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Index: S

-S file test operator: 3.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators
s for whitespace=s (for whitespace): 1.7. Regular Expressions
s operator (see substitution operator)
/s pattern modifier: 5.2.1. Pattern Modifiers
5.2.2. The m// Operator (Matching)
5.2.3. The s/// Operator (Substitution)
5.2.4. The tr/// Operator (Transliteration)
-S (search for script) command-line switch: 19.1.3. Switches
s// (substitution) operator: 24.1.1. Universal Blunders
-s (switch) command-line switch: 19.1.3. Switches
20. The Perl Debugger
safe compartments for insecure code: 23.3.1. Safe Compartments
Safe module: 23.3.1. Safe Compartments
32.1.12. Authentication, Security, and Encryption
insecure code, handling with: Restricting operator access
23.3.1. Safe Compartments
save stack: 18.3. Executing Your Code
saving data structures: 9.7. Saving Data Structures
scalar context: 2.7.1. Scalar and List Context
Boolean values and: 2.7.2. Boolean Context
comma operator in: 3.18. Comma Operators
24.1.5. Previous Perl Traps
conditional operator in: 3.16. Conditional Operator
expressions in (see EXPRs)
forcing: 29.2.137. scalar
functions in: 29. Functions
/g pattern modifier, use in: 5.2.2. The m// Operator (Matching)
hash variables, evaluating in: 2.9. Hashes
keys function, calling in: 14.3.1. Hash-Tying Methods
list assignment in: 2.8.1. List Assignment
3.17. Assignment Operators
lvalues in: 4.8.1. Scoped Variable Declarations
m// (match) operator in: 5.2.2. The m// Operator (Matching)
operations behaving differently in: 24.1.2. Frequently Ignored Advice
range (..) operator in: 3.15. Range Operator
recognizing in debugger: 20.1. Using the Debugger
subroutines, calling and evaluating in: 6.2. Semantics
subtypes of: 2.7.1. Scalar and List Context
void context: 2.7.3. Void Context
scalar pseudofunction: 29.2.137. scalar
scalar reverse function: 15.2. Effects of Character Semantics
scalar values: 2.6. Scalar Values
2.6. Scalar Values
here documents: 2.6.6. "Here" Documents
interpolating array values: 2.6.5. Interpolating Array Values
numeric literals: 2.6.1. Numeric Literals
operators fo: 3. Unary and Binary Operators
string literals: 2.6.2. String Literals
v-string literals: 2.6.7. V-String Literals
scalar variables
in angle brackets: 2.11.2. Line Input (Angle) Operator
in double-quote context: 5.2.3. The s/// Operator (Substitution)
scalars: 1.2.1. Variable Syntax Singularities
2.3. Built-in Data Types
2.4. Variables
characters, length of: 29.2.84. length
complex data structures, representing as: Complexities
constants: 10.1. Symbol Tables
10.1. Symbol Tables
(see also constants)
functions for manipulating: 29.1. Perl Functions by Category
hard references as: 8.1. What Is a Reference?
list of (see arrays)
lists, converting to: Complexities
parameter and return lists, subroutines: 6.2. Semantics
pattern-matching operators, applying to: 5.2. Pattern-Matching Operators
Perl, converting to C types: 21.4.4. Evaluating a Perl Statement from C
references: Singularities
SV (scalar value) in C: 21.2. Internal Data Types
truth, evaluating in: 1.6.1. What Is Truth?
