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Index: P
- -pad option: 2.1.1. Options for pack
- 2.2.8. Configuring Columns and Rows
- -padbottom option: 2.4.1. Options for form
- -padx option
- Button widgets and: 4.3. Table of Options for Button-Type Widgets
- form method syntax: 2.4.1. Options for form
- grid method and: 2.1.1. Options for pack
- 2.2.6. Padding the Widget
- increasing Button size with: 4.13. Changing the Size of a Button
- Label widgets and: 5.1.2. Label Options
- Menubutton widgets: 12.4.1. Menubutton Options
- padding and: 2.1.1. Options for pack
- Text widgets and: 8.2. Text Widget Options
- Tix widgets and: 18.2. Item Styles
- windowCreate method and: 8.16.1. Setting and Getting the Gravity
- -pady option
- Button widgets and: 4.3. Table of Options for Button-Type Widgets
- form method syntax: 2.4.1. Options for form
- grid method and: 2.2.2. grid Options
- 2.2.6. Padding the Widget
- increasing Button size with: 4.13. Changing the Size of a Button
- Label widgets and: 5.1.2. Label Options
- Menubutton widgets: 12.4.1. Menubutton Options
- padding and: 2.1.1. Options for pack
- Text widgets and: 8.2. Text Widget Options
- Tix widgets and: 18.2. Item Styles
- windowCreate method and: 8.16.1. Setting and Getting the Gravity
- -pageanchor option: 9.5.3. Canvas Widget Option List
- -pageheight option: 9.18. Rendering the Canvas as PostScript
- -pagewidth option: 9.18. Rendering the Canvas as PostScript
- -pagex option: 9.5.3. Canvas Widget Option List
- -pagey option: 9.18. Rendering the Canvas as PostScript
- -parent option: 23.3.5. chooseColor Dialog
- -popanchor option: 12.5.2. The Popup Method
- -popover option: 12.5.2. The Popup Method
- -postcommand option: 12.1.6. Menu Options
- -priority option: 16.2.2. Manipulating Resources with Tk::CmdLine Subroutines
- pack geometry manager
- advantages: 2.5. Geometry Management Summary
- features: 2.1. The pack Geometry Manager
- overview: 1.3.5. Displaying a Widget
- stacking with: 2. Geometry Management
- pack method
- demo programs: 2.1.11. Demo Programs for pack
- options available with: 2.1.1. Options for pack
- syntax: 1.3.5. Displaying a Widget
- 2.1. The pack Geometry Manager
- Text widgets and: 8.2.2. Widget Size
- __PACKAGE__ construct: 15.2.4. Widget Instance Bindings
- packaging
- for CPAN: 14.6.1. Packaging for CPAN
- for PPM: 14.6.2. Packaging for PPM
- packForget method: Unpacking a widget
- packInfo method: 2.1.1. Options for pack
- packing
- Scrollbars and: 6.3.1. Creating a Scrollbar Widget
- widgets and: 2.1. The pack Geometry Manager
- 2.1.6. Anchoring a Widget in Its Allocation Rectangle
- packPropagate method: 2.1.1. Options for pack
- 5.1.6. Container Frames
- 11.
Frame, MainWindow,and Toplevel Widgets
- packSlaves method: Listing widgets
- padding
- -padx option and: 2.1.1. Options for pack
- -pady option and: 2.1.1. Options for pack
- widget size: 2.1.8. Padding the Size of the Widget
- widgets: 2.1.1. Options for pack
- 2.2.6. Padding the Widget
- 2.4.1. Options for form
- pagecget method: 23.8.1. Creating Pages
- pageconfigure method: 23.8.1. Creating Pages
- pages, creating: 23.8.1. Creating Pages
- Pane widget: 23.9. The Pane Widget
- parallel programming: 20.2. Computing with Parallel Message Passing
- parameters (see option/value pairs)
- parent method: 13.2.3. Parent of a Widget
- parent widgets
- -in option and: 2.2.7. Specifying a Different Parent
- considerations: 11.1. Creating a Frame
- creating Scale widgets with: 10.1. Creating a Scale
- formSlaves and: What's managed by form?
