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Index: C

can( ) method: 4.1.4. Components of a URL
canonical, calling: 4.1.2. Output
CGI (command gateway interface), 5.3. Automating Form Analysis
Check <img> tags code: 7.3.1. Checking Image Tags
checkboxes: 5.4.4. Checkboxes
children elements, siblings: 9.1. Introduction to Trees
HTTP::Cookies::Netscape: 11.1.2. Loading Cookies from a File
HTTP::Response: 3.1. The Basic Classes
LWP class model: 3.1. The Basic Classes
LWP::ConnCache: 3.4.1. Connection Parameters
LWP::UserAgent: 3.1. The Basic Classes
URI class: 4.1.1. Constructors
cleanup, HTML::TreeBuilder: 9.2.4. Cleanup
clone( ) method: 3.4. User Agents
4.1.1. Constructors
check <img> tags: 7.3.1. Checking Image Tags
detaching/reattaching nodes: 10.3. Detaching and Reattaching
HTML::TreeBuilder: 9.2. HTML::TreeBuilder
modifying attributes: 10.1. Changing Attributes
tree example: 9.1. Introduction to Trees
command-line utilities, 5.3. Automating Form Analysis
comment tokens: 7.2.4. Comment Tokens
access to, HTML::TreeBuilder: 10.4.2. Accessing Comments
content, adding: 10.4.3. Attaching Content
storage: 10.4.1. Retaining Comments
comparing URLs: 4.1.3. Comparison
components of regular expressions: 6.2.7. Develop from Components
conn_cache( ) method: 3.4.1. Connection Parameters
connection cache object: 3.4.1. Connection Parameters
connection parameters, LWP::UserAgent class and: 3.4.1. Connection Parameters
consider_response( ) function: 12.3.3. HEAD Response Processing
12.3.4. Redirects
constructors: 4.1.1. Constructors
HTML::TreeBuilder: 9.2.1. Constructors
LWP::UserAgent class: 3.4. User Agents
new( ): 4.1.1. Constructors
new_from_lol( ): 10.5.2. New Nodes from Lists
relative URLs and: 4.1.1. Constructors
content( ) method: 3.5.2. Content
content, adding to comments: 10.4.3. Attaching Content
cookies: 11.1. Cookies
authentication and: 11.3.1. Comparing Cookies with Basic Authentication
enabling: 11.1.1. Enabling Cookies
new method: 11.1.2. Loading Cookies from a File
loading from file: 11.1.2. Loading Cookies from a File
New York Times site example: 11.1.4. Cookies and the New York Times Site
saving to file: 11.1.3. Saving Cookies to a File
Set-Cookie line: 11.1. Cookies
copyrights, distributions: 1.4.2. Copyright
CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network): 1.3. Installing LWP
CPAN shell, LWP installation: 1.3.1. Installing LWP from the CPAN Shell
credentials( ) method: 3.4.5. Authentication
current_age( ) method: 3.5.4. Expiration Times

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