tying: 14.1. Tying Scalars
base class definitions, providing: 32.1.14. Convenient Classes
magical counter variables: 14.1.2. Magical Counter Variables
methods for: 14.1.1. Scalar-Tying Methods
preventing unlocalized use of $_ variables: 14.1.3. Magically Banishing $_
unordered set of (see hashes)
scheduling and preemption policies, threads: 17.2. The Thread Model
scopes: 2.5. Names
4.2. Compound Statements
dynamic: 4.8.4. Dynamically Scoped Variables: local
block: 4.8.2. Lexically Scoped Variables: my
blocks: 4.2. Compound Statements
file: 4.8.2. Lexically Scoped Variables: my
lexical scope: 4.8.2. Lexically Scoped Variables: my
loop variable in foreach: 4.4.3. foreach Loops
variables in if statements: 4.3. if and unless Statements
variables in three-part for loops: 4.4.2. for Loops
variables in while loops: 4.4.1. while and until Statements
declarations and: 4.8. Scoped Declarations
functions dealing with: 29.1. Perl Functions by Category
lexically scoped variables: 2.5. Names
my variables: 10. Packages
package declarations: 10. Packages
pattern-matching operations: 5.2. Pattern-Matching Operators
private variables (see lexical variables)
scope modifiers: 4.8.1. Scoped Variable Declarations
scope operators: 4.8.1. Scoped Variable Declarations
scope stack: 18.3. Executing Your Code
signal handling: 16.1. Signals
static (see scopes; lexical)
subroutines: 6.2.3. Scoping Issues
in threads: Queues
variables: 1.2.1. Variable Syntax
strict pragma and: Simplicities
screen appearance of command line: 20.3.3. Debugger Options
building with -e switch: 19.1.3. Switches
CGI, taint mode and: 23.1. Handling Insecure Data
checking syntax of: 19.1.3. Switches
debugging: 19.1.3. Switches
19.1.3. Switches
(see also debugging)
dumping core files: 19.1.3. Switches
embedding in messages: 19.1.3. Switches
end marker for: 2.6.8. Other Literal Tokens
executing: 29.2.174. system
insecure: 23.3. Handling Insecure Code
interpretation, shells vs. Perl: 24.1.4. Shell Traps
languages, checking for: Unicode block properties
names of (see $0 variable)
pausing: 29.2.156. sleep
common mistakes of novices: 24.1. Common Goofs for Novices
CPAN directory of: 22. CPAN
idiomatic Perl, using: 24.4. Fluent Perl
performance of: 24.2. Efficiency
perl interpreter, associating with: 1.3.1. How to Do It
programming with style: 24.3. Programming with Style
searching for and compiling: 19.1. Command Processing
test scripts: 32.1.18. Development Support
running time of: 3.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators
searching for: 19.1.3. Switches
terminating with exec: 29.2.33. exec
SDBM_File module: 32.1.10. DBM Interfaces
search and replace, global: 5.2.3. The s/// Operator (Substitution)
search path, %INC: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order
search programs: 1.7. Regular Expressions
Search::Dict module: 32.1.2. String Processing, Language Text Processing, Parsing, and Searching
grep function for: 29.2.72. grep
linear, versus hashes: 24.2.1. Time Efficiency
rules for name searches: 2.5.1. Name Lookups
for scripts: 19.1.3. Switches
for substrings: 5.2.3. The s/// Operator (Substitution)
29.2.75. index
29.2.134. rindex
text, Perl modules for: 22.1. The CPAN modules Directory
security: 0.1. The Pursuit of Happiness
23. Security
29.2.164. srand
code masquerading as data: 23.3.2. Code Masquerading as Data
insecure code, handling: 23.3. Handling Insecure Code
safe compartments for: 23.3.1. Safe Compartments
insecure data, handling: 23.1. Handling Insecure Data
23.1. Handling Insecure Data
command and file access under reduced privileges: 23.1.3. Accessing Commands and Files Under Reduced Privileges
detecting and laundering tainted data: 23.1.1. Detecting and Laundering Tainted Data
environment, cleaning up: 23.1.2. Cleaning Up Your Environment
modules for: 32.1.12. Authentication, Security, and Encryption
22.1. The CPAN modules Directory
timing glitches, handling: 23.2. Handling Timing Glitches
race conditions: 23.2.2. Handling Race Conditions
temporary files: 23.2.3. Temporary Files
Unix kernel security bugs: 23.2.1. Unix Kernel Security Bugs
Win32::FileSecurity module: 32.1.20. Microsoft-Related Modules
security, of file test operators: 31.10. use filetest
sed: 1.7. Regular Expressions
5.2.4. The tr/// Operator (Transliteration)
seed, random number: 29.2.164. srand
