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Index: S

SAX (Simple API for XML): 3.4. Putting Parsers to Work
5. SAX
DBI and: 9.3.2. Further Ruminations on DBI and SAX
drivers for non-XML sources: 5.4. Drivers for Non-XML Sources
external entity resolution: 5.3. External Entity Resolution
handlers: 5.5. A Handler Base Class
DTD: 5.2. DTD Handlers
event: 5.1. SAX Event Handlers
parser interface: 5.7.3. SAX2 Parser Interface
XML::SAX module and: 5.7. XML::SAX: The Second Generation
schema (XML): 2.11. Schemas
3.7.2. Schemas
Schematron: 3.7.2. Schemas
selector programs for stream processing: 4.4. Stream Applications
semicolons (;): 3.1. XML Parsers
Sergeant, Matt: 4.5. XML::PYX
5.7. XML::SAX: The Second Generation
8.2. XPath
9.3. XML Programming Tools
servers: 1.1. Why Use Perl with XML?
setAttribute method for Element node: Methods
setAttributeNode method for Element node: Methods
setAttributeNodeNS method for Element node: Methods
setAttributeNS method for Element node: Methods
set_document_locator( ) method: Content event handlers
setNamedItem class for Node class (DOM): Methods
setNamedItemNS class for Node class (DOM): Methods
SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language): 2. An XML Recap
sibling nodes: 6.1. XML Trees
Simple API for XML (see SAX)
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP): 9.4. SOAP::Lite
skipped_entity( ) method: Content event handlers
slashes (/): 2.9. Free-Form XML and Well-Formed Documents
well-formed documents and: 3.1.1. Example (of What Not to Do): A Well-Formedness Checker
XPath expressions: 8.2. XPath
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol): 9.4. SOAP::Lite
SOAP::Lite module: 9.4. SOAP::Lite
Source parameter (SAX parser interface): 5.7.3. SAX2 Parser Interface
spacing in XML: 2.4. Spacing
specified property of Attr class (DOM): Properties
splitText method of Text class (DOM): Methods
square brackets ([ ]): 2.5. Entities
stacks, writing XML document checkers: 3.1.1. Example (of What Not to Do): A Well-Formedness Checker
standard-completeness of parsers: 3.2. XML::Parser
Standard Generalized Markup Language (see SGML)
start_cdata( ) event handler: 5.1. SAX Event Handlers Lexical event handlers
start_document( ) method: 5.1. SAX Event Handlers Content event handlers
start_dtd( ) event handler: Lexical event handlers
start_element( ) method: 5.1. SAX Event Handlers Content event handlers
start_entity( ) event handler: Lexical event handlers
start_prefix_mapping( ) method: Content event handlers
startTag( ) Writer method: 3.8. XML::Writer
Sterin, Ilya: 5.4. Drivers for Non-XML Sources
9.3. XML Programming Tools
strategies in XML processing: 3.3. Stream-Based Versus Tree-Based Processing
stream-based processing for parsers: 3.3. Stream-Based Versus Tree-Based Processing
streams: 4.1. Working with Streams
applications: 4.4. Stream Applications
event: 4. Event Streams
parsing style: 3.2.2. Parsing Styles
structure of XML: 2.2. Markup, Elements, and Structure
style attributes: 8.2. XPath
subclassing: 10.2. Subclassing
subs parsing style: 3.2.2. Parsing Styles
subsets (external and internal): 2.5. Entities
substringData method for CharacterData class (DOM): Methods
summarizer program for stream processing: 4.4. Stream Applications
syntax errors in XML documents: 3.1.1. Example (of What Not to Do): A Well-Formedness Checker
system identifiers: 2.5. Entities
systemId property
DocumentType class: Properties
Entity node: Properties
Notation class: Properties

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