
Returns the value of a named attribute as a string.

getAttributeNS( ) [DOM Level 2]
Returns the string value of an attribute specified by local name and namespace URI. Useful only with XML documents that use namespaces.

getAttributeNode( )
Returns the value of a named attribute as an Attr node.

getAttributeNodeNS( ) [DOM Level 2]
Returns the Attr value of an attribute specified by local name and namespace URI. Useful only with XML documents that use namespaces.

getElementsByTagName( )
Returns an array (technically, a NodeList) of all descendant Element nodes of this element that have the specified tag name, in the order in which they appear in the document.

getElementsByTagNameNS( ) [DOM Level 2]
Like getElementsByTagName( ), except that the element tag name is specified by local name and namespace URI. Useful only with XML documents that use namespaces.

hasAttribute( ) [DOM Level 2]
Returns true if this element has an attribute with the specified name, or false otherwise. Note that this method returns true if the named attribute is explicitly specified in the document source or if the document's DTD specifies a default value for the named attribute.

hasAttributeNS( ) [DOM Level 2]
Like hasAttribute( ), except that the attribute is specified by a combination of local name and namespace URI. This method is useful only with XML documents that use namespaces.

removeAttribute( )
Deletes the named attribute from this element. Note, however, that this method deletes only attributes that are explicitly specified in the document source for this element. If the DTD specifies a default value for this attribute, that default becomes the new value of the attribute.

removeAttributeNS( ) [DOM Level 2]
Like removeAttribute( ), except that the attribute to be removed is specified by a combination of local name and namespace URI. Useful only for XML documents that use namespaces.

removeAttributeNode( )
Removes the specified Attr node from the list of attributes for this element. Note that this works only to remove attributes that are explicitly specified in the document source for this attribute. If the DTD specifies a default value for the removed attribute, a new Attr node is created to represent the default value of the attribute.

setAttribute( )
Sets the named attribute to the specified string value. If an attribute with that name does not already exist, a new attribute is added to the element.

setAttributeNS( ) [DOM Level 2]
Like setAttribute( ), except that the attribute to be set is specified by the combination of a local name and a namespace URI. Useful only with XML documents that use namespaces.

setAttributeNode( )
Adds the specified Attr node to the list of attributes for this element. If an attribute with the same name already exists, its value is replaced.

setAttributeNodeNS( ) [DOM Level 2]
Like setAttributeNode( ), but this method is suitable for use with nodes returned by Document.createAttributeNS( ). Useful only with XML documents that use namespaces.


The Element interface represents HTML or XML elements or tags. The tagName property specifies the name of the element. The getElementsByTagName( ) method provides a powerful way to locate element descendants of a given element that have a specified tag name. The various other methods of this interface provide access to the attributes of the element. If you give an element a unique identifier using the id attribute in your document source, you can then easily locate the Element node that represents that document element with the useful Document.getElementById( ) method. To create a new Element node for insertion into a document, use Document.createElement( ).

In HTML documents (and many XML documents) all attributes have simple string values, and you can use the simple methods getAttribute( ) and setAttribute( ) for any attribute manipulation you need to do.

If you are working with XML documents that may contain entity references as part of attribute values, you will have to work with Attr objects and their subtree of nodes. You can get and set the Attr object for an attribute with getAttributeNode( ) and setAttributeNode( ), or you can iterate through the Attr nodes in the attributes[] array of the Node interface. If you are working with an XML document that uses XML namespaces, you'll need to use the various methods whose names end with "NS".

In the DOM Level 1 specification, the normalize( ) method was part of the Element interface. In the Level 2 specification, normalize( ) is instead part of the Node interface. All Element nodes inherit this method and can still use it.

See Also

HTMLElement, Node

Type of

Attr.ownerElement, Document.documentElement

Passed to

Document.getOverrideStyle( ), AbstractView.getComputedStyle( )

Returned by

Document.createElement( ), Document.createElementNS( ), Document.getElementById( )

Element.getAttribute( )return the string value of a named attribute


DOM Level 1 Core


String getAttribute(String name);


The name of the attribute whose value is to be returned.


The string value of the named attribute. If the attribute does not have a value specified in the document and does not have a default value specified by the document type, the return value is the empty string ("").


getAttribute( ) returns the value of a named attribute of an element. In HTML documents, attribute values are always strings, and this method returns the complete attribute value. Note that the objects that represent HTML elements also implement the HTMLElement interface and one of its tag-specific subinterfaces. Therefore, all standard attributes of standard HTML tags are also available directly as properties of the Element object.

In XML documents, attribute values are not available directly as element properties and must be looked up by calling a method. For many XML documents, getAttribute( ) is a suitable method for doing this. Note, however that in XML attributes may contain entity references, and in order to obtain complete details about such attributes, you must use getAttributeNode( ) to obtain the Attr node whose subtree represents the complete attribute value. The Attr nodes for an element are also available in an attributes[] array inherited from the Node interface. For XML documents that use namespaces, you may need to use getAttributeNS( ) or getAttributeNodeNS( ).


The following code illustrates two different ways of obtaining an attribute value for an HTML <img> element:

// Get all images in the document
var images = document.body.getElementsByTagName("IMG");
// Get the SRC attribute of the first one
var src0 = images[0].getAttribute("SRC");
// Get the SRC attribute of the second simply by reading the property
var src1 = images[1].src;

See Also

Element.getAttributeNode( ), Reference

Element.getAttributeNode( )return the Attr node for the named attribute


DOM Level 1 Core


Attr getAttributeNode(String name);


The name of the desired attribute.


An Attr node whose descendants represent the value of the named attribute, or null if this element has no such attribute.


getAttributeNode( ) returns an Attr node that represents the value of a named attribute. Note that this Attr node can also be obtained through the attributes property inherited from the Node interface.

The attribute value is represented by the descendants of the Attr nodes. In HTML documents, an Attr node has a single Text node child, and it is always easier to query an attribute value by calling getAttribute( ), which returns the value as a string. getAttributeNode( ) is necessary only when you are working with XML documents that contain entity references in their attribute values.

See Also

Element.getAttribute( ), Element.getAttributeNodeNS( ), Reference

Element.getAttributeNodeNS( )return the Attr node for an attribute with a namespace


DOM Level 2 Core


Attr getAttributeNodeNS(String namespaceURI, 
                        String localName);


The URI that uniquely identifies the namespace of this attribute, or null for no namespace.

The identifier that specifies the name of the attribute within its namespace.


The Attr node whose descendants represent the value of the specified attribute, or null if this element has no such attribute.


This method works like getAttributeNode( ), except that the attribute is specified by the combination of a namespace URI and a local name defined within that namespace. This method is useful only with XML documents that use namespaces.

See Also

Element.getAttributeNode( ), Element.getAttributeNS( )

Element.getAttributeNS( )get the value of an attribute that uses namespaces


DOM Level 2 Core


String getAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, 
                      String localName);


The URI that uniquely identifies the namespace of this attribute, or null for no namespace.

The identifier that specifies the name of the attribute within its namespace.


The string value of the named attribute. If the attribute is not explicitly specified in the document and does not have a default value specified by the document type, this method returns the empty string.


This method works just like the getAttribute( ) method, except that the attribute is specified by a combination of namespace URI and local name within that namespace. This method is useful only with XML documents that use namespaces.

See Also

Element.getAttribute( ), Element.getAttributeNodeNS( )

Element.getElementsByTagName( )find descendant elements with a specified tag name


DOM Level 1 Core


Node[] getElementsByTagName(String name);


The tag name of the desired elements, or the value "*" to specify that all descendant elements should be returned, regardless of their tag names.


An array (technically, a NodeList) of Element objects that are descendants of this element and have the specified tag name.


This method traverses all descendants of this element and returns an array (really a NodeList object) of Element nodes representing all document elements with the specified tag name. The elements in the returned array appear in the same order in which they appear in the source document.

Note that the Document interface also has a getElementsByTagName( ) method that works just like this one but that traverses the entire document, rather than just the descendants of a single element. Do not confuse this method with HTMLDocument.getElementsByName( ), which searches for elements based on the value of their name attributes rather than by their tag names.


You can find all <div> tags in a document with code like the following:

var divisions = document.body.getElementsByTagName("div"); 

And you can find all <p> tags within the a <div> tag with code like this:

var paragraphs = divisions[0].getElementsByTagname("p"); 

See Also

Document.getElementById( ), Document.getElementsByTagName( ), HTMLDocument.getElementsByName( )

Element.getElementsByTagNameNS( )return descendant elements with the specified name and namespace


DOM Level 2 Core


Node[] getElementsByTagNameNS(String namespaceURI, 
                              String localName);


The URI that uniquely identifies the namespace of the element.

The identifier that specifies the name of the element within its namespace.


An array (technically, a NodeList) of Element objects that are descendants of this element and have the specified name and namespace.


This method works like getElementsByTagName( ), except that the tag name of the desired elements is specified as a combination of a namespace URI and a local name defined within that namespace. This method is useful only with XML documents that use namespaces.

See Also

Document.getElementsByTagNameNS( ), Element.getElementsByTagName( )

Element.hasAttribute( )determine whether this element has a specified attribute


DOM Level 2 Core


boolean hasAttribute(String name);


The name of the desired attribute.


true if this element has a specified or default value for the named attribute, and false otherwise.


This method determines whether an element has an attribute with the specified name, but does not return the value of that attribute. Note that hasAttribute( ) returns true if the named attribute is explicitly specified in the document and also if the named attribute has a default value specified by the document type.

See Also

Reference , Element.getAttribute( ), Element.setAttribute( )

Element.hasAttributeNS( )determine whether this element has a specified attribute


DOM Level 2 Core


boolean hasAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, 
                       String localName);


The unique namespace identifier for the attribute, or null for no namespace.

The name of the attribute within the specified namespace.


true if this element has an explicitly specified value or a default value for the specified attribute; false otherwise.


This method works like hasAttribute( ), except that the attribute to be checked for is specified by namespace and name. This method is useful only with XML documents that use namespaces.

See Also

Element.getAttributeNS( ), Element.setAttributeNS( )

Element.removeAttribute( )delete a named attribute of an element


DOM Level 1 Core


void removeAttribute(String name);


The name of the attribute to be deleted.


This method may throw a DOMException with a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if this element is read-only and does not allow its attributes to be removed.


removeAttribute( ) deletes a named attribute from this element. If the named attribute has a default value specified by the document type, subsequent calls to getAttribute( ) will return that default value. Attempts to remove nonexistent attributes or attributes that are not specified but have a default value are silently ignored.

See Also

Element.getAttribute( ), Element.setAttribute( ), Reference

Element.removeAttributeNode( )remove an Attr node from an element


DOM Level 1 Core


Attr removeAttributeNode(Attr oldAttr)
    throws DOMException;


The Attr node to be removed from the element.


The Attr node that was removed.


This method may throw a DOMException with the following code values:

This element is read-only and does not allow attributes to be removed.

oldAttr is not an attribute of this element.


This method removes (and returns) an Attr node from the set of attributes of an element. If the removed attribute has a default value specified by the DTD, a new Attr is added representing this default value. If is often simpler to use removeAttribute( ) instead of this method.

See Also

Attr, Element.removeAttribute( )

Element.removeAttributeNS( )delete an attribute specified by name and namespace


DOM Level 2 Core


void removeAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, 
                       String localName);


The unique identifier of the namespace of the attribute, or null for no namespace.

The name of the attribute within the specified namespace.


This method may throw a DOMException with a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if this element is read-only and does not allow its attributes to be removed.


removeAttributeNS( ) works just like removeAttribute( ), except that the attribute to be removed is specified by name and namespace instead of simply by name. This method is useful only with XML documents that use namespaces.

See Also

Element.getAttributeNS( ), Element.removeAttribute( ), Element.setAttributeNS( )

Element.setAttribute( )create or change an attribute of an element


DOM Level 1 Core


void setAttribute(String name, 
                  String value) 
    throws DOMException;


The name of the attribute that is to be created or modified.

The string value of the attribute.


This method may throw a DOMException with the following code values:

The name argument contains a character that is not allowed in HTML or XML attribute names.

This element is read-only and does not allow modifications to its attributes.


This method sets the specified attribute to the specified value. If no attribute by that name already exists, a new one is created. Note that Element objects that represent the tags of an HTML document also implement the HTMLElement interface and (usually) one of its tag-specific subinterfaces. As a shortcut, these interfaces define properties that correspond to the standard HTML attributes for each tag, and it is usually easier to set an HTML attribute simply by setting the appropriate property.

The value argument is a plain string. If you are working with an XML document and need to include an entity reference in an attribute value, use setAttributeNode( ).


// Set the TARGET attribute of all links in a document
var links = document.body.getElementsByTagName("A");
for(var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
    links[i].setAttribute("TARGET", "newwindow");

See Also

Element.getAttribute( ), Element.removeAttribute( ), Element.setAttributeNode( )

Element.setAttributeNode( )add a new Attr node to an Element


DOM Level 1 Core


Attr setAttributeNode(Attr newAttr)
    throws DOMException;


The Attr node that represents the attribute to be added or whose value is to be modified.


The Attr node that was replaced by newAttr, or null if no attribute was replaced.


This method may throw a DOMException with a code of the following values:

newAttr is already a member of the attribute set of some other Element node.

The Element node is read-only and does not allow modifications to its attributes.

newAttr has a different ownerDocument property than the Element on which it is being set.


This method adds a new Attr node to the set of attributes of an Element node. If an attribute with the same name already exists for the Element, newAttr replaces that attribute, and the replaced Attr node is returned. If no such attribute already exists, this method defines a new attribute for the Element.

It is usually easier to use setAttribute( ) instead of setAttributeNode( ). However, you should use setAttributeNode( ) when you need to define an attribute whose value contains an entity reference for an XML document.

See Also

Attr, Element.setAttribute( )

Element.setAttributeNodeNS( )add a namespace Attr node to an Element


DOM Level 2 Core


Attr setAttributeNodeNS(Attr newAttr)
    throws DOMException;


The Attr node that represents the attribute to be added or whose value is to be modified.


The Attr node that was replaced by newAttr, or null if no attribute was replaced.


This method throws exceptions for the same reasons as setAttributeNode( ). It may also throw a DOMException with a code of NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR to signal that the method is not implemented because the current implementation does not support XML documents and namespaces.


This method works just like setAttributeNode( ), except that it is designed for use with Attr nodes that represent attributes specified by namespace and name.

This method is useful only with XML documents that use namespaces. It may be unimplemented (i.e., throw a NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR) on browsers that do not support XML documents.

See Also

Attr, Element.setAttributeNS( ), Element.setAttributeNode( )

Element.setAttributeNS( )create or change an attribute with a namespace


DOM Level 2 Core


void setAttributeNS(String namespaceURI,
                    String qualifiedName, 
                    String value) 
    throws DOMException;


The URI that uniquely identifies the namespace of the attribute to be set or created, or null for no namespace.

The name of the attribute, specified as a namespace prefix followed by a colon and a name within the namespace.

The new value of the attribute.


This method may throw a DOMException with the following code values:

The qualifiedName argument contains a character that is not allowed in HTML or XML attribute names.

qualifiedName is malformed, or there is a mismatch between the namespace prefix of qualifiedName and the namespaceURI argument.

This element is read-only and does not allow modifications to its attributes.

The DOM implementation does not support XML documents.


This method is like setAttribute( ), except that the attribute to be created or set is specified by a namespace URI and a qualified name that consists of a namespace prefix, a colon, and a local name within the namespace. In addition to letting you change the value of an attribute, this method allows you to change the namespace prefix of an attribute.

This method is useful only with XML documents that use namespaces. It may be unimplemented (i.e., throw a NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR) on browsers that do not support XML documents.

See Also

Element.setAttribute( ), Element.setAttributeNode( )

ElementCSSInlineStylesee HTMLElement

Entityan entity in an XML DTD


DOM Level 1 XML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Entity


readonly String notationName
The notation name (for unparsed entities), or null if there is none (for parsed entities). See the notations property of DocumentType for a way to look up a Notation node by name.

readonly String publicId
The public identifier for this entity, or null if none was specified.

readonly String systemId
The system identifier for this entity, or null if none was specified.


This infrequently used interface represents an entity in an XML document type definition (DTD). It is never used with HTML documents.

The name of the entity is specified by the nodeName property inherited from the Node interface. The entity content is represented by the child nodes of the Entity node. Note that Entity nodes and their children are not part of the document tree (and the parentNode property of an Entity is always null). Instead, a document may contain one or more references to an entity; see EntityReference for more information.

Entities are defined in the DTD of a document, either as part of an external DTD file or as part of an "internal subset" that defines local entities specific to the current document. The DocumentType interface has an entities property that allows Entity nodes to be looked up by name. This is the only way to obtain a reference to an Entity node; because they are part of the document type, Entity nodes never appear as part of the document itself.

Entity nodes and all of their descendants are read-only and cannot be edited or modified in any way.

See Also

DocumentType, EntityReference, Notation

EntityReferencea reference to an entity defined in an XML DTD


DOM Level 1 XML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure EntityReference


This infrequently used interface represents a reference from an XML document to an entity defined in the document's DTD. Character entities and predefined entities such as &lt; are always expanded in XML and HTML documents, and EntityReference nodes never appear in HTML documents, so programmers working exclusively with HTML documents never need to use this interface. Note also that some XML parsers expand all entity references. Documents created by such parsers do not contain EntityReference nodes.

This interface defines no properties or methods of its own. The inherited nodeName property specifies the name of the referenced entity. The entities property of the DocumentType interface provides a way to look up the Entity object with that name. Note, however, that the DocumentType may not contain an Entity node with the specified name (because, for example, nonvalidating XML parsers are not required to parse the "external subset" of the DTD). In this case, the EntityReference has no children. On the other hand, if the DocumentType does contain an Entity node with the specified name, the child nodes of the EntityReference are copies of the child nodes of the Entity node and represent the content of the entity. Like Entity nodes, EntityReference nodes and their descendants are read-only and cannot be edited or modified.