seek function: 29.2.138. seek
29.2.176. tell
(see also tell function)
SEEK method: 14.4.1. Filehandle-Tying Methods
seekable I/O objects: 32.1.5. Filehandle, Directory Handle, and Stream I/O Utilities
seekdir function: 29.2.139. seekdir
select function: 29.2.38. fileno
29.2.113. print
29.2.140. select (output filehandle)
29.2.141. select (ready file descriptors)
32.1.5. Filehandle, Directory Handle, and Stream I/O Utilities
for format variables: 7.1. Format Variables
7.1. Format Variables
select syscall, multiplexing I/O between clients: 16.5.2. Networking Servers
SelectSaver module: 32.1.5. Filehandle, Directory Handle, and Stream I/O Utilities
self-matching characters: 5.9.4. The Little Engine That /Could(n't)?/
self method, thread accessing own thread object: Identifying threads
SelfLoader module: 10.2. Autoloading
32.1.17. Module Installation Support
Devel::SelfStubber module, using with: 32.1.17. Module Installation Support
semantics: 29.2.192. use
semaphore file, use in file locking: 16.2.1. File Locking
System V IPC: 16.4. System V IPC
functions for: 29.2.142. semctl
IPC::Semaphore module: 32.1.8. Networking and Interprocess Communication
shared memory: 16.4. System V IPC
thread safety and: 17.2. The Thread Model
Thread::Semaphore module: Semaphores
Win32::Semaphore module: 32.1.20. Microsoft-Related Modules
semctl function: 29.2.142. semctl
semget function: 29.2.143. semget
semop function: 29.2.144. semop
send function: 29.2.145. send
separators, split operator, defining: 1.7. Regular Expressions
sequential matches: 5.9.4. The Little Engine That /Could(n't)?/
serial ports, Perl modules for: 22.1. The CPAN modules Directory
serializing Perl data structures: 32.1.13. Perl Language Extensions and Internals
server-push CGI scripting: 32.1.9. World Wide Web
forking clones to handle incoming connections: 16.5.2. Networking Servers
networking: 16.5.2. Networking Servers
Perl modules for: 22.1. The CPAN modules Directory
taint mode, importance of enabling for: 23.1. Handling Insecure Data
TCP: 16.5.1. Networking Clients
service port name/number translations: 29.2.64. getservbyname
set-id program:
23.1. Handling Insecure Data
dangerous operations, UID and GID setting to real: 23.1.3. Accessing Commands and Files Under Reduced Privileges
Unix kernel bugs, security problems with: 23.2.1. Unix Kernel Security Bugs
setgid function: 16.3.2. Talking to Yourself
23.1. Handling Insecure Data
setgrent function: 29.2.44. getgrent
sethostent function: 29.2.49. gethostent
setpgrp function: 29.2.146. setpgrp
16.1.1. Signaling Process Groups
setpriority function: 29.2.147. setpriority
setprotoent function: 29.2.60. getprotoent
setpwent function: 29.2.61. getpwent
sets, intersection: 6.3. Passing References
setservent function: 29.2.66. getservent
setsockopt function: 29.2.148. setsockopt
setuid function: 16.3.2. Talking to Yourself
23.1. Handling Insecure Data
shadow, password entries: 29.2.62. getpwnam
shared file locks: 16.2.1. File Locking
shared memory, System V IPC: 16.4. System V IPC
controlled access to: 16.4. System V IPC
functions for: 29.2.150. shmctl
# (sharp)
for comments: 2.2. Molecules
/x pattern modifier, using with: 5.2.1. Pattern Modifiers
in formats: 7. Formats
quoting character, whitespace and: 2.6.3. Pick Your Own Quotes
#! (shebang) notation: 1.3.1. How to Do It
19.1. Command Processing
security problems caused by: 23.2.1. Unix Kernel Security Bugs
simulating on non-Unix systems: 19.1.1. #! and Quoting on Non-Unix Systems
shell module: 32.1.7. Operating System Interfaces
alternative for Perl, Windows systems: 19.2. Environment Variables
avoiding use of: 23.1.3. Accessing Commands and Files Under Reduced Privileges
avoiding with multi-argument piped open: 16.3.1. Anonymous Pipes
Bourne shell (sh): 19.1. Command Processing
bypassing with -| piping pseudocommand: 16.3.2. Talking to Yourself
debugger commands and: 20.2.6. Actions and Command Execution
environment variables as security hazards: 23.1.2. Cleaning Up Your Environment
environment variables, using with: 19.2. Environment Variables
I/O streams, setting up: 1.4. Filehandles
pipe commands with shell metacharacters, passing to: 29.2.104. open
pipe commands with special characters, handling: 16.3.1. Anonymous Pipes
programming, Perl vs.: 24.1.4. Shell Traps
quotes, passing through: 19.1.3. Switches
