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Index: H

Hampton, Kip: 5.7. XML::SAX: The Second Generation
Han Chinese characters: 2.6. Unicode, Character Sets, and Encodings
handlers: 3.4. Putting Parsers to Work
4.2. Events and Handlers
base classes for: 5.5. A Handler Base Class
DTD: 5.2. DTD Handlers
lexical event: Lexical event handlers
for SAX: 5.1. SAX Event Handlers
5.7.2. SAX2 Handler Interface
stream parsing styles, using: 3.2.2. Parsing Styles
XML::Parser module and: 4.6. XML::Parser
hasAttribute method for Element node: Methods
hasAttributeNS method for Element node: Methods
hasAttributes method for Node class (DOM): Methods
hasChildNodes method for Node class (DOM): Methods
helper modules: 9.2. XML::RSS
hexadecimal character entities: 2.5. Entities
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): 2.1. A Brief History of XML
converting: 2.12. Transformations
8.3. XSLT
10.3. Converting XML to HTML with XSLT
well-formed documents and: 3.1. XML Parsers
Hypertext Markup Language (see HTML)
hyphen (-) in PYX notation: 4.5. XML::PYX

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