See Also


Returned by

Document.createEntityReference( )

Eventinformation about an event


DOM Level 2 Events


MutationEvent, UIEvent


These constants are the legal values of the eventPhase property; they represent the current phase of event propagation for this event:

unsigned short CAPTURING_PHASE = 1
The event is in its capturing phase.

unsigned short AT_TARGET = 2
The event is being handled by its target node.

unsigned short BUBBLING_PHASE = 3
The event is bubbling.


readonly boolean bubbles
true if the event is of a type that bubbles (unless stopPropagation( ) is called); false otherwise.

readonly boolean cancelable
true if the default action associated with the event can be canceled with preventDefault( ); false otherwise.

readonly EventTarget currentTarget
The Document node that is currently handling this event. During capturing and bubbling, this is different from target. Note that all nodes implement the EventTarget interface, and the currentTarget property may refer to any node; it is not restricted to Element nodes.

readonly unsigned short eventPhase
The current phase of event propagation. The three previous constants define the legal values for this property.

readonly EventTarget target
The target node for this event; i.e., the node that generated the event. Note that this may be any node; it is not restricted to Element nodes.

readonly Date timeStamp
The date and time at which the event occurred (or, technically, at which the Event object was created). Implementations are not required to provide valid time data in this field, and if they do not, the getTime( ) method of this Date object should return 0. See the Date object in the core reference section of this book.

readonly String type
The name of the event that this Event object represents. This is the name under which the event handler was registered, or the name of the event handler property with the leading "on" removed. For example, "click", "load", or "submit". See Table 19-3 in Chapter 19 for a complete list of event types defined by the DOM standard.


initEvent( )
Initializes the properties of a newly created Event object.

preventDefault( )
Tells the web browser not to perform the default action associated with this event, if there is one. If the event is not of a type that is cancelable, this method has no effect.

stopPropagation( )
Stops the event from propagating any further through the capturing, target, or bubbling phases of event propagation. After this method is called, any other event handlers for the same event on the same node will be called, but the event will not be dispatched to any other nodes.


This interface represents an event that occurred on some node of the document and contains details about the event. Various subinterfaces of Event define additional properties that provide details pertinent to specific types of events.

Many event types use a more specific subinterface of Event to describe the event that has occurred. However, the event types defined by the HTMLEvents module use the Event interface directly. These event types are: "abort", "blur", "change", "error", "focus", "load", "reset", "resize", "scroll", "select", "submit", and "unload".

See Also

EventListener, EventTarget, MouseEvent, UIEvent; Chapter 19

Passed to

EventTarget.dispatchEvent( )

Returned by

Document.createEvent( )

Event.initEvent( )initialize the properties of a new Event


DOM Level 2 Events


void initEvent(String eventTypeArg,
               boolean canBubbleArg, 
               boolean cancelableArg);


The type of event. This may be one of the predefined event types, such as "load" or "submit", or it may be a custom type of your own choosing. Names that begin with "DOM" are reserved, however.

Whether the event will bubble.

Whether the event may be canceled with preventDefault( ).


This method initializes the type, bubbles, and cancelable properties of a synthetic Event object created by Document.createEvent( ). This method may be called on newly created Event objects only before they have been dispatched with the EventTarget.dispatchEvent( ) method.

Event.preventDefault( )cancel default action of an event


DOM Level 2 Events


void preventDefault( );


This method tells the web browser not to perform the default action (if any) associated with this event. For example, if the type property is "submit", any event handler called during any phase of event propagation can prevent the form submission by calling this method. Note that if the cancelable property of an Event object is false, either there is no default action or there is a default action that cannot be prevented. In either case, calling this method has no effect.

Event.stopPropagation( )do not dispatch an event any further


DOM Level 2 Events


void stopPropagation( );


This method stops the propagation of an event and prevents it from being dispatched to any other Document nodes. It may be called during any phase of event propagation. Note that this method does not prevent other event handlers on the same Document node from being called, but it does prevent the event from being dispatched to any other nodes.

EventExceptionsignals an event-specific exception or error


DOM Level 2 Events


The following constant defines the one legal value for the code property of an EventException object. Note that this constant is a static property of EventException, not a property of individual exception objects.

An Event object has a type property that is uninitialized, or is null or the empty string.


unsigned short code
An error code that provides some detail about what caused the exception. In the Level 2 DOM there is only one possible value for this field, defined by the constant above.


An EventException is thrown by certain event-related methods to signal a problem of some sort. (In the DOM Level 2 specification, an exception of this type is thrown only by EventTarget.dispatchEvent( )).

EventListeneran event handler function DOM Level 2 Events



handleEvent( )
In languages such as Java that do not allow functions to be passed as arguments to other functions, you define an event listener by defining a class that implements this interface and includes an implementation for this handleEvent( ) method. When an event occurs, the system calls this method and passes in an Event object that describes the event.

In JavaScript, however, you define an event handler simply by writing a function that accepts an Event object as its argument. The name of the function does not matter, and the function itself is used in place of an EventListener object. See the Section section.


This interface defines the structure of an event listener or event handler. In languages such as Java, an event listener is an object that defines a method named handleEvent( ) that takes an Event object as its sole argument. In JavaScript, however, any function that expects a single Event argument, or a function that expects no argument, can serve as an event listener.


// This function is an event listener for a "submit" event
function submitHandler(e) {
  // Call a form-validation function defined elsewhere
  if (!validate(
      e.preventDefault( );  // If validation fails, don't submit form

// We might register the event listener above like this
document.forms[0].addEventListener("submit", submitHandler, false);

See Also

Event, EventTarget; Chapter 19

Passed to

EventTarget.addEventListener( ), EventTarget.removeEventListener( )

EventTargetevent listener registration methods


DOM Level 2 Events


addEventListener( )
Adds an event listener to the set of event listeners for this node.

dispatchEvent( )
Dispatches a synthetic event to this node.

removeEventListener( )
Removes an event listener from the set of listeners of this Document node.


In DOM implementations that support events (i.e., those that support the "Events" feature), all nodes in the document tree implement this interface and maintain a set or list of event listener functions for each node. The addEventListener( ) and removeEventListener( ) methods allow listener functions to be added and removed from this set.

See Also

Event, EventListener; Chapter 19

Type of

Event.currentTarget,, MouseEvent.relatedTarget

Passed to

MouseEvent.initMouseEvent( )

EventTarget.addEventListener( )register an event handler


DOM Level 2 Events


void addEventListener(String type,
                      EventListener listener, 
                      boolean useCapture);


The type of event for which the event listener is to be invoked. For example, "load", "click", or "mousedown".

The event listener function that will be invoked when an event of the specified type is dispatched to this Document node.

If true, the specified listener is to be invoked only during the capturing phase of event propagation. The more common value of false means that the listener will not be invoked during the capturing phase but instead will be invoked when this node is the actual event target or when the event bubbles up to this node from its original target.


This method adds the specified event listener function to the set of listeners registered on this node to handle events of the specified type. If useCapture is true, the listener is registered as a capturing event listener. If useCapture is false, it is registered as a normal event listener.

addEventListener( ) may be called multiple times to register multiple event handlers for the same type of event on the same node. Note, however, that the DOM makes no guarantees about the order in which multiple event handlers will be invoked.

If the same event listener function is registered twice on the same node with the same type and useCapture arguments, the second registration is simply ignored. If a new event listener is registered on this node while an event is being handled at this node, the new event listener is not invoked for that event.

When a Document node is duplicated with Node.cloneNode( ) or Document.importNode( ), the event listeners registered for the original node are not copied.

See Also

Event, EventListener; Chapter 19

EventTarget.dispatchEvent( )dispatch a synthetic event to this node


DOM Level 2 Events


boolean dispatchEvent(Event evt) 
    throws EventException;


The Event object to be dispatched.


false if the preventDefault( ) method of evt was called at any time during the propagation of the event, or true otherwise.


This method throws an EventException with its code property set to EventException.UNSPECIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR if the Event object evt was not initialized or if its type property was null or the empty string.


This method dispatches a synthetic event created with Document.createEvent( ) and initialized with the initialization method defined by the Event interface or one of its subinterfaces. The node on which this method is called becomes the target of the event, but the event first propagates down the document tree during the capturing phase, and then, if the bubbles property of the event is true, it bubbles up the document tree after being handled at the event target itself.

See Also

Document.createEvent( ), Event.initEvent( ), MouseEvent.initMouseEvent( )

EventTarget.removeEventListener( )delete an event listener


DOM Level 2 Events


oid removeEventListener(String type,
                        EventListener listener, 
                        boolean useCapture);


The type of event for which the event listener is to be deleted.

The event listener function that is to be removed.

true if a capturing event listener is to be removed; false if a normal event listener is to be removed.


This method removes the specified event listener function. The type and useCapture arguments must be the same as they were in the corresponding call to addEventListener( ). If no event listener is found that matches the specified arguments, this method does nothing.

Once an event listener function has been removed by this method, it will no longer be invoked for the specified type of event on this node. This is true even if the event listener is removed by another event listener registered for the same type of event on the same node.

HTMLAnchorElementa hyperlink or anchor in an HTML document


DOM Level 1 HTML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Element Figure HTMLElement Figure HTMLAnchorElement


This interface defines the properties in the following table, which correspond to the HTML attributes of the <a> tag.




String accessKey


Keyboard shortcut

String charset


Encoding of the destination document

String coords


Used inside <map> elements

String href


URL of the hyperlink

String hreflang


Language of the linked document

String name


Name of the anchor

String rel


Link type

String rev


Reverse link type

String shape


Used inside <map> elements

long tabIndex


Link's position in tabbing order

String target


Name of the frame or window in which the destination document is to be displayed

String type


Content type of the destination document


blur( )
Takes keyboard focus away from the link.

focus( )
Scrolls the document so the anchor or link is visible and gives keyboard focus to the link.


This interface represents an <a> tag in an HTML document. href, name, and target are the key properties, representing the most commonly used attributes of the tag.

HTMLAnchorElement objects can be obtained from the links and anchors HTMLCollection properties of the HTMLDocument interface.


// Get the destination URL of first the hyperlink in the document
var url = document.links[0].href;
// Scroll the document so the anchor named "_bottom_" is visible
document.anchors['_bottom_'].focus( );

See Also

Link and Anchor objects in the client-side reference section

HTMLAnchorElement.blur( )take keyboard focus away from a hyperlink


DOM Level 1 HTML


void blur( );


For web browsers that allow hyperlinks to have the keyboard focus, this method takes keyboard focus away from a hyperlink.

HTMLAnchorElement.focus( )make a link or anchor visible and give it keyboard focus


DOM Level 1 HTML


void focus( );


This method scrolls the document so the specified anchor or hyperlink is visible. If the element is a hyperlink and the browser allows hyperlinks to have keyboard focus, this method also gives keyboard focus to the element.

HTMLBodyElementthe <body> of an HTML document


DOM Level 1 HTML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Element Figure HTMLElement Figure HTMLBodyElement


deprecated String aLink
The value of the alink attribute. Specifies the color of "active" links; that is, the color of a link when the mouse has been pressed over it but has not yet been released.

deprecated String background
The value of the background attribute. Specifies the URL of an image to use as a background texture for the document.

deprecated String bgColor
The value of the bgcolor attribute. Specifies the background color of the document.

deprecated String link
The value of the link attribute. Specifies the normal color of unvisited hyperlinks.

deprecated String text
The value of the text attribute. Specifies the foreground color (the color of text) for the document.

deprecated String vLink
The value of the vlink attribute. Specifies the normal color of "visited" hyperlinks that have already been followed.


The HTMLBodyElement interface represents the <body> tag of a document. All HTML documents have a <body> tag, even if it does not explicitly appear in the document source. You can obtain the HTMLBodyElement of a document through the body property of the HTMLDocument interface.

The properties of this object specify default colors and images for the document. Although these properties represent the values of <body> attributes, the Level 0 DOM made these same values accessible through properties (with different names) of the Document object. See the Document object in the client-side reference section of this book for details.

Although these color and image properties belong more appropriately to the HTMLBodyElement interface than they do to the Document object, note that they are all deprecated because the HTML 4 standard deprecates the <body> attributes that they represent. The preferred way to specify colors and images for a document is using CSS styles.


document.body.text = "#ff0000";         // Display text in bright red
document.fgColor = "#ff0000";           // Same thing using old DOM Level 0 API = "#ff0000";  // Same thing using CSS styles

See Also

Document object in the client-side reference section

HTMLCollectionarray of HTML elements accessible by position or name


DOM Level 1 HTML


readonly unsigned long length
The number of elements in the collection.


item( )
Returns the element at the specified position in the collection. You can also simply specify the position within array brackets instead of calling this method explicitly.

namedItem( )
Returns the element from the collection that has the specified value for its id or name attribute, or null if there is no such element. You may also place the element name within array brackets instead of calling this method explicitly.


An HTMLCollection is a collection of HTML elements with methods that allow you to retrieve the elements by their position in the document or by their id or name attribute. In JavaScript, HTMLCollection objects behave like read-only arrays, and you may use JavaScript square-bracket notation to index an HTMLCollection by number or by name instead of calling the item( ) and namedItem( ) methods.

A number of the properties of the HTMLDocument interface (which standardizes the DOM Level 0 Document object) are HTMLCollection objects, which provide convenient access to document elements such as forms, images, and links. The HTMLCollection object also provides a convenient way to traverse the elements of an HTML form, the rows of an HTML table, the cells of a table row, and the areas of a client-side image map.

HTMLCollection objects are read-only: you cannot assign new elements to them, even when using JavaScript array notation. They are "live," meaning that if the underlying document changes, those changes are immediately visible through all HTMLCollection objects.


var c = document.forms;        // This is an HTMLCollection of form elements
var firstform = c[0];          // It can be used like a numeric array
var lastform = c[c.length-1];  // The length property gives the number of elements
var address = c["address"];    // It can be used like an associative array
var address = c.address;       // JavaScript allows this notation, too

See Also


Type of

HTMLDocument.anchors, HTMLDocument.applets, HTMLDocument.forms, HTMLDocument.images, HTMLDocument.links, HTMLFormElement.elements, HTMLMapElement.areas, HTMLSelectElement.options, HTMLTableElement.rows, HTMLTableElement.tBodies, HTMLTableRowElement.cells, HTMLTableSectionElement.rows

HTMLCollection.item( )get an element by position


DOM Level 1 HTML


Node item(unsigned long index);


The position of the element to be returned. Elements appear in an HTMLCollection in the same order in which they appear in the document source.


The element at the specified index, or null if index is less than zero or greater than or equal to the length property.


The item( ) method returns a numbered element from an HTMLCollection. In JavaScript, it is easier to treat the HTMLCollection as an array and to index it using array notation.


var c = document.images;  // This is an HTMLCollection
var img0 = c.item(0);     // You can use the item( ) method this way
var img1 = c[1];          // But this notation is easier and more common

See Also

NodeList.item( )

HTMLCollection.namedItem( )get an element by name


DOM Level 1 HTML


Node namedItem(String name);


The name of the element to be returned.


An element with the specified name, or null if no elements in the HTMLCollection have that name.


This method finds and returns an element from the HTMLCollection that has the specified name. If any element has an id attribute whose value is the specified name, that element is returned. If no such element is found, an element whose name attribute has the specified value is returned. If no such element exists, namedItem( ) returns null.

Note that any HTML element may be given an id attribute, but only certain HTML elements -- such as forms, form elements, images, and anchors -- may have a name attribute.

In JavaScript, it is easier to treat the HTMLCollection as an associative array and to specify name between square brackets using array notation.


var forms = document.forms;                // An HTMLCollection of forms
var address = forms.namedItem("address");  // Finds <form name="address">
var payment = forms["payment"]  // Simpler syntax: finds <form name="payment">
var login = forms.login;        // Also works: finds <form name="login">
HTMLDocumentthe root of an HTML document tree


DOM Level 1 HTML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Document Figure HTMLDocument


readonly HTMLCollection anchors
An array (HTMLCollection) of all anchors in the document. For compatibility with The Level 0 DOM, this array contains only <a> elements that have a name attribute specified; it does not include anchors created with an id attribute.

readonly HTMLCollection applets
An array (HTMLCollection) of all applets in a document. These include applets defined with an <object> tag and all <applet> tags.

HTMLElement body
A convenience property that refers to the HTMLBodyElement that represents the <body> tag of this document. For documents that define framesets, this property refers to the outermost <frameset> tag.

String cookie
Allows cookies to be queried and set for this document. See Document.cookie in the client-side reference section.

readonly String domain
The domain name of the server from which the document was loaded, or null if there is none. Contrast with the read/write Document.domain property in the client-side reference section.

readonly HTMLCollection forms
An array (HTMLCollection) of all HTMLFormElement objects in the document.

readonly HTMLCollection images
An array (HTMLCollection) of all <img> tags in the document. Note that for compatibility with the Level 0 DOM, images defined with an <object> tag are not included in this collection.

readonly HTMLCollection links
An array (HTMLCollection) of all hyperlinks in the document. These include all <a> tags that have an href attribute, and all <area> tags.

readonly String referrer
The URL of the document that linked to this document, or null if this document was not accessed through a hyperlink.

String title
The contents of the <title> tag for this document.

readonly String URL
The URL of the document.


close( )
Closes a document stream opened with the open( ) method, forcing any buffered output to be displayed.

getElementById( )
Returns the element with the specified id. In the Level 2 DOM, this method is inherited from the Document interface.

getElementsByName( )
Returns an array of nodes (a NodeList) of all elements in the document that have a specified value for their name attribute.

open( )
Opens a stream to which new document contents may be written. Note that this method erases any current document content.

write( )
Appends a string of HTML text to an open document.

writeln( )
Appends a string of HTML text followed by a newline character to an open document.