security pitfalls with use, avoiding: 23.3.2. Code Masquerading as Data
spawning, characters for: 20.3.3. Debugger Options
shift function: 9. Data Structures
29.2.149. shift
shift operator: The while and until statements
3.9. Shift Operators
3.9. Shift Operators
shmctl function: 29.2.150. shmctl
ShMem package: 16.4. System V IPC
shmget function: 29.2.151. shmget
shmread function: 29.2.152. shmread
shmwrite function: 29.2.153. shmwrite
short-circuit operators: 1.5.5. Logical Operators
3.14. C-Style Logical (Short-Circuit) Operators
overloading and: 13.3. Overloadable Operators
shortening arrays: 2.8.2. Array Length
shorts: 29.2.162. sprintf
shutdown function: 29.2.154. shutdown
shutdown syscall: 16.5.1. Networking Clients
%SIG hash: 16.1. Signals
28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order
sigaction function: 16.1.2. Reaping Zombies
SIGALRM signal: 29.2.3. alarm
signal handlers
defining as strings: 10. Packages
%SIG, Perl vs. C language: 24.1.3. C Traps
signal handling, sigtrap module: 32.1.7. Operating System Interfaces
signal level option (debugger): 20.3.3. Debugger Options
signals: 16. Interprocess Communication
16.1. Signals
%SIG hash: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order
blocking: 16.1.4. Blocking Signals
core dumps, triggering in C library: 16.1. Signals
killing processes with: 29.2.80. kill
portability of: 25.4. System Interaction
signaling process groups: 16.1.1. Signaling Process Groups
sources of: 16.1. Signals
threads, delivering to: 17.2. The Thread Model
Thread::Signal module: Other standard threading modules
timing out slow operations: 16.1.3. Timing Out Slow Operations
trapping with sigtrap pragma: 16.1. Signals
zombie processes, reaping: 16.1.2. Reaping Zombies
sigprocmask syscall: 16.1.4. Blocking Signals
sigtrap pragma: 16.1. Signals
16.1. Signals
sin function (sine): 29.2.155. sin
single inheritance: 12.5. Class Inheritance
single quotes (')
contractions in words, avoiding confusion with: 5.10.1. Lookaround Assertions
as package delimiters: 10. Packages
pattern recompilation and: 5.2.1. Pattern Modifiers
suppressing interpolation: Singularities
suppressing variable interpolation and translation escape processing: When backslashes happen
singularities (see singularities)
$size file statistic: 29.2.165. stat
sleep function: 29.2.156. sleep
select function instead of: 29.2.141. select (ready file descriptors)
slices of arrays or hashes: 2.4. Variables
slices of multidimensional arrays: 9.1.4. Slices
Perl, setting value for: 19.1.3. Switches
Socket module: 16.5. Sockets
32.1.8. Networking and Interprocess Communication
inet_ntoa function: 29.2.47. gethostbyaddr
networking client, connecting to server: 16.5.1. Networking Clients
socketpair function: 29.2.158. socketpair
socketpair syscall: 16.3.3. Bidirectional Communication
accepting connections from clients: 29.2.2. accept
attaching address to: 29.2.5. bind
closing: 29.2.16. close
closing one side: 29.2.154. shutdown
connecting: 29.2.18. connect
functions for: 29.2.67. getsockname
functions (Perl), dealing with: 16.5. Sockets
getting packed sockaddr address: 29.2.54. getpeername
in interprocess communication: 16.5. Sockets
message passing: 16.5.3. Message Passing
networking clients: 16.5.1. Networking Clients
networking servers: 16.5.2. Networking Servers
listen function for: 29.2.86. listen
low-level access, functions for: 29.1. Perl Functions by Category
modules for: 32.1.8. Networking and Interprocess Communication
newlines, sending across: 25.1. Newlines
opening with socket function: 29.2.157. socket
protocols and: 16. Interprocess Communication
receiving messages on: 29.2.125. recv
sending messages on: 29.2.145. send
setting options: 29.2.148. setsockopt
shutting down connection: 29.2.154. shutdown
TCP and: 16.5. Sockets
Unix-domain sockets: 16.5. Sockets
sort variables: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order
sort function: 1.8. List Processing
sort subroutines, comparison operators in: 1.5.6. Some Numeric and String Comparison Operators
arrays in hashes of: 9.2.3. Access and Printing of a Hash of Arrays
hashes: 9.4.3. Access and Printing of a Hash of Hashes
keys and values, hashes: 29.2.79. keys
lists: 29.2.159. sort
overloading and: 13.3. Overloadable Operators
sort function: 29.2.159. sort
sort( ), keys, lists of: Hashes.