- name method and: 13.2.2. Name of a Widget
- overview: 1.3.2. Creating Widgets
- parentheses ( )
- operator used with tags: 9.9. Tags
- as string delimiter: 1.3.3. Specifying Options
- parsing command-line options: 13.23. Parsing Command-Line Options
- PASSIVE value: 14.3.6. Subroutine ConfigSpecs
- password entries, -show option and: 5.2.8. Password Entries
- Paste virtual event: 13.14. Clipboard and Selection Methods
- Pathname method: 13.3.1. Widget's PathName From Its X11 ID
- pathnames
- findINC method and: 13.24. Really Miscellaneous Methods
- separators: 13.2. Building a Family Tree
- 16.2. Using the Option Database
- 16.2. Using the Option Database
- paths: 18.4. The HList Family of Widgets
- 18.4. The HList Family of Widgets
- PeerAddr option: 19.1.1. The Media Change Client, mediachangec
- 19.4. The IPADM Helper, ipadmh
- PeerPort option: 19.1.1. The Media Change Client, mediachangec
- 19.4. The IPADM Helper, ipadmh
- period (.)
- as pathname separator: 16.2. Using the Option Database
- as separator: 13.2. Building a Family Tree
- 18.4. The HList Family of Widgets
- in Tcl: 20.2.2. Tcl/Tk Slave Processor Code
- Perl
- required files: 14.6.1. Packaging for CPAN
- standard installation: 14.6. Packaging a Mega-Widget for Public Distribution
- PerlPlus Browser Plug-in: 13.3. Widget's ID
- 22.2. The PerlPlus Browser Plug-in
- Perl/Tk
- coding style: 1.5.1. Programming Style
- customizing: 16. User Customization
- debugging and prototyping: 1.6. Debugging and PrototypingPerl/Tk Programs
- evolution of: 1.2.3. The Evolution of Perl/Tk
- home page: 14.6. Packaging a Mega-Widget for Public Distribution
- installing: 1.3.1. Do You Need To Install Anything?
- invoking manually: 1.3.1. Do You Need To Install Anything?
- Photo image type
- features: 17.7. The Photo Image Type
- formats handled: 17.1. An Overview of Perl/Tk Image Types
- supported by Perl/Tk: 17.1. An Overview of Perl/Tk Image Types
- Photo method: 4.5. Displaying an Image or Bitmap
- 4.5.1. Images with Checkbuttons and Radiobuttons
- p (pi), computing: 20.2. Computing with Parallel Message Passing
- pie menus: 12.8. Pie Menus
- pipes (||)
- as IPC mechanisms: 19. Interprocess Communicationwith Pipes and Sockets
- operator used with tags: 9.9. Tags
- pixels
- bits per: 13.4.3. Color Depth
- 13.11.4. Screen Depth
- calculating change from: 6.3.13. Calculating Change from Pixels
- fractional: 13.8. Converting Screen Distances
- height and width of screen in: 13.11.2. Screen Height and Width
- pixels method: 13.8. Converting Screen Distances
- Pixmap image type
- features: 17.6. The Pixmap Image Type
- supported by Perl/Tk: 17.1. An Overview of Perl/Tk Image Types
- place geometry manager
- advantages of: 2.5. Geometry Management Summary
- displaying widgets: 1.3.5. Displaying a Widget
- features: 2.3. The place Geometry Manager
- tedious using: 2. Geometry Management
- place method: 2.1.1. Options for pack
- placeForget method: 2.1.1. Options for pack
- placeInfo method: Place information
- placeSlaves method: Valid screen distances
- plug-ins (see PerlPlus Browser Plug-in)
- plus image: 18.5. Tix Images
- plus sign (+) as index modifier: 8.4.2. Index Modifiers
- plusarm image: 18.5. Tix Images
- PNG format
- CPAN image formats: 17.1. An Overview of Perl/Tk Image Types
- Photo format handlers and: 17.7. The Photo Image Type
- POD (Plain Old Documentation)
- example: 11.3. Options
- 21.2.3.