This interface extends Document and defines HTML-specific properties and methods that provide compatibility with the DOM Level 0 Document object (see the Document object in the client-side reference section). Note that HTMLDocument does not have all the properties of the Level 0 Document object. The properties that specify document colors and background images have been renamed and moved to the HTMLBodyElement.

Finally, note that in the Level 1 DOM, HTMLDocument defines a method named getElementById( ). In the Level 2 DOM, this method has been moved to the Document interface, and it is now inherited by HTMLDocument rather than defined by it. See the Document.getElementById( ) entry in this reference section for details.

See Also

Document.getElementById( ), HTMLBodyElement; Document object in the client-side reference section

Returned by

HTMLDOMImplementation.createHTMLDocument( )

HTMLDocument.close( )close an open document and display it


DOM Level 1 HTML


void close( );


This method closes a document stream that was opened with the open( ) method and forces any buffered output to be displayed. See the Document.close( ) entry in the client-side reference section for full details.

See Also ); Document.close( ) in the client-side reference section

HTMLDocument.getElementById( )see Document.getElementById( )

HTMLDocument.getElementsByName( )find elements with the specified name attribute


DOM Level 1 HTML


Node[] getElementsByName(String elementName);


The desired value for the name attribute.


An array (really a NodeList) of elements that have a name attribute of the specified value. If no such elements are found, the returned NodeList is empty and has a length of 0.


This method searches an HTML document tree for Element nodes that have a name attribute of the specified value and returns a NodeList (which you can treat as an array) containing all matching elements. If there are no matching elements, a NodeList with length 0 is returned.

Do not confuse this method with the Document.getElementById( ) method, which finds a single Element based on the unique value of an id attribute, or with the Document.getElementsByTagName( ) method, which returns a NodeList of elements with the specified tag name.

See Also

Document.getElementById( ), Document.getElementsByTagName( ) )begin a new document, erasing the current one


DOM Level 1 HTML


void open( );


This method erases the current HTML document and begins a new one, which may be written to with the write( ) and writeln( ) methods. After calling open( ) to begin a new document and write( ) to specify document content, you must always remember to call close( ) to end the document and force its content to be displayed.

This method should not be called by a script or event handler that is part of the document being overwritten, since the script or handler will itself be overwritten.

See ) in the client-side reference section, but note that this standardized version of that method can be used only to create new HTML documents and does not accept the optional mimetype argument that the Level version does.


var w ="");          // Open a new window
var d = w.document;               // Get its HTMLDocument object;                         // Open the document for writing
d.write("<h1>Hello world</h1>");  // Output some HTML to the document
d.close();                        // End the document and display it

See Also

HTMLDocument.close( ), HTMLDocument.write( ); ) in the client-side reference section

HTMLDocument.write( )append HTML text to an open document


DOM Level 1 HTML


void write(String text);


The HTML text to be appended to the document.


This method appends the specified HTML text to the document, which must have been opened with the open( ) method and must not yet have been closed with close( ).

See Document.write( ) in the client-side reference section for complete details, but note that this standardized version of that Level 0 method accepts only a single string argument, not an arbitrary number of arguments.

See Also ); Document.write( ) in the client-side reference section

HTMLDocument.writeln( )append HTML text and a newline to an open document


DOM Level 1 HTML


void writeln(String text);


The HTML text to be appended to the document.


This method is like HTMLDocument.write( ), except that it follows the appended text with a newline character, which can be useful when writing the content of a <pre> tag, for example.

See Also

Document.writeln( ) in the client-side reference section

HTMLDOMImplementationsee DOMImplementation

HTMLElementthe base interface for all HTML elements


DOM Level 1 HTML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Element Figure HTMLElement

Also Implements

If the implementation supports CSS style sheets, all objects that implement this interface also implement the ElementCSSInlineStyle interface. Because CSS support is quite common in web browsers, the style property defined by that interface is included here for convenience.












































































































readonly CSS2Properties style
The value of the style attribute that specifies inline CSS styles for this element. This property is not actually defined directly by the HTMLElement interface; instead, it is defined by the ElementCSSInlineStyle interface. If a browser supports CSS style sheets, all of its HTMLElement objects implement ElementCSSInlineStyle and define this style property. The value of this property is an object that implements the CSSStyleDeclaration interface and the (more commonly used) CSS2Properties interface.

String className
The value of the class attribute of the element, which specifies the name of a CSS class. Note that this property is not named "class" because that name is a reserved word in JavaScript.

String dir
The value of the dir attribute of the element, which specifies the text direction for the document.

String id
The value of the id attribute. No two elements within the same document should have the same value for id.

String lang
The value of the lang attribute, which specifies the language code for the document.

String title
The value of the title attribute, which specifies descriptive text suitable for display in a "tooltip" for the element.


This interface defines properties that represent the attributes shared by all HTML elements. All HTML elements implement this interface, and most implement a tag-specific subinterface that defines properties for each of that tag's attributes. In addition to the properties listed here, see the HTMLElement reference page in the client-side reference section for a list of DOM Level 0 event handler properties that are supported by all HTML elements in a document.

Some HTML tags do not allow any attributes other than the universal attributes allowed on all HTML tags and represented by the properties of HTMLElement. These tags do not have their own tag-specific subinterface, and elements of this type in the document tree are represented by an HTMLElement object. The tags without a tag-specific interface of their own are the following:





























As you can see from the earlier "Subinterfaces" section, there are many HTML tags that do have tag-specific subinterfaces. Typically, a tag named T has a tag-specific interface named HTMLTElement. For example, the <head> tag is represented by the HTMLHeadElement interface. In a few cases, two or more related tags share a single interface, as in the case of the <h1> through <h6> tags, which are all represented by the HTMLHeadingElement interface.

Most of these tag-specific interfaces do nothing more than define a JavaScript property for each attribute of the HTML tag. The JavaScript properties have the same names as the attributes and use lowercase (e.g., id) or, when the attribute name consists of multiple words, mixed-case (e.g., className). When an HTML attribute name is a reserved word in Java or JavaScript, the property name is changed slightly. For example, the class attribute of all HTML tags becomes the className property of the HTMLElement interface because class is a reserved word. Similarly, the for attribute of <label> and <script> tags becomes the htmlFor property of the HTMLLabelElement and HTMLScriptElement interfaces because for is a reserved word. The meanings of those properties that correspond directly to HTML attributes are defined by the HTML specification, and documenting each one is beyond the scope of this book.

The following table lists all the HTML tags that have a corresponding subinterface of HTMLElement. For each tag, the table lists the interface name and the names of the properties and methods it defines. All properties are read/write strings unless otherwise specified. For properties that are not read/write strings, the property type is specified in square brackets before the property name. Because these interfaces and their properties map so directly to HTML elements and attributes, most interfaces do not have reference pages of their own in this book, and you should consult an HTML reference for details. The exceptions are interfaces that define methods and interfaces that represent certain particularly important tags, such as the <body> tag. These interfaces are marked with a * in the table, and you can look them up in this reference section for further details.

HTML tag

DOM interface, properties, and methods

all tags

HTMLElement*: id, title, lang, dir, className


HTMLAnchorElement*: accessKey, charset, coords, href, hreflang, name, rel, rev, shape, [long] tabIndex, target, type, blur( ), focus( )


HTMLAppletElement**: align**, alt**, archive**, code**, codeBase**, height**, hspace**, name**, object**, vspace**, width**


HTMLAreaElement: accessKey, alt, coords, href, [boolean] noHref, shape, [long] tabIndex, target


HTMLBaseElement: href, target


HTMLBaseFontElement**: color**, face**, size**

<blockquote>, <q>

HTMLQuoteElement: cite


HTMLBodyElement*: aLink**, background**, bgColor**, link**, text**, vLink**


HTMLBRElement: clear**


HTMLButtonElement: [readonly HTMLFormElement] form, accessKey, [boolean] disabled, name, [long] tabIndex, [readonly] type, value


HTMLTableCaptionElement*: align**

<col>, <colgroup>

HTMLTableColElement*: align, ch, chOff, [long] span, vAlign, width

<del>, <ins>

HTMLModElement: cite, dateTime


HTMLDirectoryElement**: [boolean] compact**


HTMLDivElement: align**


HTMLDListElement: [boolean] compact**


HTMLFieldSetElement: [readonly HTMLFormElement] form


HTMLFontElement**: color**, face**, size**


HTMLFormElement*: [readonly HTMLCollection] elements, [readonly long] length, name, acceptCharset, action, enctype, method, target, submit( ), reset( )


HTMLFrameElement: frameBorder, longDesc, marginHeight, marginWidth, name, [boolean] noResize, scrolling, src, [readonly Document] contentDocument***


HTMLFrameSetElement: cols, rows

<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>

HTMLHeadingElement: align**


HTMLHeadElement: profile


HTMLHRElement: align**, [boolean] noShade**, size**, width**


HTMLHtmlElement: version**


HTMLIFrameElement: align**, frameBorder, height, longDesc, marginHeight, marginWidth, name, scrolling, src, width, [readonly Document] contentDocument***


HTMLImageElement: align**, alt, [long] border**, [long] height, [long] hspace**, [boolean] isMap, longDesc, name, src, useMap, [long] vspace**, [long] width


HTMLInputElement*: defaultValue, [boolean] defaultChecked, [readonly HTMLFormElement] form, accept, accessKey, align**, alt, [boolean] checked, [boolean] disabled, [long] maxLength, name, [boolean] readOnly, size, src, [long] tabIndex, type, useMap, value, blur( ), focus( ), select( ), click( )


See <del>


HTMLIsIndexElement**: [readonly HTMLFormElement] form, prompt**


HTMLLabelElement: [readonly HTMLFormElement] form, accessKey, htmlFor


HTMLLegendElement: [readonly HTMLFormElement] form, accessKey, align**


HTMLLIElement: type**, [long] value**


HTMLLinkElement: [boolean] disabled, charset, href, hreflang, media, rel, rev, target, type


HTMLMapElement: [readonly HTMLCollection of HTMLAreaElement] areas, name


HTMLMenuElement**: [boolean] compact**


HTMLMetaElement: content, httpEquiv, name, scheme


HTMLObjectElement: code, align**, archive, border**, codeBase, codeType, data, [boolean] declare, height, hspace**, name, standby, [long] tabIndex, type, useMap, vspace**, width, [readonly Document] contentDocument***


HTMLOListElement: [boolean] compact**, [long] start**, type**


HTMLOptGroupElement: [boolean] disabled, label


HTMLOptionElement*: [readonly HTMLFormElement] form, [boolean] defaultSelected, [readonly] text, [readonly long] index, [boolean] disabled, label, [boolean] selected, value


HTMLParagraphElement: align**


HTMLParamElement: name, type, value, valueType


HTMLPreElement: [long] width**


See <blockquote>


HTMLScriptElement: text, htmlFor, event, charset, [boolean] defer, src, type


HTMLSelectElement*: [readonly] type, [long] selectedIndex, value, [readonly long] length, [readonly HTMLFormElement] form, [readonly HTMLCollection of HTMLOptionElement] options, [boolean] disabled, [boolean] multiple, name, [long] size, [long] tabIndex, add( ), remove( ), blur( ), focus( )


HTMLStyleElement: [boolean] disabled, media, type


HTMLTableElement*: [HTMLTableCaptionElement] caption, [HTMLTableSectionElement] tHead, [HTMLTableSectionElement] tFoot, [readonly HTMLCollection of HTMLTableRowElement] rows, [readonly HTMLCollection of HTMLTableSectionElement] tBodies, align**, bgColor**, border, cellPadding, cellSpacing, frame, rules, summary, width, createTHead( ), deleteTHead( ), createTFoot( ), deleteTFoot( ), createCaption( ), deleteCaption( ), insertRow( ), deleteRow( )

<tbody>, <tfoot>, <thead>

HTMLTableSectionElement*: align, ch, chOff, vAlign, [readonly HTMLCollection of HTMLTableRowElement] rows, insertRow( ), deleteRow( )

<td>, <th>

HTMLTableCellElement*: [readonly long] cellIndex, abbr, align, axis, bgColor**, ch, chOff, [long] colSpan, headers, height**, [boolean] noWrap**, [long] rowSpan, scope, vAlign, width**


HTMLTextAreaElement*: defaultValue, [readonly HTMLFormElement] form, accessKey, [long] cols, [boolean] disabled, name, [boolean] readOnly, [long] rows, [long] tabIndex, [readonly] type, value, blur( ), focus( ), select( )


See <tbody>


See <td>


See <tbody>


HTMLTitleElement: text


HTMLTableRowElement*: [readonly long] rowIndex, [readonly long] sectionRowIndex, [readonly HTMLCollection of HTMLTableCellElement] cells, align, bgColor**, ch, chOff, vAlign, insertCell( ), deleteCell( )


HTMLUListElement: [boolean] compact**, type**

* Indicates interfaces documented in this book.

** Indicates deprecated elements and attributes.

*** Indicates attributes added in HTML DOM Level 2 working draft.

See Also

HTMLElement in the client-side reference section

Type of


Passed to

HTMLSelectElement.add( )

Returned by

HTMLTableElement.createCaption( ), HTMLTableElement.createTFoot( ), HTMLTableElement.createTHead( ), HTMLTableElement.insertRow( ), HTMLTableRowElement.insertCell( ), HTMLTableSectionElement.insertRow( )

HTMLFormElementa <form> in an HTML document


DOM Level 1 HTML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Element Figure HTMLElement Figure HTMLFormElement


readonly HTMLCollection elements
An array (HTMLCollection) of all elements in the form.

readonly long length
The number of form elements in the form. This is the same value as elements.length.

In addition to the properties above, HTMLFormElement also defines the properties in the following table, which correspond directly to HTML attributes.




String acceptCharset


Character sets the server can accept

String action


URL of the form handler

String enctype


Encoding of the form

String method


HTTP method used for form submission

String name


Name of the form

String target


Frame or window name for form submission results


reset( )
Resets all form elements to their default values.

submit( )
Submits the form.


This interface represents a <form> element in an HTML document. The elements property is an HTMLCollection that provides convenient access to all elements of the form. The submit( ) and reset( ) methods allow a form to be submitted or reset under program control.

See the Form object in the client-side reference section for more details.

See Also

Form object in the client-side reference section

Type of

HTMLButtonElement.form, HTMLFieldSetElement.form, HTMLInputElement.form, HTMLIsIndexElement.form, HTMLLabelElement.form, HTMLLegendElement.form, HTMLObjectElement.form, HTMLOptionElement.form, HTMLSelectElement.form, HTMLTextAreaElement.form

HTMLFormElement.reset( )reset the elements of a form to their default values


DOM Level 1 HTML


void reset( );


This method resets each of the elements of a form to its default value. The results of calling this method are like the results of a user clicking on a Reset button, except that the onreset event handler of the form is not invoked.

See Also

Form.reset( ) in the client-side reference section

HTMLFormElement.submit( )submit a form


DOM Level 1 HTML


void submit( );


This method submits the values of the form elements to the form handler specified by the form's action property. It submits a form in the same way that a user's clicking on a Submit button does, except that the onsubmit event handler of the form is not triggered.

See Also

Form.submit( ) in the client-side reference section

HTMLInputElementan input element in an HTML form


DOM Level 1 HTML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Element Figure HTMLElement Figure HTMLInputElement


String accept
A comma-separated list of MIME types that specify the types of files that may be uploaded when this is a FileUpload element. Mirrors the accept attribute.

String accessKey
The keyboard shortcut (which must be a single character) that a browser may use to transfer keyboard focus to this input element. Mirrors the accesskey attribute.

deprecated String align
The vertical alignment of this element with respect to the surrounding text, or the left or right float for the element. Mirrors the align attribute.

String alt
Alternate text to be displayed by browsers that cannot render this input element. Particularly useful when type is image. Mirrors the alt attribute.

boolean checked
For Radio and Checkbox input elements, specifies whether the element is "checked" or not. Setting this property changes the visual appearance of the input element. Mirrors the checked attribute.

boolean defaultChecked
For Radio and Checkbox elements, holds the initial value of the checked attribute as it appears in the document source. When the form is reset, the checked property is restored to the value of this property. Changing the value of this property changes the value of the checked property and the current checked state of the element.

String defaultValue
For Text, Password, and FileUpload elements, holds the initial value displayed by the element. When the form is reset, the element is restored to this value. Changing the value of this property also changes the value property and the currently displayed value.

boolean disabled
If true, the input element is disabled and is unavailable for user input. Mirrors the disabled attribute.

readonly HTMLFormElement form
The HTMLFormElement object representing the <form> element that contains this input element, or null if the input element is not within a form.

long maxLength
For Text or Password elements, specifies the maximum number of characters that the user will be allowed to enter. Note that this is not the same as the size property. Mirrors the maxlength attribute.

String name
The name of the input element, as specified by the name attribute.

boolean readOnly
If true, and this is a Text or Password element, the user is not allowed to enter text into the element. Mirrors the readonly attribute.

String size
For Text and Password elements, specifies the width of the element in characters. Mirrors the size attribute. See also maxLength.

String src
For input elements with a type of image, specifies the URL of the image to be displayed. Mirrors the src attribute.

long tabIndex
The position of this input element in the tabbing order. Mirrors the tabindex attribute.

String type
The type of the input element. The various types and their meanings are listed in the table in the "Description" section. Mirrors the type attribute.

String useMap
For elements with a type of image, specifies the name of a <map> element that provides a client-side image map for the element.

String value
The value that is passed to the server-side script when the form is submitted. For Text, Password, and FileUpload elements, this property is the text contained by the input element. For Button, Submit, and Reset elements, this is the text that appears in the button. For security reasons, the value property of FileUpload elements may be read-only. Similarly, the value returned by this property for Password elements may not contain the user's actual input.


blur( )
Takes keyboard focus away from the element.

click( )
If this input element is a Button, a Checkbox, or a Radio, Submit, or Reset button, this method simulates a mouse-click on the element.

focus( )
Transfers keyboard focus to this input element.

select( )
If this input element is a Text, Password, or FileUpload element, this method selects the text displayed by the element. In many browsers, this means that when the user next enters a character, the selected text will be deleted and replaced with the newly typed character.