source code
CPAN, for Perl distribution: 22. CPAN
development tools for: 18.6. Code Development Tools
filter for: 18.5.1. The Bytecode Generator
filters for: 24.5.3. Source Filters
foreign code, executing: 23. Security
window around breakpoint, examining: 20.1. Using the Debugger
source filters: 22.1. The CPAN modules Directory
space: 2.2. Molecules
spaceship operator (<=>): 3.12. Equality Operators
special characters: 5.9.4. The Little Engine That /Could(n't)?/
special variables: 28.1.6. Per-Package Special Functions
speed (see also performance)
24.2. Efficiency
splice function: 29.2.160. splice
Perl versions, changes in: 24.1.5. Previous Perl Traps
splicing tied arrays: 14.2.1. Array-Tying Methods
split function: 1.7. Regular Expressions
5.2. Pattern-Matching Operators
5.7.2. Clustering
24.2.1. Time Efficiency
29.2.161. split
sprintf function: 14.4.1. Filehandle-Tying Methods
29.2.162. sprintf
sqrt function (square root): 29.2.163. sqrt
srand function: 29.2.164. srand
src directory (CPAN): 22. CPAN
stacks: Arrays.
9. Data Structures
expression evaluation: 2.3. Built-in Data Types
backtracing with T command: 20.1. Using the Debugger
disciplines: 29.2.104. open
Perl, manipulating from C: 21.4.5. Fiddling with the Perl Stack from C
Perl virtuall machine: 18.3. Executing Your Code
subroutines, current calls: 29.2.8. caller
standard input, scripts, passing by: 19.1. Command Processing
standard Unicode properties: Standard Unicode properties
star (see asterisk)
starting position of matched string: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order
stat, file permissions as octal: 29.2.103. oct
stat function: 29.2.165. stat
32.1.4. Filenames, Filesystems, and File Locking
filehandles, calling on: 23.2.2. Handling Race Conditions
common, sharing by class objects: 12.8. Managing Class Data
inheritance with class data accessor methods: 12.8. Managing Class Data
statements: 4. Statements and Declarations
compound: 4.2. Compound Statements
global declarations and: 4.7. Global Declarations
if and unless: 4.3. if and unless Statements
labels for (see labels)
loop-control operators vs.: 4.4.4. Loop Control
loops (see loops)
Perl, evaluating from C: 21.4.4. Evaluating a Perl Statement from C
simple: 4.1. Simple Statements
static linking: 21.3.1. XS and XSUBs
static scoping (see lexical scope)
static variables: 6.2.3. Scoping Issues
statistics, Perl modules for: 22.1. The CPAN modules Directory
status of exiting process: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order
STDERR filehandle: 24.3. Programming with Style
28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order
29.2.38. fileno
STDIN filehandle: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order
STDIN: 1.4. Filehandles
29.2.38. fileno
reading single characters from: 29.2.43. getc
STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR filehandles: 16.2.2. Passing Filehandles
passing filehandles to new programs through: 16.2.2. Passing Filehandles
reassigning to client connection: 16.5.2. Networking Servers
STDOUT filehandle: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order
STDOUT: 1.4. Filehandles
29.2.38. fileno
printing to: 29.2.113. print
stemming text, Perl modules for: 22.1. The CPAN modules Directory
stepping through code: 20.2.1. Stepping and Running
sticky bit: 24.2.1. Time Efficiency
stopping (see terminating)
infinite loop: 4.4.2. for Loops
storage locations