- mega-widget example: 14.1. A Mega-Widget Quick-Start
- Perl/Tk distribution: 21.1.2. Overview of the Perl/Tk Distribution
- WriteMakefile subroutine: 14.6.1. Packaging for CPAN
- Poindexter, Tom: 20.3. TclRobots
- pointerx method: 13.10.5. Cursor Coordinates Relative to the Desktop
- pointerxy method: 13.10.5. Cursor Coordinates Relative to the Desktop
- pointery method: 13.10.5. Cursor Coordinates Relative to the Desktop
- points: 3.2. Dissecting a Font
- 13.24. Really Miscellaneous Methods
- polling sockets: 19.6. Polling Win32 Sockets
- polygons: 9.6.6. The Polygon Item
- 14.5.3. Tk::LCD
- popanchor point: 12.5.2. The Popup Method
- popover location: 12.5.2. The Popup Method
- 12.5.2. The Popup Method
- Populate method
- example: 14.3.5. Subroutine Populate
- purpose: 14.1. A Mega-Widget Quick-Start
- 14.3.5. Subroutine Populate
- Tk::LCD widgets and: 14.5.3. Tk::LCD
- Tk::Widget::new: 14.3.1. Tk::Widget::new, the Real Perl/Tk Widget Constructor
- popup locus: 12.5.2. The Popup Method
- popup menus: 12.5. Popup Menus
- Popup method: 12.5.2. The Popup Method
- position method: Tk::Square method processors
- positionfrom method: 11.3. Options
- positioning
- pack method and: 2.1. The pack Geometry Manager
- widgets: 2.1.2. Positioning Widgets
- 13.10. Widget Position
- Post method: 12.1.3. Manipulating Menus
- 12.5.1. The post and Post Methods
- postcascade method: 12.1.4. Manipulating Menu Items
- posting: 12.1.1. Menus and Menu Items
- PostPopupMenu method: The Perl/Tk Text widget extended bindings
- 8.16.1. Setting and Getting the Gravity
- postscript method: 9.18. Rendering the Canvas as PostScript
- PPM (Perl Package Manager)
- packaging for: 14.6.2. Packaging for PPM
- packaging for distribution: 14.6. Packaging a Mega-Widget for Public Distribution
- version information: 14.1. A Mega-Widget Quick-Start
- PPM (portable pixmaps)
- Photo format handlers and: 17.7. The Photo Image Type
- Unix systems and: 17.1. An Overview of Perl/Tk Image Types
- PRIMARY selection: 13.14. Clipboard and Selection Methods
- 13.14.3. Exporting the Selection to the Outside World
- print method: 1.6. Debugging and PrototypingPerl/Tk Programs
- 8.6.1. Inserting Lines Using print and printf
- printer points: Valid screen distances
- printf method: 8.6.1. Inserting Lines Using print and printf
- processes
- communication between: 19. Interprocess Communicationwith Pipes and Sockets
- master processor code example: 20.2.3. Tcl/Tk Master Processor Code
- multiple nonblocking: 15.4. Executing Nonblocking System Commands
- slave processor code: 20.2.2. Tcl/Tk Slave Processor Code
- as threads: 22.1.3. lwp-request and fileevent Rule
- time delays: 13.2.2. Name of a Widget
- Proc::ProcessTable module: 15.4.2. Tk::ExecuteCommand
- programming (see applications)
- progress bars: 17.7.2. Using put to Create a Progress Bar with a 3D Look
- 17.7.2. Using put to Create a Progress Bar with a 3D Look
- ProgressBar widget: 23.10. The ProgressBar Widget
- propagation: 2.1.1. Options for pack
- properties, window manager: 11.3. Options
- Property event: Event descriptor types
- protocol method: 11.3. Options
- prototyping Perl/Tk programs: 1.6. Debugging and PrototypingPerl/Tk Programs
- pTk (see Perl/Tk)
- ptksh program: 1.6. Debugging and PrototypingPerl/Tk Programs
- put method
- creating color palettes: 17.7.1. Creating a Color Palette with the put Method
- creating progress bars: 17.7.2. Using put to Create a Progress Bar with a 3D Look
- 17.7.2. Using put to Create a Progress Bar with a 3D Look
- Photo image type and: 17.7. The Photo Image Type
- put_subnet_file (IPADM): 19.2. IPADM Design Considerations
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