This interface represents an <input> element that defines an HTML input element (typically in an HTML form). An HTMLInputElement can represent various types of input elements, depending on the value of its type property. The allowed values for this property and their meanings are shown in the following table.


Input element type


Push button


Checkbox element


FileUpload element


Hidden element


Graphical Submit button


Masked-text entry field for passwords


Mutually exclusive Radio button


Reset button

text (default value)

Single-line text entry field


Submit button

See Chapter 15 for more information about HTML forms and form elements. Note also that each distinct type of form input element has its own reference page in the client-side reference section of this book.

See Also

HTMLFormElement, HTMLOptionElement, HTMLSelectElement, HTMLTextAreaElement; Chapter 15; the Input object in the client-side reference section, and also its subclasses (Button, Checkbox, FileUpload, Hidden, Password, Radio, Reset, Submit, and Text)

HTMLInputElement.blur( )take keyboard focus away from this element


DOM Level 1 HTML


void blur( );


This method takes keyboard focus away from this form element. )simulate a mouse-click on a form element


DOM Level 1 HTML


void click( );


This method simulates a mouse-click on a Button, Checkbox, Radio, Reset, or Submit form element. It does not trigger the onclick event handler for the input element.

When called on Button elements, it may (or may not) produce the visual appearance of a button-click, but it has no other effect since it does not trigger the onclick event handler for the button. For Checkbox elements, it toggles the checked property. It makes unchecked Radio elements become checked but leaves checked elements alone. When called on Reset and Submit elements, the click( ) method causes the form to be reset or submitted.

HTMLInputElement.focus( )give keyboard focus to this element


DOM Level 1 HTML


void focus( );


This method transfers keyboard focus to this element so the user can interact with it without first clicking on it. )select the contents of a Text element


DOM Level 1 HTML


void select( );


This method selects any text displayed in Text, Password, and FileUpload elements. In most browsers, this means that the user's next keystroke will replace the current text rather than being appended to it.

HTMLOptionElementan <option> in an HTML form


DOM Level 1 HTML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Element Figure HTMLElement Figure HTMLOptionElement


boolean defaultSelected
The initial value of the selected attribute of the <option> element. If the form is reset, the selected property is reset to the value of this property. Setting this property also sets the value of the selected property.

boolean disabled
If true, this option is disabled and the user is not allowed to select it. Mirrors the disabled attribute.

readonly HTMLFormElement form
A reference to the <form> element that contains this element.

readonly long index
The position of this <option> element within the <select> element that contains it.

String label
The text to be displayed for the option. Mirrors the label attribute. If this property is not specified, the plain-text content of the <option> element is used instead.

boolean selected
The current state of this option: if true, the option is selected. The initial value of this property comes from the selected attribute.

readonly String text
The plain text contained within the <option> element. This text appears as the label for the option.

String value
The value submitted with the form if this option is selected when form submission occurs. Mirrors the value attribute.


This interface describes an <option> element within a <select> element.

See Also

HTMLFormElement, HTMLInputElement, HTMLSelectElement; Option and Select objects in the client-side reference section; Chapter 15

HTMLSelectElementa <select> element in an HTML form


DOM Level 1 HTML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Element Figure HTMLElement Figure HTMLSelectElement


boolean disabled
If true, the <select> element is disabled and the user may not interact with it. Mirrors the disabled attribute.

readonly HTMLFormElement form
The <form> element that contains this one.

readonly long length
The number of <option> elements contained by this <select> element. Same as options.length.

boolean multiple
If true, the <select> element allows multiple options to be selected. Otherwise, the selections are mutually exclusive and only one may be selected at a time. Mirrors the multiple attribute.

String name
The name of this form element. Mirrors the name attribute.

readonly HTMLCollection options
An array (HTMLCollection) of HTMLOptionElement objects that represent the <option> elements contained in this <select> element, in the order in which they appear.

long selectedIndex
The position of the selected option in the options array. If no options are selected, this property is -1. If multiple options are selected, this property returns the index of the first selected option.

long size
The number of options to display at once. If this property is 1, the <select> element will typically be displayed using a drop-down menu or list. If it is greater than 1, the <select> is typically displayed using a fixed-size list control, with a scrollbar if necessary. Mirrors the size attribute.

long tabIndex
The position of this element in the tabbing order. Mirrors the tabindex attribute.

readonly String type
If multiple is true, this property is "select-multiple". Otherwise, it is "select-one".


add( )
Inserts a new HTMLOptionElement into the options array, either by appending it at the end of the array or by inserting it before another specified option.

blur( )
Takes keyboard focus away.

focus( )
Transfers keyboard focus to this element.

remove( )
Removes the <option> element at the specified position.


This interface represents a <select> element in an HTML form. The options property provides convenient access to the set of <option> elements it contains, and the add( ) and remove( ) methods provide an easy way to modify the set of options.

See Also

HTMLFormElement, HTMLOptionElement; Option and Select objects in the client-side reference section; Chapter 15

HTMLSelectElement.add( )insert an <option> element


DOM Level 1 HTML


void add(HTMLElement element, 
         HTMLElement before) 
    throws DOMException;


The HTMLOptionElement to be added.

The element of the options array before which the new element should be added. If this argument is null, element is appended at the end of the options array.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of NOT_FOUND_ERR if the before argument specifies an object that is not a member of the options array.


This method adds a new <option> element to this <select> element. element is an HTMLOptionElement that represents the <option> element to be added. before specifies the HTMLOptionElement before which element is to be added. If before is part of an OPTGROUP, element is always inserted as part of that same group. If before is null, element becomes the last child of the <select> element.

See Also

Select object in the client-side reference section

HTMLSelectElement.blur( )take keyboard focus away from this element


DOM Level 1 HTML


void blur( );


This method takes keyboard focus away from this element.

HTMLSelectElement.focus( )give keyboard focus to this element


DOM Level 1 HTML


void focus( );


This method transfers keyboard focus to this <select> element so the user can interact with it using the keyboard instead of the mouse.

HTMLSelectElement.remove( )remove an <option>


DOM Level 1 HTML


void remove(long index);


The position within the options array of the <option> element to be removed.


This method removes the <option> element at the specified position in the options array. If the specified index is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of options, the remove( ) method ignores it and does nothing.

See Also

Select object in the client-side reference section

HTMLTableCaptionElementa <caption> in an HTML table


DOM Level 1 HTML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Element Figure HTMLElement Figure HTMLTableCaptionElement


deprecated String align
The horizontal alignment of the caption with respect to the table. The value of the align attribute. Deprecated in favor of CSS styles.


A <caption> element in an HTML table.

See Also

Type of


HTMLTableCellElementa <td> or <th> cell in an HTML table


DOM Level 1 HTML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Element Figure HTMLElement Figure HTMLTableCellElement


readonly long cellIndex
The position of this cell within its row.

In addition to the cellIndex property, this interface defines the properties in the following table, which correspond directly to the HTML attributes of the <td> and <th> elements.




String abbr

See HTML specification

String align

Horizontal alignment of cell

String axis

See HTML specification

deprecated String bgColor

Background color of cell

String ch

Alignment character

String chOff

Alignment character offset

long colSpan

Columns spanned by cell

String headers

id values for headers for this cell

deprecated String height

Cell height in pixels

deprecated boolean noWrap

Don't word-wrap cell

long rowSpan

Rows spanned by cell

String scope

Scope of this header cell

String vAlign

Vertical alignment of cell

deprecated String width

Cell width in pixels


This interface represents <td> and <th> elements in HTML tables.

HTMLTableColElementa <col> or <colgroup> in an HTML table


DOM Level 1 HTML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Element Figure HTMLElement Figure HTMLTableColElement


This interface defines the properties in the following table, each of which corresponds to an HTML attribute of a <col> or <colgroup> element.




String align


Default horizontal alignment

String ch


Default alignment character

String chOff


Default alignment offset

long span


Number of columns represented by this element

String vAlign


Default vertical alignment

String width


Width of the column(s)


This interface represents a <col> or <colgroup> element in an HTML table.

HTMLTableElementa <table> in an HTML document


DOM Level 1 HTML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Element Figure HTMLElement Figure HTMLTableElement


HTMLTableCaptionElement caption
A reference to the <caption> element for the table, or null if there is none.

readonly HTMLCollection rows
An array (HTMLCollection) of HTMLTableRowElement objects that represent all the rows in the table. This includes all rows defined within <thead>, <tfoot>, and <tbody> tags.

readonly HTMLCollection tBodies
An array (HTMLCollection) of HTMLTableSectionElement objects that represent all the <tbody> sections in this table.

HTMLTableSectionElement tFoot
The <tfoot> element of the table, or null if there is none.

HTMLTableSectionElement tHead
The <thead> element of the table, or null if there is none.

In addition to the properties just listed, this interface defines the properties in the following table to represent the HTML attributes of the <table> element.




deprecated String align


Horizontal alignment of table in document

deprecated String bgColor


Table background color

String border


Width of border around table

String cellPadding


Space between cell contents and border

String cellSpacing


Space between cell borders

String frame


Which table borders to draw

String rules


Where to draw lines within the table

String summary


Summary description of table

String width


Table width


createCaption( )
Returns the existing <caption> for the table, or creates (and inserts) a new one if none already exists.

createTFoot( )
Returns the existing <tfoot> element for the table, or creates (and inserts) a new one if none already exists.

createTHead( )
Returns the existing <thead> element for the table, or creates (and inserts) a new one if none already exists.

deleteCaption( )
Deletes the <caption> element from the table, if it has one.

deleteRow( )
Deletes the row at the specified position in the table.

deleteTFoot( )
Deletes the <tfoot> element from the table, if it has one.

deleteTHead( )
Deletes the <thead> element from the table, if one exists.

insertRow( )
Inserts a new, empty <tr> element into the table at the specified position.


This interface represents an HTML <table> element and defines a number of convenience properties and methods for querying and modifying various sections of the table. These methods and properties make it easier to work with tables, but they could also be duplicated with core DOM methods.

See Also

HTMLTableCaptionElement, HTMLTableCellElement, HTMLTableColElement, HTMLTableRowElement, HTMLTableSectionElement

HTMLTableElement.createCaption( )get or create a <caption>


DOM Level 1 HTML


HTMLElement createCaption( );


An HTMLTableCaptionElement object representing the <caption> element for this table. If the table already has a caption, this method simply returns it. If the table does not have an existing <caption>, this method creates a new (empty) one and inserts it into the table before returning it.

HTMLTableElement.createTFoot( )get or create a <tfoot>


DOM Level 1 HTML


HTMLElement createTFoot( );


An HTMLTableSectionElement representing the <tfoot> element for this table. If the table already has a footer, this method simply returns it. If the table does not have an existing footer, this method creates a new (empty) <tfoot> element and inserts it into the table before returning it.

HTMLTableElement.createTHead( )get or create a <thead>


DOM Level 1 HTML


HTMLElement createTHead( );


An HTMLTableSectionElement representing the <thead> element for this table. If the table already has a header, this method simply returns it. If the table does not have an existing header, this method creates a new (empty) <thead> element and inserts it into the table before returning it.

HTMLTableElement.deleteCaption( )delete the <caption> of a table


DOM Level 1 HTML


void deleteCaption( );


If this table has a <caption> element, this method removes it from the document tree. Otherwise, it does nothing.

HTMLTableElement.deleteRow( )delete a row of a table


DOM Level 1 HTML


void deleteRow(long index) 
    throws DOMException;


Specifies the position within the table of the row to be deleted.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of INDEX_SIZE_ERR if index is less than zero or is greater than or equal to the number of rows in the table.


This method deletes the row at the specified position from the table. Rows are numbered in the order in which they appear in the document source. Rows in <thead> and <tfoot> sections are numbered along with all other rows in the table.

See Also

HTMLTableSectionElement.deleteRow( )

HTMLTableElement.deleteTFoot( )delete the <tfoot> of a table


DOM Level 1 HTML


void deleteTFoot( );


If this table has a <tfoot> element, this method removes it from the document tree. If the table has no footer, this method does nothing.

HTMLTableElement.deleteTHead( )delete the <thead> of a table


DOM Level 1 HTML


void deleteTHead( );


If this table has a <thead> element, this method deletes it; otherwise, it does nothing.

HTMLTableElement.insertRow( )add a new, empty row to the table


DOM Level 1 HTML


HTMLElement insertRow(long index) 
    throws DOMException;


The position at which the new row is to be inserted.


An HTMLTableRowElement that represents the newly inserted row.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of INDEX_SIZE_ERR if index is less than zero or greater than the number of rows in the table.


This method creates a new HTMLTableRowElement representing a <tr> tag and inserts it into the table at the specified position.

The new row is inserted in the same section and immediately before the existing row at the position specified by index. If index is equal to the number of rows in the table, the new row is appended to the last section of the table. If the table is initially empty, the new row is inserted into a new <tbody> section that is itself inserted into the table.

You can use the convenience method HTMLTableRowElement.insertCell( ) to add content to the newly created row.

See Also

HTMLTableSectionElement.insertRow( )

HTMLTableRowElementa <tr> element in an HTML table


DOM Level 1 HTML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Element Figure HTMLElement Figure HTMLTableRowElement


readonly HTMLCollection cells
An array (HTMLCollection) of HTMLTableCellElement objects representing the cells in this row.

readonly long rowIndex
The position of this row in the table.

readonly long sectionRowIndex
The position of this row within its section (i.e., within its <thead>, <tbody>, or <tfoot> element).

In addition to the properties just listed, this interface also defines the properties in the following table, which correspond to the HTML attributes of the <tr> element.




String align


Default horizontal alignment of cells in this row

deprecated String bgColor


Background color of this row

String ch


Alignment character for cells in this row

String chOff


Alignment character offset for cells in this row

String vAlign


Default vertical alignment for cells in this row


deleteCell( )
Deletes the specified cell from this row.

insertCell( )
Inserts an empty <td> element into this row at the specified position.


This interface represents a row in an HTML table.

HTMLTableRowElement.deleteCell( )delete a cell in a table row


DOM Level 1 HTML


void deleteCell(long index) 
    throws DOMException;


The position in the row of the cell to delete.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of INDEX_SIZE_ERR if index is less than zero or is greater than or equal to the number of cells in the row.


This method deletes the cell at the specified position in the table row.

HTMLTableRowElement.insertCell( )insert a new, empty <td> element into a table row


DOM Level 1 HTML


HTMLElement insertCell(long index) 
    throws DOMException;


The position at which the new cell is to be inserted.


An HTMLTableCellElement object that represents the newly created and inserted <td> element.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of INDEX_SIZE_ERR if index is less than zero or is greater than the number of cells in the row.


This method creates a new <td> element and inserts it into the row at the specified position. The new cell is inserted immediately before the cell that is currently at the position specified by index. If index is equal to the number of cells in the row, the new cell is appended at the end of the row.

Note that this convenience method inserts <td> data cells only. If you need to add a header cell into a row, you must create and insert the <th> element using Document.createElement( ) and Node.insertBefore( ) or related methods.

HTMLTableSectionElementa header, footer, or body section of a table


DOM Level 1 HTML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Element Figure HTMLElement Figure HTMLTableSectionElement


readonly HTMLCollection rows
An array (HTMLCollection) of HTMLTableRowElement objects representing the rows in this section of the table.

In addition to the rows property, this interface defines the properties in the following table, which represent the attributes of the underlying HTML element.




String align


Default horizontal alignment of cells in this section of the table

String ch


Default alignment character for cells in this section

String chOff


Default alignment offset for cells in this section

String vAlign


Default vertical alignment for cells in this section


deleteRow( )
Deletes the numbered row from this section.

insertRow( )
Inserts an empty row into this section at the specified position.


This interface represents a <tbody>, <thead>, or <tfoot> section of an HTML table.

See Also

Type of

HTMLTableElement.tFoot, HTMLTableElement.tHead

HTMLTableSectionElement.deleteRow( )delete a row within a table section


DOM Level 1 HTML


void deleteRow(long index) 
    throws DOMException;


The position of the row within this section.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of INDEX_SIZE_ERR if index is less than zero or is greater than or equal to the number of rows in this section.


This method deletes the row at the specified position within this section. Note that for this method index specifies a row's position within its section, not within the entire table.

See Also

HTMLTableElement.deleteRow( )

HTMLTableSectionElement.insertRow( )insert a new, empty row into this table section


DOM Level 1 HTML


HTMLElement insertRow(long index) 
    throws DOMException;


The position within the section at which the new row is to be inserted.


An HTMLTableRowElement that represents the newly created and inserted <tr> element.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of INDEX_SIZE_ERR if index is less than zero or is greater than the number of rows in this section.


This method creates a new <tr> element and inserts it into this table section at the specified position. If index equals the number of rows currently in the section, the new row is appended at the end of the section. Otherwise, the new row is inserted immediately before the row that is currently at the position specified by index. Note that for this method, index specifies a row position within a single table section, not within the entire table.

See Also

HTMLTableElement.insertRow( )

HTMLTextAreaElementa <textarea> element in an HTML form DOM Level 1 HTML


Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Element Figure HTMLElement Figure HTMLTextAreaElement


String accessKey
A keyboard shortcut (a single character) that the web browser can use to transfer keyboard focus to this element. Mirrors the accesskey attribute.

long cols
The width of this element in character columns. Mirrors the cols attribute.

String defaultValue
The initial content of the text area. When the form is reset, the text area is restored to this value. Setting this property changes the displayed text in the text area.

boolean disabled
If true, this element is disabled and the user cannot interact with it. Mirrors the disabled attribute.

readonly HTMLFormElement form
The HTMLFormElement that represents the <form> element containing this text area, or null if this element is not inside a form.