for bytes (see big endian; little endian)
lvalues for: 1.5.3. Assignment Operators
(see also lvalues)
storing complex data values in DBM file: 14.6. Tie Modules on CPAN
strict module: Simplicities
32.1.13. Perl Language Extensions and Internals
strict pragma: 2.5.1. Name Lookups
4.9.2. Controlling the Use of Globals
8.4. Symbolic References
string context: 2.7.1. Scalar and List Context
string literals: 2.6.2. String Literals
newlines in: 2.6.2. String Literals
v-strings (vector or version): 2.6.7. V-String Literals
stringification: 13.3. Overloadable Operators
modules for: 32.10. Data::Dumper
data structures: 9.7. Saving Data Structures
objects: 8.3.6. Other Tricks You Can Do with Hard References
references: 8.3.6. Other Tricks You Can Do with Hard References
8.5.1. References Don't Work as Hash Keys
9.1.3. Access and Printing
9.1.5. Common Mistakes
stringifying operator
overloading: 14.4.1. Filehandle-Tying Methods
strings: 1.2.1. Variable Syntax
binary (see binary numbers)
bitwise operators, working with: 3.13. Bitwise Operators
boundary assertions: 1.7.3. Nailing Things Down
5.6.1. Beginnings: The A and ^ Assertions
capitalization of (see capitalization)
comparing: 3.11. Relational Operators
comparison operators: 1.5.6. Some Numeric and String Comparison Operators
as compilation units: 2.5.1. Name Lookups
concatenating: 3.8. Additive Operators
24.2.1. Time Efficiency
containing newlines, matches against: 5.2.1. Pattern Modifiers
converting to list values: 29.2.189. unpack
converting to numbers:of: 2.6.1. Numeric Literals
display, changing in debugger: 20.3.3. Debugger Options
changes in Perl versions: 24.1.5. Previous Perl Traps
character interpolation in: 2.6.2. String Literals
eval function and: 24.2.1. Time Efficiency
extracting substrings: 29.2.168. substr
first character of: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order
formats for: 29.2.162. sprintf
hexadecimal (see hexadecimal numbers)
index function: 29.2.75. index
joining: 29.2.78. join
list values, converting to: 29.2.108. pack
modifying: Modifying strings en passant
numbers, converting to: 2.6. Scalar Values
octal (see octal numbers)
operators: 1.5.2. String Operators
24.1.1. Universal Blunders
printing: 29.2.113. print
printing values in: 8.3.6. Other Tricks You Can Do with Hard References
quoted: Singularities
range operator, working with: 3.15. Range Operator
references and: 8.5.1. References Don't Work as Hash Keys
rindex function: 29.2.134. rindex
searching for and replacing substrings (s/// operator): 5.2.3. The s/// Operator (Substitution)
splitting into substrings: 29.2.161. split
study function and: 29.2.166. study
truth values of: 1.6.1. What Is Truth?
vec function and: 29.2.195. vec
stripping (see deleting characters)
Struct::Class module: 12.7. Managing Instance Data
emulating: 12.7.2. Generating Classes with Class::Struct
formatting: 29.2.108. pack
structural metacharacters in regular expressions: 5.1. The Regular Expression Bestiary
structural metasymbols: 5.3.1. Metasymbol Tables
StrVal (overload::StrVal): 13.7. Public Overload Functions
stubs for modules, generating: 32.1.17. Module Installation Support
study function: 29.2.166. study
style, programming with: 24.3. Programming with Style
sub {}: 4.5. Bare Blocks
sub declaration: The anonymous subroutine composer
29.2.167. sub
sub keyword: 6.1. Syntax
6.4. Prototypes
subarrays and subhashes, references to, in arrays: Arrays.