String name
The name of this <textarea> element, as specified by the name attribute.

boolean readOnly
If true, this element is read-only and the user cannot edit any of the displayed text. Mirrors the readonly attribute.

long rows
The height of the text area in text rows. Mirrors the rows attribute.

long tabIndex
The position of this element in the tabbing order. Mirrors the tabindex attribute.

readonly String type
The type of this element, for compatibility with HTMLInputElement objects. This property always has the value "textarea".

String value
The text currently displayed in the text area.


blur( )
Takes keyboard focus away from this element.

focus( )
Transfers keyboard focus to this element.

select( )
Selects the entire contents of the text area.


This interface represents a <textarea> element that creates a multiline text-input field in an HTML form. The initial contents of the text area are specified between the <textarea> and </textarea> tags. The user may edit this value and query and set the text with the value property (or by modifying the Text node child of this element).

See Also

HTMLFormElement, HTMLInputElement; Textarea in the client-side reference section; Chapter 15

HTMLTextAreaElement.blur( )take keyboard focus away from this element


DOM Level 1 HTML


void blur( );


This method takes keyboard focus away from this element.

HTMLTextAreaElement.focus( )give keyboard focus to this element


DOM Level 1 HTML


void focus( );


This method transfers keyboard focus to this element so the user can edit the displayed text without having to first click on the text area. )select the text in this element


DOM Level 1 HTML


void select( );


This method selects all the text displayed by this <textarea> element. In most browsers, this means that the text is highlighted and that new text entered by the user will replace the highlighted text instead of being appended to it.

LinkStylea style sheet associated with a node


DOM Level 2 StyleSheets


readonly StyleSheet sheet
The StyleSheet object associated with this node.


In DOM implementations that support the StyleSheets module, this interface is implemented by any Document node that links to a style sheet or defines an inline style sheet. The sheet property then provides a way to obtain the StyleSheet object associated with the node.

In HTML documents, the <style> and <link> elements implement this interface. Those elements are represented by the HTMLStyleElement and HTMLLinkElement interfaces, which do not have their own entries in this reference. See HTMLElement for more information about those interfaces.

In XML documents, style sheets are included with a processing instruction. See ProcessingInstruction for more information.

See Also

HTMLElement, ProcessingInstruction

MediaLista style sheet's list of media types


DOM Level 2 StyleSheets


readonly unsigned long length
The length of the array; the number of media types in the list.

String mediaText
A comma-separated text representation of the complete media list. Setting this property may throw a DOMException with a code of SYNTAX_ERR if the new value contains a syntax err, or a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_EXCEPTION if the media list is read-only.


appendMedium( )
Adds a new media type to the end of the list.

deleteMedium( )
Removes the specified media type from the list.

item( )
Returns the media type at the specified position in the list, or null if the index is invalid. In JavaScript, you can also treat the MediaList object as an array and index it using normal square-bracket array notation instead of calling this method.


This interface represents a list or array of media types for a style sheet. length specifies the number of elements in the list, and item( ) allows a specific media type to be retrieved by position. appendMedium( ) and deleteMedium( ) allow entries to be appended to and deleted from the list. JavaScript allows a MediaList object to be treated as an array, and you can use square-bracket notation instead of calling item( ).

The HTML 4 standard defines the following media types (they are case-sensitive, and must be written in lowercase letters): screen, tty, tv, projection, handheld, print, braile, aural, and all. The screen type is most relevant to documents being displayed in web browsers on desktop or laptop computers. The print type is used for styles intended for printed documents.

See Also

Type of

MediaList.appendMedium( )add a new media type to the list


DOM Level 2 StyleSheets


void appendMedium(String newMedium)
    throws DOMException;


The name of the new media type to append. See the MediaList reference page for the set of valid media type names.


This method may throw a DOMException with a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if the media list is read-only, or INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR if the specified newMedium argument contains illegal characters.


This method appends the specified newMedium to the end of the MediaList. If the MediaList already contains the specified media type, it is first removed from its current position and then appended at the end of the list.

MediaList.deleteMedium( )remove a media type from the list


DOM Level 2 StyleSheets



void deleteMedium(String oldMedium)
    throws DOMException;


The name of the media type to remove from the list. See the MediaList reference page for the set of valid media type names.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of NOT_FOUND_ERR if the list does not contain the specified oldMedium media type, or NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if the media list is read-only.


This method deletes the specified media type from this MediaList, or throws an exception if the list does not contain the specified type.

MediaList.item( )index an array of media types


DOM Level 2 StyleSheets


String item(unsigned long index);


The position of the desired media type within the array.


The media type (a string) at the specified position within the MediaList, or null if index is negative or is greater than or equal to length. Note that in JavaScript, it is usually simpler to treat a MediaList object as an array and index it using square-bracket array notation instead of calling this method.

MouseEventdetails about a mouse event


DOM Level 2 Events

Inherits from/Overrides

Event Figure UIEvent Figure MouseEvent


readonly boolean altKey
Whether the Alt key was held down when the event occurred. Defined for all types of mouse events.

readonly unsigned short button
Which mouse button changed state during a mousedown, mouseup, or click event. A value of 0 indicates the left button, a value of 2 indicates the right button, and a value of 1 indicates the middle mouse button. Note that this property is defined when a button changes state; it is not used to report whether a button is held down during a mousemove event, for example. Also, this property is not a bitmap: it cannot tell you if more than one button is held down.

Netscape 6.0 and 6.01 use the values 1, 2, and 3 instead of 0, 1, and 2. This is fixed in Netscape 6.1.

readonly long clientX, clientY
Numbers that specify the X and Y coordinates of the mouse pointer relative to the "client area," or browser window. Note that these coordinates do not take document scrolling into account; if an event occurs at the very top of the window, clientY is 0 regardless of how far down the document has been scrolled. These properties are defined for all types of mouse events.

readonly boolean ctrlKey
Whether the Ctrl key was held down when the event occurred. Defined for all types of mouse events.

readonly boolean metaKey
Whether the Meta key was held down when the event occurred. Defined for all types of mouse events.

readonly EventTarget relatedTarget
Refers to a node that is related to the target node of the event. For mouseover events, it is the node the mouse left when it moved over the target. For mouseout events, it is the node the mouse entered when leaving the target. relatedTarget is undefined for other types of mouse events.

readonly long screenX, screenY
Numbers that specify the X and Y coordinates of the mouse pointer relative to the upper-left corner of the user's monitor. These properties are defined for all types of mouse events.

readonly boolean shiftKey
Whether the Shift key was held down when the event occurred. Defined for all types of mouse events.


initMouseEvent( )
Initializes the properties of a newly created MouseEvent object.


This interface defines the type of Event object that is passed to events of types click, mousedown, mousemove, mouseout, mouseover, and mouseup. Note that in addition to the properties listed here, this interface also inherits the properties of the UIEvent and Event interfaces.

See Also

Event, UIEvent; Chapter 19

MouseEvent.initMouseEvent( )initialize the properties of a MouseEvent object


DOM Level 2 Events


void initMouseEvent(String typeArg,
                    boolean canBubbleArg, 
                    boolean cancelableArg, 
                    AbstractView viewArg, 
                    long detailArg,
                    long screenXArg, 
                    long screenYArg, 
                    long clientXArg, 
                    long clientYArg, 
                    boolean ctrlKeyArg, 
                    boolean altKeyArg, 
                    boolean shiftKeyArg, 
                    boolean metaKeyArg, 
                    unsigned short buttonArg, 
                    EventTarget relatedTargetArg);


The many arguments to this method specify the initial values of the properties of this MouseEvent object, including the properties inherited from the Event and UIEvent interfaces. The name of each argument clearly indicates the property for which it specifies the value, so they are not listed individually here.


This method initializes the various properties of a newly created MouseEvent object. It may be called only on a MouseEvent object created with Document.createEvent( ) and only before that MouseEvent is passed to EventTarget.dispatchEvent( ).

MutationEventdetails about a document change


DOM Level 2 Events

Inherits from/Overrides

Event Figure MutationEvent


The following constants represent the set of possible values for the attrChange property:

unsigned short MODIFICATION = 1
An Attr node was modified.

unsigned short ADDITION = 2
An Attr node was added.

unsigned short REMOVAL = 3
An Attr node was removed.


readonly unsigned short attrChange
How the attribute was changed, for DOMAttrModified events. The three possible values are defined in the "Constants" section.

readonly String attrName
The name of the attribute that was changed for DOMAttrModified events.

readonly String newValue
The new value of the Attr node for DOMAttrModified events, or the new text value of a Text, Comment, CDATASection, or ProcessingInstruction node for DOMCharacterDataModified events.

readonly String prevValue
The previous value of an Attr node for DOMAttrModified events, or the previous value of a Text, Comment, CDATASection, or ProcessingInstruction node for DOMCharacterDataModified events.

readonly Node relatedNode
The relevant Attr node for DOMAttrModified events, or the parent of the node that was inserted or removed for DOMNodeInserted and DOMNodeRemoved events.


initMutationEvent( )
Initializes the properties of a newly created MutationEvent object.


This interface defines the type of Event object that is passed to events of types listed here (note that none of these event types are cancelable with Event.preventDefault( )):

Generated when an attribute of a document element is added, removed, or changed. The target of the event is the element that contains the attribute, and the event bubbles up from there.

Generated when the character data of a Text, Comment, CDATASection, or ProcessingInstruction node changes. The event target is the node that changed, and the event bubbles up from there.

Generated after a node is added as a child of another node. The target of the event is the node that was inserted, and the event bubbles up the tree from there. The relatedNode property specifies the new parent of the inserted node. This event is not generated for any descendants of the inserted node.

Generated after a node is inserted into the document tree, as well as for nodes that are inserted directly into the tree and nodes that are indirectly inserted when an ancestor is inserted. The target of this event is the node that is inserted. Because events of this type may be targeted at every node in a subtree, they do not bubble.

Generated immediately before a node is removed from its parent. The target of the event is the node being removed, and the event bubbles up the document tree from there. The relatedNode property holds the parent node from which the node is being removed.

Generated immediately before a node is removed from the document tree. Separate events are generated for the node that is directly removed and for each of its descendant nodes. The target of the event is the node that is about to be removed. Events of this type do not bubble.

Generated as a kind of summary event when a call to a DOM method causes multiple mutation events to be fired. The target of this event is the most deeply nested common ancestor of all changes that occurred in the document, and it bubbles up the document tree from that point. If you are not interested in the details of the changes but merely want to be notified which portions of the document have changed, you may prefer to register listeners for this type of event.

MutationEvent.initMutationEvent( )initialize the properties of a new MutationEvent


DOM Level 2 Events


void initMutationEvent(String typeArg,
                       boolean canBubbleArg, 
                       boolean cancelableArg, 
                       Node relatedNodeArg, 
                       String prevValueArg, 
                       String newValueArg, 
                       String attrNameArg, 
                       unsigned short attrChangeArg);


The various arguments to this method specify the initial values of the properties of this MutationEvent object, including the properties inherited from the Event interface. The name of each argument clearly indicates the property for which it specifies the value, so the arguments are not listed individually here.


This method initializes the various properties of a newly created MutationEvent object. It may be called only on a MutationEvent object created with Document.createEvent( ) and only before that MouseEvent is passed to EventTarget.dispatchEvent( ).

NamedNodeMapa collection of nodes indexed by name or position


DOM Level 1 Core


readonly unsigned long length
The number of nodes in the array.


getNamedItem( )
Looks up a named node.

getNamedItemNS( ) [DOM Level 2]
Looks up a node specified by namespace and name.

item( )
Obtains the node at a specified position within the NamedNodeMap. In JavaScript, you can also do this by using the node position as an array index.

removeNamedItem( )
Deletes a named node from the NamedNodeMap.

removeNamedItemNS( ) [DOM Level 2]
Deletes a node specified by name and namespace from the NamedNodeMap.

setNamedItem( )
Adds a new node to (or replaces an existing node in) the NamedNodeMap. The nodeName property of the Node object is used as the name of the node.

setNamedItemNS( ) [DOM Level 2]
Adds a new node to (or replaces an existing node in) the NamedNodeMap. The namespaceURI and localName properties of the Node object are used as the node name.


The NamedNodeMap interface defines a collection of nodes that may be looked up by their nodeName property or, for nodes that use namespaces, by their namespaceURI or localName properties.

The most notable use of the NamedNodeMap interface is the attributes property of the Node interface: a collection of Attr nodes that may be looked up by attribute name. Many of the methods of NamedNodeMap are similar to the methods of Element for manipulating attributes. Element attributes are usually most easily manipulated through the methods of the Element interface, and the NamedNodeMap interface is not commonly used.

NamedNodeMap objects are "live," which means that they immediately reflect any changes to the document tree. For example, if you obtain a NamedNodeMap that represents the attributes of an element and then add a new attribute to that element, the new attribute is available through the NamedNodeMap.

See Also


Type of

DocumentType.entities, DocumentType.notations, Node.attributes

NamedNodeMap.getNamedItem( )look up a node by name


DOM Level 1 Core


Node getNamedItem(String name);


The value of the nodeName property of the node to look up.


The named node, or null if no node with that name was found.

NamedNodeMap.getNamedItemNS( )look up a node by name and namespace


DOM Level 2 Core


Node getNamedItemNS(String namespaceURI,
                    String localName);


The namespaceURI property of the desired node, or null for no namespace.

The localName property of the local node.


The element of the NamedNodeMap that has the specified namespaceURI and localName properties, or null if there is no such node.


getNamedItemNS( ) looks up an element of a NamedNodeMap by namespace and local name. It is useful only with XML documents that use namespaces.

NamedNodeMap.item( )return an element of a NamedNodeMap by position


DOM Level 1 Core


Node item(unsigned long index);


The position or index of the desired node.


The node at the specified position, or null if index is less than zero or greater than or equal to the length of the NamedNodeMap.


This method returns a numbered element of a NamedNodeMap. In JavaScript, NamedNodeMap objects behave like read-only arrays, and you can use the node position as an array index within square brackets instead of calling this method.

Although the NamedNodeMap interface allows you to iterate through its nodes by position, it does not represent an ordered collection of nodes. Any changes made to the NamedNodeMap (such as by removeNamedItem( ) or setNamedItem( )) may result in a complete reordering of the elements. Thus, you must not modify a NamedNodeMap while you are iterating through its elements.

See Also


NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItem( )delete a node specified by name


DOM Level 1 Core


Node removeNamedItem(String name) 
    throws DOMException;


The nodeName property of the node to be deleted.


The node that was removed.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if the NamedNodeMap is read-only and does not allow deletions, or a code of NOT_FOUND_ERR if no node with the specified name exists in the NamedNodeMap.


Deletes a named node from a NamedNodeMap. Note that if the NamedNodeMap represents the set of attributes for an Element, removing the Attr node for an attribute that was explicitly set in the document may cause the removed Attr to be automatically replaced by a new Attr node representing the default value (if any exists) of the attribute.

See Also

Element.removeAttribute( )

NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItemNS( )delete a node specified by namespace and name


DOM Level 2 Core


Node removeNamedItemNS(String namespaceURI, 
                       String localName) 
    throws DOMException;


The namespaceURI property of the node to be removed, or null for no namespace.

The localName property of the node to be removed.


The node that was removed.


This method throws exceptions for the same reason as removeNamedItem( ).


This method works just like removeNamedItem( ), except that the node to be removed is specified by namespace and local name rather than just by name. This method is typically useful only with XML documents that use namespaces.

NamedNodeMap.setNamedItem( )add a node to or replace a node in a NamedNodeMap


DOM Level 1 Core


Node setNamedItem(Node arg) 
    throws DOMException;


The node to be added to the NamedNodeMap.


The node that was replaced, or null if no node was replaced.


This method may throw a DOMException with one of the following code values:

arg is a node of a type that is not suitable for this NamedNodeMap (e.g., is not an Attr node).

arg is an Attr node that is already associated with an element.

The NamedNodeMap is read-only.

arg has a different ownerDocument than the document from which the NamedNodeMap was created.


setNamedItem( ) adds the specified node to a NamedNodeMap and allows it to be looked up using the value of the node's nodeName property. If the NamedNodeMap already contains a node with that name, that node is replaced and becomes the return value of the method.

See Also

Element.setAttribute( )

NamedNodeMap.setNamedItemNS( )add a node to a NamedNodeMap using namespaces


DOM Level 2 Core


Node setNamedItemNS(Node arg) 
    throws DOMException;


The node to be added to the NamedNodeMap.


The node that was replaced, or null if no node was replaced.


This method throws exceptions for the same reasons as setNamedItem( ). It may also throw a DOMException with a code of NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if it is called in an implementation that does not support XML documents or XML namespaces.


This method works like setNamedItem( ), except that the node added to the NamedNodeMap can later be looked up by its namespaceURI and localName properties instead of by its nodeName property. This method is useful only with XML documents that use namespaces. Note that this method may be unsupported (i.e., may throw an exception) in implementations that do not support XML documents.

Nodea node in a document tree


DOM Level 1 Core


Attr, CharacterData, Document, DocumentFragment, DocumentType, Element, Entity, EntityReference, Notation, ProcessingInstruction

Also Implements

If the DOM implementation supports the Events module, every node in the document tree also implements the EventTarget interface and may have event listeners registered on it. The methods defined by the EventTarget interface are not included here; see the "EventTarget" and EventListener reference pages for details.


All Node objects implement one of the subinterfaces listed above. Every Node object has a nodeType property that specifies which of the subinterfaces it implements. These constants are the legal values for that property; their names are self-explanatory. Note that these are static properties of the Node( ) constructor function; they are not properties of individual Node objects. Also note that they are not supported by Internet Explorer 4, 5, or 6.

Node.ELEMENT_NODE = 1;                 // Element
Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2;               // Attr
Node.TEXT_NODE = 3;                    // Text
Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4;           // CDATASection
Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = 5;        // EntityReference
Node.ENTITY_NODE = 6;                  // Entity
Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = 7;  // ProcessingInstruction
Node.COMMENT_NODE = 8;                 // Comment
Node.DOCUMENT_NODE = 9;                // Document
Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10;          // DocumentType
Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11;      // DocumentFragment
Node.NOTATION_NODE = 12;               // Notation


readonly NamedNodeMap attributes
If this node is an element, specifies the attributes of that element. attributes is a NamedNodeMap object that allows attributes to be queried by name or by number and returns them in the form of Attr objects. In practice, it is almost always easier to use the getAttribute( ) method of the Element interface to obtain an attribute value as a string. Note that the returned NamedNodeMap object is "live": any changes to the attributes of this element are immediately visible through it.

readonly Node[] childNodes
Contains the child nodes of the current node. This property should never be null: for nodes with no children, childNodes is an array with length zero. This property is technically a NodeList object, but it behaves just like an array of Node objects. Note that the returned NodeList object is "live": any changes to this element's list of children are immediately visible through the NodeList.

readonly Node firstChild
The first child of this node, or null if the node has no children.

readonly Node lastChild
The last child of this node, or null if the node has no children.

readonly String localName [DOM Level 2]
In XML documents that use namespaces, specifies the local part of the element or attribute name. This property is never used with HTML documents. See also the namespaceURI and prefix properties.

readonly String namespaceURI [DOM Level 2]
In XML documents that use namespaces, specifies the URI of the namespace of an Element or Attribute node. This property is never used with HTML documents. See also the localName and prefix properties.

readonly Node nextSibling
The sibling node that immediately follows this one in the childNodes[] array of the parentNode, or null if there is no such node.

readonly String nodeName
The name of the node. For Element nodes, specifies the tag name of the element, which can also be retrieved with the tagName property of the Element interface. For other types of nodes, the value depends on the node type. See the upcoming table in the Section section for details.

readonly unsigned short nodeType
The type of the node; i.e., which subinterface the node implements. The legal values are defined by the previously listed constants. Since those constants are not supported by Internet Explorer, however, you may prefer to use hardcoded values instead of the constants. In HTML documents, the common values for this property are 1 for Element nodes, 3 for Text nodes, 8 for Comment nodes, and 9 for the single top-level Document node.

String nodeValue
The value of a node. For Text nodes, holds the text content. For other node types, the value depends on the nodeType, as shown in the upcoming table.

readonly Document ownerDocument
The Document object of which this node is a part. For Document nodes, this property is null.

readonly Node parentNode
The parent node (or container node) of this node, or null if there is no parent. Note that Document and Attr nodes never have parent nodes. Also, nodes that have been removed from the document or are newly created and have not yet been inserted into the document tree have a parentNode of null.

String prefix [DOM Level 2]
For XML documents that use namespaces, specifies the namespace prefix of an Element or Attribute node. This property is never used with HTML documents. See also the localName and namespaceURL properties. Setting this property can cause an exception if the new value contains illegal characters, is malformed, or does not match the namespaceURI property.

readonly Node previousSibling
The sibling node that immediately precedes this one in the childNodes[] array of the parentNode, or null if there is no such node.


appendChild( )
Adds a node to the document tree by appending it to the childNodes[] array of this node. If the node is already in the document tree, it is removed and then reinserted at its new position.

cloneNode( )
Makes a copy of this node, or of the node and all its descendants.

hasAttributes( ) [DOM Level 2]
Returns true if this node is an Element and has any attributes.

hasChildNodes( )
Returns true if this node has any children.

insertBefore( )
Inserts a node into the document tree immediately before the specified child of this node. If the node being inserted is already in the tree, it is removed and reinserted at its new location.

isSupported( ) [DOM Level 2]
Returns true if the specified version number of a named feature is supported by this node.

normalize( )
"Normalizes" all Text node descendants of this node by deleting empty Text nodes and merging adjacent Text nodes.

removeChild( )
Removes (and returns) the specified child node from the document tree.

replaceChild( )
Removes (and returns) the specified child node from the document tree, replacing it with another node.


All objects in a document tree (including the Document object itself ) implement the Node interface, which provides the fundamental properties and methods for traversing and manipulating the tree. The parentNode property and childNodes[] array allow you to move up and down the document tree. You can enumerate the children of a given node by looping through the elements of childNodes[] or by using the firstChild and nextSibling properties (or the lastChild and previousSibling properties, to loop backward). The appendChild( ), insertBefore( ), removeChild( ), and replaceChild( ) methods allow you to modify the document tree by altering the children of a node.

Every object in a document tree implements both the Node interface and a more specialized interface, such as Element or Text. The nodeType property specifies which subinterface a node implements. You can use this property to test the type of a node before using properties or methods of the more specialized interface. For example:

var n;   // Holds the node we're working with
if (n.nodeType == 1) {        // Or compare to the constant Node.ELEMENT_NODE
    var tagname = n.tagName;  // If the node is an Element, this is the tag name

The nodeName and nodeValue properties specify additional information about a node, but their value depends on nodeType, as shown in the following table. Note that subinterfaces typically define specialized properties (such as the tagName property of Element nodes and the data property of Text nodes) for obtaining this information.





The element's tag name



The attribute name

The attribute value



The text of the node



The text of the node


The name of the referenced entity



The entity name



The target of the PI

The remainder of the PI



The text of the comment





The document type name






The notation name


See Also

Document, Element, Text; Chapter 17

Node.appendChild( )insert a node as the last child of this node


DOM Level 1 Core


Node appendChild(Node newChild) 
    throws DOMException;


The node to be inserted into the document. If the node is a DocumentFragment, it is not directly inserted, but each of its children are.


The node that was added.


This method may throw a DOMException with one of the following code values in the following circumstances:

The node does not allow children, or it does not allow children of the specified type, or newChild is an ancestor of this node (or is this node itself ).

The ownerDocument property of newChild is not the same as the ownerDocument property of this node.

This node is read-only and does not allow children to be appended, or the node being appended is already part of the document tree and its parent is read-only and does not allow children to be removed.


This method adds the node newChild to the document, inserting it as the last child of this node. If newChild is already in the document tree, it is removed from the tree and then reinserted at its new location. If newChild is a DocumentFragment node, it is not inserted itself; instead, all its children are appended, in order, to the end of this node's childNodes[] array. Note that a node from (or created by) one document cannot be inserted into a different document. That is, the ownerDocument property of newChild must be the same as the ownerDocument property of this node.


The following function inserts a new paragraph at the end of the document:

function appendMessage(message) {
    var pElement = document.createElement("P");
    var messageNode = document.createTextNode(message);
    pElement.appendChild(messageNode);    // Add text to paragraph
    document.body.appendChild(pElement);  // Add paragraph to document body

See Also

Node.insertBefore( ), Node.removeChild( ), Node.replaceChild( )

Node.cloneNode( )duplicate a node and, optionally, all of its descendants


DOM Level 1 Core


Node cloneNode(boolean deep);


If this argument is true, cloneNode( ) recursively clones all descendants of this node. Otherwise, it clones only this node.


A copy of this node.


The cloneNode( ) method makes and returns a copy of the node on which it is called. If passed the argument true, it recursively clones all descendants of the node as well. Otherwise, it clones only the node and none of its children. The returned node is not part of the document tree, and its parentNode property is null. When an Element node is cloned, all of its attributes are also cloned. Note, however, that EventListener functions registered on a node are not cloned.

Node.hasAttributes( )determine whether a node has attributes


DOM Level 2 Core


boolean hasAttributes( );


true if this node has one or more attributes; false if it has none. Note that only Element nodes can have attributes.

See Also

Element.getAttribute( ), Element.hasAttribute( ), Reference

Node.hasChildNodes( )determine whether a node has children


DOM Level 1 Core


boolean hasChildNodes( );


true if this node has one or more children; false if it has none.

See Also


Node.insertBefore( )insert a node into the document tree before the specified node


DOM Level 1 Core


Node insertBefore(Node newChild, 
                  Node refChild) 
    throws DOMException;


The node to be inserted into the tree. If it is a DocumentFragment, its children are inserted instead.

The child of this node before which newChild is to be inserted. If this argument is null, newChild is inserted as the last child of this node.


The node that was inserted.


This method may throw a DOMException with the following code values:

This node does not support children, or it does not allow children of the specified type, or newChild is an ancestor of this node (or is this node itself ).

The ownerDocument property of newChild and this node are different.

This node is read-only and does not allow insertions or the parent of newChild is read-only and does not allow deletions.

refChild is not a child of this node.


This method inserts the node newChild into the document tree as a child of this node. The new node is positioned within this node's childNodes[] array so that it comes immediately before the refChild node. If refChild is null, newChild is inserted at the end of childNodes[], just as with the appendChild( ) method. Note that it is illegal to call this method with a refChild that is not a child of this node.

If newChild is already in the document tree, it is removed from the tree and then reinserted at its new position. If newChild is a DocumentFragment node, it is not inserted itself; instead, each of its children is inserted, in order, at the specified location.


The following function inserts a new paragraph at the beginning of a document:

function insertMessage(message) {
    var paragraph = document.createElement("p");  // Create a <p> Element
    var text = document.createTextNode(message);  // Create a Text node
    paragraph.appendChild(text);                  // Add text to the paragraph
    // Now insert the paragraph before the first child of the body
    document.body.insertBefore(paragraph, document.body.firstChild)

See Also

Node.appendChild( ), Node.removeChild( ), Node.replaceChild( )

Node.isSupported( )determine if a node supports a feature


DOM Level 2 Core


boolean isSupported(String feature,
                    String version);


The name of the feature to test.

The version number of the feature to test, or the empty string to test for support of any version of the feature.


true if the node supports the specified version of the specified feature, and false if it does not.


The W3C DOM standard is modular, and implementations are not required to implement all modules or features of the standard. This method tests whether the implementation of this node supports the specified version of the named feature. See the Section reference page for a list of values for the feature and version arguments.

See Also

DOMImplementation.hasFeature( )

Node.normalize( )merge adjacent Text nodes and remove empty ones


DOM Level 1 Core


void normalize( );


This method traverses all descendants of this node and "normalizes" the document by removing any empty Text nodes and merging all adjacent Text nodes into a single node. This can sometimes be useful to simplify the tree structure after node insertions or deletions.

See Also


Node.removeChild( )remove (and return) the specified child of this node


DOM Level 1 Core


Node removeChild(Node oldChild) 
    throws DOMException;


The child node to remove.


The node that was removed.


This method may throw a DOMException with the following code values in the following circumstances:

This node is read-only and does not allow children to be removed.

oldChild is not a child of this node.


This method removes the specified child from the childNodes[] array of this node. It is an error to call this method with a node that is not a child. removeChild( ) returns the oldChild node after removing it. oldChild continues to be a valid node and may be reinserted into the document later.


You can delete the last child of the document body with this code:


See Also

Node.appendChild( ), Node.insertBefore( ), Node.replaceChild( )

Node.replaceChild( )replace a child node with a new node


DOM Level 1 Core


Node replaceChild(Node newChild, 
                  Node oldChild) 
    throws DOMException;


The replacement node.

The node to be replaced.


The node that was removed from the document and replaced.


This method may throw a DOMException with the following code values:

This node does not allow children, or does not allow children of the specified type, or newChild is an ancestor of this node (or is this node itself ).

newChild and this node have different values for ownerDocument.

This node is read-only and does not allow replacement, or newChild is the child of a node that does not allow removals.

oldChild is not a child of this node.


This method replaces one node of the document tree with another. oldChild is the node to be replaced, and must be a child of this node. newChild is the node that takes its place in the childNodes[] array of this node.

If newChild is already part of the document, it is first removed from the document before being reinserted at its new position. If newChild is a DocumentFragment, it is not inserted itself; instead each of its children is inserted, in order, at the position formerly occupied by oldChild.


The following code replaces a node n with a <b> element and then inserts the replaced node into the <b> element, which reparents the node and makes it appear in bold:

// Get the first child node of the first paragraph in the document
var n = document.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].firstChild;
var b = document.createElement("b");  // Create a <b> element
n.parentNode.replaceChild(b, n);      // Replace the node with <b>
b.appendChild(n);                     // Reinsert the node as a child of <b>

See Also

Node.appendChild( ), Node.insertBefore( ), Node.removeChild( )

NodeFiltera function to filter the nodes of a document tree


DOM Level 2 Traversal


The following three constants are the legal return values for node filter functions. Note that they are static properties of the object named NodeFilter, not properties of individual node filter functions:

Accept this node. A NodeIterator or TreeWalker will return this node as part of its document traversal.

Reject this node. A NodeIterator or TreeWalker will behave as if this node does not exist. Furthermore, this return value tells a TreeWalker to ignore all children of this node.

short FILTER_SKIP = 3
Skip this node. A NodeIterator or TreeWalker will not return this node, but it will recursively consider its children as part of document traversal.

The following constants are bit flags that can be set in the whatToShow argument to the createNodeIterator( ) and createTreeWalker( ) methods of the Document object. Each constant corresponds to one of the types of Document nodes (see the "Node" reference page for a list of node types) and specifies that a NodeIterator or TreeWalker should consider nodes of that type during its traversal of the document. Multiple constants can be combined using the logical OR operator |. SHOW_ALL is a special value with all bits set: it indicates that all nodes should be considered, regardless of their type.

unsigned long SHOW_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF;
unsigned long SHOW_ELEMENT = 0x00000001;
unsigned long SHOW_ATTRIBUTE = 0x00000002;
unsigned long SHOW_TEXT = 0x00000004;
unsigned long SHOW_CDATA_SECTION = 0x00000008;
unsigned long SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE = 0x00000010;
unsigned long SHOW_ENTITY = 0x00000020;
unsigned long SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION = 0x00000040;
unsigned long SHOW_COMMENT = 0x00000080;
unsigned long SHOW_DOCUMENT = 0x00000100;
unsigned long SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE = 0x00000200;
unsigned long SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT = 0x00000400;
unsigned long SHOW_NOTATION = 0x00000800;


acceptNode( )
In languages such as Java that do not allow functions to be passed as arguments, you define a node filter by defining a class that implements this interface and includes an implementation for this function. The function is passed a node and must return one of the constants FILTER_ACCEPT, FILTER_REJECT, or FILTER_SKIP. In JavaScript, however, you create a node filter simply by defining a function (with any name) that accepts a node argument and returns one of the three filter constants. See the following sections for details and an example.


A node filter is an object that can examine a Document node and tell a NodeIterator or TreeWalker whether to include the node in its document traversal. In JavaScript, a node filter is simply a function that takes a single node argument and returns one of the three FILTER_ constants defined earlier. There is no NodeFilter interface; there is simply an object named NodeFilter that has properties that define those constants. To use a node filter, you pass it to the createNodeIterator( ) or createTreeWalker( ) method of the Document object. Your node filter function will then be called to evaluate nodes when you use the resulting NodeIterator or TreeWalker object to traverse the document.

Node filter functions should ideally be written so that they do not themselves alter the document tree and do not throw any exceptions. Also, node filters are not allowed to base their filtering decisions on the history of past invocations of those filters.


You might define and use a node filter function as follows:

// Define a node filter that filters out everything but <h1> and <h2> elements
var myfilter = function(n) {  // Filter node n
    if ((n.nodeName == "H1") || (n.nodeName == "H2"))
        return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
        return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;

// Now create a NodeIterator that uses the filter
var ni = document.createNodeIterator(document.body,  // Traverse the document body
                                     NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT,  // Elements only
                                     myfilter,  // Filter by tag name
                                     false);  // No entity expansion

See Also

NodeIterator, TreeWalker

Type of

NodeIterator.filter, TreeWalker.filter

Passed to

Document.createNodeIterator( ), Document.createTreeWalker( )

NodeIteratoriterate through a filtered sequence of Document nodes


DOM Level 2 Traversal


readonly boolean expandEntityReferences
Whether this NodeIterator traverses the children of EntityReference nodes (in XML documents). The value is specified as an argument to Document.createNodeIterator( ) when the NodeIterator is first created.

readonly NodeFilter filter
The node filter function that was specified for this NodeIterator in the call to Document.createNodeIterator( ).

readonly Node root
The root node at which the NodeIterator begins iterating. The value of this property is specified in the call to Document.createNodeIterator( ).

readonly unsigned long whatToShow
A set of bit flags (see NodeFilter for a list of valid flags) that specifies what types of Document nodes this NodeIterator will consider. If a bit is not set in this property, the corresponding node type will always be ignored by this NodeIterator. Note that the value of this property is specified in the call to Document.createNodeIterator( ).


detach( )
"Detaches" this NodeIterator from its document so that the implementation no longer needs to modify the NodeIterator when the document is modified. Call this method when you are done using a NodeIterator. After detach( ) has been called, any calls to other NodeIterator methods will cause exceptions.

nextNode( )
Returns the next node in the filtered sequence of nodes represented by this NodeIterator, or null if the NodeIterator has already returned the last node.

previousNode( )
Returns the previous node in the filtered sequence of nodes represented by this NodeIterator, or null if there is no previous node.


A NodeIterator represents the sequence of Document nodes that results from traversing a document subtree in document source order and filtering the nodes using a two-stage process. Create a NodeIterator object with Document.createNodeIterator( ). Use the nextNode( ) and previousNode( ) methods to iterate forward and backward through the sequence of nodes. Call detach( ) when you are done with a NodeIterator, unless you are sure that the NodeIterator will be garbage collected before the document is modified. Note that the properties of this interface are all read-only copies of the arguments passed to Document.createNodeIterator( ).