subclasses: 12.1. Brief Refresher on Object-Oriented Lingo
attributes, overriding superclass ancestors: 12.7. Managing Instance Data
subnamespaces, for variables: 2.5. Names
subroutine call stack: 29.2.8. caller
subroutine calls, executing without stepping through: 20.2.1. Stepping and Running
subroutines: 1.2.1. Variable Syntax
6. Subroutines
6. Subroutines
12.2. Perl's Object System
arguments: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order
aborting with exit: 29.2.35. exit
anonymous references to: The anonymous subroutine composer
atrributes, getting and setting: 32.1.13. Perl Language Extensions and Internals
autoloading: 10.2. Autoloading
12.5.4. Method Autoloading
32.1.17. Module Installation Support
barewords, confusing with: 24.1.5. Previous Perl Traps
B::Xref module, cross-references with C: 18.6. Code Development Tools
calling indirectly: 6.1. Syntax
calling, method invocations vs.: 12.4.1. Inheritable Constructors
classes with same names: 12.3.4. Package-Quoted Classes
constant: 10.1. Symbol Tables
data, passing into and out of: 6.2. Semantics
debugger command for pattern match listings: 20.2.5. Locating Code
declaring: 4.7. Global Declarations
29.2.167. sub
declaring in package for AUTOLOAD management: 12.5.4. Method Autoloading
defining: 6.2. Semantics
definitions, loading from other files: 4.7. Global Declarations
do SUBROUTINE operator: 29.2.28. do (subroutine)
errors, indicating: 6.2.2. Error Indications
external, portability of: 25.6. External Subroutines (XS)
external (XSUBs): 21.3. Extending Perl (Using C from Perl)
importing from another module: 6.1. Syntax
lexically scoped: 29.2.99. my
locking for threads: Locking subroutines
locked attribute: The locked attribute
lvalue attribute: 12.7.6. New Tricks
method resolution, steps for: 12.5. Class Inheritance
methods vs.: 12.3. Method Invocation
named, compiler/interpreter interaction: 18.7. Avant-Garde Compiler, Retro Interpreter
names for: 2.5. Names
2.5. Names
names of: 6.1. Syntax
nested: Nested subroutines
parameter lists, working with: 6.2.1. Tricks with Parameter Lists
passing references in: 6.3. Passing References
performance and: 24.2.1. Time Efficiency
Perl, calling from C: 21.4.3. Calling a Perl Subroutine from C
prototyping, careful use of: 6.4.2. Care with Prototypes
redefining, inlining and: 6.4.1. Inlining Constant Functions
references to, retrieving from or passing to: 10.1. Symbol Tables
references to, in scalars: Singularities
return function: 29.2.131. return
return values: 6.2. Semantics
returning references: 8.2.3. Object Constructors
scoping issues: 6.2.3. Scoping Issues
sorting, reverse disallowed as name for: 24.1.5. Previous Perl Traps
substituting with goto: 4.6. goto
29.2.71. goto
timelocal: 29.2.88. localtime
user-defined: 1.2.2. Verbs
subs module: 32.1.13. Perl Language Extensions and Internals
subs pragma, overriding built-in functions with: 11.3. Overriding Built-in Functions
28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order
subscripting: 24.2.1. Time Efficiency
negative: 2.3. Built-in Data Types
subscripts, arrays: Arrays.