To be returned by the nextNode( ) or previousNode( ) methods, a node must pass two filtration steps. First, the node type must be one of the types specified by the whatToShow property. See NodeFilter for a list of constants that can be combined to specify the whatToShow argument to Document.createNodeIterator( ). Next, if the filter property is not null, each node that passes the whatToShow test is passed to the filter function specified by the filter property. If this function returns NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT, the node is returned. If it returns NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT or NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP, the NodeIterator skips the node. Note that when a node is rejected by either of these filtration steps, it is only the node itself that is rejected; the children of the node are not automatically rejected and are subject to the same filtration steps.

NodeIterator objects remain valid even if the document tree they are traversing is modified. The nextNode( ) and previousNode( ) methods return nodes based on the current state of the document, not the state of the document that existed when the NodeIterator was created.

See Also

NodeFilter, TreeWalker; Chapter 17

Returned by

Document.createNodeIterator( )

NodeIterator.detach( )free a NodeIterator object


DOM Level 2 Traversal


void detach( );


DOM implementations keep track of all NodeIterator objects created for a document, because they may need to modify the state of the NodeIterator when certain Document nodes are deleted. When you are certain that a NodeIterator isn't needed anymore, call detach( ) to tell the implementation that it no longer needs to keep track of it. Note, however, that once you call this method any subsequent call to nextNode( ) or previousNode( ) will throw an exception.

Calling detach( ) is not required, but doing so may improve performance when the document is being modified and the NodeIterator object is not immediately garbage collected.

NodeIterator.nextNode( )iterate to the next node


DOM Level 2 Traversal


Node nextNode( )    
    throws DOMException;


The next node in the sequence of nodes represented by this NodeIterator, or null if the last node has already been returned.


If this method is called after a call to detach( ), it throws a DOMException with a code of INVALID_STATE_ERR.


This method iterates forward through the sequence of nodes represented by this NodeIterator. If this is the first time it is called for a NodeIterator, it returns the first node in the sequence. Otherwise, it returns the node that follows the one that was previously returned.


// Create a NodeIterator to represent all elements in the document body
var ni = document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT,
                                     null, false);
// Loop forward through all nodes in the iterator
for(var e = ni.nextNode( ); e != null; e = ni.nextNode( )) {
    // Do something with element e
NodeIterator.previousNode( )iterate to the previous node


DOM Level 2 Traversal


Node previousNode( )    
    throws DOMException;


The previous node in the sequence of nodes represented by this NodeIterator, or null if there is no previous node.


If this method is called after a call to detach( ), it throws a DOMException with a code of INVALID_STATE_ERR.


This method iterates backward through the sequence of nodes represented by this NodeIterator. It returns the node before the one that was most recently returned by previousNode( ) or nextNode( ). If there is no such node in the sequence, it returns null.

NodeLista read-only array of nodes


DOM Level 1 Core


readonly unsigned long length
The number of nodes in the array.


item( )
Returns the specified element of the array.


The NodeList interface defines a read-only ordered list (i.e., an array) of Node objects. The length property specifies how many nodes are in the list, and the item( ) method allows you to obtain the node at a specified position in the list. The elements of a NodeList are always valid Node objects: NodeLists never contain null elements.

In JavaScript, NodeList objects behave like JavaScript arrays, and you can query an element from the list using square-bracket array notation instead of calling the item( ) method. However, you cannot assign new nodes to a NodeList using square brackets. Since it is always easier to think of a NodeList object as a read-only JavaScript array, this book uses the notation Node[] (i.e., a Node array) instead of NodeList. See Element.getElementsByTagName( ), for example, which is listed as returning a Node[] instead of a NodeList object. Similarly, the childNodes property of the Node object is technically a NodeList object, but the "Node" reference page defines it as a Node[], and the property itself is usually referred to as "the childNodes[] array."

Note that NodeList objects are "live": they are not static, but immediately reflect changes to the document tree. For example, if you have a NodeList that represents the children of a specific node and you then delete one of those children, the child will be removed from your NodeList. Be careful when you are looping through the elements of a NodeList if the body of your loop makes changes to the document tree (such as deleting nodes) that may affect the contents of the NodeList!

See Also


Type of


Returned by

Document.getElementsByTagName( ), Document.getElementsByTagNameNS( ), Element.getElementsByTagName( ), Element.getElementsByTagNameNS( ), HTMLDocument.getElementsByName( )

NodeList.item( )get an element of a NodeList


DOM Level 1 Core


Node item(unsigned long index);


The position (or index) of the desired node in the NodeList. The index of the first node in the NodeList is 0, and the index of the last Node is length-1.


The node at the specified position in the NodeList, or null if index is less than zero or greater than or equal to the length of the NodeList.


This method returns the specified element of a NodeList. In JavaScript, you can use the square-bracket array notation instead of calling item( ).

Notationa notation in an XML DTD


DOM Level 1 XML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure Notation


readonly String publicId
The public identifier of the notation, or null if none is specified.

readonly String systemId
The system identifier of the notation, or null if none is specified.


This infrequently used interface represents a notation declaration in the document type definition (DTD) of an XML document. In XML, notations are used to specify the format of an unparsed entity or to formally declare a processing instruction target.

The name of the notation is specified by the inherited nodeName property. Because notations appear in the DTD and not the document itself, Notation nodes are never part of the document tree, and the parentNode property is always null. The notations property of the DocumentType interface provides a way to look up Notation objects by notation name.

Notation objects are read-only and cannot be modified in any way.

See Also


ProcessingInstructiona processing instruction in an XML document


DOM Level 1 XML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure ProcessingInstruction


String data
The content of the processing instruction (i.e., the first non-space character after the target up to but not including the closing ?>).

readonly String target
The target of the processing instruction. This is the first identifier that follows the opening <?; it specifies the "processor" for which the processing instruction is intended.


This infrequently used interface represents a processing instruction (or PI) in an XML document. Programmers working with HTML documents will never encounter a ProcessingInstruction node.

See Also

Returned by

Document.createProcessingInstruction( )

Rangerepresents a contiguous range of a document


DOM Level 2 Range


These constants specify how the boundary points of two Range objects are to be compared. They are the legal values for the how argument to the compareBoundaryPoints( ) method. See the Range.compareBoundaryPoints( ) reference page.

unsigned short START_TO_START = 0
Compare the start of the specified range to the start of this range.

unsigned short START_TO_END = 1
Compare the start of the specified range to the end of this range.

unsigned short END_TO_END = 2
Compare the end of the specified range to the end of this range.

unsigned short END_TO_START = 3
Compare the end of the specified range to the start of this range.


The Range interface defines the following properties. Note that all of these properties are read-only. You cannot change the start or end points of a range by setting properties; you must call setEnd( ) or setStart( ) instead. Note also that after you call the detach( ) method of a Range object, any subsequent attempt to read any of these properties throws a DOMException with a code of INVALID_STATE_ERR.

readonly boolean collapsed
true if the start and the end of the range are at the same point in the document -- that is, if the range is empty or "collapsed."

readonly Node commonAncestorContainer
The most deeply nested Document node that contains (i.e., is an ancestor of ) both the start and end points of the range.

readonly Node endContainer
The Document node that contains the end point of the range.

readonly long endOffset
The end point position within endContainer.

readonly Node startContainer
The Document node that contains the starting point of the range.

readonly long startOffset
The position of the range's starting point within startContainer.


The Range interface defines the following methods. Note that if you call detach( ) on a range, any subsequent calls of any methods on that range throw a DOMException with a code of INVALID_STATE_ERR. Because this exception is ubiquitous within this interface, it is not listed in the reference pages for the individual Range methods.

cloneContents( )
Returns a new DocumentFragment object that contains a copy of the region of the document represented by this range.

cloneRange( )
Creates a new Range object that represents the same region of the document as this one.

collapse( )
Collapses this range so that one boundary point is the same as the other.

compareBoundaryPoints( )
Compares a boundary point of the specified range to a boundary point of this range, and returns -1, 0, or 1, depending on their order. Which points to compare is specified by the first argument, which must be one of the previously defined constants.

deleteContents( )
Deletes the region of the document represented by this range.

detach( )
Tells the implementation that this range will no longer be used and that it can stop keeping track of it. If you call this method for a range, subsequent method calls or property lookups on that range throw a DOMException with a code of INVALID_STATE_ERR.

extractContents( )
Deletes the region of the document represented by this range, but returns the contents of that region as a DocumentFragment object. This method is like a combination of cloneContents( ) and deleteContents( ).

insertNode( )
Inserts the specified node into the document at the start point of the range.

selectNode( )
Sets the boundary points of this range so that it contains the specified node and all of its descendants.

selectNodeContents( )
Sets the boundary points of this range so that it contains all the descendants of the specified node but not the node itself.

setEnd( )
Sets the end point of this range to the specified node and offset.

setEndAfter( )
Sets the end point of this range to immediately after the specified node.

setEndBefore( )
Sets the end point of this range to immediately before the specified node.

setStart( )
Sets the start position of this range to the specified offset within the specified node.

setStartAfter( )
Sets the start position of this range to immediately after the specified node.

setStartBefore( )
Sets the start position of this range to immediately before the specified node.

surroundContents( )
Inserts the specified node into the document at the start position of the range and then reparents all the nodes within the range so that they become descendants of the newly inserted node.

toString( )
Returns the plain-text content of the document region described by this range.


A Range object represents a contiguous range or region of a document, such as the region that the user might select with a mouse drag in a web browser window. If an implementation supports the Range module, the Document object defines a createRange( ) method that you can call to create a new Range object. (Be careful, however: Internet Explorer defines an incompatible Document.createRange( ) method that returns an object similar to, but not compatible with, the Range interface.) The Range interface defines a number of methods for specifying a "selected" region of a document and several more methods for implementing cut and paste-type operations on the selected region.

A range has two boundary points: a start point and an end point. Each boundary point is specified by a combination of a node and an offset within that node. The node is typically an Element, Document, or Text node. For Element and Document nodes, the offset refers to the children of that node. An offset of 0 specifies a boundary point before the first child of the node. An offset of 1 specifies a boundary point after the first child and before the second child. If the boundary node is a Text node, however, the offset specifies a position between two characters of that text.

The properties of the Range interface provide a way to obtain boundary nodes and offsets of a range. The methods of the interface provide a number of ways to set the boundaries of a range. Note that the boundaries of a range may be set to nodes within a Document or a DocumentFragment.

Once the boundary points of a range are defined, you can use deleteContents( ), extractContents( ), cloneContents( ), and insertNode( ) to implement cut-, copy-, and paste-style operations.

When a document is altered by insertion or deletion, all Range objects that represent portions of that document are altered, if necessary, so that their boundary points remain valid and they represent (as closely as possible) the same document content.

For further details, read the reference pages for each of the Range methods and see the discussion of the Range API in Chapter 17.

See Also

Document.createRange( ), DocumentFragment; Chapter 17

Passed to

Range.compareBoundaryPoints( )

Returned by

Document.createRange( ), Range.cloneRange( )

Range.cloneContents( )copy range contents into a DocumentFragment


DOM Level 2 Range


DocumentFragment cloneContents( )    
    throws DOMException;


A DocumentFragment object that contains a copy of the document content within this range.


If this range includes a DocumentType node, this method throws a DOMException with a code of HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR.


This method duplicates the contents of this range and returns the results in a DocumentFragment object.

See Also

DocumentFragment, Range.deleteContents( ), Range.extractContents( )

Range.cloneRange( )make a copy of this range


DOM Level 2 Range


Range cloneRange( );


A new Range object that has the same boundary points as this range.

See Also

Document.createRange( )

Range.collapse( )make one boundary point equal to the other


DOM Level 2 Range


void collapse(boolean toStart) 
    throws DOMException;


If this argument is true, the method sets the end point of the range to the same value as the starting point. Otherwise, it sets the starting point to the same value as the end point.


This method sets one boundary point of the range to be the same as the other point. The point to be modified is specified by the toStart argument. After this method returns, the range is said to be "collapsed": it represents a single point within a document and has no content. When a range is collapsed like this, its collapsed property is true.

Range.compareBoundaryPoints( )compare positions of two ranges


DOM Level 2 Range


short compareBoundaryPoints(unsigned short how, 
                            Range sourceRange)
    throws DOMException;


Specifies how to perform the comparison (i.e., which boundary points to compare). Legal values are the constants defined by the Range interface.

The range that is to be compared to this range.


-1 if the specified boundary point of this range is before the specified boundary point of sourceRange, 0 if the two specified boundary points are the same, or 1 if the specified boundary point of this range is after the specified boundary point of sourceRange.


If sourceRange represents a range of a different document than this range does, this method throws a DOMException with a code of WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR.


This method compares a boundary point of this range to a boundary point of the specified sourceRange and returns a value that specifies their relative order in the document source. The how argument specifies which boundary points of each range are to be compared. The legal values for this argument, and their meanings, are as follows:

Compare the start points of the two Range nodes.

Compare the end points of the two Range nodes.

Compare the start point of sourceRange to the end point of this range.

Compare the end point of sourceRange to the start point of this range.

The return value of this method is a number that specifies the relative position of this range to the specified sourceRange. Therefore, you might expect the range constants for the how argument to specify the boundary point for this range first and the boundary point for sourceRange second. Counterintuitively, however, the Range.START_TO_END constant specifies a comparison of the end point of this range with the start point of the specified sourceRange. Similarly, the Range.END_TO_START constant specifies a comparison of the start point of this range with the end point of the specified range.

Range.deleteContents( )delete a region of the document


DOM Level 2 Range


void deleteContents( )    
    throws DOMException;


If any portion of the document that is represented by this range is read-only, this method throws a DOMException with a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR.


This method deletes all document content represented by this range. When this method returns, the range is collapsed with both boundary points at the same position. Note that the deletion may result in adjacent Text nodes that can be merged with a call to Node.normalize( ).

See Range.cloneContents( ) for a way to copy document content and Range.extractContents( ) for a way to copy and delete document content in a single operation.

See Also

Node.normalize( ), Range.cloneContents( ), Range.extractContents( )

Range.detach( )free a Range object


DOM Level 2 Range


void detach( )    
    throws DOMException;


Like all Range methods, detach( ) throws a DOMException with a code of INVALID_STATE_ERR if it is called on a Range object that has already been detached.


DOM implementations keep track of all Range objects created for a document, because they may need to change the range boundary points when the document is modified. When you are certain that a Range object isn't needed any more, call the detach( ) method to tell the implementation that it no longer needs to keep track of that range. Note that once this method has been called for a Range object, any use of that Range will throw an exception. Calling detach( ) is not required but may improve performance in some circumstances when the document is being modified and a Range object is not subject to immediate garbage collection.

Range.extractContents( )delete document content and return it in a DocumentFragment


DOM Level 2 Range


DocumentFragment extractContents( )    
    throws DOMException;


A DocumentFragment node that contains the contents of this range.


This method throws a DOMException with a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if any part of the document content to be extracted is read-only, or a code of HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR if the range contains a DocumentType node.


This method deletes the specified range of a document and returns a DocumentFragment node that contains the deleted content (or a copy of the deleted content). When this method returns, the range is collapsed, and the document may contain adjacent Text nodes (which can be merged with Node.normalize( )).

See Also

DocumentFragment, Range.cloneContents( ), Range.deleteContents( )

Range.insertNode( )insert a node at the start of a range


DOM Level 2 Range


void insertNode(NodenewNode) 
    throws RangeException, 


The node to be inserted into the document.


This method throws a RangeException with a code of INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR if newNode is an Attr, Document, Entity, or Notation node.

This method also throws a DOMException with one of the following code values under the following conditions:

The node that contains the start of the range does not allow children, or it does not allow children of the specified type, or newNode is an ancestor of that node.

The node that contains the start of the range, or any of its ancestors, is read-only.

newNode is part of a different document than the range is.


This method inserts the specified node (and all its descendants) into the document at the start position of this range. When this method returns, this range includes the newly inserted node. If newNode is already part of the document, it is removed from its current position and then reinserted at the start of the range. If newNode is a DocumentFragment node, it is not inserted itself, but all of its children are inserted, in order, at the start of the range.

If the node that contains the start of the range is a Text node, it is split into two adjacent nodes before the insertion takes place. If newNode is a Text node, it is not merged with any adjacent Text nodes after it is inserted. To merge adjacent nodes, call Node.normalize( ).

See Also

DocumentFragment, Node.normalize( )

Range.selectNode( )set range boundaries to a node


DOM Level 2 Range


void selectNode(Node refNode) 
    throws RangeException, 


The node to be "selected" (i.e., the node that is to become the content of this range).


A RangeException with a code of INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR if refNode is an Attr, Document, DocumentFragment, Entity, or Notation node, or if any ancestor of refNode is a DocumentType, Entity, or Notation node.

A DOMException with a code of WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR if refNode is part of a different document than the one through which this range was created.


This method sets the contents of this range to the specified refNode. That is, it "selects" the node and its descendants.

See Also

Range.selectNodeContents( )

Range.selectNodeContents( )set range boundaries to the children of a node


DOM Level 2 Range


void selectNodeContents(Node refNode)
    throws RangeException, 


The node whose children are to become the contents of this range.


A RangeException with a code of INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR if refNode or one of its ancestors is a DocumentType, Entity, or Notation node.

A DOMException with a code of WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR if refNode is part of a different document than the one through which this range was created.


This method sets the boundary points of this range so that the range contains the children of refNode.

See Also

Range.selectNode( )

Range.setEnd( )set the end point of a range


DOM Level 2 Range


void setEnd(Node refNode, 
            long offset) 
    throws RangeException,


The node that contains the new end point.

The position of the end point within refNode.


A RangeException with a code of INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR if refNode or one of its ancestors is a DocumentType, Entity, or Notation node.

A DOMException with a code of WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR if refNode is part of a different document than the one through which this range was created, or a code of INDEX_SIZE_ERR if offset is negative or is greater than the number of children or characters in refNode.


This method sets the end point of a range by specifying the values of the endContainer and endOffset properties.

Range.setEndAfter( )end a range after a specified node


DOM Level 2 Range


void setEndAfter(Node refNode) 
    throws RangeException, 


The node after which the end point of the range is to be set.


A RangeException with a code of INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR if refNode is a Document, DocumentFragment, Attr, Entity, or Notation node, or if the root container of refNode is not a Document, DocumentFragment, or Attr node.

A DOMException with a code of WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR if refNode is part of a different document than the one through which this range was created.


This method sets the end point of this range to fall immediately after the specified refNode.

Range.setEndBefore( )end a range before the specified node


DOM Level 2 Range


void setEndBefore(Node refNode) 
    throws RangeException, 


The node before which the end point of the range is to be set.


This method throws the same exceptions in the same circumstances as Range.setEndAfter( ). See that method for details.


This method sets the end point of this range to fall immediately before the specified refNode.

Range.setStart( )set the start point of a range


DOM Level 2 Range


void setStart(Node refNode, 
              long offset) 
    throws RangeException, DOMException;


The node that contains the new start point.

The position of the new start point within refNode.


This method throws the same exceptions, for the same reasons, as Range.setEnd( ). See that method for details.


This method sets the start point of this range by specifying the values of the startContainer and startOffset properties.

Range.setStartAfter( )start a range after the specified node


DOM Level 2 Range


void setStartAfter(Node refNode) 
    throws RangeException, 


The node after which the start point of the range is to be set.


This method throws the same exceptions in the same circumstances as Range.setEndAfter( ). See that method for details.


This method sets the starting point of this range to be immediately after the specified refNode.

Range.setStartBefore( )start a range before the specified node


DOM Level 2 Range


void setStartBefore(Node refNode) 
    throws RangeException, 


The node before which the start point of the range is to be set.


This method throws the same exceptions in the same circumstances as Range.setEndAfter( ). See that method for details.


This method sets the starting point of this range to be immediately before the specified refNode.

Range.surroundContents( )surround range contents with the specified node


DOM Level 2 Range


void surroundContents(Node newParent)
    throws RangeException, 


The node that is to become the new parent of the contents of this range.


This method throws a DOMException or RangeException with one of the following code values in the following circumstances:

The container node of the start of the range does not allow children or does not allow children of the type of newParent, or newParent is an ancestor of that container node.

An ancestor of a boundary point of the range is read-only and does not allow insertions.

newParent and this range were created using different Document objects.

The range partially selects a node (other than a Text node), so the region of the document it represents cannot be surrounded.

newParent is a Document, DocumentFragment, DocumentType, Attr, Entity, or Notation node.


This method reparents the contents of this range to newParent and then inserts newParent into the document at the start position of the range. It is useful to place a region of document content within a <b> or <span> element, for example.

If newParent is already part of the document, it is first removed from the document and any children it has are discarded. When this method returns, this range begins immediately before newParent and ends immediately after it.

Range.toString( )get range contents as a plain-text string


DOM Level 2 Range


String toString( );


The contents of this range as a string of plain text without any markup.

RangeExceptionsignals a range-specific exception


DOM Level 2 Range


The following constants define the legal values for the code property of a RangeException object. Note that these constants are static properties of RangeException, not properties of individual exception objects.

unsigned short BAD_BOUNDARYPOINTS_ERR = 1
The boundary points of a range are not legal for the requested operation.

unsigned short INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR = 2
An attempt was made to set the container node of a range boundary point to an invalid node or a node with an invalid ancestor.


unsigned short code
An error code that provides some detail about what caused the exception. The legal values (and their meanings) for this property are defined by the constants just listed.


A RangeException is thrown by certain methods of the Range interface to signal a problem of some sort. Note that most exceptions thrown by Range methods are DOMException objects. A RangeException is generated only when none of the existing DOMException error constants is appropriate to describe the exception.

Recta CSS rect( ) value


DOM Level 2 CSS


readonly CSSPrimitiveValue bottom
The bottom of the rectangle.

readonly CSSPrimitiveValue left
The left side of the rectangle.

readonly CSSPrimitiveValue right
The right side of the rectangle.

readonly CSSPrimitiveValue top
The top of the rectangle.


This interface represents a CSS rect(top right bottom left) value, as used with the CSS clip attribute, for example. Consult a CSS reference for details.

See Also

Returned by

CSSPrimitiveValue.getRectValue( )

RGBColora CSS color value


DOM Level 2 CSS


readonly CSSPrimitiveValue blue
The blue component of the color.

readonly CSSPrimitiveValue green
The green component of the color.

readonly CSSPrimitiveValue red
The red component of the color.


This interface represents a color specified in the RGB color space. The properties are CSSPrimitiveValue objects that specify the values of the red, green, and blue components of the color. Each CSSPrimitiveValue holds a number in the range 0-255 or a percentage in the range 0 -100%.

See Also

Returned by

CSSPrimitiveValue.getRGBColorValue( )

StyleSheeta style sheet of any type


DOM Level 2 StyleSheets




boolean disabled
If true, the style sheet is disabled and is not applied to the document. If false, the style sheet is enabled and is applied to the document (unless the media property specifies that the style sheet should not be applied to documents of this type).

readonly String href
The URL of a style sheet that is linked into the document, or null for inline style sheets.

readonly MediaList media
A list of media types for which this style sheet should be applied. If no media information is supplied for the style sheet, this property is a valid MediaList object that has a length of 0.

readonly Node ownerNode
The Document node that links the style sheet into the document, or the node that contains an inline style sheet. In HTML documents, this property refers to a <link> or <style> element. For style sheets that are included within other style sheets rather than directly in the document, this property is null.

readonly StyleSheet parentStyleSheet
The style sheet that included this one, or null if this style sheet was included directly in the document. See also "CSSStyleSheet.ownerRule."

readonly String title
The title of the style sheet, if one is specified. A title may be specified by the title attribute of a <style> or <link> tag that is the ownerNode of this style sheet.

readonly String type
The type of this style sheet, as a MIME type. CSS style sheets have a type of "text/css".


This interface represents a style sheet that is associated with this document. If this is a CSS style sheet, the object that implements this StyleSheet interface also implements the CSSStyleSheet subinterface and defines properties and methods that allow you to examine and set the CSS rules that comprise the style sheet. See CSSStyleSheet for details.

If a DOM implementation supports style sheets, you can obtain a complete list of the style sheets associated with a document through the Document.styleSheets property. Furthermore, the HTML <style> and <link> elements and XML style-sheet ProcessingInstruction nodes implement the LinkStyle interface and provide a reference to the StyleSheet through a property named sheet.

See Also

CSSStyleSheet, Document.styleSheets, LinkStyle

Type of

LinkStyle.sheet, StyleSheet.parentStyleSheet

Returned by

StyleSheetList.item( )

StyleSheetListan array of style sheets


DOM Level 2 StyleSheets


readonly unsigned long length
The number of StyleSheet objects in the array.


item( )
Returns the StyleSheet object at the specified position in the array, or null if the specified position is negative or is greater than or equal to length.


This interface defines an array of StyleSheet objects. length specifies the number of style sheets in the array, and item( ) provides a way to retrieve the style sheet at a given position. In JavaScript, you can treat a StyleSheetList object as a read-only array, and you can index it using ordinary square-bracket array notation instead of calling the item( ) method.

See Also

Type of


StyleSheetList.item( )index an array of style sheets


DOM Level 2 StyleSheets


StyleSheet item(unsigned long index);


The position of the desired style sheet within the array.


The StyleSheet object at the specified position within the array, or null if index is negative or is greater than or equal to length. Note that in JavaScript, it is usually simpler to treat a StyleSheetList object as an array and index it using square-bracket array notation instead of calling this method.

Texta run of text in an HTML or XML document


DOM Level 1 Core

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Figure CharacterData Figure Text




splitText( )
Splits this Text node into two at the specified character position and returns the new Text node.


A Text node represents a run of plain text in an HTML or XML document. Plain text appears within HTML and XML elements and attributes, and Text nodes typically appear as children of Element and Attr nodes. Text nodes inherit from CharacterData, and the textual content of a Text node is available through the data property inherited from CharacterData or through the nodeValue property inherited from Node. Text nodes may be manipulated using any of the methods inherited from CharacterData or with the splitText( ) method defined by the Text interface itself. Text nodes never have children.

See Node.normalize( ) for a way to remove empty Text nodes and merge adjacent Text nodes from a subtree of a document.

See Also

CharacterData, Node.normalize( )

Returned by

Document.createTextNode( ), Text.splitText( )

Text.splitText( )split a Text node in two


DOM Level 1 Core


Text splitText(unsigned long offset)
    throws DOMException;


The character position at which to split the Text node.


The Text node that was split from this node.


This method may throw a DOMException with one of the following code values:

offset is negative or greater than the length of the Text or Comment node.

The node is read-only and may not be modified.


This method splits a Text node in two at the specified offset. The original Text node is modified so that it contains all text content up to, but not including, the character at position offset. A new Text node is created to contain all the characters from (and including) the position offset to the end of the string. This new Text node is the return value of the method. Additionally, if the original Text node has a parentNode, the new node is inserted into this parent node immediately after the original node.

The CDATASection interface inherits from Text, and this splitText( ) method can also be used with CDATASection nodes, in which case the newly created node is a CDATASection rather than a Text node.

See Also

Node.normalize( )

TreeWalkertraverse a filtered document subtree


DOM Level 2 Traversal


Node currentNode
The current position of this TreeWalker and the node relative to which all of the TreeWalker traversal methods operate. This is the node most recently returned by one of those traversal methods or, if none of those methods have been called yet, it is the same as the root property.

Note that this is a read/write property, and you can set it to any valid Document node -- even one that is not a descendant of the original root node or one that would be rejected by the filters used by this TreeWalker. If you change the value of this property, the traversal methods operate relative to the new node you specify. Attempting to set this property to null throws a DOMException with a code of NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR.

readonly boolean expandEntityReferences
This read-only property specifies whether this TreeWalker object expands entity references it encounters while traversing XML documents. The value of this property is set by the call to Document.createTreeWalker( ).

readonly NodeFilter filter
The node filter function, if any, that was specified for this TreeWalker in the call to Document.createTreeWalker( ). If no node filter is in use, this property is null.

readonly Node root
This read-only property specifies the root node at which the TreeWalker begins traversal. It is the initial value of the currentNode property and is specified in the call to Document.createTreeWalker( ).

readonly unsigned long whatToShow
This read-only property is a set of bit flags (see NodeFilter for a list of valid flags) that specifies the types of Document nodes this TreeWalker will consider. If a bit is not set in this property, the corresponding node type will always be ignored by this TreeWalker. Note that the value of this property is specified in the call to Document.createTreeWalker( ).


firstChild( )
Returns the first child of the current node that is not filtered out, or null.

lastChild( )
Returns the last child of the current node that is not filtered out, or null.

nextNode( )
Returns the next node (in document source order) that is not filtered out, or null.

nextSibling( )
Returns the next sibling of the current node that is not filtered out, or null.

parentNode( )
Returns the parent or nearest ancestor of the current node that is not filtered out, or null.

previousNode( )
Returns the previous node (in document source order) that is not filtered out, or null.

previousSibling( )
Returns the nearest previous sibling of the current node that is not filtered out, or null.


A TreeWalker filters a specified document subtree and defines methods that allow programs to traverse the filtered tree (which may have a significantly different structure than the original document tree). Create a TreeWalker object with the createTreeWalker( ) method of the Document object. Once a TreeWalker is created, you can use its firstChild( ) and nextSibling( ) methods to traverse the filtered subtree it represents in the same way that you might use the firstChild and nextSibling properties of the Node interface to traverse an unfiltered document tree.

A TreeWalker applies the same two filtration steps that a NodeIterator does. The various traversal methods defined by TreeWalker will return only nodes that pass both filters. First, the node type must be one of the types specified by the whatToShow property. See NodeFilter for a list of constants that can be combined to specify the whatToShow argument to Document.createTreeWalker( ). Second, if the filter property is not null, each node that passes the whatToShow test is passed to the filter function specified by the filter property. If this function returns NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT, the node is returned. If it returns NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT, the node and all of its descendants are skipped by the TreeWalker (this differs from NodeIterator filtration, in which descendants are never automatically rejected). If the node filter function returns NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP, the TreeWalker ignores the node but does consider its descendants.

Unlike NodeIterators, TreeWalkers are not modified when the underlying document is modified. The current node of a TreeWalker remains unchanged, even if that node is removed from the document. (And, in this case, the TreeWalker can be used to traverse the tree of deleted nodes, if any, that surround that current node.)


// A NodeFilter that rejects <font> tags and any element with a
// class="sidebar" attribute and any descendants of such an element
var filter = function(n) {
    if (n.nodeName == "FONT") return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
    if (n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && n.className == "sidebar")
        return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
    return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;

// Create a TreeWalker using the filter above
var tw = document.createTreeWalker(document.body,  // Walk HTML document body
                                   // Consider all nodes except comments
                                   filter,  // Use filter above
                                   false);  // Don't expand entity references

// Here's a recursive function that traverses a document using a TreeWalker
function traverse(tw) {
    // Remember the current node
    var currentNode = tw.currentNode;

    // Loop through the children of the current node of the TreeWalker
    for(var c = tw.firstChild( ); c != null; c = tw.nextSibling( )) {
        process(c);    // Do something to process the child
        traverse(tw);  // And recursively process its children

    // Put the TreeWalker back in the state we found it in
    tw.currentNode = currentNode;

See Also

NodeFilter, NodeIterator; Chapter 17

Returned by

Document.createTreeWalker( )

TreeWalker.firstChild( )return the first child that is not filtered out


DOM Level 2 Traversal


Node firstChild( );


The first child of the current node that is not filtered out, or null if there is no such child.


This method sets currentNode to the first child of the current node that is not filtered out and returns that child. If there is no such child, it leaves currentNode unchanged and returns null.

TreeWalker.lastChild( )return the last child that is not filtered out


DOM Level 2 Traversal


Node lastChild( );


The last child of the current node that is not filtered out, or null if there is no such child.


This method sets currentNode to the last child of the current node that is not filtered out and returns that child. If there is no such child, it leaves currentNode unchanged and returns null.

TreeWalker.nextNode( )return the next node that is not filtered out


DOM Level 2 Traversal


Node nextNode( );


The node that follows the current node in the document source and is not filtered out, or null if there is none.


This method sets currentNode to the next node (in document source order) that is not filtered out and returns that node. If there is no such node, or if the search for the next node takes the TreeWalker outside of the root subtree, currentNode remains unchanged and the method returns null.

Note that this method "flattens" the document tree structure and returns nodes in the order in which they appear in the document source. Calling nextNode( ) may cause the current node to move down, sideways, or up the document tree. This type of flattening traversal can also be performed with NodeIterator.nextNode( ).

TreeWalker.nextSibling( )return the next sibling that is not filtered out


DOM Level 2 Traversal


Node nextSibling( );


The next sibling of the current node that is not filtered out, or null if there is no such sibling.


This method sets currentNode to the next sibling of the current node that is not filtered out and returns that sibling. If there is no such sibling, it leaves currentNode unchanged and returns null.

TreeWalker.parentNode( )return the nearest ancestor that is not filtered out


DOM Level 2 Traversal


Node parentNode( );


The nearest ancestor of the current node that is not filtered out, or null if there is no such ancestor.


This method sets currentNode to the nearest ancestor of the current node that is not filtered out and returns that ancestor. If there is no such ancestor, it leaves currentNode unchanged and returns null.

TreeWalker.previousNode( )return the previous node that is not filtered out


DOM Level 2 Traversal


Node previousNode( );


The nearest node that precedes the current node in the document source and is not filtered out, or null if there is none.


This method sets currentNode to the previous node (in document source order) that is not filtered out and returns that node. If there is no such node, or if the search for the previous node takes the TreeWalker outside of the root subtree, currentNode remains unchanged and the method returns null.

Note that this method "flattens" the document tree structure and returns nodes in the order in which they appear in the document source. Calling previousNode( ) may cause the current node to move down, sideways, or up the document tree. This type of flattening traversal can also be performed with NodeIterator.previousNode( ).

TreeWalker.previousSibling( )return the previous sibling that is not filtered out


DOM Level 2 Traversal


Node previousSibling( );


The previous sibling of the current node that is not filtered out, or null if there is no such sibling.


This method sets currentNode to the closest previous sibling of the current node that is not filtered out and returns that sibling. If there is no such sibling, it leaves currentNode unchanged and returns null.

UIEventdetails about user interface events


DOM Level 2 Events

Inherits from/Overrides

Event Figure UIEvent




readonly long detail
A numeric detail about the event. For click, mousedown, and mouseup events (see "MouseEvent"), this field is the click count: 1 for a single-click, 2 for a double-click, 3 for a triple-click, and so on. For DOMActivate events, this field is 1 for a normal activation or 2 for a "hyperactivation," such as a double-click or Shift-Enter combination.

readonly AbstractView view
The window (the "view") in which the event was generated.


initUIEvent( )
Initializes the properties of a newly created UIEvent object, including the properties inherited from the Event interface.


The UIEvent interface is a subinterface of Event and defines the type of Event object passed to events of type DOMFocusIn, DOMFocusOut, and DOMActivate. These event types are not commonly used in web browsers, and what is more important about the UIEvent interface is that it is the parent interface of MouseEvent.

See Also

Event, MouseEvent; Chapter 19

UIEvent.initUIEvent( )initialize the properties of a UIEvent object


DOM Level 2 Events


void initUIEvent(String typeArg, 
                 boolean canBubbleArg, 
                 boolean cancelableArg, 
                 AbstractView viewArg, 
                 long detailArg);


The event type.

Whether the event will bubble.

Whether the event may be canceled with preventDefault( ).

The window in which the event occurred.

The detail property for the event.


This method initializes the view and detail properties of this UIEvent and also the type, bubbles, and cancelable properties inherited from the Event interface. This method may be called only on newly created UIEvent objects, before they have been passed to EventTarget.dispatchEvent( ).

ViewCSSsee AbstractView

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