subshells, environment variables, using with: 19.2. Environment Variables
substitute (s//) operator: 24.1.1. Universal Blunders
5. Pattern Matching
2.7.4. Interpolative Context
5.2. Pattern-Matching Operators
substitution evaluations: Substitution evaluations
substitution, shells versus Perl: 24.1.4. Shell Traps
substr function: 24.2.1. Time Efficiency
29.2.168. substr
chop function and: 29.2.12. chop
manipulating string positions with: 5.6. Positions
searching for and replacing with s/// operator: 5.2.3. The s/// Operator (Substitution)
subtracting, from character sets: Defining your own character properties
subtracting pattern modifiers from cloisters: 5.7.3. Cloistered Pattern Modifiers
subtraction (see also additive operators)
overloaded objects: 13.2. Overload Handlers
SUPER pseudoclass: 12.5.2. Accessing Overridden Methods
12.5.2. Accessing Overridden Methods
superclasses: 12.1. Brief Refresher on Object-Oriented Lingo
SV (internal scalar value): 21.2. Internal Data Types
SWIG: 21.3.1. XS and XSUBs
SWIG system, XSUBs, automatically generating: 21.3.1. XS and XSUBs
switch statement: 4.5.1. Case Structures
24.2.1. Time Efficiency
Perl vs. C programming: 24.1.3. C Traps
switches, command-line: 19.1. Command Processing
19.1.3. Switches
-e switches: 19.1. Command Processing
default, taking switches as: 19.2. Environment Variables
single character, processing with clustering: 32.1.3. Option, Argument, Parameter, and Configuration File Processing
Sx, Perl modules for: 22.1. The CPAN modules Directory
symbol tables: 2.5. Names
2.5. Names
10.1. Symbol Tables
containing references to other symbol tables: 10.1. Symbol Tables
current package, determining use of: 10. Packages
displaying for packages: 20.3.3. Debugger Options
entries, aliasing: 2.10. Typeglobs and Filehandles
format name identifiers in: 29.2.41. format
in fully qualified names: 2.5. Names
local operator, making temporary changes with: 4.8.4. Dynamically Scoped Variables: local
packages: 29.2.109. package
references to: 8.2.5. Symbol Table References
Symbol module: 32.1.1. Data Types
symbolic references naming entries in: 8.1. What Is a Reference?
(see also debugging)
symbolic dereferences, checking with strict pragma: 4.9.2. Controlling the Use of Globals
symbolic links: 29.2.169. symlink
getting filenames from: 29.2.123. readlink
lstat function and: 29.2.91. lstat
security risks in Unix: 23.2.1. Unix Kernel Security Bugs
symbolic references: 8.1. What Is a Reference?
8.4. Symbolic References
exporting, prevention of Managing unknown symbols
exporting from modules: 11.2. Creating Modules
importing into current package: 11.1. Using Modules
leaving off export list or deleting from import list: 11.2.1. Module Privacy and the Exporter
metasymbols, generic wildcards: 5.3.3. Wildcard Metasymbols
symlink function: 29.2.169. symlink
data access in threads: Synchronizing access with lock
syntax, checking: 19.1.3. Switches
syntax, Perl: 2.3. Built-in Data Types
syscall function: 29.2.3. alarm
29.2.170. syscall
ioctl and fcntl returns: 29.2.77. ioctl
performance and: 24.2.1. Time Efficiency
Perl, C language vs.: 24.1.3. C Traps
restarting: 16.1.3. Timing Out Slow Operations
signal interruption of: 16.1.2. Reaping Zombies
Sys::Hostname module: 32.1.7. Operating System Interfaces
syslog, filehandle tying to: 14.6. Tie Modules on CPAN
sysopen function: 16.2.1. File Locking
16.3.4. Named Pipes
29.2.104. open
29.2.171. sysopen
file overwriting, controlling: 23.2.2. Handling Race Conditions
sysread function: 14.4.1. Filehandle-Tying Methods
29.2.172. sysread
Sys::Syslog module: 32.1.7. Operating System Interfaces
system calls: 29.2.170. syscall
system function: 29.2.174. system
list argument form, avoiding shell with: 23.3.2. Code Masquerading as Data
performance and: 24.2.1. Time Efficiency
portability of: 25.5. Interprocess Communication (IPC)
System V IPC: 16.4. System V IPC
functions dealing with: 29.1. Perl Functions by Category
functions for semaphores: 29.2.142. semctl
IPC::SysV module: 32.1.8. Networking and Interprocess Communication
killing proces groups: 29.2.80. kill
messages, syscalls for: 29.2.95. msgctl
portability of: 25.5. Interprocess Communication (IPC)
shared memory, functions for: 29.2.150. shmctl
System V IPC syscalls: 16. Interprocess Communication
reliable signals, not supporting: 16.1.2. Reaping Zombies
$SYSTEM_FD_MAX: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order
syswrite function: 14.4. Tying Filehandles
14.4.1. Filehandle-Tying Methods
29.2.175. syswrite

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